Kneus: A Terraneu Novel (Book Four) (10 page)

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“How about that?” She couldn’t help the shudder that
ran down her spine. It felt good to her too.

“It’s like a glove.” Kneus ground out, “It feels so
tight.” His head was straining on the pillow. Gwen knew she was close to climax
and wanted Kneus to find his release with her. Pushing herself to sitting she
put his hand on her hips.

“You can move me in a way that feels best to you.”
She groaned when he pulled her forward, then pushed back. He was a fast
learner. “If you flex your hips, go slowly.” She was panting in her exertions
and excitement. “You are rather large in that area.”

“Is that a good thing?” Kneus asked uncertainly, “Am
I doing this right?”

Gwen laughed breathlessly, “It’s a very good thing.”
His hands tightened on her hips, “You are doing everything right.”

“Good.” Kneus flexed his hips, pushing up into her
just as he pushed her hips back. “I want to be good at this.” He flexed again,
pushing her back and forth.

“If you get any better I might not make it.” Gwen
tried to laugh but ended up gasping.

Kneus thrust harder, “My balls and shaft are
tightening.” He gasped, “It feels like they are going to break off.” His voice
was heavy with alarm and passion.

“You are close to a climax that is all.” Gwen was
sweating and panting. Her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her
chest. “Let it happen.”

With a few more deep thrusts Kneus shouted. His
shaft gained thickness and Gwen could feel his warmth spread inside her. Her
body responded by breaking apart in release. Her muscles clamping down on him,
twitching and trembling in ecstasy.

“Gwen. Is that your release?” Kneus was taking great
deep breaths trying to regain himself.

“Yes.” Gwen just sighed and collapsed against Kneus’

“It is like what you did before, only tighter and
instead of once, it fluttered over and over.”

“I thought most guys just rolled over and fell
asleep.” Gwen laughed. “I get one that is a talker.” She was teasing him, but
didn’t know if he could tell. She didn’t mind if he wanted to talk after sex.

“You mean like this.” Kneus went slack and started
making the snoring sound. “Zzzzzz.”

Gwen laughed and rolled into his side. He tucked his
arm around her, his hand rubbing her arm. “Is that what I have been missing out
on? Since my release from the sexual block we could have been doing that?”

“Yes. That is one of the ways we could have been
doing it. We can try others after you recover.”

“Recover?” Kneus sounded offended that she thought
him lacking in stamina.

“Your body needs time to build another erection.”
She wanted to laugh but she was just too sated to make the effort. Her limbs
felt heavy and limp at the same time.

“I am not totally ignorant of the facts of
lovemaking.” Kneus stated, rolling up on his elbow to look into her face.

“Really. Did you watch porn when you were on Earth?”
Gwen pictured Kneus with his hand wrapped on his own shaft watching porn. The
idea gave her a small thrill and her nipples tightened. His eyes went to her
breasts and then back to her eyes.

“Does the idea of me watching porn excite you?” His
voice had turned to smoked whiskey and she found it very arousing.

“Not the idea of you watching porn. What you would
be doing
watching it.” Gwen licked suddenly dry lips.

Kneus thought about it for a second, “You mean
masturbating? I could not have done anything sexual on Earth, I still had the
block on me then.” He glanced at his body then back to hers. “The idea of me
pleasuring myself gets you sexually aroused?”

“Yes.” Her voice came out in a whisper. This
conversation was getting her excited.

“Well I aim to please.” Before Gwen could ask what
he meant, he had moved to his knees. The conversation must have been arousing
to him as well, because instead of being flaccid as she would have thought, his
shaft stood out proudly. Gwen tried to warn him that he needed some type of
lotion, but he must have know more than he let on because he squeezed the base
of his shaft and with one stroke the tip was soaked. Taking the moisture from
there, he spread it along his shaft again and again.

“Is this what you pictured?” Kneus was working his
hand up and down. His gaze was intense his eyes were a deeper shade of purple
than she had ever seen. The flecks in them were sparking like an electric
current. “Would I be working myself gently and slow?” He moved his hand to
match his words, “or would it be hard and fast like this?” Gwen’s eyes flew to
his hand to watch as he stroked hard up and down.

Rising to her knees Gwen kissed Kneus frantically.
Watching him play with himself had been a completely arousing experience for
her. With their mouths fused, Gwen wrapped her legs around his hips and dragged
him down until she was on her back, with him between her legs. Kneus wasn’t
sure how to prop himself at first, then with his hands just above her shoulders
he settled his lower body onto hers.

Kneus didn’t need any encouragement to find her
welcome wetness and drive himself deep. With one fierce thrust he was
completely sheathed in her warmth. Gwen adjusted to the stretching much faster
this time, and once the sting went away she relaxed her knees toward the
mattress spreading her thighs wider, causing Kneus to settle even deeper. Both
of them groaned at how good it felt, Gwen was marveling at the incredible
fullness she felt with Kneus inside her. He pulled back, taking his shaft to
the tip then thrust back. Gwen panted, “Again.” Kneus half groaned, half

“Anything for you.” He pulled back then thrust
again. This time Gwen was moving too. She raised her hips to receive the
incoming thrust causing his balls to slap against her butt. Gwen saw the
astonishment on his face. “There are a lot of ways to feel good. We are going
to try them all.” Putting her hands around to grab his thickly muscled ass, she
gripped hard. “Keep doing that.” When he complied almost knocking her teeth
together with the force of his thrusts, she dug her nails into his back. Kneus
kept moving, drawing himself along nerves she didn’t know she even had.

When Gwen couldn’t take it anymore she raised her
legs to lock them around his upper back. Putting the soles of her feet together
she pulled her at the ankles until her heels rested further up his torso.
Reaching up and holding her feet with her hands, Gwen couldn’t move against
Kneus but she didn’t need to. In this position he was as deep as he could go,
his balls were slapping against her butt with every thrust, and she was rocking
and grinding against him.

“The feeling is even stronger than before.” Kneus
gasped. Then two thrusts later he shouted her name.

Gwen had never been pounded so thoroughly. Her head
was spinning and the stars danced in her vision just before she climaxed. This
was a new experience for her and if she didn’t know better she would have sworn
she was going to have a stroke. She was panting, trying to catch her breath
when Kneus collapsed on top of her. Now she really was seeing stars and out of

“Kneus.” She rasped. “Can’t...breath.”

Kneus rolled over instantly, pulling her to his
side. “Gwen I am so sorry.” His voice was filled with worry, “Did I hurt you?”

“No.” Gwen laughed breathlessly, still trying to
recover. “I’m okay.” Looking into her lovers face she sighed, “Better than okay
really.” Groaning at her sore muscles when she tried to move into his side she
asked, “How about a nice hot soak?”

The idea of a nice bath to ease her muscles, and get
rid of some of the sweat and musk appealed to her.

“A bath my lady wants.” Kneus pulled her into his
arms and moved toward the bathroom without breaking stride or groaning over her
weight. “A bath my lady shall get.” Gwen looked into his eyes and wanted to
groan. The way his eyes were flashing told her this bath might not be as
relaxing as she had planned. Who was she to complain? They had already wasted
the last few weeks. She was all for making up for lost time!


Kneus was holding Gwen in his arms. Her warm body
pulled flush with his. What a nice way to wake up, he thought. How about a
little bed play to get things going?

Rolling her onto her stomach slowly so she wouldn’t
wake, he then moved down her body until his face was between her spread thighs.
If he pressed forward he could reach the sweet nub he was looking for. His
tongue shot out again and again to taste her sweet essence. He knew she was
waking when with a moan of pleasure she pressed back against his mouth.
Encouraged that he was doing it right, Kneus opened his mouth and sucked
harder. Gwen was suddenly awake and on her hands and knees. “Kneus...” she was
breathless and sleepy. He took the opportunity to move onto his back between
her legs looking up.

“Yes, my love.” He gently pushed until she was on
just her knees, then pulled her forward until his mouth covered her again. His
tongue lashing at her sensitive skin. “You were saying.”

“Kneus...” she tried again, then couldn’t continue
when he sucked hard. Instead of talking she started moving against his mouth.
Grabbing handfuls of the generous globes of her butt, Kneus pulled her hard
against his mouth.

“Yes.” He pushed his tongue into her warmth. “You
were saying?” He used his tongue against her. Along her wetness, then spearing
into her.

She just shuddered against him and he moved fast.
Taking to his knees behind her he thrust his rigid shaft into her as hard as he
could. She gasped at the entry but he didn’t care, he went a little wild.
Holding her in place he pushed again as deep as he could. She bounced away at
his thrust, but he pulled her back. Holding her in place he pounded against her
again and again. When she whimpered at the unceasing invasion of his steely
shaft, he bent over her flexing his hips madly. Taking her nipple in his
fingers he pinched lightly, causing another moan to break from her lips. Taking
that as a sign of encouragement he pinched and rolled her nipple again, harder
this time.

“No more Kneus.” She pleaded, “I can’t take
anymore.” He was pulling out and driving into her with savage force.

“...not so hard please.” He heard Gwen whisper. Her
fingers were suddenly on his wrists. “Kneus!” She tugged at him in vain.
“Kneus...” she gasped out again. She was thrashing in bed now.


Chapter Twenty

Something woke Gwen just before dawn. Kneus was muttering and thrashing
around in his sleep. She quietly rolled over and moved to get out of bed, it
was best to let Kneus wake in his own time. Gwen stretched and smiled over the
faint soreness she felt. A nice hot shower would ease her aching muscles and
get her day started. Just as she was about to put her legs onto the side of the
bed she was grabbed from behind and rolled face-down on the mattress. Kneus was
sitting on her butt, his knees on either side of her waist. She could feel his
arousal along her lower back. She wasn’t alarmed at his sudden interest in sex,
she was certainly a willing participant in helping him of out his aroused

“Good morning to you too.” She whispered half-laughingly. Then groaned
when his hands came down to her shoulders to rub the muscles. “That does feel
good.” When he started to rub harder Gwen stiffened a little. “I was never into
deep tissue massage Kneus, not so hard please.” She gasped when instead of
easing up as she had expected, his hands moved to the back of her neck and
squeezed. His long fingers were under her chin, at her throat and there wasn’t
anything she could do. Her hands flew up to his wrists, her fingers digging in

“Kneus!” She tugged at him in vain. “Kneus...” she gasped out again. She
was thrashing in bed now. Trying to get him off her backside or break his grip
or both. All of a sudden the pressure on her throat stopped and she drew in
great lungfuls of air. Scrambling out from under him, and swinging to stand by
the bed she glared at Kneus.

“What the hell! I am not into BDSM!” Rubbing her sore neck and throat she
seethed, “If you want to try that kind of thing you are supposed to ask first
and make safe words and things like that! Not to mention you are supposed to
stop when asked!”

Gwen waited for Kneus to say something and when he just sat there with a
confused look on his face she snapped. “Are you going to say something? An
apology would be a good start!”

“Gwen?” Kneus seemed to come out of it, his dazed eyes locked onto her
hands rubbing her neck. “My god Gwen. Did I hurt you?” He sounded and looked

His obvious confusion and distress calmed her more than an apology would
have. “Kneus do you remember anything that just happened?” She asked.

“I only recall the last few seconds, you standing by the bed yelling. The
last thing I recall was holding you in my arms last night. I was going over the
things I would like to do when we woke up. Then I fell asleep.” He jumped out
of the bed and grabbing her arms turned her in front of him. “Did I make those
marks on your back and neck?”

Turning to face him again Gwen grabbed his face, inspecting his pupils,
which were dilated a bit out of the normal range. “Kneus, you don’t remember
grabbing me?”

Kneus took hold of great fistfuls of his hair, “I made those marks on
you? I did that?”

“You were muttering and thrashing in your sleep. When I went to get out
of bed, you grabbed me. Do you remember dreaming or having a nightmare?” Gwen
pulled him back to the bed to sit down.

“I don’t think...” Kneus stopped in mid-sentence. “Wait, I was having
another nightmare.”

“Have you had a nightmare like this before?” Gwen asked. When Kneus
hesitated to answer she placed herself in front of him. “You have to be honest
with me! If what we have means anything to you, then don’t lie to me!” She
couldn’t stop the tears from pooling in her eyes.

“Don’t cry sweet Gwen, please don’t.” Kneus’ voice crackled with emotion,
“Yes. I have had this type of nightmare before.” When she looked at him
accusingly he stressed, “I didn’t want to tell you for fear of the look you are
giving me right now. That I am some kind of freak that I dream about strangling

Gwen picked up on the ‘you’ part of his confession and had to ask, “You
have nightmares about strangling women in general, or just me?”

“I only had the sexually charged nightmare one other time. It was the
night of the twins’ birth and it was you in the nightmare. When I came into the
dome that next morning, you were there and I was acting you

“That was the day you agreed to talk with me about your nightmares. We
did the scan and found nothing seriously wrong with you.” Gwen was beginning to
see why Kneus had been acting so strange that day.

“Yes.” Kneus sighed running his hands through his hair, “I haven’t had
the nightmares for a few weeks now. I thought it was because I was getting the
appropriate amount of sun and water...not to mention my happiness at being with

Gwen’s anger melted at his words. Something strange was going on with
Kneus, but his feelings were easy to read. He was horrified by what had

Putting her arms around his waist and pulling him close Gwen tucked her
head under his chin and squeezed. “We are going to figure out what is happening
to you.” She promised. “I know you are a good person...”

“How can you say that after what I just did to you?” Kneus tried to pull
away, “I am a danger to you. I need to inform the male council. I should be
incarcerated for your safety and that of the community.”

“We don’t know that you are a danger to anyone for certain.” Gwen
insisted. “I want to do a sleep study on you.”

“We already ran tests.” He protested, “They didn’t show anything except
that I was dehydrated. I can’t keep pretending that everything is fine, when
it’s not.”

“A sleep study will show what your brain is doing while you sleep. Unless
you haven’t been completely honest, the only times you have these feelings of
violence is during sleep. I should have thought of it before, but I thought the
extra water and sun were helping.”

Kneus looked skeptical, “I have told you the truth. I have only had the
dream about you twice, the others are all the way I described before. Do you
really think it will help to study me while sleeping?”

Gwen cleared her throat and headed for the bathroom intending on getting
some water, “It certainly couldn’t hurt.” She smiled weakly at Kneus as he
followed her.

“I will try anything you think will end these nightmares before someone I
care about gets injured even worse.” He pulled her close, “I couldn’t bear it
if I do something like this again.”

Gwen looked into his anguished face and vowed she would end the misery he
was under or die trying. “Kneus I want you to promise me that you will let this
go. Don’t torture yourself with the events of this morning.” She framed his
face with her hands, her thumbs brushing along his cheekbones. She held his
gaze and hoped that he could see the sincerity in her eyes. “We are going to
find out what is wrong, and fix it.”


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