Just Count on Me: Counting on Love Prequel (5 page)

BOOK: Just Count on Me: Counting on Love Prequel
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“Sara.” His voice was thick.


“Put your sweet mouth on my cock.”

There was her Mac. The hot, sexy, demanding but sweet man who made her love him more every day and who could get her hot and wet—in or out of the shower—in three point two seconds.

She leaned in and did as he’d said. She sucked the tip into her mouth, sliding slowly down as far as she could, then applying her tongue as she dragged back up the length. She swirled her tongue around the tip before lifting her head, then doing it all again. Her hand grasped the root of his shaft, pumping slowly as she sucked.

His finger tightened in her hair, but he didn’t move her head, or his hips. And she knew he was holding back. Mac always tried to let her take the lead, tried to lie back and give her some control, but it never lasted long. It was his nature to be in charge and she didn’t mind a bit.

And she loved making him lose the little bit of control he did try to have.

She picked up the rhythm, sucking and stronger harder and faster.

His fingers tightened further and she felt him move slightly, the smallest thrust, but she grinned to herself.

She looked up into his eyes—knowing he loved that—and took him deeper, then released him to lick down the length of his cock. His eyes were riveted on her and she took the opportunity to lift a hand to her breast, circling then tugging on the nipple.

His nostrils flared and he thrust again, seemingly unable to control the urge.

“Put me up against the wall,” she said. “Please. I need you.”

“You’re messing with me,” he accused, but his words were a bit breathless.

She stroked up. “What do you mean?”

“I was worried about you. I needed to take care of you, make sure you’re okay, but you’re getting your way. You know just how to play me.”

She nodded. “I know what you
needed. You need to
me being okay, Mac. You need to know that I am so good that I can go down on you in the shower.”

“You’re so good, huh?”


“Up for anything? Ready for it all?”

She shivered in anticipation. She occasionally got cocky with him to push him to the point where all he wanted was to make her beg, then scream with pleasure. When Mac got that tone in his voice it meant he was going to test her bravado. And that was always fun. “Anything you’ve got,” she told him.

“Get up and turn around.”

She did, slowly.

“Let’s go, Princess Sara. Our thirty minutes is almost up.”

Ah, Princess Sara. That was different than the times he just called her princess. It was a role playing thing that had started one night spontaneously. But it was rooted in some reality.

She’d always been considered a princess by her family and friends. Everyone looked out for her, everyone considered her softer and sweeter than her sister Jessica, but she was also spoiled and had been able to get away with almost anything. And Mac had been the worst. He’d constantly been there to watch over and indulge her.

In their role playing, she was the princess, used to everyone waiting on her, jumping at the snap of her fingers, and he was the servant who had nothing to offer but the best sex of her life—and it was so good that she was willing to give up her riches, her power, everything, just to have him touching her.

Mac gave her so much more than that, but there was something that really got him going when they pretended that he could so overwhelm her sexually that nothing else mattered.

“Hands on the wall and bend over, your Highness.”

She grinned and complied, wiggling her ass as she did it. “Like this?”

“Now say please. Really nice and sincere.” His hand slipped around to her belly. He rubbed over the curve before sliding down to cup her where the familiar, delicious ache was already starting.

“What do you want to hear me beg for?” she asked, putting some haughtiness into her tone. “An orgasm? Or a good hard—”

His finger slid into her as his thumb pressed her clit and she gasped, widening her stance and letting her head fall forward.

“Whatever you want, Princess. I’m here to serve you. As long as you’re sweet about it.”

She heard the humor in his voice. He loved making her wild and if she was going wild, he’d only be thinking about that—not all the fear and worry of earlier.

“Sweet girls don’t say things like ‘I want you inside me

He stroked his finger deep, then added a second, his thumb circling her clit.

“Oh, I don’t know. That sounds pretty sweet to me.”

“I want you inside me
.” She thought she’d made that clear.

The pleasure his hand was creating shimmered through her body, setting fires along her nerve endings. She pressed closer to his touch. Her hands slipped on the wet tile wall, but Mac had a hold of her, supporting her with his big hands.

“You didn’t say please.”

“Please, Mac. Please.” She added the second one just to be sure.

“See, I like that. A lot.”

Like that, his hand was gone and she felt him press closer.

“Hang on princess.”

She laughed softly. “I don’t have anything to hang on to, big guy. The tile’s slippery.”

He spun her around, put his hands on her ass and lifted her against the wall, her legs going around his waist automatically.

“Then hang on to me.”

He thrust, sliding deep and sure in a way that was familiar to her as her own face and yet felt amazingly new every time.

Her breath caught in her throat at the possessive way he was looking at her. She wrapped her arms around him. “Always.”


Part Six


A man simply shouldn’t have to pick his sisters up from a sex club.

That seemed like a reasonable rule.

No matter what his faults and flaws were, getting a call to pick younger sisters from an x-rated club seemed like an over the top punishment.

Conner worked to unclench his teeth as the light at the intersection a block from
—the anything-goes adult club—turned green.

Of course, this was Emma and Isabelle.

His two middle sisters were trouble. Plain and simple. He was beyond being surprised or shocked.

Frustrated though, that was something else. Something he was
a lot

He supposed he should be happy he wasn’t picking them up from the police station. Like he’d had to do three months ago.

Apparently, tonight punches had been thrown
them versus being thrown
one of them.

Conner pulled up at the curb.

He could at least be grateful that only fifty percent of his sisters would ever show up at a place like
. At least he could trust that Amanda and Olivia to stay out of trouble.

Then he spotted his sisters, flirting with the bouncers, and Conner wondered, not for the first time, what exactly he’d done in his previous lives to deserve this.

And there had to be previous
. Plural. No way could he have racked up enough sins to deserve four beautiful younger sisters in only one lifetime.

Conner slammed the car door with enough force to shake the whole vehicle.

“What the hell, Emma?”

“Conner?” She frowned at him. “What are you doing here?”

“What am
doing here? Shane called me.” Conner glanced at Isabelle.

She and Shane were seeing each other. Not that Iz would admit it to Conner. Shane and Conner were friends, more or less. They were teammates if nothing else and they ended up working scenes together often. Shane had fallen for Isabelle the first time they’d met and he’d made no secret of it. But Isabelle knew Conner’s rule—no dating between his sisters and friends.

“Shane called you?” Emma repeated. “Well, great.”

Shane had responded to the call about the fight in the club. Isabelle was probably lucky he was on duty and had to take the three drunks who’d been duking it out over her and Emma down to the station.

The girls hadn’t technically done anything wrong, so weren’t being charged, but they’d been asked by the club management to leave.

“Well, maybe this will make Shane rethink his undying devotion to you at least,” Conner said to Isabelle.

“Don’t count on it,” Isabelle said sweetly. “Shane likes my naughty side. He’d love

Conner groaned and held up his hand to stall any further commentary on Shane’s preferences. “Alright. Get in the car.” He should have never brought it up.

“What happened to your hand?” Isabelle asked, stepping forward with a frown.

“Oh, thank you very much for noticing,” he said dryly.

He’d wrapped gauze around his hand before heading over here to pick up his
from a
sex club

“I cut it at the big fire I worked today.”

“Are you okay?” Iz sounded worried.

For just a moment, he was tempted to milk it. Getting a little concern and attention from his sisters wouldn’t hurt any of them.

But the cut was really no big deal. And he’d rather have pretty nurses fussing over him at the hospital. Which could be happening at that very moment if he wasn’t picking his
up from a
sex club

“I’m fine. It’s nothing.” That was true regarding the cut anyway. Not necessarily the sisters-at-a-sex-club-thing.

“I heard some pretty ladies might need checked over for bruises and lacerations.”

Conner groaned again. No. This was already irritating enough. He didn’t need to run into anyone he knew.
anyone from work.

“Hey, Dooley.” Emma greeted the other paramedic with a huge smile.

Of course, Emma greeted most men with a huge smile.

“As soon as I heard the Dixon Divas might need something kissed and made better, I hightailed it over here,” Dooley said, looping his arms around both Emma and Isabelle. He gave Conner a big grin. “I didn’t bring Mac. You’re welcome.”

“What are
doing here? You’re supposed to be working,” Conner said.

Sam Bradford strode up, also wearing a huge fucking grin. “Shane stopped by with the three drunks who started this whole thing. Two of them needed stitches before he took them downtown. He filled us in and said you’d be showing up here.”

“We were heading out for some sandwiches anyway,” Dooley said. “So I generously volunteered to run over and make sure the girls are okay.” He looked Emma up and down, then treated Isabelle to the same visual exam. “They look mighty fine from here though, I will say.”

“We probably need a more detailed check though,” Sam said. “With better lighting.”

Emma gave him an air kiss and Isabelle grinned.

“And what will your
say about this good deed of yours?” Conner asked.

Sam laughed. “Ah, hell, they’ll know that the real reason we came over here was to see
. I think we should check your blood pressure.”

“And there is a nasty vein bulging on his forehead,” Dooley said.

Conner was sure there was. Right in front of the pounding headache he suddenly had.

He looked from one sister to the next to the next. Then over at Dooley and Sam. Then he looked up at the front of

“You know what? I think I have just the cure for what ails me at the moment,” he said, a brilliant thought occurring to him.

Beautiful women and liquor were right inside that building.

Emma raised an eyebrow, following his gaze to the club’s front door. “Oh, yeah?”

“Guys, you make sure the girls have whatever they need and make sure they get home okay?”

“You’re going
?” Isabelle asked.

“Well, let me ask you this,” Conner said, pressing the button on his key fob that would lock his car doors, then sliding his keys into his pocket. “Is that club full of gorgeous women?”

Emma nodded. “Definitely.”

“And will any of those women need me to know their favorite holiday or their shoe size or anything else about them? At all?” he asked.

Emma’s smile grew as she shook her head. “Absolutely not.”

“And will any of them need to me to worry about anything like how they’re getting home or what time they need to be to work in the morning?”

“I sincerely doubt it,” Emma said. “I’d be shocked if any of them even ask your name.”

wasn’t exactly the type of place a person went to find true, lasting love or meaningful relationships. The typical clientele made decisions based on much simpler criteria—how good did the other person look in their clothes and how willing were they to get out of those clothes, for instance.

Conner took a deep breath. “And, most of all, will
inside that club call me to borrow anything, fix anything or pick them up or drop them off anywhere for any reason?”

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