Khan (13 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

BOOK: Khan
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Bolder now, she moved to her pussy and
put two of her fingers deep. Using her other hand, she opened her nether lips
so she could touch herself better and to let Khan see her. She had no idea what
she was doing, but it felt so good she didn’t stop. Suddenly, her hands were
brushed aside and Khan was taking her into his mouth.

She came the moment he bit down on her
clit. Screaming out his name, she curled her hand into his hair and held him to
her as she rode his mouth. Each time he nipped at her, bringing her close, he
would slow until she was calm. She decided the next time she played with him,
she was going to do it from very far away.

“I have to be inside of you. Now.” He
lay on his back and pulled her down. “Ride me. Ride me like you were your
fingers. I want to feel you come on me this way.”

She lowered herself over his cock
slowly. She knew that he wanted her to hurry, but he didn’t push her. When she
was seated over him as far as she could go, he grabbed her hips and showed her
how to ride. When she leaned forward, using his chest as a brace, he reached up
and squeezed her nipples until she thought she was going to die from the
pain/pleasure of it. When she came this time she had no buildup; Khan had
jerked her over the edge by leaning up and biting her breast hard. Even as he
suckled from her, she felt his cock shoot his cum deep. When he rolled her to
her back, he lifted her legs to his shoulder and leaned into her.

“Cum again. I want you to cum with me inside
you this deep.”

Her body did as he commanded and she saw
stars burst behind her eyelids. When he came this time, he cried out her name
and said that he loved her.

Khan lifted his weight off her and let
her legs fall to the floor. She couldn’t move, and apparently he couldn’t very
well either. After he reached up and pulled the afghan off the back of the
couch, he covered them both and pulled her into his arms. She heard his snores
seconds later. Resting her head on his chest, she closed her eyes too and
wondered what the household would think when they found them there.

Chapter Eleven

Tony watched the news again and again.
Each time, he was not mentioned. He held his cell phone in his hand in the
event that the ringer was broken, waiting for someone to call him and let him
know what was going on.

His parents were dead.

He wanted to go back home, to see for
himself that they were really dead, but something held him back. Flashes of
fireplaces and cheese kept him away. He had looked at the bloodied shirt and
wondered if someone had tried to kill him as well and he’d gotten away. Then
the story of the hotel manager came on.

He didn’t know why that place gave him
head pains. The front of it was marked off in yellow police tape as well. But,
again, something kept him from there. It was the place where he’d talked to
Monica, but there was something else. Something that he didn’t want to

When a commercial came on, he moved to
the bed and curled in his ball. He stuck his thumb in his mouth and lay there,
curling his fingers in his hair. It didn’t calm him as much as it had before. Something…Monica
was keeping him from resting.

She hadn’t helped him like he’d thought
she would. She’d been like the others. They only wanted to take and take until
there was nothing left for him. And Tony had decided it was time to take
himself back. Rolling to his back, he continued to suck his thumb. She would
have to be dealt with.

Like the others, she needed to be
punished. Not to be gone, but like the others, she needed to learn that he wasn’t
to be played with. He needed her and she’d failed him. Tony looked at the
television again when another news story came on. This one was about an
accident, but it didn’t hold his attention or upset him like the other stories
had. This one he could watch.

“Where are you?” He looked around the
room, wanting someone to answer him. “I’ve been good. I want you all to just
leave me alone.”

He lay back down and stuck his thumb in
his mouth. They never would and he knew it. Tony started on his calm words and
only got to three before he got up and went to the television. Screaming at it
hadn’t helped earlier, and turning it off hadn’t as well. Someone had come in
and turned it right back on again. Tony couldn’t win.

Reaching under the mattress, he pulled
out the gun. He’d found it in his mother’s house, and he…he couldn’t remember
when he’d found it, but now it was his. All of her stuff and his father’s was
now his. Rubbing the barrel over his cheek, he thought that it was something he
could do forever. The smooth, cool metal over his cheek made him happy. Happy
in ways that he’d not been since… He shut out the thought of happiness and
thought of the gun and the way it made him feel.

But he had it for a reason and he was
ready to find her and use it. Glancing at the television, he froze. He knew
her. That woman he knew. Crawling on his hands and knees to get closer, he
watched her speak in the microphone. She was talking about his father and his

“They were well liked, and the community
will feel the loss of them for many, many years to come. Senator Barr had
served several terms on the seat until his retirement earlier this year. He
will, like his wife, be sorely missed.” She turned to someone to her left and

“Do you have any leads on the killer? Anything
you can tell the press?”

The camera panned to a little man with a
hat on. Then back to the woman before she spoke.

“We are pursuing a lead now and have
gotten all the men working overtime to find their killer. And we will bring
this person to justice. I can tell you that the murders were brutal and the act
of one person. No one else was at home when the murders occurred.” She pulled
up a picture and showed it to the camera. “If anyone has any information on
this vehicle, please contact my office. We are only asking to speak to this
individual; that is all at this time.”

Tony got up and looked out the window to
his hotel room. He was much too far up to see down to the parking garage, but
he was pretty sure his car had been stolen. That lady, Caitlynne Bowen, had
shown his car on television and had not told anyone who he was.

He was standing at the door when he
glanced at the television again. He nearly fell over getting back to it. There
she was, his Monica. He watched her as two men stood next to her. Two men he
didn’t…peering closer, he
know one of them. Tony beat on his head
trying to remember where. He had a feeling it was important, but the more he
beat on his head, the more he couldn’t remember. Going to the bed, he crawled
into it and curled up.

“Remember, remember, remember. Calm
thoughts, Tony, calm thoughts. Rain, sunshine, flowers, cats, dogs. Calm, Tony,
calming thoughts. He was on his fourth list of calm words he’d been using for
the past two days when he remembered. “Ah ha. You were in her room when I went
there to speak to her.” He looked at the television and they were all gone. The
news was over and his Monica was gone. He knew that he’d not be able to rewind
it or to make it come back, but he knew where she was now. His Monica was with
that woman Bowen.

This time when he went to the door, he
had packed up all this things. He decided to leave his bloodied shirt behind. He
wasn’t even sure now that it was his. And since he wasn’t sure, he wasn’t going
to soil his clothes with that one.

His car was still there. Tony couldn’t
really believe now that he’d thought the one that the Bowen woman was showing
everyone was his. He hadn’t left the hotel for…the pain in his head made him
stop thinking about it, and he got in his car. Smiling, he drove out of the
garage and onto the street.

Getting to the house proved to be
difficult. He couldn’t remember names of streets, and the house number and
street name kept skittering away when he tried to recall it. He thought about
stopping and asking for directions, but that, too, hurt him. He finally had to
pull over and crawl into the back seat to close his eyes. As soon as he closed
his eyes, he drifted away.

He’d been five when they’d put him away
the first time. He’d done something bad, really bad. But his mind wouldn’t, or
couldn’t, he didn’t know which, let him see it. There was a crib and a little
pink dolly. But he’d spent a long time there and it wasn’t too bad. It was when
he’d been a teenager that he’d really been afraid.

He didn’t know why he’d woken up there. He’d
been in his bed the last time he could remember anything and had been jarred
awake in That Place. That Place is how he thought of it when he did. And when
he did, he always had bad dreams. Horrible, screaming dreams that made him hurt
for days.

They had tied him down at first, and no
amount of begging would get them to call his father. He’d begged so much that
they’d finally put a gag in his mouth. And shutting him up wasn’t the only
thing they’d used that nasty thing for.

When he’d been there a few days, a nurse
came to him and told him it was time for his treatments. He had no idea what
that meant. His mother had treatments too, but it usually meant her hair or her
body needed to be changed. This treatment wasn’t a treat at all.

Tony shifted on the seat and moaned. He
knew he was sleeping, but he could also hear things going on around him. He
drifted back to the dream when he realized it was nothing more than a horn
beeping somewhere close.

They had tied him to a metal bed. He
knew it was metal because it had been cold and hard. When they tightened the
gag—a ball on a leather strap—into his mouth, he had screamed around it. But no
one would listen to him. When the doctor came in and—

He came awake screaming. He hurt now as
he had then. A thirteen-year-old boy should not have to do that, he thought,
and held his head in his hands. The blood that poured from his nose and ears
made him afraid, but he didn’t leave the back seat. He knew that if he did,
they’d take him back there. He had to find his Monica and make her pay.

This was all Monica’s fault.


Monica sat in the living room and stared
at the two men with her. At least one person was with her all the time and when
there was no one in the house, as there wasn’t now, there were two. And she was
pissed about it.

“It’s to keep you safe,” Khan had told
her when she went to him last night. “You can’t expect me to like the fact that
we’re using you as bait to catch a madman. I agreed to this on the condition
that you had a bodyguard. And you’ll abide by this for me.”

She didn’t like it, but knew that he
wasn’t going to relent. She eyed the younger man and decided to practice on
him. He seemed to be nice, but she was bored and pissed.

Reaching out to his mind, she made him
scratch his head. When he did it, she was delighted. Off and on for an hour she
played with him. Nothing dangerous, but just enough fun to keep her from
storming over to him and punching him in the nose.

“What is he doing?”

The voice startled her and she looked
over at George.

“Is he really dancing with a mop?”

He looked at her and winked. She flushed,
pulled out of the younger man’s mind, and put him back to rights. She was glad
that George didn’t ask about the lampshade on his head when the man put it

“Having a little fun, are you? I had a
long talk with Dylan and he told me about his visit. Thank you for that.”
George sat down beside her. “You want some real company?”

“Yes, and what are you thanking me for?
He helped
, not the other way around.” She liked the elder Bowen, both
of them, as a matter of fact. “What are you doing here? I thought you and Mrs.
Bowen were told to stay home.”

“We were. But like you, we got bored. And
we wanted to see that new show at the theater. I so love going to plays and
operas in this town.” He patted her on the knee. “I’m thanking you for not
freaking out when Dylan had his talk with you and for giving him the push to
tell us. It was quite a shock, but we’re so happy for him. Both of you, really.
Are you…” He looked over at the young man again. “Ah, practicing, were you? Good.
It might be helpful if you have that.”

“Khan is mad because they decided the
best way to bring this man to justice is to use me as bait. He thinks I only
agreed to this to make him pissy. I didn’t. He has enough about me that makes
him pissy without me trying to add to it.” She looked over at George when he
laughed. She smiled with him.

“He is a mite protective, is he? Gets
that from me. I used to drive my Corrine to madness when we were first mated. Wouldn’t
let her out of my sight for any reason. Near drove the people she worked with
batty too.” He grinned huge. “She had me arrested.”

“I most certainly did not. Hello, dear.
How are you fairing with this old fool?” Corrine kissed her on the cheek and
sat across from them. “You really should learn to tell the story correctly if
you want to remember the details every time. I had him pulled into the station
to have him talked to. The young officer at the time is now the chief of police
in our town. Terrance is a good man.”

George nodded. “Yes, he is, but a pain
in my ass too. You should have heard the things he said to me. Told me that
stalking is a crime and that I would end up on the wrong end of a gun if I didn’t
cease and desist. Damned man even had the nerve to tell me that marrying the
girl wouldn’t change the facts, but it might make her a tad bit easier on me.”

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