Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (32 page)

BOOK: Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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It took Kathy less than thirty seconds for her to go from tense and stiff in Jack’s arms to grinding herself against him, whimpering with a come-fuck-me sound that drove him insane, awaking a primal need that Jack didn’t have the will to resist. Hell, he didn’t want to resist. She tasted too damn good to deny himself, especially when he knew she’d feel even better.

Jack had walked around all day with a hard-on. He’d woken up with it thanks to a long night spent alone in his bed. Well, not tonight. Tonight he was going to spend every damn second he could packing Kathy’s tight, little cunt full of dick. His dick. Starting now.

Backing her into the wall, he yanked at her shirt, not bothering with the buttons as he shoved it up and out of her way. Her bra fared no better when his fingers brushed over the satiny lace. Way too desperate for the feel of her soft skin to bother with the clasp, Jack simply pushed the silky cups out of his way.

Kathy murmured an objection that faded into a groan as his hand covered the plush globe of her breast, palming the hard, pebbled tip that silently begged for more. Never one to deny a lady, Jack released Kathy’s lips to dip his head and capture her puckered nipple between his teeth. Her breath shortened into gasps as he flicked her tender bud, lapping at it until her fingers twined through his hair and forced him tighter against her swollen flesh.

“So I guess I’m the only one who cares that Eddie Dyne’s dead.”

Jack growled, more than annoyed by Collin’s attempt to interrupt. Not about to let his best friend wreck this moment, Jack switched his attention to Kathy’s other breast, assaulting her tender tip with enough force to keep her nails digging into his scalp. His name began to fall from her lips along with sexy little pants that made Jack’s dick throb harder with the demand to be sheathed in her hot cunt again.

“So grisly, being burned like that.”

Never one to be easily dissuaded, Collin tried again. This time he actually managed to snag Kathy’s attention. Her chin rolled, following the sound of Collin’s voice, but her gaze remained glassy and dazed with lust. Snarling with his annoyance, Jack fisted his hand in Kathy’s skirt, yanking it up until the back of his fingers brushed over soft, smooth skin.

“God,” Collin breathed out with overly dramatized horror coloring his tone. “I’d hate to think about that happening to Amanda. Hell, they probably
him just to hide the fact that they

“Wha…what?” Kathy gasped out, wiggling free of the hand Jack curled around her thigh.

“Eddie,” Collin repeated slowly, pointedly, “is dead, burned up in his bomb shelter.”

“Don’t listen to him, honey.” Jack rushed to distract her, trying to capture her lips for another kiss, but she dodged his lips. Worse, her fingers no longer pinned him to her. Instead they tugged on his hair, clearly trying to pull him from her.

“Eddie’s dead?” Kathy repeated. Like beautiful shards of crystals, her eyes cleared, becoming as sharp as her tone. “Dead dead?”


“And he ain’t going to be any less dead five minutes from now,” Jack assured her desperately. They couldn’t stop now. His damn dick had swelled to painful proportions. It throbbed with the need for release, but he’d already lost the battle.

“Jack, stop!” Kathy twisted, trying to wrench free of his hold.

“Aw, come on, honey, I’m in pain here.” Jack released her with that complaint, drawing her gaze to the large boner pushing against the metal teeth of Jack’s zipper.

“Yeah?” Kathy began jerking her shirt back down as she scowled at him. “And maybe if you had promised me more than five minutes, you wouldn’t be.”

“I’ll promise you the whole goddamn night if that’s what it takes. Trust me, honey, I can go that long.”

“Too damn bad. I’m not in the mood anymore.” Kathy fluffed her hair as she sauntered over to her seat and sat down, pointedly turning her back on Jack. “You were saying something about Eddie? I believe the words dead, burned, tortured were used.”

“We found Eddie’s charred remains locked in his bomb shelter,” Jack snapped, glaring at Collin over Kathy’s head. He could easily read the obnoxious thought behind his buddy’s smirk and silently vowed retribution as he slumped down into the only seat remaining. “And no, there is nothing left to report. Nothing else to talk about.”

“Nothing else you’re willing to discuss, you meant,” Kathy corrected, refusing to look at him as she picked up her fork. Before she could load it up with noodles, Jack grasped the edge of her place mat and pulled her plate out from under her.

“Hey!” Kathy latched onto the other end of the place mat and started trying to tug it back.

“Leggo,” Jack snapped. “I’m hungry.”

“You let go,” Kathy shot back. “It’s my plate, and I’m not done with it.”

Releasing the place mat, Jack snatched up the plate and licked his way all the way around the rim. He smiled, assured he’d won the argument and enjoying Kathy’s outraged look. Dropping the plate back down in front of her, Jack settled back in his seat and waited for her reaction. Collin’s was predictable. True to his imperturbable nature, Collin sighed and shoved back from the table, heading for the cupboards to, no doubt, grab a fresh table setting.

“That’s real nice,” Kathy snapped at him, pulling her place mat closer. “But don’t think I won’t eat off this. Hell, you just had your damn tongue halfway down my throat. What do I got to worry about germs for?”

Collin hesitated by the edge as they both watched her pick up her fork. She scooped up a pile of macaroni and brought it up to her lips, but Jack could see in her eyes that she didn’t have it in her to actually eat it. Stubborn as she was, though, Kathy didn’t concede defeat for nearly a minute. When she finally did, it was with ill grace.

Chucking the fork back onto her plate, she shoved her place mat at Jack with a grim warning. “Fine. You win, but don’t think I’m licking anything of yours tonight.”

“Here you go, sweetness.” Collin slipped a fresh place mat in front of Kathy, setting a clean fork and plate on it.

He caught Jack’s dirty look as he straightened and returned it with a smile. Bastard probably thought he’d get his licked, but Jack would not allow that to happen, a message he sent to his ex-partner with a hard glare. Collin had a retort, one that came with a big, goofy grin and a little eye roll. Jack shot him back a silent snarl as the two began an argument conducted completely by expression.

For her part, Kathy appeared unaware of their soundless dispute. Piling food onto her plate, she started to eat, giving them several minutes to hash things out before glancing up to cast a look from one to the other.

“You two done now?”


* * * *


Kathy patiently waited for both men to straighten up and remember that they had a serious conversation to engage in. A glance told her, though, that all she’d done by interrupting their silent argument was to put herself in the middle of it. Kathy’s stomach clenched, her muscles quivering under the strain and excitement of being the focus of their attention.

Even as her insides turned to molten mush, Kathy refused to let it show. Keeping her back stiff and her tone sharp, she pinned Jack with a pointed look. “Because I think it’s about time we discussed the Eddie situation.”

“There is no situation,” Jack shot back. “He’s dead. Somebody killed him. It’s an open investigation.”

“Conversation over,” Kathy muttered to herself, knowing that’s just what Jack meant.

“What am I supposed to do?” Jack asked, looking aggrieved. “Violate my oath? Endanger not only my job but my case? For what? Just to make you happy? Or maybe you’d just like me make shit up?”

“You’re supposed to ask me who I think killed him because we both know you want to.” Irritated because she couldn’t say yes to his obnoxious questions when she really wanted to, Kathy refused to give in to his holier-than-thou tone just because she was guilty of being that selfish. Instead she went on the attack.

“Fine.” Jack set his fork down and turned in his seat to face her directly. Looking like he was about to propose, he took her hand in his and stared deeply into her eyes. “Kathy, honey, you’re a dream and a miracle all in one. Your knowledge and your body make you an invaluable asset to me. So please don’t tell me anything. I’d rather fuck the truth out of you.”

“Ha. Ha. You’re a laugh a minute, but you know what, buddy? You just screwed yourself.” Kathy jerked her hands free and pointedly turned back to her food. “After all, I do happen to know a few things about Eddie that might be of interest.”

“Oh, good,” Jack growled, leaning all the way in to nuzzle her neck. “You’re trying to make it interesting.”

“I plan on making it riveting. Watch this.” Kathy murmured that husky command with the same sexy promise Jack had used. When she turned toward Collin, though, her tone sharpened. “If we’re partners, then I guess I can tell you what I know. Of course, you can’t tell

Kathy emphasized that word by shrugging away from the mind-altering kisses Jack strung up her neck. Too much more of that and she wouldn’t have the starch left in her bones to see things settled. She wanted to see them that way before they got to the sex.

Despite everything to date, Kathy had decided that afternoon that she really needed to separate the sexual affair she had going with Jack and Collin from the investigation they were both trying to keep her out of. Today had proven that mixing the two ended in disaster, at least for her. So did threatening Jack.

“Hey!” Kathy shrieked as Jack lifted her right out of her seat.

The room spun around her with a quick snap that ended with her staring straight down into Jack’s wide gaze. Kathy found herself perched on the edge of the table, her legs being pushed wide by Jack’s enormous girth. The man slid his chair all the way until he could trap her thighs in place with his arms. Resting his elbows on either side of her hips, Jack’s chin came to rest barely an inch below her breasts, and there was no way he didn’t smell her pussy creaming itself at his dominant behavior.

“Okay, darling, let’s try this again.” Jack reached out to toy with one of the buttons holding Kathy’s blouse together. “What is it that you know about Eddie that you want to share?”

Chapter 22


“Jack.” Instead of sounding stern, his name sighed out of Kathy, bringing a smile to the big man’s face that had her cunt clenching and releasing another wave of heated cream.

“Hmm?” Jack toyed with the button, pulling it taut against the threads holding it in place. “I’m listening, honey.”

“No.” It took all her self-control to deny him and even more strength to shove at his shoulders in a vain attempt to push him back. “We’re not doing things this way anymore.”

“We’re not?” Jack lifted a brow at that command, casting a look over her shoulder at Collin. “Did you get that memo?”

“I mean it.” Kathy tried to sound forceful, but the breathless quality of her voice ruined the effect. She did manage to wiggle a foot high enough up to plant it on his chest. She shoved, but instead of managing to force his seat back, she tipped him over in it. Jack went crashing to the ground before her startled eyes as Collin almost immediately erupted into heavy gales of laughter.

“Oh, God.” Kathy jumped off the table, quickly retreating behind it. She was mindful to stay clear of Collin’s reach, knowing he could not be trusted even if he was lost to his laughter right then. Jack certainly wasn’t amused.

The predatory gleam in his eyes as he lifted off the floor had Kathy backing up on legs that started to wobble beneath her. She knew that look, knew what came with it. Just the thought had her blood rushing hot and fast through her veins, making her flush and pant with a need that wouldn’t be sated with anything short of a furious, sweaty fucking.

“No,” Kathy stated as much for her own benefit as for Jack’s. If she gave in to the urges flooding her body, she knew she would regret it later. “We need to talk, Jack.”

“There’s going to be talking,” Jack assured her as he prowled slowly forward. “And begging, and pleading, and screaming.”

“And moaning, groaning, and grunting,” Collin tacked on as he tried to shake off the rest of his chuckles.

“No, there is not!” Kathy remained firm in her rejection even if she backed steadily away from Jack. She held her hands up to ward him off, not that she expected such a gesture to succeed. “There is only going to be calm, rational

“Really? And what do you want to discuss?” He lifted a brow as he slowly circled the table, forcing her in Collin’s direction. “How many punishments you earned with your escapades today?”

“Or how you’re going to pay for them?” Collin tacked on that unnecessary suggestion.

“How many times do I have to say it?” Kathy demanded to know. “I want to talk about Eddie.”

“Now that’s a dead subject,” Collin quipped.

“But not a buried one,” Jack shot back, exchanging a smile with Collin as he passed by him and earning a growl of frustration from Kathy as she crammed herself around a tight corner, ensuring that the table remained between them.

“Neither one of you are half as funny as you
you are,” Kathy spat, becoming honestly annoyed with her two men.

“Fine.” Jack held his hands up in surrender. “You want to talk about Eddie? Then let’s talk about a list of people who might want Eddie dead? Or perhaps a list of people who had access to his shelter or even knew it existed?”

“I can’t do that.” This time she meant her words. “If I give you a list of names, you’re going to go harass those people. Believe it or not, some people take exception,
exception, to the law bothering them. I can’t take that risk, and I won’t live with that guilt.”

“You know, you could just trust me to do my job,” Jack shot back, no longer appearing in the slightest bit amused as he pushed the table away from the wall and widened the gap around the corner so he could fit.

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