Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3)

BOOK: Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3)
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2015 by Malary Christine

  This literary work may not be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, without express written permission
from the Author.

Kenzie, Adriana’s younger sister, is an
emergency room nurse at the local hospital.
After finding her last boyfriend with another woman, Kenzie jumps at the
chance to leave with Pakhi and Adriana.
The sexy Tolan might have swayed her decision a little, even though
never tell him that.

She wanted an adventure, and she has
certainly found one.
After the Rahu
tries to kidnap her, she finds herself with another race of people, the Kasei.
reunited with her family, she decides to stay on Sukara and visit Eliana.
Someone should have warned her about
promiscuous culture!


As charge nurse, Kenzie often worked the
night shift, and tonight was a bad one.
The trauma room overflowed from a three-car-pileup that happened on the
One patient had a broken
femur that would require surgery to set the bone.
Another had a punctured lung, and with his
chest tube in place, he was waiting for a bed in the ICU, as they were also
full. The list just kept getting longer, and
forget the colds, stomach viruses, and diaper rashes.
She had only been working at Memorial Hospital
for two years, and already she felt burnt out.
“Kenzie, please give Mr. Brewer 2mg of Morphine.
His side is hurting from the chest tube
She nodded at Dr. Smith and
headed to the medicine room.
It was
going to be a rough night.

Seven a.m. finally arrived and Kenzie
wait to leave.
She went to the locker room so she could change out of her nasty scrubs
that had germs, and who knows what else on them.
While leaving, she ran into Michael as she
rounded the corner.
“Kenzie, how have
you been?
I haven’t seen you around
He worked as a doctor in family
medicine, and she dated him for a while, until he cheated on her.
She has avoided him until now, unfortunately.

“I’ve been really good Michael, just
working a lot.”
She was lying to him of
They had been together for a
year when she found him in the hospital closet with another nurse from the
fifth floor.
She had suspected for some
time that he was seeing someone else, but until she opened the closet door, she
been positive.
Michael had been calling, coming to the ER, anything he could do to get
her attention.
He said he was sorry, and
wanted her back.
Of course, Kenzie told
him ‘no’.
She had learned her lesson to
many times, as he
the first boyfriend to
Men just
be trusted.
“I have to get home Michael,
but you take care.”
He grabbed her elbow
as she tried to leave.

“Kenzie, please talk to me.
I told you I was sorry, what else do you
He smiled that boyish smile that
had grabbed her attention in the beginning.
He was very handsome with his shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes.
He stood at six-feet tall and weighed about
However, once she found
him with his cock stuck inside someone else, looks
matter anymore.
Kenzie wanted someone
that would love her, and only her.
older sister Adriana had found that, although, he
from Earth.

“I told you Michael, I forgive you but I
can’t be with a cheater.”
He had a hurt
look on his face, but she
help it.
The sound of her phone ringing saved her from
this same old conversation.

“He’s here!”
Tears came to her eyes, as she knew exactly
what her big sister was saying.
months ago, Eliana and Adriana went missing.
Turns out, aliens kidnapped them and somehow Adriana made her way back
to Earth by accident.
Her sister had
married a man, an alien from somewhere called
and had always said that he would come for her, and he had.

“Kenzie, Pakhi’s here.
Can you come by later to meet him?
I also need to see you before I have to
She closed her eyes, as she knew
this day would come.
Her big sister
would leave and she would never see her or her niece

“Of course Adriana; I’ll be there as soon
as I can.”
Kenzie looked at Michael, “I
have to go.
I’ll see you around.”
She snatched her arm back and headed for the
door, ignoring him as he called out her name, as she
want to talk to him anymore.

Kenzie entered her rented one bedroom
It was close
by and
all she cared about.
She still had some boxes stacked up in the
The living room had a mismatched
couch and chair that she bought from the local thrift store.
much, and to be honest, she really just didn’t care about things like

She walked into her bedroom and headed
straight for her closet, not knowing what she should wear to meet her
Her niece was light
blue, and she was sure everyone there would look strange.
Adriana had told her that Pakhi was blue, but
she was still surprised when little
came out
looking like her father.
It took some
time to get used to, but she was always beautiful.
progressed at
a fast rate as she was walking and talking some, and she
even two months old.

She decided on the form fitting red dress
that stopped mid-thigh.
The neckline
showed some cleavage, but not much.
‘Maybe this will be good enough,’ she thought as she grabbed her keys and
headed out the door.


Chapter 2

Kenzie arrived at Adriana’s cottage around
She was a little late, but she
knew that Adriana
leave without saying
As she walked up to the door
and knocked, she admitted to herself that she was nervous, although she
sure why.
all the loud noise inside, she finally just let herself in, and then stood
silently as she took in the scene.

Adriana was in the arms of a blue man,
probably her husband Pakhi.
The more
Kenzie stared, the more she realized that
looked just like him, except for the hair.
He kept kissing Adriana on the forehead, and you could tell he
want to let her go.
What would it be like to have a man love you that much?
She noticed there was another blue man
standing behind Adriana’s husband, along with two other men that looked like
Native Americans.
The only noticeable
difference, they had solid dark eyes.
They could possibly pass as human if they wore very dark sunglasses as
those eyes screamed ‘alien’.
They were
all well-built muscular men, and she could see why Adriana would marry one of

Kenzie was standing there lost in thought,
when Adriana introduced her to Pakhi.
she looked up, she found his amber eyes staring at her.
“It’s nice to meet you Pakhi.”
She said politely as she offered a
He stared for a few moments
longer, probably for the same reason she stared back at him.
He looked so much like
and she looked a lot like Adriana.
had the same black hair and pale skin, but Kenzie’s hair was straight, her eyes
a little more on the blue side, and she was a couple inches shorter and about
five or ten pounds heavier.

Adriana introduced the others in the
The one named Tolan walked over,
and took her hand.
At his touch, her
heart felt like it would beat out of her chest. “Hi Tolan, it’s nice to meet
you.” She said in a whisper.
She looked
into his dark solid chocolate eyes and almost forgot to breathe, as they were
so mesmerizing.
She let her eyes roam as
she took in his hard, perfected body.
was a least six-feet-seven, and looked like he weighed about two-seventy.
She could tell he was all muscle as he wore a
sleeveless dark red shirt, with black form fitting pants, and had some type of military
boots on.
There was a sword on his right
side, and it made him look dangerous. She was still staring, when Adriana
startled her.

“He said it was a pleasure to meet
I forgot that you don’t have
Adriana looked at Pakhi.
“Can we get them some so my family can understand you all?”
He nodded, and then the other blue man
Kenzie jump back, startled,
but Tolan kept ahold of her hand.
worry Kenzie, you’ll get used to it.”
understand anything he said, but
smiled anyway.

Tolan saw the beautiful female as soon as
she entered the tiny cottage. Her striking blue-green eyes were the first thing
he noticed.
She had long straight black
hair that fell below her shoulders, and creamy alabaster skin that looked so
soft he needed to touch it.
She wore a
red dress that showed off her ample breast.
had a female since he had left
Sukara, and just looking at this enticing beauty was making him painfully
He walked over and took her hand
just so he could feel her skin.
It was
just as soft just as it looked.

Later that evening, after everyone had
translators placed, Kenzie was sitting with Tolan on the front porch.
It had a four-foot wooden swing, and she had
spent many hours there while growing up.
She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, and noticed that he
seemed fascinated with something as he looked around.
anything out of the ordinary.
Just trees
everywhere, as the cabin was secluded.
“It’s amazing; I just can’t get over the colors.
Your sky is blue, and you have a yellow
What an odd combination.”
He said, looking around, and then up.
“There are trees everywhere.”

“Well, we are in the mountains.
If you go to the cities, you want find near
this many.
My family has come here for
years when we want to get away, and Adriana wanted to live here for
safety, which I completely understand.”

look different than any of you.”
“What do you do here Kenzie?”
He asked as he turned to look at her.
He was so handsome and different with his
solid chocolate eyes, black hair that was slightly below his ears, and his
She abruptly brought her eyes
back up to his and found him grinning at her.
He had caught her ogling
his body.

She asked, horrified that he had caught her looking.

“What do you do here Kenzie?”
He asked again with a knowing smile. He was
ecstatic that she found him attractive, as he thought she was perfect with her
straight black hair, and beautiful blue-green eyes.
She had a little more weight on her than
Sukaraian females, but that just made her look soft and warm.

“I’m an emergency room nurse at Memorial
She said with pride clearly
heard in her voice.

“What is that?
I don’t understand nurse or hospital.”
He asked with such curiosity that it made her
feel good that he was interested.

“A hospital is a place where the sick and
injured are taken to.
The doctors give
orders, and the nurse carries them out.
I have worked there for two years.
It’s the first job I applied for when I finished college.”
that was
enough of an explanation.

“Ah, I understand, we have those to.
We call them healers, and they have
stop staring at her even when Dar walked out to join them.

Almost feeling claustrophobic with Dar
sitting across from her, and Tolan beside her, she glanced at both men.
Dar had a grin on his face as he watched
even imagine what was running through his mind.
“So, what have you two been talking about?”
He asked.

She said
with a straight face and then laughed at his odd expression.
“Sorry, we were talking about trees and how
different things are here.
Earth looks a lot different from Sukara.”
He still had a strange look until a mischievous smile broke across his
Most nurses had an odd sense of
humor, and after seeing various body parts every day from patients, she

“Yes, it certainly does.
Maybe you would like to see our planet?”
He asked, as she sat stunned.
She was sure he registered the surprise on her
face, as she had never even entertained the idea of leaving Earth.

“What’s it like?”
She asked with curiosity.

“Well our sky is certainly not blue, it’s
pale yellow.
Our grass is blue, not
green, and our flowers are all different colors.
You could return with us and see if for
know if he was serious or not, but a seed had definitely been planted.
Dar made her feel comfortable but Tolan made
her heart race.

“Well that’s something to think
Tolan and Dar loved females, and
they would take all of them back with them if they could, especially if they
were as beautiful as Kenzie.

“You should think about it, we will be
leaving in one moon cycle.”
Moon cycles,
hmm, the moon rotates the Earth in one day, so maybe he means they are leaving
tomorrow she thought with sadness.
she would give it some thought.

When Adriana first went missing, Kenzie
had almost went crazy.
Even though they
were sisters, they were also good friends.
She had spent a lot of time with Adriana, Eliana, and Stacey over the
years, so she was lost when Eliana and Adriana
Stacey had tried to talk to her
but she just ignored her.
She knew what
Stacey had done to Eliana, and she had cut all ties with her.
Now Adriana would be leaving again, and taking
her precious niece with her.
She was
lost in thought when her big sister came outside.

“Kenzie, I was wondering if you could do
me a big favor.”

“Sure, what do you need?”

“When I was eating with Pakhi’s family, I
told them I missed pizza.
I tried to
describe it, but
sure I didn’t do it justice.
Well, Pakhi never forgets anything, so he wanted to know if it would be
possible to have some.
I don’t have
enough food here to feed everyone anyway, so….Would you mind running into town
and grabbing some for us?”

“Sure, how many do you want, and what
She asked while getting her keys

“I’m not sure, how about three cheese,
three pepperoni, and five supreme, do you think that will be enough?”
She looked at the two big men outside and
knew there were three more inside along with her family, so no it

“No I don’t.
Have you seen how big these men are?
They could probably eat a cow each.”
Adriana gave her the ‘behave look’.
“Why don’t you call in five of each kind, and
I’ll run down to J’s and pick them up.”
She noticed that Tolan stood up.

“Mind if I go with you?”
He shocked her by asking.
How could she possibly take him?

“Have you looked in a mirror lately?
Your eyes kind of scream ‘alien’.”
He just gave her a look that said
going, so deal with it.

Kenzie said to Adriana, “Go ask dad if
Tolan can borrow his dark sunglasses.”
She then looked at Tolan “You have to stay in the car, and you can’t
take off the sunglasses for any reason.”
He nodded in agreement.


While Kenzie was driving down the road,
Tolan was amazed at his surroundings.
The animals were so different.
She pointed out various creatures to him such as cows, dogs, a
groundhog, and she called the animal that ran out in front of them a deer.
He had never seen any other creatures like these.
As they drove, it was very wooded,
turned to farmlands, and then there were more and more
Earth was very colorful, odd
but colorful.

As they entered town limits, he noticed
all the structures and the signs, but he
Kenzie explained each one and
As they
pulled into a small area in front of another structure, she turned toward
“Stay in the car, and I’ll be right
She exited as he sat there and
The people of this planet were so
They really did come in all
shapes and sizes, just like Eliana had described.

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