Knight Fall (An Erotic BBW Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Knight Fall (An Erotic BBW Romance)
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The biker paused for a moment to probe her folds with his thick fingers, smearing her juices around. He dipped one inside, which caused Kelly to break free from their epic kiss to cry out softly. His lips locked on hers again, as if saying that any sound she made right now was his to consume.

He pulled his glistening finger out of her and replaced it with the tip of his hot cock. She couldn't see it, but she could tell by the pressure the head was putting on her opening that he was big. Maybe the biggest she'd ever had. He eased the tip in and out a couple of times, sending Kelly into a bucking frenzy of desire, and then plunged so deeply, so fully, that she screamed into him. No maybe about it — he was massive!

One of Kelly's shoes had fallen off but that didn't stop her from digging her heels into his ass, urging him ever deeper. She met each of his thrusts with one of her own. She clawed his back, bit his lip, showed him that she was no dainty waif. She could take whatever he dished out. She was a big girl.

Even still, she felt like a china doll in his strong arms as he held her up against the car and slammed into her. Each long thrust brought new levels of pleasure she'd never before experienced. No man had ever filled her so completely. And though she'd never had an orgasm without some direct stimulation to her clit, Kelly could feel one building inside her. Fucking this man — she didn't even know his name! — in public, even if they were hidden behind the gas station, was almost thrilling enough to make her come but his thick, veiny cock slurping in and out of her, the car's window sill digging a delicious groove into her plump ass, his mouth consuming her had sent her to a new plateau.

Just as Kelly neared rapture, the biker slid a hand down her ass cheek and prodded at her sensitive pucker with an already slippery finger. Stars exploded beneath her closed lids at the touch. Each time he pounded into her, his finger slid just a little farther in. The rising tide of climax turned into a tidal wave that crashed over Kelly in a thundering rush. Her world turned upside down and over again, colors swirling and pulsating behind her closed lids, until she thought she might lose consciousness. Every grunt, every scream was lost in his mouth.

And still he thrust and thrust and thrust, each one extending her orgasm until she could do nothing more than whimper, weak as a kitten. It was beyond imagination but his cock had grown even more turgid as his own release neared, and each time he plunged into her, her walls contracted again. With an animal growl that started deep in his chest, a shudder ripped through the biker's body as he shot his load deep inside.

Only then did he release Kelly's lips. He tucked his face into the nook of her neck as the contractions from his climax waned, his hips slowing as his fat cock enjoyed a few final moments in Kelly slick and pulsing cave. Their breath came in heaving rasps as they tried to recover. Finally, he pulled out of her with a delicious sucking sound and carefully lowered her so her feet could touch the ground. Not that she could stand, her legs were so wobbly. Quickly opening the car door, she plopped down on the passenger seat, not caring about the mess she might be making — enjoying the thought of it, actually. It would be a reminder of how unpredictable life can be.

Having tucked himself back into his leathers — it was still a tight fit — the biker kneeled down in front of Kelly, caressing a bare calf. She turned her glazed eyes to him and gave him a weak smile. "I'm Kelly Saunders," she breathed between gasps of air. "Nice to meet you."

The biker guffawed, and put his head on her knee as his body shook with laughter. When he looked up, his eyes were bright.

"I'm Rick Knight. Come with me."


"I said, come with me. I'm on my way to Vegas for a couple of weeks. Come with me."

Kelly was gobsmacked. Her first instinct was that he was mocking her but the earnest look in his face told her he was deadly serious. This hunky piece of man meat who'd just fucked her silly wanted to spend two weeks with her? That was insane!

"But…I can't just go off with you," she objected. She'd turned red at his proposal and her heart was beating harder than at the height of her orgasm a moment before. "I don't even know you." Even to her own ears, her argument sounded feeble, especially considering his juices were dribbling out of her at the moment.

"Why not? What's keeping you here?" He eyed her ragged car, her ringless fingers, her second-hand clothes. "I promise you won't have to spend a dime."

"I…I…I've got a job, an apartment, friends…" She trailed off on the last word, realizing what she was saying. She had a job she hated, a crappy apartment she couldn't afford, and only a handful of real friends, all of whom would tell her to go for it. What
keeping her here?

"Fuck 'em," Rick growled. Sensing her stance was weakening, he moved in for the kill. He leaned into her, placing a knuckle under her chin, and pulled her forward until their bruised lips met in a soft kiss. Kelly's eyes rolled back into her head at his gentle touch on her cheek. She breathed him in, the sweat, the leather, the sex. His fingers entangled themselves in her hair as he held her head in one hand and brushed his other hand down her arm. His fingers entwined with hers, clinging tightly.

He broke free from the kiss and pulled back a few inches. Staring into her soul, he whispered one word: "Please."

It was a statement, not a question. He wouldn't beg, but he was telling her that he truly wanted her to join him. Was she really thinking of riding on the back of this man's bike on a cross-country trip to Las Vegas? Could she just leave everything behind? More than anything she wanted to, but she was finally trying to get her life in order. Of course, all she'd managed to do was get herself stuck in a dead-end job that she hated and that had turned her creatively impotent. Even still, it was absolute folly to imagine going anywhere with this stranger.

She looked at Rick, prepared to let him down gently. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her gaze in time to see someone duck behind the corner of the building. Someone had been watching them! Rick turned to see what she was looking at but saw nothing and turned back.


She continued to look at the corner, disbelieving what her eyes had told her, needing confirmation. Sure enough, a moment later, a balding, pasty head eased back around the corner to take another peek. Her eyes hadn't deceived her. It was Wigley! He'd watched them having sex! He saw her looking at him and turned to run back to his car.

"Motherfucker!" Kelly cried out.

She realized her mistake when a look of surprise and hurt flashed across Rick's rugged features. She'd been yelling at Wigley, but Rick clearly thought she'd directed it at him. He started to stand but Kelly grabbed a fistful of his thick, dark hair and pulled him into a rough kiss. She smiled at his stunned look when they broke apart. "Yes. A million times yes," she said. "Let's get the hell out of here!"

A grin broke out across his face and he jumped up, pulling her with him. "You won't regret this, Kelly. I'm going to show you the time of your life. That includes fucking you at least three times a day." He ran his gaze up and down her disheveled body, licking his lips.

Kelly snatched up her purse off the floor of her car, wriggled out of her ruined panties, locked the doors and grabbed Rick's hand. He led her to his bike, which he'd parked around the corner of the building. "I couldn't get the image of you out of my head earlier," he explained, "so I came back to see if you were still here. Man, I'm glad I did. How about you?"

"You have no idea." They grinned stupidly at each other.

Kelly stuffed her purse into the saddlebag Rick had just pulled a spare helmet from. She was exhilarated. While all those idiots at the office would continue to keep themselves imprisoned in cages of their own design, she was free! She'd come back in a couple weeks and figure out how to pay next month's rent, but for now, she was going to live. The cool air that caressed her sticky, throbbing pussy as she threw her leg over the seat felt delicious. Just the thought of spending two sex-filled weeks with Rick got her juices flowing again. Uh oh, she was going to make a mess on his supple leather saddle. Chuckling to herself, she snuggled into his back.

As the bike started to move, she spotted Wigley pulling out of a parking space. "Rick," she shouted through the helmet. "Pull up to that car."

Without questioning her, he skillfully positioned the bike where she'd pointed, effectively blocking Wigley's car. She jumped off, opened the saddlebag, and rummaged around a moment. Lifting her visor as she turned to Wigley's closed window, she shouted at him.

"Hey! Asshole!"

He stubbornly stared forward, refusing to meet her gaze. Taking a deep breath, she knocked gently on his window, startling him. He meekly glanced up at her, blinking rapidly. She calmly motioned for him to roll down his window. He did so, but only an inch, just enough for her message to get through.

Kelly smiled sweetly at the man who'd made the last six months of her life a living hell, and leaned in close to the window. "Mr. Wigley, I hereby tender my resignation. Have fun with the TPS reports, dickwad." With that, she threw a stack of papers into the air. Understanding dawned on Wigley's face and he watched in horror as the wind caught them, sending each one fluttering around the gas station lot.

"Nooooooo," he squealed. He threw open the door and ran around futilely trying to gather them all up as Kelly hopped back on the bike. She tapped Rick's helmet and they thundered off into the best Friday night of her life.


~ * ~ * ~


Kelly marveled at the comfort of Rick's motorcycle. It was tearing up the highway as they headed west but her ass wasn't the slightest bit sore, even after two hours of riding. Peterson-Knights had a cult-like following, and now she understood why. The steady rumble of the engine offered just enough vibration between her legs to keep her in a constant state of arousal but not quite enough to finish the job. She had no idea where they were spending the night, but she couldn't wait to get there.

Rick had demonstrated the helmet-to-helmet mic set-up but, for the most part, they'd ridden along in silence, enjoying the solitude together. She clicked the talk button on the side of her helmet. "When will we be stopping for the night?"

"Bored already?" Rick chuckled.

"Hell no. It's just…well…." Her hands slid down until they were resting on his large bulge, which quickly became much larger.

He used one hand to move her exploring fingers back to his waist. "Not while I'm driving, gorgeous."

His left arm shot out and he checked the time on a huge hunk of sparkling metal that dangled off his wrist.
Was that a Rolex?
Kelly wondered. "It'll be another hour before we get to the cabin," he said.

"You have a cabin?"

"Well, it's not exactly a
, but that's what I call it."

Kelly laughed. "What would someone else call it?"

Rick was silent for a moment. He finally pressed his mic button and said, "A lot of people might consider it a mansion. I think that's overstating it."

Mansion? It was Kelly's turn to be silent. The fancy bike, the watch, the mansion — this guy was obviously loaded. But bikers had a reputation for making their money running drugs. Was it possible she'd just agreed to go on a Vegas vacation with a drug lord? Fear started welling up inside her. Almost afraid to find out the answer, she asked, "Um…what sort of…um…business are you in, Rick?"


That eased her fears somewhat but his ambiguous answer left her unsettled. Why couldn't he just come out and say what it was he did for a living? Why the runaround?
That's it
, she thought.
Next time we stop for a pee break, I'm going to take my phone into the restroom and Google 'Rick Knight'

A light clicked on. She wouldn't have to Google him. All she'd have to do was look at the emblem on the side of the bike. A smile tickled the corners of her mouth.

Kelly leaned into Rick's back, resting her head on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around him. The scenery blurred past as darkness crowded out the brilliant sunset. Kelly committed every hue, every nuance to memory. This would be her next painting. She'd call it
Knight Fall


~ * ~ * ~

The End…or is it?

Keep reading for an excerpt of
Vegas Knights
, the novel-length sequel to
Knight Fall

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~ * ~ * ~



After a passionate public encounter with a mysterious and very sexy biker, big girl Kelly Saunders finds herself on the ride of her life. Her 'Knight on shining armor' -- Rick Knight, heir to a motorcycle legacy -- whisks her away from her soul-sucking corporate job to Las Vegas, where she finds th
e road to love is treacherous.

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