Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms (9 page)

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Authors: Kindle Alexander

BOOK: Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms
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Chapter Nine

Involuntarily bouncing his leg, Reed looked down at his watch, wishing he could escape. Elise’s chatty little maid-of-honor, who sat to his right, wouldn’t stop prattling on about the wedding and how she hated being single. All Reed wanted to do was get his hands and lips back on the shy man standing across the room. Trevor stood in the back of the reception hall looking sexy as hell, and Reed literally ached to get back there with him. He honestly didn’t know how much more of all this he could take.

Completely lost in the deep thoughts of Trevor’s lips and how they moved against his own when they kissed, Reed was surprised to feel a warm hand on his back. A smile tore across his face at the caress. He turned, hoping Trevor might be standing behind him. Instead, he was momentarily caught off guard when he looked up to see Brody, Rylie and Trevor’s friend. Brody leaned in, not waiting for an invitation, and began to whisper in his ear.

“I’ve watched you all night. I want you. It won’t take long. I’m versatile, whatever way you want, I’m there,” Brody said quietly, his hand never stopping the small caress on Reed’s lower back.

“Is that right? All night?” Reed said. He almost laughed out loud at the audacity.
Not a chance in hell, pretty boy!
Brody was a player, no doubt about it.

“Yeah, I want to suck you. I want to feel your cock jerk as you shoot your sweet load down my throat,” Brody added so quietly Reed almost couldn’t hear him. Brody’s hands slid deliberately up and down his back, making Reed want to cringe. Any other time, he would have taken the guy up on his offer, whether he liked him or not. Sex was sex. You didn’t have to like the person to have sex, and Reed always enjoyed a good fuck.

But listening to Brody talk, Reed realized without question, the only man he would ever need would be the auburn haired one who haunted his thoughts. How could Brody be so stupid as to throw away someone like Trevor? Reed turned his head so his lips were only inches from Brody’s and looked him firmly in the eyes before flashing his trademark grin.

“Why don’t you go ahead; I’ll meet you in the bathroom. Give me five minutes.” Motioning for Brody to lean closer, he whispered in his ear. “You can go ahead and start without me. I like to watch. It turns me on.” Brody didn’t respond, but straightened to his full height, stuck his chest out, and strutted off alone to the bathroom.
What a stupid fool.
Reed chuckled to himself as he rose from his chair, and heading across the room.

Amused with himself, Reed looked around the room, wondering if anyone witnessed the exchange, but no one looked the wiser. He spotted Trevor at the bar. Reed snaked through the throng of guests, not allowing anyone to sidetrack him. When he finally reached Trevor, just the look on his face made him narrow his brows in question.

“You look surprised to see me, Trevor. Are you? I must apologize for my dating skills, or rather lack thereof, that is. I would ask you to dance, but your girlfriend might not like it.” Reed chuckled at his words, knowing there were some jealous overtones in what he said. He wanted to be the one by Trevor’s side tonight. They stepped forward as the bartender asked for their drink order. Placing his order after Trevor’s, Reed turned to the handsome man, his tone apologetic and sincere when he spoke. “I’m so sorry for all of this. I really need some alone time with you. I hear the view from the balcony is quite lovely. Care to meet me there?”

Silence held Trevor for a couple of moments before he spoke. “Let me get this to Kar-ol and excuse myself. I’ll meet you out there in a couple of minutes.” Trevor would barely look his way. Reed thought he saw a hint of sadness lurking in his eyes, but all he could do right now was watch Trevor walk away with both drinks in his hands. Something wasn’t right. Trevor was back to being his super quiet self. What happened? Had he missed something?

Reed excused himself from his family obligations, telling his brother and parents he would be back a little later. Through the exchange, he kept an eye on Trevor as he slid out a side door. He watched as Trevor removed his uniform jacket, and placed it carefully on the back of a chair. The thin material of his shirt stretched over that wide, expansive chest, causing Reed to lose all ability to think for one brief moment. He just stood there staring until Trevor walked to a far corner of the balcony, out of sight, breaking the spell.
Trevor West, you gorgeous man, I have to make you mine.

Reed became a man on a mission. He stopped by the band, requesting a song, instructing them to wait twenty minutes before it played. Reed purposefully ignored everyone and everything between him and those balcony doors.

Walking out, Reed vowed he wouldn’t let too many more nights like this happen. Trevor needed to be by his side; that’s all there was to it. And Reed would be proud to have him there. He didn’t want to have to sneak away for a simple touch, or a quick kiss. Hell, with the possessive turmoil coursing through him this entire evening, Reed wanted those touches and kisses to show everyone around them, Trevor was his.

Reed inhaled the fresh scents as he walked out into the night. The unusually warm late April evening gave a perfect feel for any guest who cared to venture outside. Focusing his eyes, Reed scanned the two dark corners Trevor could have retreated to. The balcony was longer than it looked, with a large area completely hidden from the ballroom’s windows. His heart kicked up when he spotted Trevor. He stood next to the railing, facing away from him, looking out into the night.
What has you so deep in thought, Mr. West?

“I love spring evenings, don’t you?” Reed said, striding over to stand beside Trevor. Reed rested back against the rail. Trevor turned to face him, but didn’t speak. The only words Reed could think to say where the same ones he used just a moment earlier. Trevor had that effect on him. Finally Reed’s gaze left Trevor and moved around the balcony, taking in the view. “It’s beautiful out here, isn’t it?”

The balcony was draped with thousands of twinkle lights. Beautiful fragrant flowers and greenery filled the space. Several small tables sat to the side, decorated with linens matching the bride’s colors inside. Delicate flower arrangements sat in the center of each table. Large candles filled the empty spaces, giving off a soft romantic glow. It was beautifully decorated and charming, but had nothing on the man standing next to Reed.

“You’re the beautiful one, Reed,” Trevor finally said, turning around to stand in the same position as Reed. Trevor leaned back against the rail, spreading his legs apart. Reed took it as a silent invitation to slide right in between them.

“Ah, finally...I get what I’ve wanted all night,” Reed purred, his hands slipping around Trevor’s waist, as he slid between his thighs, pulling him close. Holding Trevor in his arms, Reed didn’t move, didn’t say anything, just held Trevor tightly
. I believe I’ve fallen for you, Mr. West...

The emotion had him resting his head on Trevor’s shoulder, breathing him in, watching the candle flames dance in the evening breeze. Everything slowed when Trevor wrapped his arms around him, returning his embrace. And in that moment, everything righted itself in his world.

Reed knew what they shared was different. What he felt was different. Reed felt a connection to this man’s soul. It didn’t matter if it was three days, three hours, three years, thirty years—Trevor belonged with him. If soul mates were real, Reed knew in his heart he’d met his in this man. Holding Trevor this way, tight in his arms, comforted Reed. Never before did his soul feel comforted by the closeness of another. A lump formed in his throat. Emotion rolled through his heart.
Please need me like I need you.

Reed looked up at Trevor who quickly averted his eyes. Did Trevor feel this same pull and just couldn’t look him in the eyes from the sheer emotion of it all? He lifted a hand to Trevor’s chin, turning him back to look him in the eyes. Trevor seemed relieved, yet resigned. A sadness lingered in his eyes. Not quite the look Reed hoped for but one which caused him to pull Trevor closer against his body. No words were said, but Reed wondered if this look had anything to do with Brody.

Reed decided then it may be best if everything lay out in the open between them before his runaway heart took him too far. The only problem with that, he knew his heart was already completely lost to the man in his arms. Reed needed to know what fight he must fight to keep Trevor all to himself. Rylie said Trevor might have feelings for Brody. He needed to know for sure. Reed pulled back a little, watching Trevor for a moment before he spoke.

“Umm, Trevor, I know I’ve only known you for a very short time, but I feel differently with you. I really would like a relationship with you,” Reed said quietly. He looked down, searching for the right words. After a moment, he lifted his gaze, looking directly in Trevor’s eyes. “What happened between you and Brody in the reception hall? If it’s none of my business, just tell me.” Reed’s throat went dry. He swallowed hard, but forced himself to continue.

“I don’t want to intrude or come between you and him. If it was just sex between us, I would have no problem. I’m sure you’ve heard of my reputation. But I want something different with you, and I want to make sure we’re straight from the start. I couldn’t help but see Brody pulling you aside; I watched you for most of the evening. I can assure you I’m not dating anyone...but I want you to be honest with me. Are you and Brody together?”

“No, Reed, not at all. I’m not seeing anyone. That has to be painfully obvious. Brody is, well, I guess he’s family to me. I thought more at one point, hoped for more even longer than that, but he would never be right for me. I wasted a lot of time waiting and watching Brody. I guess I needed that time to come to terms with who I am. I didn’t accept this about myself for many years. Reed, I don’t want a relationship filled with sharing partners. I want one of honesty and faith.” Trevor said more in those few moments than ever before. Reed could see his heart on his sleeve, but Trevor also never said he wanted to continue this with Reed.

“I want honesty and faith too,” Reed said, hoping to draw Trevor into the part of the conversation that mattered most. “I’m not sure I could share you easily either. I found myself jealous over the bridesmaid by your side tonight. I’ve never been jealous one day in my life.”

“I’m glad you aren’t in a restroom with him right now. It would’ve been hard on my heart. Once I got out here, I thought it may have been a ploy to get me away from the scene,” Trevor replied. His voice grew quieter as he spoke.

Trevor reached up and ran his fingers over a stray piece of hair dropping down on the Reed’s forehead. The action seemed bolder to Reed, more open. Trevor drew him closer while he spoke, touching him without being prodded—and he loved to be touch by Trevor. He loved the possessive grip Trevor made when he spoke of restrooms and Brody. There were still no words from Trevor about commitment, but he let enough out for Reed to know Brody had used them both tonight. He didn’t like being a part of anything which might leave Trevor hurt in the end.

After a minute, Trevor ran his thumb across Reed’s lower lip, pulling it down slightly. “I would like to date you,” Trevor whispered, reaching up to lightly kiss Reed’s parted lips.

“I want a relationship with you, Trevor. Something so much more than just dating,” Reed said lightly against Trevor’s mouth. “I can’t believe I said that. It’s a first for me. I know you’ve never been with a man. I want to be your first, if you will allow me. I want to be the only person you need. I want to make love to you, and just to you.” Reed let his hands run up Trevor’s back, feeling the cool cotton shirt give beneath his palms. Trevor stayed quiet, only watching. Urging Trevor closer, Reed leaned in and nuzzled his neck.

“If you come home with me tonight, I promise you won’t ever regret it,” Reed whispered in Trevor’s ear. He let his tongue slide across the throbbing vein in Trevor’s neck, and smiled when he felt him shudder under his touch. Reed licked up Trevor’s neck, then spoke quietly again in his ear.

“We’ll only go as far as you’re comfortable with. I’ll be satisfied to just hold you, if that’s what you wish.” Lifting his head from Trevor’s neck, he looked into his eyes, a sly grin forming on his lips. “Well, that’s a lie, but I promise to follow your lead.”

Trevor stayed quiet, just watching him, holding him close. Reed started to see Trevor wasn’t shy, just quiet, and perhaps reserved.
He pressed into Trevor. “I want you.” He ran his tongue lightly across the seam of Trevor’s lips. “Mmmm, I’ve waited all night for this,” Reed growled, fully taking Trevor’s mouth with his own. He felt Trevor’s lips part, as his tongue slid deep into his mouth. Covering his mouth with his own, he brought his hands up to tenderly cup Trevor’s face, deepening the kiss. The song he’d requested,
Save the Last Dance for Me
, started to play. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Reed heard it and broke from the kiss, smiling at the beautiful man standing before him. Trevor looked dazed; his heart pounded against Reed’s chest.
“There’s something else I’ve wanted to do all night,” Reed said, stepping back, smiling as he slid his jacket down his arms. He laid it on the nearest chair, turned back to Trevor, and held out his hand. “Can I have this dance, handsome?”
Trevor watched Reed curiously while several bars of the song played. Just when Reed thought he was going to be denied, Trevor smiled at the outstretched hand and looked around the balcony. They stood in the far reaches, out of the direct light, completely alone. Trevor allowed Reed to bring him forward. Reed’s breath caught in his throat when Trevor tugged him against his body. They held each other close as they began to sway to the music. Trevor bent in, running his nose along Reed’s neck, into his ear and through his hair. His hot breath tickled the little pieces of hair on the nape of Reed’s neck, sending chills down his spine. Trevor lifted his hand, seductively fingering the collar of his dress shirt before dragging his fingers into his hair.
They moved together, fluidly. Reed led, and they found their rhythm easily. “I love the way you smell,” Trevor whispered into Reed’s hair. He lowered his head to rest his nose and lips right above the collar of his dress shirt.
Reed closed his eyes, allowing his body to melt into this man. The cool night air blew across his skin, and he pulled Trevor closer to him. Their bodies moved together as one, twirling around the end of the balcony. Reed spun Trevor then dipped him, laughing. He could tell the sudden bit of playfulness caught Trevor off guard, but he went with it, chuckling when he was pulled back up. When their hips fused back together, Reed smiled wickedly, feeling Trevor’s hard arousal brush against his with every movement
. Oh yes, baby...I want you too.
Reed could spend all night dancing with him. Everything about this moment was perfect. As the song ended, Reed softly brushed his lips across Trevor’s. “Thank you...”
Trevor stayed wrapped around Reed well after the song ended, and a new one began. Not sure why exactly, Trevor seemed more confidant. Maybe it had to do with the declaration of a relationship between them. Reed knew Trevor still hadn’t committed, but he hoped he would soon. Trevor continued to hold Reed tightly to his body, breathing in his scent. He ran his fingertips gently against the back of his neck, and into the small hairs brushing against his shirt collar. Trevor’s sweet lips turned in, licking Reed’s earlobe before whispering ever so softly.
“I’m not sure what’s driving me to say this. Maybe it’s what’s lying so heavy between my legs.” A breathless sigh came from Trevor’s lips as he spoke. His warm breath slid across Reed’s ear, causing him to harden to painful degrees. Reed closed his eyes, listening. “I want to know what it’s like to have you buried deep inside me,” Trevor whispered just enough to be heard, while running his nose the length of Reed’s ear.
“I want to lick you, and taste you here.” His hand tightened its grip on Reed’s hard cock to emphasize his words. “I want to kiss you when you finally come deep inside me. I crave the taste of you. I crave something I’ve never known, only longed for. I know it’s you I crave.”
His cock jerked, and Reed almost came at the feel of Trevor’s palm rubbing against him. It stopped Reed’s heart, and an exhale burst from his lips.
“I want to know what it’s like to be buried inside you too, Trevor. I want to hear my name cross your lips when you’re lost in the pleasure I’m giving you. I want us to make love all night. I want to feel you in me and me in you, until we’re both spent and sated. I want fall asleep in your arms and wake to your sweet kisses.”
A smile spread across Trevor’s lips. He held Reed in place, looking him directly in the eyes. “And when you’re done with me, you tell me. I don’t want to be that guy sitting by the phone, waiting for the call that isn’t coming.” Trevor didn’t wait for an answer, but captured Reed’s lips with his own. Trevor drove his tongue into the far reaches of Reed’s mouth. The urgency of Trevor’s kiss floored him.
Reed shuddered while Trevor kissed him, but his words confused him, and he pulled away for the briefest of moments. “I have no desire to leave you by the phone. I want you too,” Reed said, pushing Trevor into the far reaches of the darkened corner, against the railing. “Trevor, I need to touch you...let me touch you,” he growled against his lips, Reed’s hand slid around to the front of Trevor’s trousers, fingers working quickly to undo his pants, sliding the zipper down. His own breath deepened as he eased his hand in between Trevor’s skin and the material of his slacks, moaning when he felt the warmth of Trevor’s thick cock against his palm.
“You’re not wearing any underwear, handsome...all the better for me.” Reed grinned into the kiss, groaning when he felt Trevor’s hips surge forward for his touch. He wrapped his fingers around Trevor, and began to stroke.
“Let me make love to you all night, let me worship your body, Trevor,” Reed pleaded, his smooth rich voice now raspy with need. His lips trailed across Trevor’s jaw, and down the column of his neck, working Trevor’s arousal with his hand. Lowering his head, Reed ran his mouth across Trevor’s chest, biting and nibbling his tightly budded nipple through the smooth cotton shirt. Reed lifted back to a standing position, taking Trevor’s mouth with his once more. He kissed him completely, sucking his tongue in time to the rhythm of his stroking hand. Reed was so lost in Trevor.
Just when he began to lower himself to his knees and take Trevor’s beautiful cock with his mouth, Reed heard the annoying sound of someone clearing their throat. An all too familiar voice called his name. Groaning, Reed pulled his mouth from Trevor’s, but he never let go of Trevor’s rigid cock. He simply turned his head to glare at his brother.
“What’s so important that it couldn’t wait, Rylie?”

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