Read Joni: The Creative Odyssey of Joni Mitchell Online
Authors: Katherine Monk
“Suzanne” (song), 145
(film), 75
Taming the Tiger
(album), 72, 119, 213
cover art, 164
Taylor, James, 212, 246
and Mitchell, 102, 114, 122, 206
“Tea Leaf Prophecy, The” (song), 17
Tending the Fire
(Levine), 36, 134
“That Song About the Midway” (song), 145, 185
See also
song writing
Bohemian, 230
disillusionment, 117, 197, 215
escape, 175â76, 191, 209
freedom, 198, 204, 208
home, 247â48, 265
identity building, 205
inability to love, 203, 208
nihilist, 177
romantic love, 11, 194, 202â3, 213
self-isolation, 132, 181, 208
sexual abuse, 57
social critique, 246â47, 248
“This Flight Tonight” (song), 113
“This Place” (song), 247
“Three Great Stimulants, The” (song), 174â76
Thus Spoke Zarathustra:
A Book for Everyone and
No One
about, xvi, 8, 164â66, 171â74
on dance, 250, 254
on eternal recurrence, 176
“Intoxicated Song,” 34
“Introduction,” 33
and Job's story, 187
Mitchell motto from, 168, 169
“Of Poets,” 187â88
“Of Reading and Writing,” 168, 169, 232
“Of the Afterworldsmen,” 165
“Of the Chairs of Virtue,” 166, 179
“Of the Despisers of the Body,” 8
“Of the Old and New Law Tables,” 191
“Of the Priests,” 185
“Of War and Warriors,” 177â78
“On the Blissful Islands,” 48, 140, 254
“On the Flies in the Market Place,” 118
“Prologue,” xiii, 171, 184, 254
“Retired from Service,” 164
and river metaphor, 190â92
on the state, 178
“The Child With the Mirror,” 172â73
“The Convalescent,” 176
“The Sorcerer,” 187
“Tik Tok” (song), 119
(magazine), 124
Times They Are a-Changin', The
(album), 153
“Tin Angel” (song), 68, 73, 142
TMZ (television), 123
Today Show, The
, 233
Tork, Peter, 74
Toronto, 38, 39, 57, 74
Mariposa Folk Festival (1964), 56
Penny Farthing, the, 59
Riverboat coffee house, 240
Yorkville, 56, 86â87, 153
Toronto Star
, 7, 16, 122
(album), 108
Triumph of the Will
(Riefenstahl), 166
“Trouble Child” (song), 179
Trudeau, Pierre, 95
Trungpa, Chögyam, 159
Turbulent Indigo
(album), 138, 204, 214
success of, xvii, 164, 218â21
Twilight of the Idols
(Nietzsche), 27
“Twisted” (song), 4, 243
ukulele, 50, 67
“Universal Soldier” (song), 56
Uren, John, 52
“Urge for Going” (song), 68
Valentine, Penny, 114, 118, 127, 129, 132, 189, 198, 251
Vancouver, Stanley Cup riot, 100â101
Vancouver Sun
, 175
Van Gogh, Vincent, 117, 126
as inspiration, 145, 219â20, 224
Vanguard Records, 106
Vanity Fair
, 124, 162, 166, 174, 239
Van Ronk, Dave, 141
Vaughan, Sarah, 240
Vega, Suzanne, 178
visual art.
album covers; painting
vocal style
Canadian accent, 242
changing, 238â41
of Dylan, 23
folksinger, 236â37, 240
new sound, 246â49
and performance art, 242, 245
throat lesion, 245
, 219
(magazine), 109
Wadleigh, Mike, 99
Washington Post
, 51, 54
Watts, Michael, 3, 63
Weill, Kurt, 59
Weller, Sheila, 19, 76, 83, 142, 169, 196, 200, 201, 204, 206, 208, 209
Wenders, Wim, 250
Wenner, Jann, 119, 121, 124
West, Kanye, 233
Western Report
, 65
“What Are Poets For?” (Heidegger), xvi
White, Jana Lynne, 43, 110
White, Timothy, 15, 81, 115, 116, 118, 133
Wild, David, 66, 139, 209
Wilde, Oscar, 41
(album), 142
Wild Things Run Fast
(album), 184, 205, 210, 214, 244
Will You Take Me As I Am
(Mercer), 52
Winehouse, Amy, 111, 232
Winnicott, D.W., 48, 49
Winnipeg, 39
WNEW, 241
gender alienation of, 18â19
and identity, 1â7, 18â22
impostor syndrome, 23â26
and Judeo-Christian dogma, 183â84
and love relationships, 198, 205
media coverage of, 118, 121â25
Mitchell on, 18â19, 85â86
in music industry, 93â94, 123â24
role models, 83
sexuality of, 50, 82â83, 123
stereotyping of, 18, 24â25, 49â50, 85â86
talent undervalued, x, 93â94, 226
unwed mother stigma, 58â59, 65, 182
Wonder, Stevie, 235
(film), 90, 99
“Woodstock” (song)
cover versions, 98
garden metaphor, 90, 98, 99, 101, 151
legacy, 97, 99
lyrics, 43, 90, 92, 99, 100
Wikipedia entry, 93
writing of, 93â94
Woodstock Festival
event, 89â93, 98â99, 100, 101
and Mitchell, 90â91, 94, 96â97
mythology of, 88â89, 101â3
post-event interview, 94â96
Words and Music of Joni Mitchell, The
(Bennighof), 71
world beat, 28, 148, 166, 241, 244
Yeats, W.B., 141, 179â80, 271n63
Yogi Joe, 128
“You Dream Flat Tires” (song), 244
Young, Neil
background, 38â40
and CSNY, 40, 79, 94
and Geffen, 108
Last Waltz, The
(film), 160
and Nash, 201
relationship with Mitchell, 39â40, 43, 208
and Roberts, 40, 79, 108
spaceman imagery, 42
at Woodstock, 91, 94
“You're My Thrill” (song), 215, 240
counterculture, 75
role models, 83
violence today, 100â101
Woodstock generation, 98, 102â3
“You've Changed” (song), 215
Zappa, Frank, xvii, 11
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Zimmer, Dave, 96
An acclaimed national critic for Postmedia News Services, Katherine Monk is the author of the bestseller
Weird Sex & Snowshoes:
And Other Canadian Film Phenomena.
Copyright © 2012 by Katherine Monk
First U.S. edition 2012
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Greystone Books
An imprint of D&M Publishers Inc.
2323 Quebec Street, Suite 201
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Cataloguing data available from Library and Archives Canada
ISBN 978-1-55365-837-5 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-1-55365-838-2 (ebook)
Editing by Peter Norman
Copyediting by Shirarose Wilensky
Cover design by Heather Pringle
Cover photograph by © Jack Robinson/Getty Images
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