Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9) (13 page)

BOOK: Katieran Prime Miracle (Katieran Prime Series Book 9)
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Chapter 20



Rose was ready to scream. It had been almost a week since the attempted kidnapping of Prima Lindsey. JadEN had not let her out of his sight. Not even for ten minutes. He acted like she was traumatized. Other than a few nightmares, she felt fine. But he hadn’t made love to her. He held her in his arms every night as they lay together in bed. But he didn’t touch her sexually and whenever she tried to touch him he would get up and say he had somewhere to go. He was pushing her away and she had had enough.

It hurt to have someone she loved and trusted turn their back on her. She experienced that with her mother when she chose to take her step dad’s side over Rose’s. People who love you should never betray you like that. It took her years to get over that. But having JadEN pull away from her like this brought it all back. Not only was she hurt, she was now angry.

She stormed her way to the medic wing. JadEN had been spending a lot of his time there. Lead Medic TorIS had been shipped off to a mining colony. She didn’t know why except that Lindsey had commented once that she hated the guy and could tell he felt the same towards her. JadEN was asked to help take over some of the lead medic’s responsibilities. He used that as his excuse every time he put distance from her. Well his days of hiding from her were over.

She walked through the medic wing’s open door and yelled out. “JadEN!” She looked around at the round room that had about ten hospital beds and about three desks. There was a hallway that led to four private med rooms for examinations and a couple of offices.

All the other medics in the room looked shocked at the small angry Earth female. They shuffled and clamored to get out of the room. JadEN was in one of the back offices and walked out to see what was happening.

“Rose? Are you feeling well?” He approached with caution.

“I’m sick of this.”

He frowned. “You are sick? What are your symptoms? Do you need to sit down?”

She waved her hand at him as she stomped closer to him. “I’m not physically sick. I’m sick and tired of you ignoring me.”

He blinked. “I’m not ignoring you. I’m talking right to you.”

“You don’t touch me!”

“I hold you every night Rose.”

She stomped her foot. She couldn’t help herself. She was angry and it was coming out in the most unusual ways. “I want more than you holding me while I sleep. I want you to touch me, kiss me, I want your cock deep inside me driving me crazy with desire!”

“I was giving you time.”

“Time for what? To go damn near crazy with need?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“I thought that after what that male tried to do to you, you wouldn’t want anything physical.”

“I am alive. He’s dead. I want to live my life not be put away in a bubble untouched.”

He raised his hands up to look at them. “He’s dead because I killed him. You saw me kill him with these hands. How could I touch you with hands that have taken a life?” His voice choked.

Rose’s anger left her as the need to comfort filled her. She had been complaining about how she felt neglected but she had never thought about what JadEN might be feeling. He was suffering because he went against everything he believed in and killed a man to protect her. Some therapist she was. She completely didn’t see him suffering.

She reached out and grabbed his hands. She brought them to her lips and she kissed them. “These hands saved me. I will be forever grateful to you for that. If the situation was reversed and I had killed him to protect you, would you hate me for it?”

“Of course not.”

“Then don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“You have nightmares about it, you call out my name. When I wake you from the dream you cringe from my touch.”

Shit! She hadn’t realized that she did that. She knew about the nightmares, but she didn’t know that she pulled away from him like that.

“I’m sorry. When I first wake from the nightmare I’m still caught up in the images. I will probably have nightmares for a long time. But I’m not afraid of you. That is not why I pull away it is just a reaction from disorientation. I want you touch me. I crave it.”


JadEN felt relief and the tension left his body. When she first came in to the medic wing he could not help but note her angry glare and hands propped on her hips. The stance made the silky blouse she was wearing stretch across her breasts. He licked his lips at the sight of her. She was sexy.

His cock was all for that. Keeping his distance from her these last few days had been torture for him. But he had done it for her, to give her time to recover from her kidnapping, recover from what that male was going to do to her. He pulled her to him.

“You crave me? Only me?” He nibbled her earlobe which was very sensitive erogenous zone.

She moaned tilting her head to give him more room. “Only you JadEN.”

“Will you mate me, officially in a ceremony?”

“Any day any time.”

“Where do you want to live? Here on Kiljor or on Katiera?” His fingers unbuttoned her shirt and pulled the edges over her shoulders.

“I know that your friends on Katiera would like you to come back home.” Rose said it with wariness in her voice. He wanted to remove that wariness once and for all.

“My home is wherever you are. I was offered the lead medic position here on Kiljor. It is a great opportunity and it will actually help pull Kiljorns and Katierans together to see us exchanging like this. But would you feel safe and happy here?”

She nodded her head. “I like Kiljor. Lindsey and Lizzie have become good friends to me. I’m as safe here as I would be anywhere else. Now we know what security measure to take. But like you said, home is anywhere where you are.”

He kissed her taking her lips in a demanding way. She submitted to him which made him growl with pleasure.
He thought as he snapped her bra exposing her sweet breasts to his eager hands.

“JadEN, someone could walk in on us.” She glanced over to the open door.

He pulled away and walked over to the door to the medic wing closing it and locking it. Then he turned back and gave her a look that made her panties wet with her juice. Holy shit he was hot.

JadEN gripped his shirt and ripped it open popping the fasteners off and onto the floor. Next he shucked out of his pants kicking his boots off. He stood before her completely naked and fully aroused.

“You are mine Rose. My mate. Now I’m going to give us both what we have been needing for days.”

“Yes please.” Rose tried to get the skirt zipper down but her fingers were shaking so bad that she couldn’t manage it but halfway. JadEN reached for her skirt and ripped it open throwing the material across the floor.

He dropped to his knees and placed his face at her lace covered crotch. He inhaled deeply. “Goddess knows how much I want you right now. I don’t want to scare you.”

“You don’t scare me. I want you so much JadEN.”

He hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties and dragged it down her legs slowly. She stepped out of them and laughed as he tossed it over his shoulders. “Hope I don’t forget those when we leave. I would hate to have one of the other medics find them.” All other thoughts fled her mind as he lifted her leg up over his shoulder opening her up to him.

“What are you doing?”

“I need your taste more than the air I breathe. I want your juices on my lips, smeared across my face, and sliding down my throat.”

“Okay, yeah, that sounds good…” she moaned as he licked her seam.

“Mmm…delicious. I want more.” He continued to lick and suck on her. He used his fingers to spread her open and give him more of her juice.

“JadEN I’m going to fall.

He lifted her up and brought her down gently on the floor. She should be made love to on a bed but he couldn’t get himself to stop tasting her for nothing. He had to have more of her, all of her.

Having her lay flat on her back on the floor allowed him to spread both her legs higher and wider, opened her pussy up more to him. He cupped her ass with both hands and lifted her to his mouth. He didn’t waste any more time. He plunged deep inside her channel. He moved in and out, fucking her with his tongue. He paid special attention to the areas she seemed most responsive to. She gripped his hair with her fingers tightly which brought a sort of pleasure mixed with pain. He growled with a primal need to take her, mark her, make her his again.

She screamed his name as she had a hard release. He didn’t wait any longer. He rose up over her pulling her legs up and had her wrap them around his waist. He centered the tip of his weeping cock at her entrance.

“Say you’re mine.” He growled as he looked down at her drowsy face.

“I’m yours JadEN. Forever.”

He drove into her deep and hard setting a fast paced rhythm. He knew he wouldn’t last long. He needed her too much. He gloried in the feel of her nails digging into his back. He hoped she left scars there to show others that she marked him, claimed him for her own.


Rose felt the flames building inside her again. How he was able to get her to have multiple orgasms, she didn’t know and didn’t care. All that mattered was that JadEN was in her. She had never felt closer to anyone in her whole life. It wasn’t just her body it was also her heart, her soul, just all of her. It was like they were two halves of the same coin and they fit together perfectly.

JadEN nibbled her neck and bit down gently with his teeth. That was all she needed to come again. “JadEN!”

When he released her neck he smiled. “You grip me so tightly, I can’t get enough of that.”

She gasped as he grounded himself into her arching his back as his seed shot forward deep within her.

“Rose!” The way he said her name made her feel full of feminine power. She made him feel like this, crazy with need for her.

“Beautiful mate, you pull everything from me and I don’t care. I would give it all to you again and again. Take it all. I am nothing without you.”

No man had every said anything that romantic to her before. His words washed over her making her feel fresh, new and…loved.

He kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, her chin, and then her lips. He tasted her tears. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m just so happy.” She half cried and half chuckled.

He smiled down at her. “I am too. I didn’t think I would ever feel this much happiness. You are a miracle to me, my miracle.”

“You are for me too. I love you, JadEN.”

“I love you, my mate. Forever.”








“What news do we have from StrykER?” Prime Leader KadEN asked Commander TylOR. They were in their command center alone, sitting at the table.

“Nothing. He is completely in the dark and on his own.” TylOR informed him.

“I thought we were tracking his comm link.”

“The rebels must have had him remove his clothing. We found it discarded a few miles south from the water tunnels.”

“They’re still on Kiljor then?”

“As far as we can tell, no shuttle or warship has left the planet’s atmosphere. They’re still here somewhere.”

“I want the planet closed. No one comes or goes from the planet without my direct approval. Anyone trying to leave the planet will be take into custody.”

TylOR nodded his head. “I recommend that the Katierans and the colonists close their planets for now as well. We still have a transport in route to the wormhole. Commander AshOR has halted his search for the Morins in order to escort the Katieran transport back. They have stopped to investigate a planet that the Morins recently visited.”

“Will your brother come through the wormhole with the transport?”

“I don’t know. I will meet him there to get a full report.”

“I pray to the Goddess for his safe travels.”

“I do too.”


AshOR walked on the rubble of what once used to be a home. He knew there were similar destroyed villages all over the planet. Bodies were found everywhere he looked. Villages and forests had been burned down to nothing but ash. Animals slaughtered and their carcasses strewn across the dirt roads. He found children dead and fought the urge to throw up.

He prided himself as a tough warrior. He had seen battle before. But never had he seen a people ravaged. The planet had been stripped of natural resources and nothing was left untouched. The Morins had become the very disease that they had tried to kill his people with many years ago. All that remained was devastation. He swore to himself that he would hunt every last one of the Morins down if it was the last thing he did.

“Such a waste.” A female’s voice whispered from behind him.

He turned to find the Earth female Ava Collins standing behind him. Her long blonde hair was pulled up on top of her head and her pale blue eyes were filled with tears.

“Why are you here?”

“I worked for the disaster relief teams on Earth. I wanted to come and see if there was something I could do to help. I’m used to dealing with stressful situations that come with disasters like this and I’m really good at organizing a search and rescue.”

“I doubt your aid is needed. There isn’t much left here.”

“Commander AshOR!” One of the lieutenants called out.

AshOR turned his back on the female. He had to concentrate on his task at hand. He was there to look for any signs of life. He couldn’t allow himself to be distracted by the lovely female. “What is it?” He walked over to where one of his lieutenants knelt on the ground by a caved rooftop.

“I detect two people inside, barely alive.”

AshOR ordered some of the other lieutenants over to help. They lifted the heavy roof made out of large logs tied together. To his displeasure Ava was there helping the team pull out the bodies from inside. The first to be recovered was a young female about ten years of age that was badly bruised and barely breathing.

“She’s still alive. We need a medic here!” Ava called out. Then she looked over at the next body.

AshOR stared at the site of the male. One of his arms had been cut off and he was missing a foot. AshOR growled as Ava bent over the male to check his pulse. He had to be dead. No male could survive such an attack.

“Come on, open your eyes.” Ava whispered to the man on the ground.

“Ava, leave him.” AshOR ordered as he helped throw the rooftop to the ground.

The medics arrived and AshOR helped Ava stand and give them room to work. A few minutes later the medics working on the male called out, “We have a pulse!”

Goddess help the male. When he wakes and finds out what has happened to him and his entire species, there was no telling what the male would do. This could be bad.

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