Jule Reigh and the Jim Stone Affair (5 page)

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Authors: Lani Aames

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #romance adventure, #comedy romance, #romance novella, #spy spoof romance, #silver heart books

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Tired but hungry, Jule left the bed and went
to dresser. She opened the rectangular white cardboard box
uncovering a one-layer cake. Its creamy topping beckoned her. She
reached out and raked one finger through the thick icing where it
met the plate and plopped it into her mouth.

Stone grabbing her from behind startled her a
second then she melted into his embrace. His skin was still warm
from bed and felt as smooth as the silk scarf against her skin.

“Happy anniversary, babe,” he murmured into
her ear.

“Happy anniversary to you, too.” Jule skimmed
off another blob of icing and offered it to him. He took it into
his mouth, sucking her finger clean before pulling free.

She turned in his arms for a long, sweet

The entire evening and night had been part of
their anniversary gifts to one another. They had been married one
year and money was tight. With no cash to spare for a trip and a
real adventure, they had improvised.

They’d spent an evening listing their sexual
fantasies. They both had written down one-night stands with a total
stranger, including a hint of danger but not
dangerous. It was something neither of them had ever done, but the
of doing it was a complete turn-on. Neither of them
wanted anything extreme involving pain or cruelty, just a night of
sexual and sensual delights—as the fictional legend of the Pink
Ecstasy foretold.

Jule had come up with the scenario, and they
agreed that once begun, they would stay in character even in their
thoughts. The entire evening was meant to be an escape from real
life, a few hours of pure fantasy to relish and enjoy.

She had played with their names and finally
called their fantasy adventure
Jule Reigh and the Jim Stone
. Interpol agent Jule Reigh and international jewel thief
Jim Stone were, in reality, Juliet and Stone Jamison. Jule had
always been her nickname. Her maiden name was Butler, not Reigh,
but it was her fantasy and she could call herself whatever she

The closest thing to a museum in town was a
small exhibit hall where, currently, high school students displayed
their artwork for regional competition. The upscale restaurant
where he’d confronted her was the diner they’d sunk all their
combined savings into. They had actually eaten their anniversary
dinner together before she slipped away and into her role of
Interpol agent.

The other man who had been at the table with
Stone was a friend of theirs just spending a few minutes to chat
and say hello. The potted trees had been real—well, real
plastic—and they had gone further than they’d planned. The danger
of getting caught behind the palms had been very real and added a
dash of excitement to the game she hadn’t anticipated. And this
five-star hotel suite was merely a spartan room in the low-budget
motel out on the highway.

When they broke the kiss, Stone looked down
at her. “Thank you for the robe. It’s exactly what I wanted.”

Jule giggled. “Your old robe is so ratty.
Besides, you’re sexy in black.”

He gave her a quick kiss. “And you’re pretty
in pink.”

She held up the Pink Ecstasy and looked at it

“Did it bring you all the sexual and sensual
delights you’ve ever imagined?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Oh, yes, and much more,” she said, meaning
every word. “It’s a beautiful present. Thank you.”

She felt him shrug. “It’s only cubic
zirconium and sterling silver. Someday, though, I’ll be able to buy
you a real pink diamond necklace set in platinum.”

“I don’t want another one,” she protested. “I
love this one because you gave it to me.”

“But you deserve more, so much more, by
agreeing to put all your savings along with mine into the diner
when it might fail.”

“Don’t say that!” she said sharply.

“Well, it’s true,” he insisted. “Most
businesses fail in the first year.”

“You’ll succeed. I know you will. We have it
all planned out, remember?” It was true most businesses failed in
the first year, but Stone was smart. He’d make it work if anyone
could. “In a few years, after the diner is a smashing success, I'll
be able to stay home and we can start a family.”

“And that,” he said and kissed the tip of her
nose,” is why you deserve real diamonds, not fake.”

“It’s not fake,” she objected. “You love me,
don’t you?”

He kissed her temple and rested his head
there. “You know I do.”

“Then it’s a symbol of your love, and I’d
never call it fake.” She turned in his embrace and put her arms
around his neck, her body pressing to his. She placed her mouth
near his ear and whispered, “Are you as hungry as I am?”

“Horny? Did you say horny?” he asked with a
wicked gleam in his eye. “You bet, babe.”

“No, I said
. Let’s have some

She cut the cake while he poured pink
champagne in the fluted glasses. They wished each other a happy
anniversary again, although technically it was the day after. She
placed the pieces of cake on paper plates and carried them while he
took the glasses to bed. They settled in, side by side, and fed
each other bites of cake and sips of champagne between kisses.
Stone broke the silence.

“Do you remember right after I tied you up? I
said we could fuck but then I’d have to—well, I meant to say, kill
you, but I couldn’t. It sounded funny in my head, like the way
someone says, I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you. I
couldn’t say it, though, not even to make a joke.” He frowned and
shook his head. “The thought of hurting you or anyone hurting you
made my heart break, and I almost went out of character to

“No frowning, not today.” She smiled at the
man she loved with all her heart. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t
mean it. Everything we said was all in fun.”

“I love you too much to even make fun of
hurting you,” he murmured. “I just wanted to make sure you know

“I do. By the way, what did you stick in my
back at the diner? It really felt like a gun at that moment.”

Stone laughed. “My cell phone. It was all I
had on me, and when I came up behind you, it seemed appropriate
that a suspicious thief would do that.”

“Nice touch, as well as what happened behind
the palms. You improvise very well.”

“Thank you.” He clicked his glass to hers.
“So do you. I never did figure out which role you played—Interpol
agent or rival jewel thief. Which one?”

“Interpol agent, of course.”

He thought a moment then nodded. “That does
make more sense. Why would a rival need to take pictures of the
other thief?”

She took a sip of champagne while thinking.
“Well, if she’s pretending she finds the other thief sexy and just
looking for a roll in the hay then that would be part of her

“True. You do have a knack for inventing

“Thanks. Maybe I should go into the spy

“I don’t think Interpol agents are considered

“Oh. Then I guess it’s best I don’t.” She
took another bite of cake. “Mmmm, pink champagne and cake for
breakfast. How decadent.”

“Not as decadent as what’s for dessert.”
Stone took her glass and set it with his on the nightstand.

“But cake is dessert,” Jule protested,
batting her eyelashes innocently.

“Not today.” He moved their plates to the
nightstand as well. “You have a little frosting right here—”

He licked the corner of her mouth, turning it
into a kiss. Her body tingled in anticipation as if she hadn't just
spent an evening of stimulating sex with the man. She had craved
Stone ever since first meeting him at the diner two years ago, and
his kisses always made her feel desired and loved. Eagerly
surrendering her lips to his, she reveled in the taste and feel of

She put her hands on his shoulders then let
them drift down his chest until she found his nipples. She grazed
them with the tips of her fingers where both became hard nubs. She
played with the peaks, swirling her fingers around them then
plucking at them when a harsh moan sounded from deep inside his

“I want you now," he growled against her

When he put his arms around her and slid her
down onto her back, sprinkling more kisses over her neck and
shoulder, she moved beneath him in a restless way, her body needing
his caresses everywhere. The more he touched her as his mouth
trailed over her breasts, where he roughly tongued her sensitive
nipples, the more she wanted him. With a sigh of longing, she
reached between their bodies and took his cock in hand, pumping the
hot silken skin of his hard erection.

“Now,” she whispered to him, “oh, yes,

Apparently encouraged by the way she held him
and her words, Stone moved over her and settled between her
outspread thighs. Her clit throbbed in a steady rhythm, and her
hips rose to meet him. Impatient to join with him, she helped
direct his cockhead to her center and gasped when they made
contact. His first deep thrust nearly sent her over the edge, but
she hung on, intending to enjoy every stroke. She hooked her legs
around his waist, and Stone rocked into her, hard and deep, again
and again.

Their fantasy evening had been exhilarating,
but Jule loved this way best. She delighted in the way he nestled
into her, his weight pressing against her. While other positions
were fun to try, she preferred lying beneath him, face to face. She
liked that he was close enough to kiss and that she could easily
run her fingers through his thick hair. The intimate sound of his
panting increased her own desire, even when his exhaled breaths
tickled her ear.

She let her hands roam the familiar lines of
his taut body while they moved in perfect time. She felt his
muscles strain and cord beneath her fingertips as her own tension
built and wound tighter than a spring.

When her moment came, it took her by
surprise, and her body convulsed with the effort. Pleasure rippled
through her, and unintelligible sounds escaped her throat. When the
last swell receded, she raised her hips again while Stone threw
back his head and grunted. He stiffened against her, his back
arching with the effort, and drove into her one last time. She felt
his cock spasm inside her as he released in a hot burst.

Afterward, he fell beside her, breathing
hard, and wrapped his arms around her. “I love you, babe,” he

Jule snuggled against him, her head on his
chest, and her arm around him. “And I love you.”

She loved Stone with everything in her and
thrilled at the thought of spending the rest of her life with him.
She felt the pendant shift and slide between her breasts and
smiled. Sexual and sensual delights would be theirs the rest of
their days as promised by the legend of the Pink Ecstasy.



The End





About the Author


lives in rural west
Tennessee with her family and a clowder of cats. She is
multi-published in a variety of sub-genres of erotic romance. She
also writes romance as Lanette Curington. She has been e-published
since 2000, presently with Ellora's Cave, Samhain, Loose Id, Amber
Quill, and Silver Heart Books. For more information about Lani’s
other books, visit her website:



More Erotic Romance by Lani Aames



Desperate Hearts

Talley Robinson returns to her hometown and
the childhood sweetheart she left behind, Mitch Holloway. They
renew their relationship, but Talley insists they take it slowly
this time. Unexpectedly, another man enters Talley’s life and
heart—tall and rugged Mace. Talley must choose between the sweet
and familiar love she has for Mitch and the wickedly playful and
passionate love she develops for Mace.

Contemporary erotic romance novella, approx.
33,000 words or 110 pages.


Dina’s Double Delight

By Mae Powers and Lani Aames

Laurance Boudreaux enters Sinful Sundaes Ice
Cream Shoppe for a Double Delight banana split. Laurance doesn’t
expect to get a double helping of trouble from Dina Diablo, a
maleficus demoness. And Dina never expects the sexy Cajun to double
her pleasure with a double delight of his own.

Magical fantasy erotic romance


Dreamscaper’s Desire

Carmen Tavarez-King dreams of a handsome,
sexy man who fulfills all of her sexual fantasies. He worships her
body and makes her soar to new heights. But Nicodemus is merely a
dream, a figment of her imagination she conjures in her sleep
because there is no real man in her real life. When Carmen comes to
the difficult decision to find a way to give up her dream lover, a
friend shows her a flyer, where volunteers’ sleep habits and dreams
will be studied. Sounds like exactly what Carmen needs…until demons
escape through her dreams with plans of turning the real world into
a nightmare.

Paranormal erotic romance novella, approx.
18,000 words or 60 pages.


Eternal Passion

Jo Davison meets the most alluring man she
has ever seen when she least expects it. Vincenz Cristescu is tall,
dark and handsome, and his sexy accent melts her body with the heat
of desire. Sparks fly between them, but evil lurks in the darkness
in Shadow Valley and tragedy strikes. Jo’s ordinary world becomes a
realm of nightmares, and Vincenz is right in the middle of the
horror. She faces the most difficult choice she will ever make—save
the man she loves or destroy the vampire who murdered her best
friend. Unfortunately, they may be the same person…

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