Just 2 Seconds (102 page)

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Authors: Gavin de Becker,Thomas A. Taylor,Jeff Marquart

BOOK: Just 2 Seconds
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Selected Bibliography & Web Sites


Auerbach, Ann Hagedorn,
Ransom: The Untold Story of International Kidnapping
(Owl Publishing Company, 1999).
Braunig, M. J.,
The Executive Protection Bible
(Executive Security International, 1992).
Bremer, Arthur H.,
An Assassin's Diary
(Harper and Row, 1973).
Calhoun, Frederick S.,
Hunters and Howlers: Threats and Violence Against Federal Judicial Officials in the United States, 1789-1993
(U.S. Department of Justice, 1998)
Calhoun, Frederick S.; Stephen W. Weston,
Contemporary Threat Management: A Practical Guide for Identifying, Assessing, and Managing Individuals of Violent Intent
(San Diego, CA: Specialized Services, Inc., 2003).
Clarke, James W.,
American Assassins
(Princeton University Press, 1982).
Cooper, H. H. A.,
On Assassination
(Paladin Press, 1984).
De Becker, Gavin,
The Gift of Fear
(Little, Brown and Company, 1997).
De Becker, Gavin,
Protecting the Gift
(The Dial Press, 1999).
De Becker, Gavin,
Fear Less
(Little, Brown and Company, 2002).
Fein, Robert A.; Bryan Vossekuil,
Protective Intelligence and Threat Assessment Investigations
(National Institute of Justice, 1998).
Fein, Robert A.; Bryan Vossekuil; and Gwen A. Holden,
Threat Assessment: An Approach To Prevent Targeted Violence
(National Institute of Justice, 1995).
Fein, Robert A.; Bryan Vossekuil,
Assassination in the United States: An Operational Study of Recent Assassins, Attackers, and Near-Lethal Approachers
(Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1999).
Fetherling, George,
The Book of Assassins
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001).
Ford, Franklin L.,
Political Murder
(Harvard University Press, 1985).
Geraghty, Tony,
The Bullet Catc
hers (Grafton Books, 1988).
Grossman, Lt. Col. Dave,
On Killing
(Little, Brown and Company, 1995).
Grossman, Lt. Col. Dave,
On Combat
(PPCT Research Publications, 2004).
June, Dale L.,
Introduction to Executive Protection
(CRC Press, 1999).
Kaiser, Frederick M.,
Direct Assaults Against Presidents, Presidents-Elect, and Candidates
(CRS Report for Congress, 2006).
Kaiser, Robert Blair,
R.F.K Must Die!
(E.P. Dutton & Co., 1971).
Kirkham, James F.; Sheldon G. Levy; and William J. Crotty,
Assassination and Political Violence
(Praeger Publishers, 1970).
Kobetz, Dr. Richard W.,
Providing Executive Protection -- Volume I
(Executive Protection Institute, 1991).
Kobetz, Dr. Richard W.,
Providing Executive Protection -- Volume II
(Executive Protection Institute, 1994).
Laucella, Linda,
Assassination -- The Politics of Murder
(Lowell House, 1998).
Lentz III, Harris M.,
Assassinations and Executions: An Encyclopedia of Political Violence, 1900 Through 2000
(McFarland & Company, 2002)
McCarthy, Dennis V. N.; with Philip W. Smith,
Protecting the President
(William Morrow and Co., Inc., 1985).
McKinley, James,
Assassination in America
(Harper and Row, 1975).
Melanson, Philip,
The Secret Service -- The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency,
(Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2005).
Oatman, Robert L.,
The Art of Executive Protection
(Noble House, 1997).
O'Connor, Richard,
Bodyguards: The World of VIP Protection
(Arms and Armour, 1996).
Scotti, Anthony J.,
Executive Safety and International Terrorism
(Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986).
Siddle, Bruce K.,
Sharpening the Warrior's Edge
(PPCT Research Publications, 1995).
Sifakis, Carl,
Encyclopedia of Assassinations
(Headline Book Publishing PLC, 1993).
Spignesi, Stephen J.,
In The Crosshairs -- Famous Assassinations and Attempts from Julius Caesar to John Lennon,
(The Career Press, Inc. and New Page Books, 2003).
Stubblefield, Gary; and Mark Monday,
Killing Zone -- A Professional Guide to Preparing or Preventing Ambushes
(Paladin Press, 1994).
The Secret Service -- The Inside Story
(The History Channel and A&E Home Video, 1995).
Taylor, Thomas A.,
Dodging Bullets -- A Strategic Guide To World-Class Protection
(Institute of Police Technology and Management, 2000:
Warren Commission Report
(Longmeadow Press, 1992).
Youngblood, Rufus W.,
20 Years in the Secret Service
(Simon & Schuster, 1973).

Web Sites

Assassination in the United States -- An Operational Study of Recent Assassins, Attackers, and Near-Lethal Approachers:
Assessing Threats of Targeted Group Violence -- Contributions from Social Psychology:
Court Security -- Selected Resources:
Direct Assaults Against Presidents, Presidents-Elect, and Candidates:
Gavin de Becker & Associates:
JFK Assassination Records:
National Counterterrorism Center:
Operation Paget inquiry report into the allegation of conspiracy to murder Princess Diana:
Overseas Security:
Overseas Security Advisory Council:
Preventing Targeted Violence Against Judicial Officials and Courts:
Protecting Judicial Officials -- Implementing an Effective Threat Management Process:
Protective Intelligence and Threat Assessment Investigations:
Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of Representatives:
Review of the United States Marshals Service Judicial Security Process:
Security Protection:
Threat Assessment -- An Approach To Prevent Targeted Violence:
Threat Assessment -- Defining an Approach for Evaluating Risk of Targeted Violence:
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security:





When you've worked on something for as long as we three have worked on protection, ideas, lessons, and insights come from many people. So, we thank you all -- all our associates, all the police officers and government agents who've assisted us, all the protectees, and even the various kinds of adversaries we've encountered.

During the years of putting together this book, a few people in particular made specific and important contributions. Colonel Dave Grossman has been an important teacher and contributor to our work and to this book. Same for Bruce Siddle, Ted Calhoun, and Rodney Spicer.

We thank Vince O'Neil for his special contributions to the text and to our thinking. We're grateful to Bruce Wagner and Garry Shandling for their many notes and suggestions.

To Geoff Towle and his firm, Incubox: Thanks for excellent service and results on design and presentation.

Among our associates, Josh Gausman's efforts were particularly impressive and important. Thanks as well to Michael LaFever, Josh Dessalines, Fritzroy Allen, Ron Eastman, and Matt Slatoff.

Finally, to those people who have entrusted us with their safety: We developed our methods and strategies to serve you, and without even knowing it, you've rewarded us with the opportunity to learn. Special thanks to those who have gone out of their way to work with us on new strategies: Carpenter, Mountainclimber, Malama, Phoenix, Zookeeper, Professor, Benefactor, Adventurer, Turntable, Diplomat, Alphabet, Diligence, Marathon, Bankrobber, Pioneer, Conductor, Secretary, and K2.



About the Authors


Gavin de Becker
is the founder of a 200-person firm that provides consultation, protective services, and logistical support to many of the world's most prominent figures in media, politics, and culture. A two-time Presidential Appointee at the U.S. Department of Justice, he is currently a Senior Fellow at UCLA's School of Public Policy. Mr. de Becker designed the MOSAIC systems used to screen threats to Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, CIA officials, Members of Congress, and the Governors of twelve states. He has appeared many times on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, the Today Show, 60 Minutes, and in TIME and Newsweek. His bestselling books on violence are published in 14 languages.


Thomas Taylor
worked on protection teams for four governors while with the Missouri State Highway Patrol. In 1989, he was selected to be Commander of the Governor's Security Division, a position he held until 1997. He served two terms as president of the National Governor's Security Association (NGSA). Mr. Taylor has worked senior positions in protective operations for the Pope, Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, and every U.S. President since Gerald Ford. Author of two previous books on protection, he is now Special Projects Advisor with Gavin de Becker & Associates.


Jeff Marquart
is Executive Vice-President of Gavin de Becker and Associates, directing all service divisions of the firm. For the past 15 years he has developed protective security strategies and supervised security operations for many of the world's most famous people, including four of the five Americans considered most at-risk in 2007. Mr. Marquart has managed protective assignments in more than 40 countries, and currently oversees more than a half million man-hours of protection each year. A sought-after speaker and trainer, he is the author of many articles and white papers on protective security.

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