Kasadya (Hellhound Awakened)

BOOK: Kasadya (Hellhound Awakened)
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Hellhound Awakened

Written by Karen Swart




All rights reserved. Published by Anchor Group. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.

Copyright 2012

Published by Anchor Group Publishing

Edited by Melissa Ringsted

Cover by K.C. Designs




To my husband, family, and friends that had to bear the wrath of my insane writing, thank you and I love you beyond words.






To Anchor Group Publishing for the development and publishing of my novel, a huge thank you. To my beta readers; Jane Anne of Lindsay and Jane's Views and Reviews and Delphina Miyares of Delphina Reads Too Much. And finally to Melissa M Ringsted, who went beyond the role of editing, thank you doesn't even cover it.






- Guardian Fallen


- Apprentice Fallen


- Little Daughter


- Master


- Greetings or Hello


- Farewell


- Girl


- Take care


- Heart


- Beautiful


- Banished realm


– Daughter


- Warrior








There was a time when heaven was filled with peace and serenity. God, Jesus Christ, and all the angels lived in harmony; no evil and no sin existed. Until one fateful day...

With all gathered to hear their Sire speak, God rose and addressed his Angels. Before all, he proclaimed His Son, Jesus Christ, was equal to Him. That Christ’s words should be obeyed as if  they were His own. Christ would command the heavens, with the same authority as Him. All the Angels bowed down before Christ and accepted their Sire’s proclamation, all except for one…

An Archangel was furious with this proclamation. He was his Sire’s right hand, the deliverer of justice, the commander of all legions. He had served his Sire for centuries, and never failed him. It should be to him that God bestow any power, not a Son whom had never even seen battle.

With his heart filled with hatred and jealousy, he gathered all the angels in secret. He told them that their days of sweet liberty were at an end. That God has now placed Christ as their ruler and that they should now obey his wishes. Many Angels were angered at such a false statement, but many also agreed with the Archangel. He has led them for many years, why should they now question his leadership?

The faithful Angels fled to God and told Him what was happening, together they prepared for war. With the sun rising on a new day, God and his Angels stood ready for battle against the Archangel and his followers. The battle only lasted a day, the Archangel and his followers defeated before the sun set for the night.

On their knees before God, God gave them one final chance… “Repent and declare your loyalty, and I will forgive you my children,” he told his beautiful angels, tears falling with each word. This was his family, this was his love; How could they betray Him? Some of the Angels cried their penance, begging Him to forgive them for their deceit. They claimed that the Archangel deceived them, and they followed him into battle as they have done for centuries.

God took pity on them, but still believed that their deceit must not go unpunished. He had spoken many times about the importance of punishment, that lessons learned must be earned.
.. “
I herewith grant you mercy, but as punishment you will be sentenced to an earthly realm. I will take your beauty as payment for my children lost today. In the place of your beauty I will give you another. In mercy, and because I love you still, I give you life in this realm. Let this be known, that I was merciful this day,” God finished.

He placed them in an earthly realm, and called it Exsilium. In this realm they would carry their deceit, and earn their place with him. He took their beauty and replaced them with elements of his earth. Half will be of animal and element, and will resemble punishment. The other in a humanoid form, and will resemble mercy. He called them his fallen.

The Archangel, and those whom did not repent, were not that lucky. God looked into the eyes of his once faithful angels and only saw destruction, hatred, jealousy, and heartache. He knew that his beloved ones had died this day, and that others needed to be protected. But how can you destroy one you love? He placed the Archangel and his followers in another earthly realm, but where Exsilium was above the earth, this one was in the centre. With one wave of his hand, their beautiful forms were replaced with its opposite. Using his word and blood, He sealed this realm from any other.

As He looked at the many eyes of hatred He spoke his final word..
. “
This realm will be called Hell and you will be called demons. You, my once faithful Archangel, you will be called the Devil, your angel name will be erased from the past, present, and future. You will be forgotten,” he  proclaimed and left them to their demise.

Many years have passed since that day. God has created mankind and cherishes his new children. This male and female were his new hope; in them he would find peace again. But the Devil has grown strong in the years that have passed, and somehow managed to enter God’s garden. Here he found the female God created, with her he would strike back. He whispered words of deceit in her ears, and watched as God’s new children stepped into sin. With her first bite a crack appeared in the seal around Hell, and demons escaped to earth.

From that day onward, the Devil and his demons created chaos amongst God’s new children, leading one after the other into sin. God looked upon this and decided to fight for his loved ones. He went to Exsilium and spoke to the fallen.
.. “
You, my children, have proven your loyalty in the years that have passed, and so I came to offer you another chance at Heaven. If you slay the Devil and his demons, to protect mankind, I will give you a place in my Heaven once again. With your last breath on this earth, you will join me and your brethren in Heaven,” he finished. The fallen agreed and God gave them the power to move in and out of Exsilium to battle the demons. The war between Good and Evil began.

But as mankind spread over the earth, sin became their followers. And with each sin, the demons grew stronger and created more demons to torture mankind. The fallen were now fighting against millions; they needed assistance to ensure victory. God had watched the battle from Heaven and saw that they were failing because of their numbers; He also saw that the demons grew stronger than the fallen. He intervened and created a new creature. This creature would have all the realms in one. One half as strong and loyal as the fallen; the other as hard and enduring as a demon’s. This was his ultimate weapon; this would be his greatest creation. To ensure that these creatures could not be swayed, He placed Heaven’s soul into them. He called them his hellhounds.

The hellhounds delivered justice swiftly, as strong and just as the fallen, yet hard and durable like the demons, they conquered the earth realm and the demons retreated. Not one hellhound could be swayed, all stayed true to their calling. God, knowing that the Devil and many more demons had retreated, gave his hellhounds life, and offered them a place among the fallen.

Until this day they still watch over mankind, protecting them from evil. Will we be worth it?



Chapter 1


Looking in the mirror, the face looking back at me had such sad eyes; in them I could only see despair and heartache. With blue eyes, long brown hair, and soft tan skin she didn’t look bad. It’s pretty funny how a simple thing like DNA can play into your destiny, that a simple drop of blood can predict your fate. This was my fate, to become what my DNA wanted me to become. Something I wished I never had. Life in general is hard and uncertain, but mine is about to take a very bad turn, the only question is; will I survive it?

Ever since I can remember, my dad was always away on business, especially during the nights. Mom was a landscape specialist and stayed home with me, doing her thing when I’m at school. We stayed in a normal town, a normal house, and I lived a normal life. But at the age of twelve, Mom and Dad filled me in on my destiny, or perhaps I should say my curse.

You see, my parents are fallen; my dad being a hellhound and my mom a fae. Dad was always away on “business” because it was his destiny to defeat evil demons and protect humankind. Mom was given leave on her service to attend to me until I was old enough to go to
The Hellhouse

It was explained to me that I could never have a normal human life because I wasn’t human. I was born a hellhound, thanks to my dad’s genes. He is one of the strongest fallen, created by God himself. It was my destiny to protect mankind from evil to get passage to Heaven. Unlike human children born without sin, I’m born with it and to redeem my soul I had to serve. That part sucks big time.

To add to my curse, I also had to follow “The Fallen Laws”. The first law being, you may interact with humans, but never join them. To make it short, I was allowed to go to a normal school, but wasn’t allowed to have friends. The second law is that we are not allowed to take a human partner, so no boyfriends for me. Yeah, sucks big time so bad.

Apparently there are many laws, that’s why
The Hellhouse
was created to teach and train us. Wedded couples, like Mom and Dad, were allowed to raise children in the human world, but every childless fallen lived-in
. They believed that by exposing us to humans from a young age we would serve better.

I don’t think that idea worked out too well. About a week ago, two days before my seventeenth birthday, Mom and I got into a huge fight because I accepted an offer to go on a date with a boy at school. Ranting and raving my emotions went haywire and the next thing I knew, I was standing on a street in an unknown town in the middle of the night. I had no idea how the hell I did it, but there I was.

Just when I was about to go insane, Mom appeared out of the blue next to me, even angrier than before I ended up here. Still screaming at me, she took my hand and then zap, I was back in the living room to find Dad standing there totally pissed off. I broke a law, only
fallen were allowed to shift in the human world.
like me were only allowed to shift with their consent. Also
could only shift after their seventeenth birthday, when their bodies start becoming fallen.


In total shock, I just stood there and listened to them going off at me. How the hell should I have known what shifting was in the first place, let alone being able to do it? Dad and Mom decided that my normal life should end immediately and that it was time for me to go to
The Hellhouse
and start my curse.

So here I am, sitting in front of a mirror in a hotel in Omsek, Russia, a few steps away from me living a curse. What a life. A soft knock at the door made me turn my head, and in came the two of them to collect and deliver me to my curse.

“It’s time, my
” Dad said, looking at me with what could only be called a mixture between sadness and pride.

“Is all your stuff packed?” Mom asked with her poker face. No way in hell will she show any emotion; too proud I guess.

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