Killer Diamonds (3 page)

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Authors: Michael Goins

BOOK: Killer Diamonds
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Chapter 2

              “Dice! Get up! You have to get ready for school!” Nano shook Dice for the second time. He had recently been released from prison and wanted to make an impression on his son as a father who was involved and cared.

“Aw Nano, do I have to go?”

“Yeah you got to go. You’re going to need an education to make it in the world.”

“A what?” Dice fought against the blankets to sit up.

“Just get up and don’t take that Gameboy to school,” Nano said as he walked towards the door.

“Man… shit…,” Dice grumbled barely audible.

Nano looked back sternly, “What did you say Dice?”

“Ain’t say nothing but dawg.”


              Tip was on Ridgeway leaving the better part of East Memphis where they lived. She had to drop Dice off at school for the second time and she was running late again. “What’s wrong baby? Are you mad at me,” Tip asked looking over to the passenger seat.

“No Ma’am.”

“Well you’ve been quiet all morning. I thought we were cool.”

“We are. It’s just…,” his words trailed off. Dice turned and looked out his window.

“It’s just what,” she asked concerned.

“It’s just that Nano is mean to me.”

Tip giggled to herself. “Is that why you’re so quiet?”

“Uh huh!”

“Ah baby, your father is not mean to you. He’s just trying to have a relationship with you and be the best dad he can.”

“Relacion ship? What he want that for?”

“First, let me explain what a relationship is. Ah… relationship is like what you and I have. Except his relationship with you will be man to man, or father to son.”                           

“So he’s like me God dad Hitman?”

“Something like that. His relationship with you will be different though because he’s your dad.”

“He don’t give me money like Hitman.”

Tip was overcome with laughter at that one. It took her a minute to gather herself. “A relationship is worth more than money. When you get older you’ll see.” She gave him a promising smile and turned her attention back to the road. She made a left turn on Hillcrest and Hillcrest Elementary came into view. She slowed down and pulled to the curb behind a blue Ford minivan. At least she wasn’t the only mother late she thought to herself. Tip surveyed the school. The last time she was late; two teachers had remained outside even though the school bell had already rung for class. She didn’t want to become known as the “late mom.”

To her surprise, she spotted her son’s best friend. He was standing alone off to the side. “There goes your friend. I guess he’s waiting for you.” Tip pointed at the boy standing in between two bushes. Dice quickly looked up. His friend Dontae was wearing a white V-neck sweater by Brooks Brothers. His 514 Levis were dark blue and actual fit properly. Tip thought he look adorable.

“I like that outfit Dontae has on.”

Tip made the statement hoping it would encourage Dice to change his clothing style. Dice was only interested in Coogi and Akoo. He’d pretty much adopted Hitman’s way of dressing. “Don’t even think about it Ma.” Tip sighed with her moment of hope gone.

“Okay, you have your lunch money?”

“Hitman gave me some money. I’ve got like fifty dollars.”

“How much of that did you put up,” she asked testing his math skills.

“Twenty-five. I can count Ma.”

“Okay, I’ll see you after school. Hurry up now, you’re already late.” Dice slid out of the two-door coupe BMW. “Hey, you forgot something,” she called after him. Dice was reluctant to look back; he figured she was talking about giving him a kiss in front of Dontae. When he looked back though he saw she was holding out his Gameboy.

“Nano said I couldn’t bring my game.”

“Nano doesn’t have to know everything.” She smiled and raised her brow.

Dice grabbed the game with a smile. “Dang Ma, you’re the coolest.” Tip almost melted at that. “Well give me a pound then.” Dice’s small fist met his mother’s well-manicured hand. He turned and dashed off. Tip waited until he covered the short distance to where Dontae waited. She could faintly overhear the conversation and Dontae asking Dice if he brought something. She heard him brag that his mom had snuck it out of the house for him. Dontae peered around Dice and smile while telling him he had the coolest mom. No one else’s mom would sneak out toys and give pounds instead of kisses. Dontae and Dice both waved at the BMW and Tip waved back. She knew that Dice bragged on her to his friends. She waited until the two had disappeared into the school building before pulling off. Next week, she decided; if everything went according to the plan, she would buy him something he could really brag about.


Chapter 3

“I have a job interview at the police department. I don’t want to pull up in no damn Chevy with rims. Those people will turn me around at the door. You should’ve bought a damn Cadillac or something, instead of throwing your money away on them wragley ass cars. You need to get some class,” Monique said with a hand on her hip.

“I know you ain’t up in here insulting me in front of my people. You’ve been in the them Chevys since you were walking around in them wragley ass Reeboks. Now you’re too good for my shit! You can drive my shit or pay for a cab.”

Monique looked at Time, and then she turned to look at Skillz who had a smirk on his face. Monique grabbed the keys to Time’s blue Caprice and stormed out the door. She would rather drive the Caprice than his Florida orange Donk.

“What’s up with her,” Time asked with a bewildered look on his face. “You just can’t satisfy women these days.” Time took a seat on the couch next to Skillz. “So what do you think about the lick,” he asked him.

Skillz sat up excited. “Boy, if we come off with that one, ain’t no looking back.”

“I know right. I’ll leave Nique’s ass with those Chevys she’s always complaining about.” They both laughed at that one.

“I feel you on that. I don’t see why you put up with her.”

“We got a daughter! That’s why I put up with it.” He was quiet for a minute before he continued. “She ain’t really a problem, it that’s Tip.”

Skillz already knew how Time felt about Tip. “You’re just saying that cause you want to fuck her.”

Time grabbed his crotch, “Damn, you’ve seen that ass on her!”

“Oh hell yeah! She super fine, I ain’t gonna lie. I wonder if that pussy any good.”

“You know it’s good. You see how Nano be about to get at you.”

“Nah, he be ready to get at you. You know, if Nano hadn’t come home, I would have had her.”

“Man, that girl wasn’t about to do nothing. You were wasting your time.”

“You think so?”

“I know so,” Skillz stated.

Time was lost in thought when Skillz broke in. “What do you think about keeping the diamonds?” Time looked at Skillz surprised by the notion. “What do you mean?”

“I mean us taking the diamonds from the group. That’s what I mean. You up for it?”

Time pondered on what Skillz had said. He looked at him wondering if he’d been planning the scheme since the meeting. “Tell me what you have in mind,” he told him.


              “This is 95% official,” Hitman said.

“You know I can’t catch another strike. Those people are going to strike me out. That five-year bid almost ended Tip and me. It’s hard to keep a family together behind the fence.” Nano took a sip of ginger ale in the passenger seat.

“I had your family covered.”

“I know man. Tip is like your sister and my son is like your son. Do you know how Dice handles me?”

“Don’t tell me.”

Nano ignored Hitman’s request. “He don’t call me Dad, Pops, or old man. He calls me Nano like the streets do. You know what he did this morning?”

“What,” Hitman asked already smiling. He knew Dice had some blunt remarks.

“The nigga cursed me.”

Hitman threw his head back in laughter.

“That ain’t funny man. He ain’t nothing but six years old.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry man.” Hitman grabbed his belly he was laughing so hard.

“You like that shit don’t you?”

“I do.” Hitman smiled. “You gotta love him. That’s my man.”

Nano smiled, “I do. I just don’t like him coming up the way we had to.” Nano looked over at Hitman. “Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate you being there for them.”

“It wasn’t a problem.”

Hitman turned the black Range Rover onto Beal Street. They were in downtown Memphis.

“So is this really it,” Nano asked.

“Yeah. I think if everything goes right, I’m leaving Tennessee. I’ll probably move to Texas. I heard they’ve got some fine ass senoritas down there. I’ll get a ranch and lay back. Probably buy some horses and shit. Let my cowgirls ride around on my land.”

Nano laughed. “What about Lendora? What are you going to do with her?” Lendora was Hitman’s girl; they had been together for twelve years. “Oh she’s coming. I have to have somebody to keep me and my ladies in check.”

Nano laughed and said, “Pull over there,” pointing.

“You going to buy me something,” Hitman asked him.

“No, I’m going to buy my son something. I’ve been pressing him lately.”

Hitman pulled into the parking lot and killed the engine. They were at an HHR Gregg Electronics store. Hitman pulled the keys from the ignition. “Hold up! I’ll go with you. I might as well buy him something too.”

“That’s the problem. That’s why he likes you better than me.

“Don’t worry about it Nano, he’ll come around. Believe me; he knows who his father is.”



“Mr. Dunlap, I’m talking about real fucking diamonds,” Ace said with excitement in his voice. Mr. Dunlap owned the pawnshop that sat next to the Peabody Hotel. He’d been the sole owner since his wife died fourteen years earlier. Craig and Ace were frequent visitors to his shop.

“Ace what do you know about diamonds,” Mr. Dunlap asked trying to hide his amusement.

“Shit! These diamonds are like the one Jacob had.”

Mr. Dunlap chuckled. “You see, that’s my point exactly.” He turned to Craig the more reliable of the two brothers. He knew Craig was the more down to earth of the two. “How much are these diamonds worth?”

“I heard sixteen point five million,” Craig answered nonchalantly.

Mr. Dunlap’s face lost the smile. He looked at Ace who was grinning and Craig who still looked casual. “Nobody has diamonds like that around here except old lady Sanco,” he told them. Ace’s smile broadened when he mentioned the multi-millionaire widow. “What the hell are you boys about to do?”


Chapter 4

Hitman’s black Range Rover was parked in the driveway when Tip’s house came into view. “I see your Godfather is here with your Daddy,” she said. Dice looked up from the passenger seat. “Yes,” he exclaimed getting excited. Tip pulled in behind the SUV. Before she could kill the engine, Dice had already slipped out of the car. He dashed into the house. When he made it inside, he saw his father and Hitman seated on the brand new burgundy sectional that Tip had purchased the week before Nano’s release.

“What’s up Hitman,” Dice asked doing his pimp stride towards them. He casually stepped with his right foot and dragged his left.

“Damn! You cool as hell nigga, what’s your name?”

“My name Dice baby!”

“Where you from,” Hitman asked smiling.

“What’s it to you?”

It was a game that Hitman and Dice liked to play with each other.

“You don’t see anybody else,” Nano broke into their back and forth.

“What’s up Nano,” Dice asked giving him a pound.

“I bought you something.”

Dice dropped his book bag from his shoulder and slid onto the couch between the two men. At the same time, Tip was making her entrance into the house. “Did you hear me Dice,” she asked. “Yes Ma’am,” he lied before turning his attention back to his father. “What did you buy me?” Nano pulled an iPad from behind his back and showed it to Dice.

“What’s that,” Dice asked with big eyes.

“This is an iPad.”

“What does it do?”

“You can download music on it. You can also play games and do your homework on it?”

“For real? I can listen to music and play games with it?” He could have cared less about being able to do his homework on it.

“Yeah, for real.”

Dice eyed Nano suspiciously. He thought Nano was trying to play a track on him. “Where are the buttons then?”

“It’s a touchscreen. It doesn’t need any buttons.”

“Wow man! Can I see it?”

Nano proudly handed it over. He was satisfied seeing how excited Dice became at his new gift. Dice examined the iPad and asked Nano, “Can I download Biggie and Pac on it?” Nano looked up at Tip and saw Tip was looking at Hitman.

“What do you know about Biggie and Pac,” Nano asked his son.

Dice looked at Hitman innocently and then back to Nano. “Those are Hitman’s people. We listen to them in the Rover.” Nano looked at Hitman again before focusing on his son. “I’ve got something for you too,” Hitman interjected trying to deter the attention from what he and Dice listened to when they were together.

Dice looked at him. “What you got for me?”

Hitman pulled out a yellow watch.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a G Shock?”

“What does it do?”

“What do you mean? It tells you what time it is.”

“That ain’t nothing! I already have a gold watch my mom gave me.”

Nano and Hitman collapsed with laughter. “Damn nigga,” Hitman said taken aback. “Go do your homework,” Tip told him embarrassed but delighted that he liked the watch he already had better. Dice slid off the sectional and ran towards his bedroom eyeing the iPad. “You ain’t got nothing to say,” Nano prompted him. “Thanks Dad,” Dice said then looked at Hitman, “Thank man.” He then turned back to his bedroom. “Dice,” Tip called stopping him in his tracks a second time. “You’re forgetting your book bag.”

He returned, scooped up the bag, and then finally disappeared down the hall. Tip took the space Dice had just occupied. She flopped down in between the two of them and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. “So… are there any changes yet?”

“We were debating if I should send someone else to the Roger’s residence,” Hitman told her.

“Y’all ain’t feeling Time on that?” She looked back and forth between the two men.

“I’m not,” Nano finally said. “I don’t want to jeopardize this on one careless ass dude.”

“He’ll be alright,” Hitman tried to assure him.

Nano sighed with disbelief. “How about Ace and Craig? I know they can get a little hyped up, but they never fucked up like he almost did. Remember New Year’s Eve in Orange Mound.”

Nano had to remind them of the incident that almost got them killed, and had sent him away for five years. Hitman sighed, “Yeah, but that was Skillz fault really. I’m going to leave it like it is. Believe me, this is the best way. Plus, I don’t want Time and Skillz together with diamonds worth this much money.”

“You don’t trust them,” Tip asked.

“Skillz… no. Time, he’s been with it for a while now. He’s really good at what he does. Everything will stay the same as of right now. Nevertheless, plan two might be different.”

“Plan two,” they asked in unison.



“When we get the diamonds, we’ll bring them to you. We’d rather split the jewels three ways instead of seven. You’ve got the connections right,” Craig asked.

“I know everyone in Tennessee. If you two get those diamonds, I guarantee we will get sixteen point five million for them to split three ways.”

“No… Mr. Dunlap. You’ll get four million for your part. My brother and I will get the rest. That’s what we’re offering.”

Mr. Dunlap appeared to be thinking over their proposed deal. With four million in free money, he could do a lot. He was more than happy to take it. “Okay Craig and Ace, we have a deal.” Mr. Dunlap extended his hand to Craig.

“Hold up,” Ace said. “Since we’re putting Mr. D on, he has to give us some collateral, like some heat.”

“What do you want,” Mr. Dunlap asked eager to seal the deal. He would give them the store if they asked for it for the opportunity to become a millionaire.

“We want that .380 and the nine-millimeter Ruger.”

Mr. Dunlap opened the case where he kept the guns on display. He grabbed the guns Ace requested. “Here you go,” he said handing them over. “Now do we have a deal?”

“Deal,” Ace told him shaking his hand.



“Did you get the job,” Time asked when Monique walked into the house. “Yeah I got it. I had the skills the department was looking for.” She took a seat on the couch and slipped off her heels.

“I thought you couldn’t get a job driving one of my Chevys?”

“Didn’t nobody drive that shit. I parked it around the corner and walked.”

Time studied her as he smoke his blunt. He took a pull and slowly exhaled. The smoke lingered in front of him momentarily.

“You need to go outside with that shit. They said they do random drug tests,” she told him.

“This is my fucking house! I ain’t going outside with shit!”

“You’re unbelievable,” Monique scoffed giving him a dirty look. She looked around and asked, “Where’s your shadow?”

“What kind of shit are you on? Don’t worry about my people. You need to be checking to see if I have any warrants.”

“Boy, I didn’t have time to see if you had warrants. I was there for an interview! You’re going to have to hold on for all that other stuff.” Monique started at him testily. “Time, you need to go outside with that stank ass shit! You’re going to get me fired before I get my first check!”

“A fucking check? That’s what you’re worried about?” He looked her up and down and then he walked outside. Monique scrambled to the window. She then moved to the phone and quickly dialed seven digits.

“What’s up baby,” she asked into the phone now smiling.

“Nothing. You got the job,” Skillz asked.

“Yeah, I got the job. What do you think,” she asked now twirling a finger in her hair as she watched out the window.

“I think I miss you.”

Monique giggled, “You’re just saying that.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You for real?”

“Hell yeah! Where that boy at?”

Monique checked out the window before answering. “He’s outside standing by that dumb orange car. What are you doing?”

“I’m about to take a shower.”

“Why are you teasing me? When it gets dark, I’m coming over.”

“You better not have on any panties when you get here.”



Later that night…

              “I have to hurry back,” Monique moaned in between the kisses Skillz placed on her body. She was laying on her back with her legs spread apart. When she first arrived, she had been wearing Skillz’s favorite tennis skirt. Her halter-top was all white to match her white Air Max. Now all of her garments were on the floor.

“I’m already wet,” she cooed holding her legs up for Skillz to see her clean-shaven pussy. “Come on baby,” she begged him. Skillz stood and unbuckled his belt. When his pants fell to the floor, he quickly stepped out of them. Monique licked her lips when she saw his dick standing upright. She didn’t know if it was the actual sex between them, or the sneaking around on Time, but she was always turned on.

She slipped a finger inside her pussy. Slowly she began to slide it back and forth fucking herself. Skillz smiled stroking himself for her pleasure. “Come on Skillz…” She yearned for him to enter her. She pulled her finger free and placed it in her mouth. That made Skillz smile. He quickly got on the bed. Before she knew it, he’d already positioned his dick at her wet pussy and pushed himself inside her.

“Oh… Skillz…,” she moaned wrapping her legs around his body. They started off making love. Soon after, Skillz was fucking her as if it was the first time. The bed continually banged against the wall in his one bedroom apartment and Monique was meeting his every thrust. That only drove Skillz to the edge quicker than he wanted. They looked into each other’s eyes when the moment was about to arrive. The passion between them was undeniable.

Just when Skillz was about to nut, Monique grabbed onto his ass and pulled him deeper. She cried out when the first squirts of his semen erupted. She quickly found his ear with her tongue and began to suck on it. Soon she was whispering how much she loved him.



“Skillz, I hate him.”

“I know,” he said between breaths.

“I’m tired of sneaking around like this. The only thing I want to do is be with you.”

Skillz rolled over. His dick pulled free from her and he lay on his back next to her. Monique quickly curled up beside him.

“When I have to give him some, I close my eyes and wish it was you. That’s the only way I can do it with him.”

Skillz wrapped an arm around her. “Listen… there’s something I want to tell you.”

She raised up on her elbow with a smirk on her face. “What…,” she said letting the word drag out.

“You should know, we got this lick coming up.”

“No… Skillz. I just got this job for us. You don’t have to do it.”

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