King for a Day (14 page)

Read King for a Day Online

Authors: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Tags: #Fantasy, #dark, #Suspense, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, #King Trilogy

BOOK: King for a Day
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“It won’t matter to King. He’ll still come after you.”

“Where he is at,” Vaughn said, “there’s not much he’ll be able to do. The dead do not speak.”

What. Oh no. No…
“You killed him?”

“No, no, no.” Vaughn seemed more amused than ever. “
would never harm a gorgeous, silky hair on his beautiful head.”

My heart sank into a deep, dark hole. Was King still alive but they intended to kill him soon? Or have someone kill him? Or did they mean he was dead already? I didn’t know.

No, he can’t be dead. He just came to see you
. Or had I been imagining his visits?

Miranda looked at her watch. “Oops. We gotta run. Having breakfast martinis with Talia to calm her down. She was pretty pissed that you ruined that serum, but we’ve assured her you will pay. Oh, and the next time you try to poison someone, you might want to use something odorless.” All three turned toward the door. “See you at seven o’clock. Tah-tah!”

Wait. They’re leaving?
Not that I was complaining, but I simply didn’t understand.

“By the way,” Vaughn said, “we have Mack and Arno. If you run, they will be killed when the Club takes over King’s estate.”

Just when I thought the situation couldn’t get any worse, it did. And I felt myself sinking deeper and deeper into a pit of despair. This was all my fault. I should have insisted they run. Why had I thought I could go up against these monsters? I was no match. Not for horrible, evil people like these.

“And if I stay?” I asked, my voice trembling. “Are you going to let Arno and Mack go? Unharmed?”

“Are you trying to make another deal, Miss Turner?” Vaughn coughed up a slimy phlegm ball. “Your word means nothing to me. You’re not a member of the Club.” He headed for the door.

Quick. Say something!
“That doesn’t mean you can’t make a deal with me. Tell me what you want.”

Vaughn’s hazy brown eyes narrowed. “I already have what I want. Or I will. And that will include the joy of peeling the skin from your body, Miss Turner. Of hearing you scream. There is nothing else that I want from you.”

“Fine. But I won’t be here when they come for me unless you guarantee that no one will harm Mack or Arno.”

Vaughn walked over and stood a few inches from me. Being near him made my entire body feel like it was being overrun with toxic radiation. “You won’t run, Miss Turner. We both know that heart of yours is much too kind to permit Mack and Arno to take your place.”

“They won’t scream for you,” I said. That was what Vaughn kept saying he wanted: screaming. My screaming in particular. “They won’t even break a sweat for you.”

Vaughn chuckled. “Very well.” He flipped his wrist through the air. “I’m in such a good mood today, I will agree. It will be my gift to you.” He took my hand and kissed the top. A thick blanket of red light coated my vision.

I snapped my hand away. “How do I know you’ll keep your word?”

He thought it through for a moment. “I will have them call you to confirm they are free.”

“Fine.” It was the best I’d be getting from a man like Vaughn, and frankly, I was about to break down and cry, cry like I’d never cried before.

We’d failed. I failed. It was game over. All of King’s deals were still outstanding, and by now, everyone probably knew Mack, Arno, and I were only pretending to be King. And if they didn’t know, surely Anna—the hundred year old frenemy of Talia, who Mack had slept with—would be telling every club member in this hemisphere the moment she learned that Talia was still alive.

We were screwed, and there was simply no other way to say it.

As soon as the evil couple and their man-toy departed, I slammed the steel door shut and curled up on King’s armchair. When the tears finally came, they didn’t stop. I didn’t want to accept that it would all end like this. King and me dead. Arno and Mack…well, who knew? And my family, devastated.

I went to the kitchen and splashed cold water on my face, then dialed Justin. As usual, the idiot didn’t answer. “Justin.” I sniffled. “I—I—” I was about to tell him the truth, that I needed to say goodbye, but I realized he’d only attempt to save me and make another deal with Vaughn.

I whisked a tear from my eye and held the phone in my trembling hand.
Justin—God, how I love you. I hope that you’ll move on and be happy. That you’ll be there for Mom and Dad to help them, too. And…I want you to know how grateful I am to have been your sister through all those times you were there for me.
Those were the words I wanted to say, but couldn’t. And it broke my heart not to be able to tell my little brother how much he meant to me.

Instead, I said, “I, uh…everything is going to be okay. I’m just a little shaken up. I just wanted to say that I love you and…call me back, all right?” I ended the call and screamed.

I couldn’t believe this was where it was all going to end. There had to be a way out. There had to be. But just in case, I had to see my parents one last time.


11:45 A.M.

When I walked into her hospital room, my mother was sitting up, reading in bed, her blonde hair in a short ponytail.

“Hi, Mom,” I said, trying my best to sound cheery.

“Mia!” Her smile lit up the room for a brief moment until she caught my obvious signs of distress—red eyes, frazzled appearance, and, no doubt, a look of defeat on my face.

“Baby, what’s the matter?” she asked. “And why are you still wearing the same clothes from yesterday?”

I looked down at my body. I guess I was still wearing yesterday’s clothes. After I’d gone to see Miranda, I threw back on my jeans and red sweater. I really needed to go home—aka my parents’ house, where I was now staying—and have a long, hot shower and one last meal before 10 Club came for me tonight.

I feel like an inmate on death row. Lord, this is awful.

I sat next to her and tried to hold in the hysterical scream. “Yeah. I forgot to do laundry. Been really busy.”

She shook her head. “Don’t lie to me. What’s the matter?”

I sighed. “Nothing. I just…got some really bad news today. About a job I wanted, that’s all.” I straightened my spine. “But I’ll be okay.”

She patted my hand. “Not to worry; you’ll find something soon. You’re smart and talented.”

Apparently, not smart enough.
My life was about to end.

“I’m sure something will come along.” I sighed. “So, how are you feeling?”

“Great!” she said in a sweet, peppy tone. “Ready to go home tonight. I can’t tell you how much I miss my bed. And my own cooking. And sleeping next to your snoring father.”

I chuckled. “That’s awesome news, Mom. I know I keep saying this every time I see you, but I’m so happy you’re okay.” I could only hope my disappearance wouldn’t undo the progress she’d made, but I had to maintain hope that she’d make it through what was to come. With Justin and my father by her side, she had a chance.

I looked at my watch. It was almost noon. “Where’s Dad?”

“He won’t be back until later when it’s time to release me. He had errands to run.” She leaned in and whispered, “I think he’s planning a little welcome home surprise for me.” She winked.

I smiled. He probably was. My dad was that kind of guy, always sweet and thoughtful, and he worshiped the ground my mother walked on.

“And Justin?” I asked.

My mother looked surprised. “Didn’t Justin tell you? I thought maybe that was what upset you.”

“Uh-uh.” I shook my head no.

My mother took a shallow breath. “Do you remember a few weeks ago, when Justin told us his team in Mexico vanished?”

Justin hadn’t said much to my parents about it, other than he hadn’t been onsite at the time and that the police didn’t know anything.

I nodded yes. “How could I forget?”

“They found them,” she said. “They’re dead. Someone buried those poor men right inside the dirt they’d been digging in.”

“Oh my God.” I didn’t have to fake being surprised because I was. I hadn’t expected anyone to find them for months. Who had tipped them off? King? Justin? Another person? I guess it didn’t really matter. “That’s awful. Do they know who did it?” Because I did. It was Vaughn.

My mother looked extremely shaken. I’m sure she was thinking how Justin could have easily ended up being one of the dead. “Justin said they think a local group of rebels are responsible, but I wonder if it has something to do with the work he’s been doing with the government.”

Oh Lord. More lies
. I felt buried in them now. King had shown up at my parents’ house several weeks ago to stop me from telling them that Justin had gone missing. King said that there was no point in saying anything because they’d just worry and we didn’t know what had happened. Really, he’d been concerned about my attention going towards two worried parents versus locating the Artifact. In any case, King told them that Justin had been working with the U.S. government down in Mexico on some narco crap and would, therefore, be unreachable for some time. It was such a crock, but King used his charming voodoo crap on them or something, and they bought it.

“I just hope Justin isn’t mixed up in something too dangerous.” She threaded her fingers together as if she were praying. “I tried to stop him from going back, but he insisted on leaving this morning to help the families bring back the bodies.”

I hung my head. Although the pain would be horrific, at least for the families the torture of waiting would finally end.

My mom sighed. “Those poor, poor parents. But I know Justin will do everything possible to help them. He’s such a good boy.eHH”

Was he? Then why hadn’t Justin told me he was leaving? He knew I was in trouble. It just seemed so…so…unlike him to take off like that.
I wonder where he really went?

Then a horrible thought sideswiped me.
Oh no. God, no. I hope he didn’t go to see Vaughn to make a deal for me.

I felt a sour lump in my throat. “I—I—I’m sure Justin called to tell me all about it; I just haven’t listened to my messages.” I didn’t know what else to say. I was seriously worried. And confused. And I needed to say goodbye to my mother before I had a mental breakdown right in front of her. Because if Justin had gone against my wishes and landed himself in trouble again—
I wouldn’t be there to help him.

I put on my game face and tried to remain calm. “Hey, Mom? Can you tell Dad…”


I sighed. “That I love him, and I’ll call as soon as I can.”

My mother frowned. “Where are you going?”

“I have an interview in Paris,” I lied. At least this way, my mother could enjoy a few days at home before she began to worry.

“Oh, honey, that’s wonderful.”

I shrugged. “I’d been hoping to get something closer to home, especially now, but—”

My mother grabbed me and hugged me. “Is that why you were crying?”

I didn’t reply. Lying to her felt so wrong.

“Well, the one thing I’ve learned from all this, Mia, is that you have to live your life and enjoy every minute. So don’t ever let us hold you back. Got it? Your father and I want you to be happy.”

I couldn’t bear to look at her. “Thanks, Mom. I knew you’d understand.” I stood up. “I’m sorry I can’t be there tonight, but I have to fly out in a few hours.”

My mother smiled reassuringly. “Not to worry. We’ll celebrate when you’re back.”

I took one last look at her. “Tell Dad to behave, okay.” I winked.

“Oh! I almost forgot. That man who works with Justin stopped by to check on me. He was asking about you.” She paused, thinking. “You know, that’s the other reason I think Justin might not be sharing the whole truth about Mexico.”

My mind shuffled, quickly trying to process. “Mom, what are you talking about?”

“Well, don’t you think it’s a bit of a coincidence that King man comes by on the day Justin leaves? I bet Justin asked him to keep an eye on me.”

“King was here? Today?”

“He came to see me earlier,” she said.

“When?” Was my mother going insane like me?

“A couple hours ago.”

A couple?
“King was here? With you? Two hours ago?”

“Yes, why?”

Oh my God
. That was about the time Vaughn and Miranda showed up at the warehouse.

If King had been here, then maybe, just maybe he was still alive and Vaughn had been lying. It also meant that those visits of his were real. But that wouldn’t explain why King kept coming and going. Not that the popping in and out of thin air was abnormal for the man given he had that ability. (Yes, it still scared the hell out of me that he could do that.) However, why wouldn’t King pop in and help us? I mean, we were in a crisis. And the Club was about to take all of his crap away!

You’re not crap. Neither are Arno and Mack.
No, we weren’t. And I was supposedly King’s “most prized possession,” which made it even more illogical that King would simply abandon everyone.

I’m so confused.

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