Kiss Me Goodnight in Rome (The Senior Semester Series Book 2) (32 page)

BOOK: Kiss Me Goodnight in Rome (The Senior Semester Series Book 2)
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Lorenzo’s fingers lace through my hair, combing down my back. “Yeah. I think it will be a pretty good challenge. Not to mention all the personal benefits. Being closer to you.” He pulls back, planting a kiss on my lips.

“There is that,” I agree.

“Come on,” he smacks my ass. “We’re going to be late for dinner. And Mama is really excited that you’re coming.”

“Wait …” I stop him as he tries to stand up. “I need like fifteen minutes, okay?”

He furrows his brow. “For what?”

I huff, gesturing toward my body. I’m wearing leggings and Converse sneakers. I can practically hear Emma yelling, Lila scoffing, and Maura laughing all the way from the U.S. “I’m not meeting your mother looking like this.”

“You look beautiful.” He kisses me again.

I smack his chest with my palm. “Just give me ten, okay?”

He laughs, flopping back against my pillows. “As long as I get to watch.” He winks.

I roll my eyes, digging into my closet for something to wear.

Oh, who am I kidding? Lexi and I already decided on my outfit last night.

And Emma approved it this morning via iMessage.

* * *

“Your home is beautiful. Thank you for inviting me to dinner.” I smile warmly at Lorenzo’s mom, handing her a box of tiramisu I picked up from the number one tiramisu spot in Rome, Il Pompi.

“Grazie, cara. Call me Elenora.” Elenora reaches out, pulling me into a hug, and kissing both of my cheeks. “I’m so glad to finally meet you. And not just watch my son watch you at Angelina’s.” She laughs, clapping her hands together as Lorenzo looks away, clearly embarrassed on being called out by his mom.

Claudia throws an arm around Lorenzo’s shoulders. “This is going to be so much fun.” She laughs. He scowls.

“Glad you could make it.” Claudia leans forward, kissing my cheeks affectionately. “It’s good to see you again. Come, let me take your coat.” She pulls me toward the formal living room, taking my coat and scarf in the process.

Claudia sits in an armchair. I perch on the edge of the sofa but Claudia scoffs, “Get comfortable. Really, it’s casual tonight,” she adds, letting me know that the party at the Liguria home was definitely not the family norm. More for show I guess.

“Thanks,” I tell her, scooting back into the plush sofa.

The doorbell rings. “Who’s that?” Lorenzo asks, walking toward the door.

“No, I got it!” Claudia darts up and practically knocks Lorenzo over in her hurry to answer the door.

Elenora beams, her hands clasped gracefully in front of her waist.

“Who is it?” Lorenzo asks his mom.

“You’ll see.” She winks.

“Mama Elenora, thank you for the dinner invitation.” Sandro says, walking into the room. He glances hesitantly at Lorenzo. “Ciao, Enzo. Mia.” The corner of his mouth flicks upward in an almost-smile.

Lorenzo’s mouth opens in surprise. He quickly snaps it closed. I watch as his eyes dart between his best friend and his sister. His surprise morphs into confusion that quickly dissolves into understanding.

Claudia looks at me, her eyes pleading for intervention. I stand up, walking over to Lorenzo’s side, slipping an arm around his waist. He looks down at me for a moment before wrapping his arm around my shoulder, hugging me closer than necessary.

Elenora takes Sandro’s hands in her own and kisses both of his cheeks. “I’m so glad you are here. Please have a seat. Dinner will be served shortly. Enzo, drinks please.” Elenora looks at Lorenzo, her head tilting toward the wet bar.

“Right. Okay.” Lorenzo comes out of his stupor and walks forward, shaking Sandro’s hand formally. “What would you like?”

“Really?” Sandro asks.

Lorenzo laughs, the momentary tension subsiding, and walks toward the bar.

“Good to see you, Mia.” Sandro steps forward, kissing my cheek. “I hear Enzo is coming to New York with you?” he asks as we all sit down in the living room.

“Yes.” I smile. “For Christmas.”

Sandro nods. “And maybe staying longer?”

I shrug. “You’ll have to ask him about his plans.”

Sandro’s eyes study me seriously. After a moment, he nods brusquely. “I suppose I will.”

Claudia rolls her eyes, squeezing Sandro’s shoulder as she perches on the armrest of the chair he’s sitting in.

Elenora claps her hands together in delight. She laughs, reaching forward and patting my knee. “You’re good for him, Mia.” She looks up as Lorenzo walks closer and hands his mom, me, and Claudia glasses of wine.

“You like this one.” He smiles at me, brushing a kiss against the top of my head. “You tasted it in Liguria.”

“I’ll be right back with an Americano.” He looks at Sandro.

And just like that, the brief moment of awkwardness, of uncertainty, dissolves. The conversation turns toward Christmas traditions, New Year’s Eve plans, New York City.

When dinner is served, Elenora sits at the head of the table and watches happily as Lorenzo and Claudia laugh and joke and chat. She piles second servings on Sandro and my plates. Lorenzo picks at my plate, helping to finish the extra serving without it being overly obvious. My heart swells in gratitude at his intervention.

Elenora listens attentively to the conversation, asks me questions about my studies, praises my Italian. She glows with pride when she looks at Lorenzo and Claudia. She is the true embodiment of a mom.

And I’m so grateful to have met her.

* * *

It’s late when Lorenzo drops me off at my apartment. A bite hangs in the air as frost forms on windows and a light dusting of snow coats the cobblestones. I shiver.

“It’s cold,” Lorenzo comments, pulling me closer to him. He tucks my hand into his coat pocket and tugs my hat more firmly on my head.

“It’s pretty much the same weather in New York.” I look up at him. “At least it will be easy for you to pack for the trip.”

He nods. “I can’t believe I’m coming to New York with you.”

“I know.” I smile. “I can’t believe how fast this semester has flown by. I’m really happy that you’re coming home with me for Christmas. You’re going to love meeting my friends.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Thanks for inviting me to dinner. It was really nice to meet your mom. She’s amazing.”

“Yeah, she is, isn’t she? Thank you for coming, Mia. It meant a lot to me that you met Mama before we head to New York.”

“It was a great dinner.”

He nods. “Yeah. So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yes. I’ll pass by Angelina’s in the morning. Then I have to meet with Pete. We’re finishing our project tomorrow so we can submit it on Monday.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

“Oh, and don’t forget Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday.”

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Lorenzo kisses my lips, my nose, and my forehead. “Buona notte, bella.”

“Buona notte.”

Chapter Fifty-Five


“Just come. I found the one,” I tell Claudia over the phone.

She squeals loudly and I know, even without seeing her, that she’s jumping up and down. “I’ll be right there. Don’t move.”

I chuckle, hanging up the phone. Staring at the shining ring in my hand, I know it’s perfect for Mia. I know it’s the one. Still, Claudia’s opinion, her approval, will mean a lot to me. A lot more than I ever thought. Plus no one knows jewelry like my sister.

“It’s a beautiful ring. Stunning.” Our family jeweler, Maria, smiles at me. “She must be a very special woman, Lorenzo. When you walked in, I figured it was for a gold and diamond bracelet.”

I laugh, mildly embarrassed by my old antics. How many girls did I buy that damn bracelet for? Ah, who cares? Now, I’m buying the most important piece of jewelry I’ve ever purchased for the most important woman in my life.

Jesus, I must be fucking crazy to propose. I mean, I’ve only known Mia for a couple months. But I know this is right. I know she’s the right woman for me. I know that no matter how many dates I go on, no matter how many beautiful women I sleep with, none of them will ever come close to what I feel for Mia. And I want us to begin our journey, begin our life in America, begin next year as a true couple. I want to promise myself to her for forever.

“I’m here.” Claudia rushes in the gioielleria, a cold breeze trailing her through the open door. Her cheeks are bright red, whether from the cold or her excitement, I’m not sure. “Oh my God. It’s beautiful,” she exclaims, wasting no time plucking the ring from my fingers. She holds the ring up in the light, turning it from side to side, studying it. “It’s perfect for her.”

I sigh in relief. “You really think so?”

She nods, wrapping her hand around my upper arm and resting her head against my shoulder. “She’s perfect for you. And she’s going to love it. I’m really proud of you, Enzo.”

I wrap my arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer for a side-hug. “Thank you for coming,” I tell her sincerely. “Your opinion means a lot.”

She looks up at me, eyes wide in disbelief.

“I’m serious.”

Claudia smiles. “I’m glad. Trust me, this is the ring.”

I nod, turning toward Maria. “I’ll take it.”

“Excellent. Platinum band?”

“Of course.”

Maria nods. “What size?”

Ah shit.

I must look confused because Claudia laughs. “Size six,” she says.

What? “How’d you know that?”

She wiggles her eyebrows at me. “I knew you’d need my help.”

I laugh, kissing the top of her head. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. You can repay me by taking me to lunch.”

“Va bene,” I agree, opening my wallet and pulling out a debit card. I stare at it for a moment before handing it to Maria. It’s from my own private savings account, the one I saved all my tips and wages from the crappy summer jobs Papa forced me to work over the years. I’ve never dipped into it. To be honest, I forgot it even existed. But this purchase, this new beginning, has to be done right. It’s important to me to buy Mia’s ring with money that I earned, not my family’s. And even though it’s a fraction of the price I would have imagined spending on an engagement ring, it feels right to be buying it on my own.

* * *

“So, Sandro?” I ask Claudia at lunch, raising my eyebrows. We’re sitting at a restaurant we used to frequent as kids. My grandmother loved their pasta e fagioli. For some reason, Claudia and I ended up walking here after leaving the gioielleria.

“Sandro,” Claudia says simply, blowing on the hot soup before eating a spoonful. “This is amazing.”

“Don’t change the subject.” I scowl.

She laughs. “Sorry, I should have told you.”

“Yes, you should have. Or he should have.” How did I not know my best friend was into my sister? Doesn’t that break the number one rule of being best friends? Don’t date my fucking sister. I should be pissed, should be furious, but the happy smile on Claudia’s face has me checking my anger. She really likes him. “How long?”

“The flirtation has been there for a while. Years,” she admits honestly, meeting my gaze. “I think he was always too scared to make a move, didn’t want anything to affect your friendship.” She shrugs. “But that night at the Liguria home, that’s when things really escalated.”

“No details.” I raise my hand to stop her from continuing her train of thought. The last image I want in my head is Sandro banging Claudia. Fucking hell.

She laughed. “Don’t worry. He was a perfect gentleman.”

My mouth drops open. “Come on, are you kidding me?” Sandro? A gentleman? I laugh loudly. “That’s like calling Berlusconi a fucking saint.”

She laughs with me, shaking her head. “I’m serious. He treats me really well, Enzo, and I really like him. I think he may be the one.”

What the actual fuck? “You’re serious?” I study her face, waiting for her to burst out laughing and call me a stronzo for falling for this shit, but her eyes are clear and shine with excitement. She’s glowing with a happiness, a lightness, she hasn’t had in a long time. She’s telling me the truth.

She nods. “I’m falling in love with him.”

I take a deep breath. Sandro better feel the same fucking way or I’ll—

“And he feels the same way,” she adds, interrupting my train of thought.

“He better treat your right. Always.”

She nods. “He will. I don’t think he would have let things go this far, us being together and everything, if he didn’t have the right intentions. He’s your best friend, Lorenzo. I don’t think he would let a fling between us jeopardize that.”

I swallow a spoonful of soup, thinking over Claudia’s point. That makes sense. But still … Sandro? A gentleman?

“Give him a chance. This is important to me.”

I sigh. “Okay, Claudia. As long as you’re happy.”

She smiles gratefully. “I really am. He makes me happy—the same way Mia makes you happy.”

Well that shuts me right up.

* * *

Although Claudia’s happiness is a massive reassurance, I still can’t let things go without saying something to Sandro. I walk into one of his favorite bars, knowing he will be here since AS Roma is playing tonight.

His eyebrows shoot up when he spots me. He stands up from the barstool he’s leaning against quickly. “Enzo.”

“My fucking sister?” I ask, banging my fist on the bar. “Two Peroni,” I tell the bartender over my shoulder before fixing Sandro with a glare.

“I know.” He holds his hands up, palms outward in surrender. “I should have told you.”

“That would have been a good fucking place to start.”

He scowls. “Watch it, Enzo. This thing, all of it, is between Claudia and me. And while I admit I should have told you when I started to have feelings for her, when I wanted to act on them, I don’t need your fucking permission. Or your approval.”

I raise my eyebrows, grateful for the beer the bartender sets down in front of me. I take a long sip. He’s serious. I can tell by the tension in his jaw, the slight tick of a vein above his left eyebrow. Fucking hell. “You treat her right?”

“Like a fucking princess.” He takes a pull of his beer, his eyes never leaving mine.

“It’s for real?” I ask. And I know that he knows what I’m really asking: could you marry her?

“I love her,” he says simply.

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