Kneus: A Terraneu Novel (Book Four) (11 page)

BOOK: Kneus: A Terraneu Novel (Book Four)
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Chapter Twenty One

Kneus was all tucked into the medical unit. Gwen was
ready to administer the sleep study to see what his brain looked like while
sleeping. She had helped him with the programming of the computer, so the
results would hopefully be what she needed. They hadn’t informed his brothers
or the female council that he had another nightmare, and attacked her in the
process. They were hoping that the results from the scan would shed some light
on what was actually going on, before they went to the councils with an update.

“There all set.” Gwen smiled at him. “I will stay here in this bed with
you until you fall asleep. Then I will move to the other medical bed.” Her
words hit home, she was afraid of him...even if she didn’t want to admit it.
“Don’t look at me like that either!” She hit him playfully on the shoulder, “I
am not afraid of you. I am moving to the other bed to ‘monitor’ you! It is the
reason I am here get your results.”

Kneus couldn’t help but doubt himself, “What if there isn’t anything
medically wrong?” There he had just admitted his worst fear.

“You mean what if it is psychological? That deep down you enjoy hurting
me?” she asked. When he just nodded she replied, “You only had the dream with
me in it twice. If hurting me turned you on why haven’t you had the nightmare
in all these weeks? It just doesn’t make sense.” Gwen puzzled it around in her
mind for a minute and came up with nothing. “We will work things out, one step
at a time. We’ll do the sleep study first. If there is nothing wrong and
subconsciously you are turned on by pain, then we will find a way to make that
work too. If the idea is abhorrent to you and you still feel something is off
we will resolve to fix that. I will not give up on you.”

Kneus knew he could do no less than fight to find a solution with her. If
she was willing to stand by him and figure this out, he could give all he had
as well.

“We will figure this out together then.” Kneus pulled Gwen into his arms
and waited for sleep to take him. As he lay there with her against his side,
the feather light touch of Gwen’s fingers traced circles on his chest, he had
to say it. “When I am free of the nightmares, would you consider moving in with
me? We don’t have to declare mate status right away by moving to New Haven if
you don’t want. I would just like to have you near me, in my dome, or your
dome, or our dome.”

He must have stunned her speechless, when he looked down into her face
she was looking at him quizzically. “Are you sure this is something you want?”

“Yes.” He answered without hesitation, “Yes I am sure. You are perfect,
your sense of humor, intelligence, loyalty...everything about you makes me
strive to be a better person.”

Gwen’s eyes misted and she said, happily he hoped, “Then yes. I will move
into a dome with you after this is resolved. We can live in Terraneu, New Haven
or even McPhersonville. Though I imagine you would like to be close to your
brothers in New Haven.”

Kneus could feel contentment making him drowsy, “Yes, we are family. I
would like to be close to the others with my mate, with you Gwen.” He hugged
her more fiercely, he would have the happiness his brothers had. He just had to
hold on for a little longer.

Chapter Twenty Two

Gwen moved quietly around the medical dome. Kneus had fallen asleep and
so far the readings were all within normal limits. There was a slight increase
in the activity of the hippocampus but that was to be expected. As she watched
the rates in various areas of his brain started to spike and ebb. She looked
down and saw that he was muttering and thrashing in the bed. Looking back at
the scan she was amazed to see how fast every area of Kneus’ brain became
active, with elevated readings. She went to hit a button that would sedate him
these reading were too dangerous. Just as her fingers were reaching out the
scan went silent, and an iron grip wrapped around her wrist.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Gwen bit back a startled scream, “Kneus.” She looked into his eyes and
tried to hide her fear. “You should be in bed, the scan hasn’t completed yet.”

“We are done here.” He looked around the dome, and then his gaze fell
back on her. She recoiled at the icy blankness.

“Please, just get back into bed.” Gwen stalled for time maybe he would
wake up like he had before if she talked long enough. “I am trying—"

“You want me in bed?” He interrupted her and let his gaze rake over her
body. “You are not my normal type, but you might do.” With his hand still
gripping her wrist he twisted to push her over on the medical bed.

“No, that isn’t what I meant.” She struggled to get her wrist freed,
digging in her heels, twisting and pulling backward as hard as she could. She
gasped when he picked her up and dropped her as if she weighed nothing. “Kneus,
you need to wake up! You don’t want to do this!” Gwen was starting to panic. If
she couldn’t reach him, it was about to get really bad for her.

“I’m astounded that you think you know what I want.” His cold voice sent
chills down her spine. With one last pull, he had her on the edge of the bed.

Gwen decided that a new tactic was in order. Struggling seemed to amuse him,
so she went still. Forcing her body to relax she went as calm as she could make
herself, considering she was shaking like a leaf and her heart was trying to
pound itself out of her chest. “I trust you Kneus. You would never hurt me on
purpose. You care for me, and I care for you. We are in this together.” She
wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her trembling lips against

“Mmphh.” He had been about to say something, but Gwen was too busy trying
to distract him with the kiss to worry about what he would have said. His hands
came up to her shoulder and with a hard grip went to pull her back. She clung
even tighter trying to reach some part of the man she loved. Panic set in again
when she felt his hands leave her shoulders and reach for her throat.

“Kneus, I know you are in there somewhere.” She gasped out as his fingers
grabbed for her, “I love you...and I know you love me. You won’t let this
happen.” She didn’t try to stop his hands since she knew it was futile.

Kneus seemed to shudder then the fingers on her neck went slack. “Gwen.”
She looked at Kneus, tears spiking her lashes making him appear blurry. “Run!”
He was shaking and his face was contorted. “Kniam!”

Gwen didn’t have to be told twice. She jumped off the medical bed and ran
for the medical doors as fast as she could. When she got to the opening she
sprinted for New Haven, screaming for Kniam.

She didn’t have to run very far. The males of Terraneu were very
connected. The first male who saw her had Kniam running for Terraneu. When she
saw him she collapsed onto the ground, “Kniam.” She gasped out. “Kneus.” Before
he could run off blindly she stopped him. “No! Wait.” She caught her breath and
quickly composed herself. “Get the others. Knaleg and Knollig! You need to

“They are already on the way.” Kniam put his hands on her bruised
shoulders and she flinched at the pain. He saw the look and examined the black
and blue marks. “Kneus?” He rasped out the question.

“Yes.” Gwen hurried to add. “I will tell you the details when everyone
gets here.” She looked toward New Haven and wasn’t surprised to see Knaleg and
Knollig running toward them. They skidded to a stop, dirt flying up at their
feet. Gwen didn’t wait for them to catch their breath she just relayed the
events of the night. “I was doing a sleep study on Kneus. He had a nightmare
and I was trying to see what his brain waves were like during sleep.” She
started to hurry back to the medical dome, the males followed closely. “There
were strange readings, and he stopped me when I went to sedate him.” They were
almost to the Square of Four and she didn’t know what they would find. The
brothers needed to be prepared. What they were facing wasn’t their brother, she
just didn’t know what it was.

“Kneus was in the medical dome, I don’t know if he is there now.” She
whispered, looking up at the brothers as they reached the Square.

They got the concentrated look on their faces so she knew they were
talking to each other, or other members of the community.

“Kneus hasn’t left the Square.” Kniam stated out loud for her to hear.
“We have done a lockdown. Ailech and Asteen are guarding our mates and children
should this go badly. No one will come in and no one will get out.” His burning
purple eyes locked onto hers, “I am sorry to lock you in with us Gwen. I know
it is dangerous for Kneus to have made those marks on you tells me that, but we
may need you in here.” The other brothers went to ask questions, and Kniam must
have answered in mind because out loud he just said. “Our brother loves you,
anyone can see that. He would never willingly put a mark on you.” He ran
frustrated hands through his hair, “What are we dealing with? Do you have any
idea Gwen?”

She just shrugged helplessly, “I don’t know Kniam. I need to be able to
study the scans I took just before Kneus stopped me from sedating him.”

The suddenly quiet night was rent with the shrieks of an alarm.

“Well we know he is in the technology dome.” Knaleg drawled, seeming to
take all this excitement in stride. “I had that alarm added to the computer
systems. If someone tried to access vital information without the proper code
it would activate the alarm, and also completely locked down
systems. It will take
bio-readings from at least five members of the male council to unlock the computers

Knollig stepped forward, “Did Kneus help you with that protocol?”

Knaleg thought then answered, “Yes, he did. Why?”

“Because it means that our baby brother is fighting whatever is going on
in his head. If he knew that alarm was in place and he just set if off, he is
warning us and helping lock up the computers at the same time.”

“We need to get in there and help him.” Gwen went to rush around Kniam,
but he stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm.

“We are going to help Kneus.” He insisted gently, “But we need to come up
with a plan first.”

Chapter Twenty Three

Damn them! Always thinking they are so smart! Trying to make me look bad.
The rage was building and he wanted someone to vent it on! That pretty little
‘doctor’ would do nicely what was her name again?
, his mind
whispered back.
Her name is Gwen, she is smart, compassionate, and funny

“Oh...shut up! You are making me sick!” He snarled.
“What the fuck did you do to the computers, and shut off that damn alarm!” The
blaring was giving him a headache. With the touch of a button there was blessed
silence. Laughing humorlessly to himself he snorted, “Not as damn smart as you
think you are!” Now he just needed to crack the code locking him out of the
computer systems.

“Kneus.” A soft voice sounded behind him. Ah, the sweet doctor was back
for more was she. He knew he had her pegged right, she did like it rough. The
other voice he just ignored. It was pathetic how it whined and begged for her
like some love-sick teenager. “She came of her own free will, shut up already!”

“Yes, I’m here willingly Kneus.”

“Not you the other one.” He thought she was supposed to be smart, yet she
hadn’t figured anything out. “I said shut up or you are going to make me

“Okay, Kneus. I’ll stay quiet if you let me stay with you.” The female’s
cow eyes were looking at him imploringly.

“I already said not aren’t half as smart as he thinks you are!”
Ignoring the female he went back to the computer. Really, if she was the most
intelligent female on this rock then that was just sad! She was dumb as dirt,
and he would almost say the dirt was smarter.

He felt a fluttering in his head and after a brief moment of excitement
that he fought down he drawled, “Really brother. Having the female distract me
was the best you could come up with?” He turned slowly from the console.
Starting at the feet he looked his brother over. He really was a brute of a
man. Tall and muscular with those chiseled features...but then again so was he!
Laughing to himself over his private joke he finally made eye contact with the
male he so hated!

“Long time no see
.” He spat the words out, and
then suddenly shook his head and snapped, “Stop fighting me damn it! What a
little prick you still are!”

“I haven’t done anything, I’m not fighting you.” Kniam spoke softly to
try to calm his brother.

“Gods, you are so stupid. How is it possible that you survived all these
years?” He turned back to the computer. “It fucking blows my mind that you are
the leader here. I am a million times smarter.” He didn’t even have to turn to
say, “You don’t want to do that Knaleg. I know you are there...along with
Knollig.” He laughed a malevolent sound, “Brothers forever...fighting the evil
forces that would harm those you love.” He turned and leaned back against the
console. “Hello brothers. I must say Kniam and Knollig I am disappointed in you
two.” His icy blank stare went over those two then moved to Knaleg. “But you
little are a fierce beast are you not?” He looked over Knaleg and
smiled, “You have the military look about you. Strong, savage...a killer in
sheep’s clothing. You might prove entertaining.” He stood up and cracked his
knuckles. “So who wants to go first?”

“No!” Gwen screamed then froze when Kneus looked at her.

“Go sit in a corner.” He snarled, “Females are weak and stupid and if you
get in my way, I will kill you!” He grabbed his head and growled, “Which is why
I told her to sit in the damn corner. Fucking cunt if she messes up my plans, I
will kill everyone on this god forsaken fucking rock.” Whatever was going on in
Kneus’ head must have stopped. With a growl he moved forward. “I just want to
play a little. Now how does this work for you?” He flexed his mind, then all
three brothers yelled out in pain.

“Does that hurt?” He asked mockingly. “How about this?” Again he let his
mind go, and again the brothers yelled out. “It is no fun if you are just going
to stand there crying. How about a new game.” He looked at Knaleg and Knollig,
“Stay!” Both brothers froze un-able to move, their eyes flashing angrily at
him. “You thought Kniam was the only one who could freeze someone in place with
his mind? How amusingly ignorant of you. He and I are going to have some fun,
you two don’t move...” Laughing menacingly Kneus added, “As if you could even
if you wanted to!”

Walking forward he felt his brother try reach into his mind, to stop him
using his abilities. “No cheating now Kniam!” He drawled mockingly, “I won’t
try to mind fuck you...if you don’t try to mind fuck me!” He had reached Kniam
and they faced off.

BOOK: Kneus: A Terraneu Novel (Book Four)
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