Just Count on Me: Counting on Love Prequel (9 page)

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She tipped her head. “Why would we talk about sex?”

“I just think we need to be careful talking about anything that will take our thoughts down a dangerous path. Being around you will be hard enough. I don’t need to take any Cosmo quizzes or give the guy’s perspective on anything sexual or anything.”

“But that’s such a great perk to having a guy friend,” she protested.

“Can’t do it.”

She felt a little thrill at how obviously affected he was. “Fine. What else?”

“No skimpy clothing.” His eyes ran over her from head to toe.


“Short skirts, short shorts, tight jeans.”

“So ugly baggy sweatpants and stained t-shirts only?” she asked.

He nodded. “Yes. Please.”

“Well, the same goes for you then. No taking your shirt off to work on my car or something,” she said. She understood what he was saying. The attraction wasn’t going to go away—even with repeat exposure probably—so they needed to avoid things that would make the temptation stronger.


“Anything else?”

“No drinking when we’re alone together. I don’t need to lose any inhibitions.”

She couldn’t contain her smile at that. He made it seem that he really was going to have to work to resist her. That did a girl’s ego some good. “Deal.”

“Okay, good. So we have a plan.”

“Sounds like it.”

“Then we’re going to sit here, eat crappy tacos together and talk about football. And I’m going to keep my eyes off of your lips and your breasts and your ass. Mostly. Probably.” He sighed. “I’ll keep my
off your lips, breasts and ass. That I can promise.”

“Darn.” Too late she realized she shouldn’t have let the teasing comment slip.

“That. That’s what we have to avoid,” he said, his eyes hot on her.

“Yeah.” She shifted under his gaze. “But you started it. You can’t talk about my breasts and lips and ass.”

He coughed. “You can’t talk about your breasts, lips and ass either.”

They stared at each other for a few seconds.

Finally, Olivia asked. “So just friends then?”

He nodded. “Sure. No big deal.”

Right. How hard could it be?

But as she stepped up to Tacos R Us, she was very aware of Cody’s eyes on her ass.

* * *

Going for Four,
book four in the Counting on Love series, is available February 25th from Samhain Publishing and can be found anywhere books are sold!


About the Author


Erin Nicholas is the author of sexy contemporary romances. Her stories have been described as toe-curling, enchanting, steamy and fun. She loves to write about reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines and happily ever afters. She lives in the Midwest with her husband, who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books; her kids, who will never read the sex scenes in her books; and family and friends, who say they’re shocked by the sex scenes in her books (yeah, right!).

You can find Erin on the Web at
, on Twitter (
) and even on Facebook (


Other Books by Erin Nicholas

Available in all formats, everywhere books are sold!


The Bradfords

Just Right

Just Like That

Just My Type

Just the Way I Like It

Just for Fun

Just a Kiss

Just What I Need: The Epilogue


Anything & Everything

Anything You Want

Everything You’ve Got


Counting On Love

She’s the One

It Takes Two

Best of Three

Going for Four

Up by Five


Single Titles

No Matter What




Just Count on Me

Copyright © 2014 by Erin Nicholas


All Rights Reserved.


No part of this book, with the exception of brief quotations for book reviews or critical articles, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by an means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Digital Edition

ISBN: 978-0-9915579-0-5


Cover art by Erin Nicholas and Kim Brooks

Digital formatting by Author E.M.S.

Table of Contents

Author’s Note


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Bonus Short Story! Tidings of Comfort and Schnapps

About the Author

Other Books by Erin Nicholas


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