Khronos (Hanover and Singh Book 3) (4 page)

Read Khronos (Hanover and Singh Book 3) Online

Authors: Chris Paton

Tags: #Steampunk Alternative History

BOOK: Khronos (Hanover and Singh Book 3)
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“We don’t want any trouble, Miss,” the crewman nodded at Hari. “Can you tell your friend that?”

“I think they might just let us go, Hari,” Luise smiled at the crewman.

“Oh, we will,” the crewman turned to look at the men behind him. “We can even introduce you to the Captain.”

“Wait a minute,” Hari shifted his hand to the pommel of his kukri.

“Only if you want to,” the man raised his hands higher. “It was just a suggestion.”

“What is he like?” Luise gestured for the man to lower his hands.

“Well, Jacques knows him best,” the crewman pointed behind Hari and Luise.

“I think I probably do,” Jacques approached them with his hands held high.

“You can put your hands down, Jacques,” Luise let go of Hari and fiddled with the buckles and straps of her satchel. “Tell us about him, and the ship.” She bumped into Hari as the airship lurched. The crewmen exchanged glances. Jacques stared at Hari.

“Your clothes,” Jacques pointed at Hari’s sandals and robes, “my brother described clothes like that when he came back from Afghanistan.”

“Truly?” Hari tucked his hands around his belt. “Your brother was a soldier?”

“Yes,” Jacques nodded. “He was with the King’s Royal Electric...”

“Rifles,” Hari smiled. “I know these men.”

“Of course,” Jacques shrugged, “they should have changed the name at the coronation of the queen, but my brother said they were too stubborn.”

“As one has to be, in the mountains of Afghanistan,” Hari glanced at Luise. “And clever,” he added, grinning.

“Perhaps,” Jacques gestured at the crewmen behind him, “if these men can come in and tie down the crates, I can tell you a bit about the Captain while they work?”

“Of course,” Luise stepped aside to let the men pass. She whispered to Hari, “This is a lot easier than you imagined, isn’t it?”

“Truly,” Hari stepped into the corridor. Luise joined him as the men lifted coils of ropes from where they hung on from the metal struts criss-crossing the cargo hold.

“The Captain,” Jacques steadied himself with a hand on the doorframe, squinting as he stepped into the brightly lit corridor, “is a quiet man. Fair and rational. I’ve never seen a more steady hand on the wheel, which is a good thing considering this storm is of a character unlike what we’ve seen before. Right lads?”

The crewmen grunted their agreement as they looped and tied the ropes through eyelets in the grille walkway and through holes in the struts. Cinching the ropes tight, they worked their way along the walkway, securing the crates and cases to on each side.

“What is the Captain’s name?” Luise bumped against Hari as
The Flying Scotsman
listed to port.

“Cairn,” Jacques grinned.

?” Luise steadied herself.

“Aye, he has no other name.”

“And yours?” Hari reached out his hand.

“Jacques McGhan,” he shook Hari’s hand. “The Captain is my uncle, on my father’s side. He was a Scot. My mother was French Canadian.”

“Well, Jacques,” Hari let go of the man’s hand. “Perhaps we should meet your uncle. If he is as fair and rational as you say, perhaps he will look favourably on a couple of stowaways looking for safe passage out of the country.”

“Oh, I doubt it,” Jacques shook his head as he led Hari and Luise to the stairs. “The Captain is terrible fierce when it comes to stowaways on his ship.”

“Really?” Luise glanced at Hari.

“Oh, yes,” Jacques began to climb the stairs. “The last time we had stowaways, he had them thrown overboard.”

“Then why...”

Jacques turned at the top of the stairs. He sat down on the top step and looked Hari and Luise in the eye. “My uncle
the Captain, but there is another man,” Jacques shuddered, “some German who is ordering my uncle about something terrible. Him and his men. They are under orders from their government and have kind of taken control of
The Scotsman
.” He paused. “You’ve met the boys.”

“Yes,” Hari frowned.

“Big as they are, well, you can hardly call them brave now, can you?”

“What are you saying, Jacques?” Luise held onto the banister as the airship returned to an even keel.

“My uncle has some physical difficulties – he is missing an arm – and this slows him down sometimes. That and the terrible cough he has raging on his chest. But he always says he became successful by making the most out of every opportunity, even the most unexpected.” Jacques lips spread into a wide grin. He pointed at Hari’s kukri and then looked from Hari to Luise. “I think I have just found an opportunity to help my uncle even the odds and get his ship back.”


Chapter 3


The Flying Scotsman

Somewhere over the North Sea

May, 1851


In the space between the cargo deck and the first of three cabin decks, Hari and Luise ducked around the metal ribs and spars spanning the lifeboat section of the airship. His back bent, Hari paused by the side of a small hydrogen balloon, one of many running either side of the space. Leaning over the safety rail, Hari glimpsed the sea far below them through a break in the clouds.

“We’ve got fifty-two lifeboats,” Jacques joined Hari at the railing. “These small balloons have enough lift in them to carry two passengers each, three if they are slight like yourself, miss,” Jacques smiled at Luise as he tugged at the leather bucket-seat harness attached to the balloon.

“How far will they fly?” Hari pressed his palm against the thin fabric.

“Well they don’t fly as such,” Jacques scratched his head. “If you release the hydrogen then they will descend, but there is no means of filling them again. It’s a one way trip.”

Hari turned to look at Jacques. “What if you release too much or all of the hydrogen from the balloon?”

“Well, then it is a very quick trip. Isn’t it?”

“I suppose it is,” Hari pulled at the leather harness.

only lifeboats,” Jacques stepped away from the railing. “A last resort.”

“Come on, Hari,” Luise curled her hand around Hari’s arm.

“Wait, Luise. What have you done with the machine?”

“While you were getting acquainted with Jacques, I forced open the bottom crate in our den,” Luise grinned, “and stuffed it inside.”

“We must not forget it.”

“Don’t look so worried, Hari. We won’t forget it.”

“But, if it is found...”

“If it is found, it will appear to be nothing more than a curious object with very little use.”

“And if someone decides to experiment with it and crank the handle?”

“They would struggle with that,” Luise patted the satchel. She paused. Pressing her fingers to her brow, she shook her head and smiled at Hari. “Honestly, Hari. After all we have been through, you think I would just let anybody get a hold of my impediment machine?”

“No, I suppose not.” Hari burped. “I am sorry, Luise. I am not entirely accustomed to flying.”

“Are you going to be all right?”

“Yes,” Hari looked at Luise. He nodded. “Truly.”

“If you say so.” Luise took Hari’s arm. “Let’s keep going.”

Jacques waited for them at the foot of a metal ladder rising up from the walkway and through an oval hatch above them. Climbing the rungs of the ladder, Jacques opened the hatch and led Luise and Hari onto the lower accommodation deck.

Adjusting her satchel after the climb, Luise marvelled at the plush red carpet lining the corridor between the cabins as Hari joined them. Her eyes reflected the soft glow of the sodium crystal lamps burning inside the glass bulbs above each door. Hari followed her gaze.

“This is the economy deck,” Jacques closed the hatch, pressing the handle flush with the carpet. He stood up. “The cabins are a bit poky,” he whispered, “but the view is actually pretty good, especially through the toilet.”

“The toilet?” Hari searched Jacques’ face for the punch line.

“I mean it,” Jacques nodded. “You can see all the way down to the ground.” Pausing for a moment, Jacques looked up and down the corridor. His gaze lingered over a large clock at the far end. “Lunchtime. We should be able to get up to the bridge while everyone is eating. It’s this way.”

“What does he mean about the toilet?” Hari quizzed Luise as they walked along the corridor, bracing themselves against the cabin doors when the airship pitched in the wind.

“Never mind, Hari. He is getting away again.”

“We’ll take the spiral staircase. It’s quicker,” Jacques pointed at the stairs spiralling up toward the ceiling. “It’ll take us through decks two and three. Deck three is where the Germans are quartered, but they should be in the dining room now. All the same, the staircase comes out on deck four, right by the side of the buffet table. If you have to run for it,” Jacques paused, “then I can slow them down. Just keep running forwards,” he pointed with both hands toward the front of the ship. “There’s a large metal door with a porthole in it. That’s the door to the bridge. It opens outwards,” he added.

“And what do we do on the bridge?” Luise studied Jacques’ face.

“Talk to my uncle,” Jacques shrugged.

“The idea, as I understood it, Jacques, was that you would present us and your grand plan for not getting us thrown overboard.”

“That’s right, miss. But if I am slowing the Germans down, well...”

“We will improvise,” Hari sighed. “Come on then. Lead on.”

Decks two and three sped them on their way with the scent of potpourri and wood varnish. Jacques slowed as they spiralled up the stairs and onto deck four. Rising from the stairwell, Hari and Luise stared at the hot and cold dishes tipping within gimbals recessed in large oak tables. The passengers rocked with the buffeting of the airship, holding onto the tables, calming their nerves with tiny glasses of tea.

“It’s always worse up here, in bad weather,” Jacques explained. “All the weight is beneath us.”

“Truly,” Hari slipped his hand over his mouth.

“Hari?” Luise climbed onto the next step and smoothed her hand on his cheek.

“I will be fine,” Hari took a shallow breath. “But, perhaps we can move away from the buffet. Where is the bridge?”

“That way,” Jacques pointed. “But there’s a table of Germans between us and the door.”

“It won’t be a problem,” Luise nodded at the passengers. “Everyone is trying not to be ill – Hari included.” Tugging Hari behind her, Luise pushed past Jacques and swayed across the deck past the buffet tables, the dishes squeaking to the rhythm of the storm.

“Luise,” Hari paused to match his step to the motion of the deck. “One of the Germans is staring at us.” Luise let her hair fall over her eyes, peering between the strands of her fringe as they closed on the table. “He is getting up,” Hari hissed.

At the German’s table between them and the bridge, a bald man rose from his seat, the buttons of his uniform straining to close his uniform jacket. He stared at Hari.

“Come on, Hari,” Luise moved faster.

The passengers seated on the starboard side of the dining room cried out as
The Flying Scotsman
healed over, spilling drinks into their laps and providing those who had yet to close their eyes with a spectacular view of white crests of the waves churning the sea far below them. Hari and Luise slid to the right, stopping only when Hari hooked his arm around a support beam in the middle of the room. The German officer staggered into a table for two, spilling the male passenger’s drink. Steadying himself, palms on the table, he apologised in a rough English accent.

“Now, Hari,” Luise pressed forward as the airship began to right itself. The German pushed himself off from the table, and staggered across the floor toward Hari and Luise.

“It’s all right Herr Blom,” a short man stepped in front of Hari and Luise, blocking the German officer’s path. “I know these people. They are my f-friends.”




Admiral Reginald Egmont ret. paced around the stuffed armchairs in The Blue Drawing Room of Buckingham Palace. Steam piffed out of piston-powered brass leg attached to the stump below his right knee. Cursing through his bushy white beard, Egmont stopped occasionally to scowl at the wiry old man cleaning his glasses in the armchair closest to the door.

“My dear Admiral,” Smith examined his glasses in the soft glow of the sodium lamps. Slipping them onto his face, Smith pressed the bridge higher onto his nose with the tanned index finger of his left hand. “Are you going to slow down? You will run out of steam,” he glanced at Egmont’s brass leg, the cushioned suspension pad in the tip forcing a cloud of steam from the exhaust valve with each of the Admiral’s steps.

“Don’t start, Smith,” Egmont pointed a stubby finger in Smith’s direction. “We’re not in Calcutta. Your Indian Office of Cartography has no jurisdiction here.”

“Admiral,” Smith sighed. “After all we have been through, you choose this moment, in this very establishment, to question the jurisdiction of my office? Come now, Reginald. You are tired. It has been a long day.”

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