Killer Among Us (8 page)

Read Killer Among Us Online

Authors: Adriana Hunter,Carmen Cross

Tags: #erotic thriller, #bondage, #submissive, #domination, #bdsm erotica, #dungeon, #erotic horror, #bdsm horror, #bdsm thriller, #thriller and mystery, #bdsm absolute power

BOOK: Killer Among Us
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Sophie could feel his girth, it frightened
her a little but he waited for her to decide she was ready, a move
that made her fears subside. She lifted her ass off of the table,
gliding her soaked slit further along the throbbing thickness of
his organ. She could feel the stretching sensation but the friction
that his member was generating made every other consideration

Kane tried to hold back but her tight and
oiled channel urged him on and he closed his eyes, pushing forward
in slow increments until he was buried deeply inside her. They
began a slow but demanding rhythm, one that left them both gasping
with pleasure. Passion rose and crested and Kane thrust harder, the
muscles in his ass cheeks flexing as he held himself up on his
strong forearms, looking down at her face. Her eyes were
half-closed and her mouth parted, he could see the gleam of her
teeth behind her scarlet lips. A thick red tide crept up her neck
and lower jaw, her teeth clenched together and her heels dug into
the table as she writhed and drove her hips into his.

Good girl,” he whispered
to her, “That’s a good girl, give it to me. Give it to me right
now, come on my cock. Show me how much you like this.”

She came. The orgasm was sudden and intense
and it left her gasping and sobbing as it rolled through her body.
She could feel his ass tightening and his back muscles growing taut
below her grasping fingers then his cock twitched and jumped inside
of her as his seed spilled into the condom.

They lay together, their bodies cooling. For
a long time Sophie wasn’t aware of anything else, then slowly she
became conscious of the fact that there were people gathered in
quiet clumps around the door and that all of them were looking on
with eyes that said that not only did they approve of what had just
happened, they were turned on by it as well.

Shame hit her. She had been fucking in
public like a common whore. Tears streaked down her face and she
tried to shove him away. Kane, seeing what was distressing her,
slid off the table and asked, in quiet tones, if he could please
have some privacy for his sub’s after care. Those words acted like
a magic spell, everyone vanished. Sophie huddled on the table, bent
over in an attempt to hide her nudity and he reached for a small
blanket that lay on top of the stack of them at the head of the

He wrapped her in it and smiled at a young
girl who brought in a tiny tray with a bottle of water and few
pieces of chocolate and a paper plate filled with cut fruit. She
winked at him and left silently.

Kane helped Sophie to clean herself then he
helped her to dress. In between he gave her hugs, water and food.
By the time he cleaned the table with the spray bottle filled with
a solution for that purpose and a wad of paper towels she was no
longer weeping or even upset. She wasn’t calm either; she wasn’t
certain what she felt. Physically she was sore: her pussy gave off
a slight burning ache and her ass did as well but overriding those
things were the sheer bliss that made her feel weak in the knees
and drowsy.

She was surprised at how few people were
left in the club. A quick glance down at her watch showed her why;
it was nearly four in the morning. She let Kane lead her outside
but she stopped him when he lifted a hand to hail a cab.

I drove,” she pointed to
her battered old car. “I don’t know why I don’t get rid of it. I
was lucky as hell to get a parking space here and I’m probably
never going to find one near my place ever again.”

Do you mind if I drive you

She shook her head and went to the passenger
door. He opened it for her, she had never had anyone open a door
before and she stood in the way, not sure what he was doing and
then she backed up, almost falling over the curb while trying to
give him room. His hand on the small of her back made her feel warm
and comforted and when he pulled up in front of a small diner and
asked if she were hungry she said yes automatically and without

The diner smelled of onions and ground beef
sizzling on a super- heated grill. Very few people sat in the hard
chairs or crowded into the booths, the bright lights showed very
clearly the worn floors and the cracking Formica.

This place has been here
since the fifties and I doubt if they have ever remodeled it.” Kane
said as they slid into a cold booth. His hands plucked greasy menus
from behind a set of salt and pepper shakers and handed her one,
“On the other side of that the food is just what you come to diner
for: greasy, hot, fast and filling. Please tell me you’re not a
model in the making who thinks a sourdough muffin and a half of a
grapefruit is dinner.”

I’m not a model. People
keep asking me that.”

You could be. So what did
you bring you to the big city?”

I wanted a new life.”
Sophie kept her eyes down when she answered but he could hear the
truth in her voice.

He ordered two coffees and then asked if she
minded if he ordered breakfast, she said no and he smiled inwardly,
pleased at the small acquiescence. He ordered them French toast,
home fries and eggs over easy.

They sat in uneasy silence for a few
minutes, “I guess this is a little awkward,” Kane said finally.

Sophie laughed with relief. “It is. I mean,
I never let anyone…well you know.”

I do. And I thank you for
trusting me.”

Thank you,” she replied

The food came, the eggs were light and done
perfectly, the home fries were seasoned and crisp, and the French
toast was fluffy and coated with cinnamon and powdered sugar,
topped with rich clotted cream and strawberries and finished off
with a drizzle of caramel.

Kane watched her eat; enjoying the obvious
pleasure she took in her food. Her tongue licked out at her bottom
lip from time to time, catching some stray crumb or sweet morsel.
Outside a false dawn showed its pearly face against the steamy

Did you ever find out if
the…if I saw a…”

Yes, you saw the Creeper.
Or a copycat, we aren’t sure which yet.”

It’s pretty awful to think
there’s one killer, much less two.’

We’re going to get him.”
He felt the need to reassure her, even if he wasn’t so certain he
was speaking the truth.

Susan… a friend of mine,
she used to watch a lot of detective and crime shows.”

Yeah I hate those shows.
They sort of convinced people cops could solve cases and save
victims of kidnapping and serial killers all in an hour. The truth
is most of the equipment that they use on those shows is either
experimental or so expensive no one department can afford it and
everyone’s cases wait in line until they get done so half the time
you may have to wait months or even years to get a

Oh. Susan would have hated
to hear that.”

He heard the disappointment in her voice.
“Well we won’t tell her, will we?”

Her face instantly closed. He saw that
happen and his instincts told him that there was something there,
something painful. She changed the subject abruptly. “Are you from

No, upstate in Austerlitz.
I always loved the city though.”

She stared at him, “Austerlitz, the town
where Edna St. Vincent Millay lived?’

That’s the one. Are you a

I walked by Bedford
Street,” her face held a sheepish expression. “I always wanted to
see Steepletop though. Is it true all of her things are still
there, like the house is waiting for her to come back?”

Yes, it’s true. We could
drive up sometime, I couldn’t say we will go tomorrow because
tomorrow, well today now, the Feds are coming in to help with the
case and I’m not sure when my next day off will be.”

We could take my car,” she

Kane looked at her glowing eyes and realized
that he wanted to kiss her long and slow. His eyes shifted to the
clock over the counter and he groaned inwardly, time had gotten
away from him. “That’s a deal. In the meantime let’s get you

He walked her to her door and when she asked
how he would get home he shrugged and said he would cab it. He was
not at all tired, the adrenaline rush he had gotten from the scene
they had shared had jazzed him up and he knew he would not sleep
even if he did lie down. She waited, hoping he would kiss her but
all he said was, “Get inside and sleep well,” before stepping back
from her.

She closed the door, locked it and put her
back against it. Her mind was whirling with the night’s events and
when Sassy, woken up and grumpy, staggered out of the bedroom
dragging her owner’s robe with her she took that as a divine hint
to go to bed.

She was asleep before her head even hit the



Kane sat at his desk, staring at the report
he had taken the night he had met Sophie, and he swore softly. She
had given him a false name and he had never thought to check her
ID. She had used the name Nancy Boyd, Edna St. Vincent Millay’s
pseudonym, and given an address he knew was not hers. He wondered

He picked up his cell phone and called the
club, knowing that the man who owned it and who sat at the desk
would still be awake. After a long and very roundabout and discreet
conversation he got her real name and other information.

He sat there staring at the computer with
angry eyes after he ran a check on that name. Susan, the woman
whose name she had mentioned and whose ID she had used at the club,
was dead. She had committed suicide.

He stared at her mugshots, in some she was
blonde, in others she wore heavy black wigs or red ones. She looked
fresh faced, if angry and lost, in the first few, after that she
wore the same resigned and broken expression he had seen on dozens
of desperate addicts over the years.

Who was Sophie? That question nagged at him,
who was she and why did she feel the need to lie about who she was?
What was she hiding?

A small newspaper article on Susan caught
his eye, it mentioned a girl who had been in foster with her, a
young woman named Sophie but before he could research that further
Forrester strolled in.

The fact that the man was actually in the
office at eight in the morning was shocking; that he had shaved and
ironed his clothes was equally unusual. Kane felt the contempt that
always marked his feelings toward the other officer creeping in as
Forrester tossed himself into his chair and asked, “What’re you
working on, you got a lead?”

No, different case. I
thought I would try to back off and get some fresh perspective on
the Creeper that way.” Kane lied easily.

Huh,” Forrester said and
got up, wandering off to get some of the vile coffee that was
always scorching the bottom of the Silex pot.

I hate that guy,” another
officer said, “I heard he was good cop until his wife ran off but I
never knew him then.”

Forrester had a wife?”
Kane asked.

Yeah, she was a beauty
too, from what I hear. I guess she got tired of being a cop’s wife
or something.”

Most women get tired of
being a cop’s wife,” Kane said in a neutral voice.

There was a stir at the door and he looked
up. A woman with blonde hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and
trim figure that was visible under the conservative suit she wore
walked side by side with a man whose tired face and rumpled suit
could not make him seem any less impressive. He was John Hamm, one
of the FBI’s best profilers. The FBI had sent in the big guns.

The Captain came out of his office, a huge
grin on his face, a grin that could not disguise the fact that he
wasn’t at all happy to see the two people walking into his

Kane stood up and waited his turn to be
introduced saying hello and good to see you again to John, and
meaning it. The woman stood silent and he turned to her, pasting a
smile on his face.

Hello Janelle.”

Hello Kane.”

Silence spun out for a long second and he
wondered if everyone in the place was busy figuring out that the
FBI had sent his ex in to work with him on a case that was rapidly
spiraling out of control.

I’m Forrester,” the man
almost knocked Kane over getting to Janelle. His hand pumped hers
several times, and he held it a little too long. “Welcome to the

Kane winced and turned away, clicking the
window and browser on his laptop closed to avoid having to say
anything else.


Sophie woke up slowly. Her body ached, but
pleasantly so, and she stretched hard. Sassy whined at her and she
chuckled, reaching out to scratch her under her chin.

Well good morning darling,
how was your night?”

Sassy responded with a wounded little howl
that let her owner know in no uncertain terms she was feeling left
out and that she had to go out as well. Sophie got out of bed and
tossed on a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and sneakers. The dress she
had worn to the club lay over the small chair near the foot of her
bed and she paused, her eyes locked onto it while memories of the
night before flooded in. Shame brushed her, how could she have done
those things? Overriding that feeling was lust. The urge to put her
hands on her pussy, to cup it and squeeze the tender flesh made
heat flame into her cheeks and she grabbed the leash, determined to
out distance that thought.

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