Authors: Gavin de Becker,Thomas A. Taylor,Jeff Marquart
Date: October 29, 1992
Target: President George H.W. BushLocation: Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Details: Bush was riding aboard a train on a campaign trip. Advance personnel found an improvised explosive device along the train tracks and removed it.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)
Date: January 17, 1993
Target: Rosa Fujimori (sister of President Alberto Fujimori)
Location: Lima, Peru
Details: Four Shining Path terrorists were arrested plotting to kill Fujimori's sister, Rosa. They had kept a log on her movements. They were also plotting a car bomb attack on his father-in-law.
Date: January 26, 1993
Target: Prime Minister John Major
Location: New Delhi, India
Details: Four Sikh terrorists were arrested with bombs set to explode during a parade attended by Major.
Date: January 27, 1993Target: President Boris Yeltsin
Location: Moscow, Russia
Details: A Russian army major was arrested in the attic of a government building with a knife. He had tried to kill Yeltsin with two bombs, which failed to explode, so he planned to use the knife.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)
Date: March 10, 1993
Target: Prime Minister John Major and the royal family
Location: London, England
Details: Police recovered several hundred pounds of IRA-owned explosives and a map marking Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street as the targets.
Date: April 7, 1993Target: President Bill Clinton
Location: Washington, D.C.
Details: A woman was arrested across from the White House with three handguns, drugs, and signs asking to see the FBI and Barbara Walters.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)
Date: April 8, 1993
Target: President Lech Walesa
Location: Gadansk, Poland
Details: Authorities foiled an assassination plot directed at Walesa.
Date: April 27, 1993
Target: President George H.W. Bush
Location: Kuwait City, Kuwait
Details: Sixteen men were arrested in a plot to kill the emirate of Kuwait. A plot to kill Bush on his trip there on April 14-16 was also uncovered. They reportedly planned three attempts: A car bomb at his airport arrival, a car bomb at the site of the ceremony, and a suicide bomber with explosives strapped to his chest. Police found 550 pounds of explosives. In retaliation, the U.S. launched a cruise missile attack two months later on the Iraqi intelligence headquarters in Baghdad.
Date: May 7, 1993
Target: President Vaclev Havel
Location: Prague, Czech
Details: Police arrested five foreigners in an assassination plot against Havel for his stand on Bosnia. A sixth man was still at large.
Date: May 14, 1993Target: Tennis Star Boris Becker
Location: Rome, Italy
Details: A man was arrested with several knives and a pistol with blanks, trying to attend the Italian Open. He claimed he was James Bond. Police found a wig and pictures of Becker in the man's room.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)
Date: May 21, 1993
Target: ANC Official Joe Slovo
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Details: A man was arrested in a plot to kill Slovo. A commission investigating reports of military hit squads uncovered the information.
Date: June 2, 1993Target: Premier Carlo Ciampi
Location: Rome, Italy
Details: A car containing 33 pounds of ANFO explosives set to explode by remote control was found parked outside Ciampi's office. Police defused the device.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)
Date: June 24, 1993
Target: Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Location: New York, New York
Details: FBI agents arrested eight Muslims in a plot to kill Boutros-Ghali, Senator Alfonse D'Amato, Assemblyman Dov Hikind, and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The U.N., an FBI office, and a major commuter tunnel were also targeted for bombing. Five drums filled with homemade ANFO explosives were recovered.
Date: June 24, 1993
Target: Former General Norman Schwarzkopf
Location: Tampa, Florida
Details: Reportedly, an Iraqi plot to assassinate Schwarzkopf had been thwarted and he was placed under government protection.
Date: August 15, 1993
Target: King Hussein
Location: Amman, Jordan
Details: Police arrested eight students for plotting to kill Hussein while he spoke at the Mu'ta University graduation ceremony on June 26.
Date: February 18, 1994
Target: President Bill Clinton
Location: Orlando, Florida
Details: A man was arrested after he threatened to kill Clinton on his jogging route. The man, an unemployed limousine driver with a 14-year history of manic depression, had traveled to Washington, D.C., and stood with a pistol in a camera case along Clinton's jogging route, but Clinton was out of town.
Date: March 12, 1994
Target: Former Mayor Richard Oldham
Location: Quartzsite, Arizona
Details: Rex Byrd, Mayor of Quartzsite, was arrested after attempting to hire a hit man for $10,000 to kill the former mayor.
Date: May 4, 1994
Target: County Prosecutor Randy Nichols
Location: Knoxville, Tennessee
Details: A man was arrested after sending two letter bombs to Nichols. Postal authorities intercepted both packages.
Date: July 19, 1994
Target: ABC President Robert Iger
Location: Jackson, Mississippi
Details: A homemade package bomb was disarmed after a UPS man noticed it smoking. It was the second bomb sent to Iger in three months.
Date: November 12, 1994
Target: President Bill Clinton
Location: Philippines
Details: Terrorist Osama bin Laden planned an assassination attempt to occur during Clinton's official visit. It never got beyond the planning stages due to tight security.
Date: 1995
Target: President Saddam Hussein
Location: Samarra, Iraq
Details: Dissident members of Hussein's military planned to attack his convoy as it crossed the Samarra Bridge. It is estimated that when Hussein traveled by road, approximately 1,000 protection personnel were deployed. Several motorcade routes were cleared of traffic one hour ahead of departure, and diversionary motorcades carried Saddam look-a-likes. Telephone lines were cut along the route, and armed helicopters flew surveillance overhead. The actual motorcade carrying Hussein had as many as 20 identical Mercedes limousines, all with identical license numbers. The dissidents planned to disable the first and last car of Hussein's motorcade, then use heavy weapons to destroy each vehicle, killing everyone. The plot was never carried out after support for the plan was withdrawn.
Date: January 11, 1995
Target: Pope John Paul II
Location: Manila, Philippines
Details: The day before the Pope's arrival, police arrested two men with bomb-making materials. They were in an apartment located on the Pope's motorcade route. An alternate route was used during the visit.
Date: January 11, 1995
Target: President Ernesto Balladares
Location: Panama City, Panama
Details: Ten police officers and soldiers were arrested in a plot to assassinate Balladares.
Date: January 17, 1995Target: President Bill Clinton
Location: Los Angeles, California
Details: Three pipe bombs were found prior to Clinton's tour of a building at the California State University. His tour was canceled after bomb technicians confirmed the find.
(2-STARS: Protective Strategies or Resources at the scene favorably influenced safety/survival.)
Date: January 25, 1995
Target: President Bill Clinton
Location: Washington, D.C.
Details: A man was arrested after trying to mail a light bulb filled with explosives to Clinton, and a pistol to prison inmate Charles Manson. Police found guns, ammunition, and explosives in his rented truck. He had also threatened to kill Vice President Al Gore. The man was sentenced to 24 years in federal prison.