Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms (25 page)

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Authors: Kindle Alexander

BOOK: Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms
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Security at the White House took extreme to a whole new level, but the process stayed efficient and reasonably easy to navigate. The horde of reporters became frustrated when they were left at the gate without so much as even a peek at either Reed or Trevor.

Reed stayed close by Trevor’s side as requested. They were escorted into the White House through a secure entrance, and greeted the way dignitaries were greeted. Reed knew his way around, having spent time there as a child with his father. Every once in a while, Reed would comment on some change, or point out something, giving Trevor a quick history of the object or area. They stayed together, holding hands the entire time. After three months of dating Reed, PDAs just became second nature to Trevor.

“Babe, come this way. We have a briefing to do. They’ll go over protocol with us before we meet the President. The Rose Garden is beautiful. It’s spectacular this time of year and I’m surprised they’ve allowed this award to be given there today. They must know the world will be watching you closely.”

Reed continued to make random small talk while Trevor became increasingly nervous, shutting down and not saying much at all. This also had become their way. Reed could always sense when Trevor might be nervous or unsure. Reed would begin talking, trying to distract and draw Trevor’s attention away from the uncertainty racing through his mind. When that didn’t work, Reed would whisper words about the sex they shared, or were going to share, into Trevor’s ear, promising Trevor his favorite position that night, or teasing him about finding a bathroom for a quick blow job. Every time, without question, those comments would effectively take Trevor’s mind off his worries to center them straight into the hope of their future. Today though, Reed didn’t take Trevor there. Probably because he didn’t want Trevor to have a raging hard-on while the world watched him and took his picture.

“Sgt. West, hello, I’m Griffin, the third Aide to the President of the United States. I’m here to go over a few things with you regarding the ceremony. The event will go exactly like this. We will exit through these doors. You will walk the runner, and then be escorted to the garden area. You will stand at the front of the podium to the left of the President. The Vice President is going to be in attendance today, along with the Majority Leader and Speaker of the House. Also the Lt. Honn of the Marine’s will be standing by your side. The President will say a few words, then read from the doctrine in the award. You will be handed the award and then you are to—”

“Excuse me,” Trevor stopped the little five foot nothing clerk in midsentence. Griffin looked up from his portfolio where he read from his notes. He looked irritated at the disruption. The Aide craned his neck to look at both Reed and Trevor, not sure who actually interrupted him. “Where in this will Reed be standing?”

“Mr. Kensington will be escorted to sit by his family in the audience in just a couple of minutes. They have front row seating. Now, as I was saying before I was interrupted, Sgt. West will be handed—”

“I’m sorry, but I would like Reed to stand beside me.” Trevor casually dropped his free hand in his pocket, looking the Aide in the eye waiting for his response.

“Well, Sgt. West, I’m sorry, but that will not be possible. Only spouses and fiancés can stand up at the front with—”
“We’re engaged,” Trevor replied, never removing his gaze from the Aide. He still kept his entire stance very casual, very easy going.
“Sir, I’m sorry, but this between you two is not a recognized union in—” It was then everything about Trevor changed. Reed began to speak, but Trevor lifted a finger silencing him as looked down at the little Aide again.
“I’m sorry, I’m not making myself clear. Reed will be beside me when I get this award. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him. He needs to be beside me.” Trevor’s voice turned harder with each word, his face grew fierce, and Trevor waited to give the Aide time to say nothing more than ‘yes, sir.’
Trevor stopped Griffin by lifting his hand to the man’s face. Reed gave a little chuckle when the Aide stomped his foot, anger flashing in his eyes.
“No. I can see by the look in your eyes you’re going to try and tell me no again. Let me be absolutely clear. I don’t want the award unless Reed’s standing beside me when I receive it. If any part of what I just said is unclear, please ask questions.” Trevor released Reed’s hand, crossing his big brawny arms over his chest. His jaw clenched tightly shut.
“If you will excuse me for a minute, please,” the Aide said, spitting the words out. Completely exasperated, he turned quickly and aggressively, walking several feet away, before hitting his ear piece and talking. Griffin’s tones were hushed, but you could easily make out his anger with his hands going ninety to nothing, as he looked like he was talking to the air.
“Handsome, you know I appreciate this, but I want you to receive your award,” Reed said, leaning in to whisper into Trevor’s ear.
“No. I’m not giving. We can just go home where I would be so much more comfortable than here. And you’re not to say a word trying to distract me!” Trevor kept his eyes on the Aide, arms crossed over his chest and his feet firmly planted in his decision, never looking at Reed when he spoke.
“Babe, I love you and want to stand by you, but the world needs to see,” Reed tried again.
“I’m not getting it without you there. You agreed to marry me. You’re my future and you helped me build this future I’m living now. This is
award. Not just mine. And I ask you to please not say anything more until a decision is made.”
Reed chuckled at him, lifting his eye brows. Trevor never took that tone with him, and he wisely kept his mouth shut, only leaning in once to ask in a whisper if they could play hard-core soldier man tonight in bed.
“Sir, I’ve been asked to ask you again to reconsider your stand. It would not do to have this cancelled with so much publicity tied to this event, but it’s an election year which must be considered.” The Aide spoke to him in small little words, in an overly calm manner.
“Politics have nothing to do with my life. Do we need to call a cab? Reed, are your parents here to take us home?” Trevor asked, while looking at the Aide. The look of disgust radiating from the little man caused Reed to finally laugh out loud. The Aide hit his ear piece again, not even turning away from them now.
“He won’t budge. No, he is a brute of a man and completely unreasonable. Yes, yes, okay.” Taking a minute to gather himself, the Aide finally spoke. “All right, since your apparent cause is the most important thing to you, you can promote your homosexuality at the expense of others. He can stand by you. Mr. Kensington, you will stand in the back and to the side with your entire family. We will have Marines there as well—”
“No, I’m not doing this. Let’s go, Reed.” Trevor wrapped an arm around Reed, turning to leave in the direction they came.
“Okay!” the little man shrieked. “OKAY! HE CAN STAND BESIDE YOU! It’s all about you MR. West! What you want, FINE.” Turning on a huff, the little man stormed off.
“He’s a little high strung, but he really is harmless.” The President stepped out of his office, shrugging on his suit jacket, adjusting his tie. The grin on his face let Trevor know he overheard the entire exchange between the two of them.
“Mr. President, sir, it’s nice to see you again,” Reed held out his hand, stepping forward to take the president’s hand.
“Hello, Reed, it’s good to see you again, son. I understand your family’s here today.” The President continued to chuckle as he spoke.
“Yes, sir, they are. Trevor has been special to them for many years. They wouldn’t miss this. Please let me introduce Trevor West to you, sir.” Reed wrapped an arm around Trevor, smiling at him with such pride, it caused Trevor to slowly let the anger he felt toward the Aide go and concentrate on the bigger deal. Trevor was meeting the President of the United States!
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sergeant.”
“It’s an honor to meet you, sir.” Trevor saluted the President before taking his hand. They both gave a little laugh because the tough Sergeant who had given the Aide hell became flustered, not really sure what to do in greeting his Commander in Chief.
“I watched you that night, son. Your bravery and dedication was admirable. I was thoroughly impressed by you and your team. You made me proud to be an American.”
“Thank you, sir. I’m a fan of yours. I voted for you.” The blush stained Trevor’s cheeks. He knew he was doing that crazy ramble thing he did when he got nervous, so he forced himself to shut up.
“Thank you, I’m glad to hear it. I’ll need that vote again in the next election, but for now, I think they’re ready for us. Let’s do this.”
The grin was still on the President’s face as they walked out the back doors of the White House, into the back garden area. Several gasps were heard from the reporting area when Reed came out with Trevor, hand in hand. Cameras flashed like crazy, but Trevor never caved. He held Reed’s hand the entire way. The President gave a nod to his Vice President, but went straight to the podium. Trevor tried hard to remember which side he was to stand on, and of course, he got it wrong. Reed gently guided him over before respectfully taking a step back, letting Trevor stand close to the President as he spoke.
Trevor weighed his options at the moment, deciding not to embarrass Reed or the President by throwing a fit on National television. But he would be talking to his Reed about that little step back later. The president began to speak on acts of heroism and the history of this medal. Trevor listened while the president spoke, but also looked out into the crowd, seeing Reed’s family all on the front row. They were his family now. Trevor also saw many members of his team on the second and third row. Trevor hadn’t heard from many of them since the accident. He watched them closely; they seemed proud. It surprised him how relieved he felt they came to support him.
After a minute, Reed nudged him in the back. Trevor looked up again at the grinning President, who held his hand out to shake Trevor’s hand. Trevor quickly shook the President’s hand before bending over, allowing the award to be placed around his neck. A cheer erupted from his team and the audience. Both leaders of congress came forward to congratulate him and shake his hand. Lt. Honn stood a step back clapping until it was his time to congratulate Trevor, saluting and shaking his hand.
After accepting their handshakes, Trevor turned to Reed, who stood back a couple of steps clapping, smiling, and watching it all. Trevor didn’t want to be Reed reserved. Everything the two went through, all the hardships only brought them closer. His heart was so happy in this moment. As he lifted his hand toward Reed, Reed came immediately to Trevor’s side, that sexy grin in place. Trevor didn’t hesitate, but bent in, matching the grin, kissing Reed for the world to see. Again, there was a collective gasp. The clicking the camera flashes became a roar in the background.
Turning back to the President, Trevor never lost his smile. Reed’s hand stayed in his. In that moment, he realized he would do every single thing over again just to be standing here with Reed right now. Trevor turned back to his grinning fiancé, saying loudly, “I do love you forever,” and kissed Reed’s smiling lips again.

About the Author

Kindle Alexander was born and raised in the suburbs of Dallas, a place full of imagination and intrigue. Finally after years of being an avid reader and stories running continuously through Kindle’s head, pen was put to paper. The magical world of blood, fantasy, male/female and male/male came to life.

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