Joseph Balsamo (2 page)

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Authors: Alexandre Dumas

Tags: #Classics

BOOK: Joseph Balsamo
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” To see the light,” replied the other.

” The paths which lead to the mountain of fire are rugged and difficult. Fearest thou not ? “

” I fear nothing.”

” One step forward, and you cannot return. Eeflect.’”’

” I stop not till I reach the goal.”



” Wilt tbou swear ? “

” Dictate the oath ! “

The president raised his hand, and, with a slow and solemn voice, pronounced these words :

” In the name of the crucified Son, swear to break all bonds of nature which unite thee to father, mother, brother, sister, wife, relation, friend, mistress, king, benefactor, and to any being whatever to whom thou hast promised faith, obedience, gratitude, or service !”

The traveler, with a firm voice, repeated these words, and then the president dictated the second part of the oath.

” From this moment thon art free from the pretended oath thou hast taken to thy country and its laws ; swear thou to reveal to the new head whom thou acknowledgest all that thou hast seen or done, read or guessed, and henceforward to search out and penetrate into that which may not openly present itself to thine eyes.”

The president stopped ; the unknown repeated the words.

“Honor and respect the aqua toffana, as a prompt, sure, and necessary means of ridding the world by the death or idiocy of those who would degrade the truth, or tear it from us.”

An echo could not have been more exact than the unknown in repeating the words of the president.

” Flee from Spain, flee from Naples, flee from every accursed land ; flee from the temptation of revealing aught that thou shalt now see and hear ! Lightning is not more quick to strike than will be the invisible and inevitable knife, wherever thou mayest be, shouldst thou fail in thy secrecy ‘

Spite of the threat conveyed in these last words, no trace of emotion was seen on the face of the unknown ; he pronounced the end of the oath with a voice at calm as at the beginning.

” And now,*’ continued the president, ” put on his forehead the sacred band.”

Two phantoms approached the unknown he bowed his






head one of them bound round it a crimson ribbon covered with silver characters, placed alternately with the figure of our Lady of Loretto ; the other tied it behind, just at the nape of the neck. Then they left his side.

“What wouldst thou ask ? ” inquired the president.

” Three things.”

“Name them.”

“The hand of iron, the sword of fire, the scales of adamant ‘

” Why the hand of iron ? “

” To stifle tyranny.”

” Why the sword’of fire ? “

” To banish the impure from the earth.”

” And why the scales of adamant ? “

“To weigh the destinies of humanity.”

” Canst thou withstand the necessary trials ? “

” Courage is prepared for all trials.”

‘ The proofs ! the proofs ! ” cried many voices.

” Turn ! ” said the president.

The unknown obeyed, and found himself face to face with a man pale as death, bound and gagged.

” What seest thou ? ” asked the president.

” A malefactor or a victim.”

“A traitor ! One who took the oath as thou hast done, and then revealed the secrets of our order.”

“A criminal, then.”


” What penalty has he incurred ?”

” Death.”

The three hundred phantoms repeated ” Death !” and, in spite of all his efforts, the condemned was dragged into a darker part of the hall. The traveler saw him struggle with his executioners he heard his choking voice a dagger glimmered for an instant a blow was struck and a dead and heavy sound announced a body falling on the earthy floor.

e ‘ Justice is done ! ” said the unknown, turning to the ghastly assembly, who, from beneath their shrouds, had devoured the sight with greedy looks.



” Then ‘ said the president, “thou dost approve what has been done ? “

‘Yes, if he who has fallen was really guilty.” ‘ Thou wilt drink to the death of every man who, like him, would betray our secrets ?” < I will.”

1 Whatever be the draught ? ” ‘ Whatever be the draught.” ‘ Bring the cup,” said the president.

One of the two executioners brought the unknown a red, tepid liquor in a human skull. He took this frightful cup, raised it above his head, saying :

” I drink to the death of every man who shall betray the secrets of this holy society.”

Then, bringing it to his lips, he drained it to the last drop, and returned it calmly to him who had presented it.

A murmur of surprise rq,n through the assembly, and the phantoms seemed to look at each other through their half-opened shrouds.

” Good !” said the president. ” The pistol ! “

A phantom drew near the president, holding in one hand a pistol, and in the other a ball and a charge of powder.

“Thou promisest passive obedience to our orders ?”

” Yes.”

” Even if this obedience be put to the proof against thyself?”

” He who enters here is no longer his own ; he belongs to all.”

” Then thou obeyest whatever order be given thee ? “

” I obey.”

“This instant?”

“This instant.”

” No pause ? “

” No pause.”

” Take this pistol load it.”

The unknown took the pistol and loaded it, all the dread assembly looking on the operation in a silence only broken by the sighs of the wind among the arches of the ruin.



“The pistol is loaded,” said the unknown.

” Art thou sure ? ” asked the president.

A smile passed over the lips of the traveler, as he tried the pistol, showing that it was loaded. The president bowed in token of being satisfied.

“Yes,” said he, “it is loaded.”

” What am I to do with it ? “

“Cock it.”

The unknown cocked the pistol, and its click was distinctly heard in the intervals of silence in the dialogue.

” Now put it to thy forehead,” said the president.

He obeyed unhesitatingly. The silence seemed to deepen over the assembly, and the lamps to turn pale. These were real phantoms, for not a breath was then heard.

“Fire !” said the president.

The cock was heard to snap, the flint flashed, but the powder in the pan alone took fire, and no report accompanied its quick flame.

A shout of admiration burst from every breast, and the president involuntarily extended his hand to the unknown.

But two proofs were not sufficient to satisfy all, and some voices shouted :

” The dagger ! the dagger ! “

“You demand that, also ?” said the president.

” Yes ; the dagger ! the dagger ! ” replied the voices.

” Bring the dagger,” said the president.

” It is useless,” said the unknown, making a disdainful movement with his head.

“Useless ?” cried the assembly.

” Yes, useless,” he replied, with a voice which drowned every other : ” useless. You lose time, and it is precious.

“What mean you?” asked the president.

” I tell you I know your secrets that these proofs of yours are but child’s play, unworthy of men. I tell you that I know the body which lies there is not dead ; that I have not drunk blood ; that by a spring, the charge fell



into the bntt at the moment I cocked the pistol. Such things may frighten cowards. Kise, pretended corpse; thou hast no terrors for the brave.”

Another shout made the vaults ring.

” Thou knowest our mysteries, then,” said the president. “Thou art one of the illuminated or a traitor.”

” Who art thou ? ” demanded the three hundred voices ; and, on the instant, twenty swords, in the hands of the nearest phantoms, were pointed with a motion as precise as if directed by a military signal, at the bosom of the unknown.

He smiled, shook the thick curls of his hair, which, tin-powdered, were only retained by the ribbon which had been bound round his head, and said, calmly :

” I am he ivlio is “

Then he turned his eyes slowly around the living wall which hemmed him in, and gradually sword after sword sunk before him.

‘ Thou hast spoken rashly,” said the president. ” Doubtless thou knowest not the import of thy words.”

The stranger shook his head and smiled.

” I have spoken the truth.”

” Whence comest thou ? “

” I come whence comes the light.”

” But we have learned that thou comest from Sweden.”

” I might come from Sweden, and yet from the East.”

” Then we know thee not. Who art thou ? “

” AVho am I ? Aye, ye shall know more. Ye pretend not to understand me ; but first I will tell you who you are.”

The phantoms started, and the clang of their swords was heard, as they grasped them in their right hands and raised them to the level of the stranger’s breast.

” First,” said he, ” thou who questionest me, who be-lievest thyself a god, and who art but the forerunner of one, thou who representest Sweden, I shall name thee that the rest may know I can also name them. Swedenborg, how conies it thy familiars told thee not that he whom thou waitedst for was on the road ? “



” They did declare it to ine,” replied the president, putting aside a fold of his shroud, in order to see him better who spoke, and, in doing so, contrary to all the habits of the association, he showed a white beard and the venerable face of a man of eighty.

” Good,” replied the stranger. ” On thy left is the representative of England or of old Caledonia. I grant you, my lord, if the blood of your grandfather flows in your veins, England’s extinguished light may be rekindled.”

The swords sunk anger gave place to astonishment.

“Ah, captain ‘ said the unknown, addressing one on the left of the president, ” in what port waits thy good ship ? A noble frigate of Providence. Its name augurs well for America.”

Then, turning towards him on the right :

” Look, Prophet of Zurich, thou hast carried physL ognomy almost to divination read the lines on my face, and acknowledge my mission.”

He to whom he spoke recoiled.

” Come,” said he, turning to another, ” descendant of Pelago, we must drive the Moors a second time from Spain an easy task if the Castilians yet retain the sword of the Cid.”

The fifth chief remained so still, so motionless, that the voice of the unknown seemed to have turned -him to stone.

” And to me,” said the sixth, ” hast thon naught to say to me ? “

” Aye,” replied the traveler, turning on him a look which read his heart, ” aye, what Jesus said to Judas but not yet.”

The chief turned paler than his shroud, and a murmur running through the assembly seemed to demand the cause of this singular accusation.

” Thou forgettest the representative of France,” said the president.

” He is not here,” replied the stranger, haughtily, ” and that thou knowest well, since his seat is vacant. Learn, then, that snares make him smile who sees in darkness,



who acts in spite of the elements, and who lives in spite of death ‘

” Thou art young,” replied the president, ” and thou speakest as if from divine authority. Keflect ! boldness overcomes only the weak or the ignorant.”

A disdainful smile played over the lips of the stranger.

” You are all weak, since you have no power over me ; you are all ignorant, since ye know not who I am. Boldness, then, alone might overcome you ; but why should one all-powerful so overcome ? “

” Give us the proof of your boasted power,” said the president.

” Who convoked you ? ” asked the unknown, becoming the interrogator, instead of the interrogated.

“The grand assembly.”

” And not without a cause hast thou,” pointing to the president, ” come from Sweden thou,” and he turned from one to another of the five chiefs, as he spoke, ” thou from London, thou from New York, thou from Zurich, thou from Madrid, thou from Warsaw, and you all,” looking round the assembly, “from the four winds of heaven, to meet in the sanctuary of the dreaded faith.”

” No,” replied the president, ” not without cause ; for we came to meet him who has founded in the East a mysterious faith, joining two worlds in one belief, entwining mankind with the bonds of brotherhood.”

” Is there any sign by which you shall know him ?”

“Yes,” said the president, “and an angel has revealed it to me.”

” You alone know it ? “

“I alone.”

“You have revealed it to none ? “

” To none.”

“Name it.”

The president hesitated.

” Name it. The hour is come.”

” He will bear on his breast a diamond star, and on it three letters, the signification of which is ouly known to himself.”



“Declare the letters.”

” L. P. D.”

The stranger rapidly threw open his coat and vest, and on his fine Holland shirt shone like a flaming star the diamond and the three letters, formed of rubies.

” It is he ! ” cried the president.

” He whom we await ?” asked the chiefs.

“The great Copt?” murmured the three hundred voices.

” Now,” cried the stranger, triumphantly, ” do you believe me when I say, ” I am he that is ? “

” Yes,” said the phantoms, prostrating themselves be-fore him.

“Speak, master,” said the president, “speak j we shall obey.”



L. P. D.

THERE was silence for some moments, during which the unknown seemed to collect his thoughts, then he began :

” Sirs, ye but weary your arms with your swords : lay them aside and lend an attentive ear, for you shall learn much from the few words which I am about to utter.”

All were profoundly attentive.

” The sources of great rivers are sacred, therefore unknown. Like the Nile, the Ganges, the Amazon, I know to what I tend, not whence I come. All that I can reveal is, that when the eyes of my spirit first opened to comprehend external things, I was in Medina, the holy city, playing in the gardens of the Mufti Salaaym. He was a venerable man, kind as a father to me, yet not my father ; for though he looked on me with love, he spoke to me with respect. Thrice a day he left me, and then came another old man, whose name I may pronounce with gratitude, yet with fear. He was called Althotas, and him the seven

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