Knight of Ocean Avenue (21 page)

BOOK: Knight of Ocean Avenue
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“Glad to hear it.” He liked the long-term sound of that statement too.


“My brain is scared but my cock sure isn’t.”

“I can tell. It’s practically bouncing me off you, it’s so stiff.”

“What do I do?”

Shaz pushed himself up. Billy started to sit and Shaz pressed him back down. “You just lie there and let me do the work. After all, you’ve had most of the exertion so far.” He opened his hand and showed a condom; then he scrambled off the couch and grabbed a plastic bottle of lube he’d dropped when he jumped on Billy.

With his cock sticking straight up like a flagpole, Shaz squirted some lube into his hand and started matter-of-factly inserting it into his butt hole. Not a sight Billy had ever seen before. Shaz glanced at Billy. His eyes must have been wide. “Hey, I need lots with that monster going in.”

“Will it hurt?”

“Me? Only in the very best way.”

Billy shook his head. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Shaz knelt beside the couch. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. It will stretch and burn a bit, but if you like to bottom, you welcome the feeling because it gets better and better. My butt is throbbing in anticipation.”

“Do you like to, uh, bottom?”

He grinned. “I like both. But it’s easier to top the first time, so I’m happy to, shall we say, receive?”

“I think my cock’s getting scared.”

“We can fix that.” Shaz grabbed Billy’s wilting rod and shoved it in his mouth. Hot, wet, and amazing.

“Holy crap, you do that well.”

Shaz chuckled and sucked at the same time. Not much finesse, just deep, pulsing suction. It took about one second to get Billy’s dick back into overdrive. Too much into overdrive. “Wait! Stop or I’ll come.”

. “Perfect.” He reached up and slid the condom over Billy’s cock. “Have I ever told you what an absolutely gorgeous penis you have, Mr. Ballew?”

Shaz was just trying to make him feel less nervous, but it worked. Kind of. “Yours is darned beautiful too, Mr. Phillips.” He stopped and touched Shaz’s hair. “Actually, everything about you is beautiful.”

Shaz looked up with shiny eyes. “Thank you, kind sir.”

Their gazes hung together for a second; then Shaz squeezed Billy’s cock and it was back to the races, baby. With his lubed hand, Shaz stroked Billy’s dick until it practically glowed. Then he hopped lightly onto the couch and seated himself on Billy’s thighs. He crawled forward with that catlike grace on hands and knees above Billy. He reached back with one hand.

. The head of Billy’s cock hit against a warm, wet target. Shaz’s eyes focused on a distant spot, and Billy could practically feel him concentrating.
Pressure. Pressure. Pop
. Billy gasped. “I’m inside.”

Shaz breathed out, his words flowing on his breath. “Oh yes, you are.”

How did it feel? Very tight. Tighter than a woman. Oh yeah, and better than a woman.

Shaz’s eyes closed, his lips turned up, and he sank slowly down on Billy’s cock.

A ripple of electricity shivered up Billy’s back and heat spread through his groin.

Shaz groaned. “Oh man, you feel good. I’m so glad you’re gay.”

Billy laughed between gasps. “Me too. Oh man, me too.”

Shaz pulled up almost to the tip of Billy’s cock, then pushed back down hard. He gasped.

“What? Did I hurt you?”

“No. Not at all. It’s the secret benefit of being a bottom. Some men get their prostate lit up and it feels divine. Oh hell yes.” He began to pound on Billy’s cock.

“Oh, oh! It’s a good thing I’m handy with tools, because you’re a jackhammer.”

Shaz smiled, but his eyes rolled back and then closed tight as his hips pulsed up and down. Up and down.

Billy stared down his torso and got a glimpse of his cock disappearing into Shaz’s slim body.
Like his favorite porn flick. But better. Way better. He’d never had friction like this. That hole hugged his cock like it was custom-made for him. His dick tingled and throbbed. In his life, he’d never been so turned on.
Must have something to do with fucking the right sex. Yeah, and the right guy.

Shaz pumped like a wild man, his red hair flying, and wonderful, sexy sounds coming out of his mouth.
. Down went his ass and up flew the shots of fire straight to Billy’s balls. Their breathing sounded like a couple of freight trains and drowned out the music still playing.
So good. So amazing.
“Jesus, Shaz! I’m close—”

“Me too. Me toooo. Oh.” Spunk shot out of Shaz’s cock, hit his own chin, and splashed back onto Billy’s chest. Then more and more popped straight up like streamers at a victory parade.

“Oh man. Oh God.”
Just a little more!
“Je-sus!” He exploded. Like his whole body shot into outer space and mixed with stars and planets as pump after pump of jizz poured out of his cock into the condom in Shaz’s unbelievably tight ass.

He tingled from head to foot as his cells reassembled. Was he just waxing poetic?
No, baby, it was true.

Shaz collapsed on his sticky chest, and that supremely sophisticated man giggled. Yep, only definition of the sound. “You should be ashamed, being so gorgeous and so good at fucking too.”

“You did all the work.”

“Spare me. Your cock should be bronzed and put in a trophy case.”

For a three-time loser at relationships, that compliment sounded better than the music. Billy chuckled and wrapped his arms tight around Shaz’s smooth, muscled back.

The music played and for a few minutes they just cuddled. Shaz squirmed. “My butt’s getting cold.”

“I never want to move again.”

“Oh good. We can sell tickets. Come see the naked hunk.”

“New profit center.”

“We’ll make a mint.” He snuggled against Billy’s neck.

Billy breathed and ran his fingers through Shaz’s mane. “Speaking of mints, I’ve been so caught up in my own stuff, I haven’t asked you about what’s-his-face and how you’re feeling about him being gone.”

“Giles? I had pretty much decided to split with him before he made the decision so obvious.” Shaz kissed Billy’s chest.

“No kidding?”

“I noticed I had lost interest in him.”

“At least your heart wasn’t broken.”

“No. Fully intact. Although I must confess to a little ego wounding to think he was cheating on me for months.”

“I never noticed he had many brains.”

“Ah, true. Even fewer than I suspected.”

“What about his money? The investment? What will happen to the new location?”

Shaz sighed. “Gone.” His fingers toyed with Billy’s nipple, which felt ridiculously good considering how recently his cock had been shot to outer space. “The building, the architectural plans, the whole deal was all Giles.”

“You can’t take it over?”

“Wouldn’t want to. The place he chose is in Newport. I’m a Laguna Beach guy. And his architect really was a bit froufrou Mediterranean for my taste. Anyway, we’re well off on Ocean Avenue, and I can keep an eye out for something more to my taste.”

“You have to take this couch with you wherever you go. Either that or let me buy it.”

“What will you do with it?”

“Have it bronzed. Along with my cock.”

Shaz laughed, and the bouncing of his stomach sent vibrations through Billy’s belly—and lower.

“Uh, excuse me, sir, do I notice something coming between us?”

“I never thought it’d move again.”

“Much evidence to the contrary.”

“No need to indulge the beast.”

“Au contraire.” Shaz rolled to the side, grabbed the lube lying on the floor beside the couch, and with a huge grin, reached for Billy’s awakening cock.




Torkelson pitched to Billy, and he hit a long ground ball to the shortstop. The kid grabbed it and threw it to first.

“Okay, you guys. Not bad. Let’s try again. It’s top of the third with one man out and a man at second. Where’s the play?”

Sheri called out from first base. “Second, coach.”

“Let’s see it.”

Torkelson pitched again, and Billy hit another grounder toward right field. Miracle of miracles, Willie Jenkins scooped it up and threw to second. The second baseman pantomimed tagging the runner, then hurled to first. Sheri got it and Billy yelled, “He’s out. Good job. Okay, Torkelson, remember when the ball leaves your hand, you become a key defensive player. I hear from Coach Mortensen that you missed the pitcher backup in the game. Bruce, you want to take over and give the kids some notes?”

The assistant coach, one of the fathers, trotted over from the picnic table where he’d been sitting. “My pleasure. Okay, kids, let’s work on some more fundamentals. Coach Ballew wants all this stuff to be second nature, got it? Then when you’re in a game, no worries about what to do. I’ll hit you some fly balls.”

Billy walked to the picnic table and grabbed a water.

“Hey, Coach.”

He didn’t have to look. He plastered on a smile and turned. “Hello, Mr. Jenkins.”


“Sorry. Hi, Carl.”

“You’ve done wonders with this team, Ballew. I gotta give you credit.”

“Thank you. They’re great kids and they work hard.”

“Yeah, well, that and five bucks will buy you a cup of coffee. You know your baseball. Did you play in college?”

“No, sir. Middle school mostly.”

“Well, whatever, you’re good at it. I was really amazed that Willie managed to grab that grounder—” He looked over Billy’s shoulder and his eyes widened. “What the hell?”

Billy turned. Walking across the grass in pink skintight pants and a black silk shirt with red hair flying was Shaz.

Jenkins said, “Who the fuck is that?”

Words clogged Billy’s throat.
My friend. My boyfriend. My—shit
. “Uh, he’s a stylist. I’m doing some work for him.” The words felt like poison.

Across the grass, Shaz raised a hand and waved. “Hey, Billy.” From where Billy stood, that high voice sounded so gay it was ridiculous.

Jenkins grabbed Billy’s arm. “Keep him away from the kids.”


“You don’t want these kids exposed to a queer like that. Get him out of here.”

Billy pulled his arm away. “Mr. Jenkins. That so-called queer is a friend of mine.”

“You’re kidding?” He looked at the rapidly approaching Shaz with wild eyes. “Just keep your
away from me and my kid.”

“You’re the one who’s kidding.” He walked toward Shaz, but his heart beat way too fast. This was a taste. A nibble of what the future would be like. He wanted to run.

Shaz met him like the perpetual motion machine he was, grabbing his arms. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but I just saw this place a client of mine told me about, and she thinks it would be perfect for the studio. It’s a steal and it’s right on Ocean Avenue. But I wondered if you’d come and see it with me? You could tell me if I can do what needs to be done in there. It’s so interesting. Great location. I—” He cocked his head. “What’s wrong?”

Billy shook his head. “Nothing. Just some of the parents are jerks.” But not as big a jerk as he was.

Shaz looked around Billy. “Such as that ugly little man who’s glaring daggers this way?”

“Yeah.” Billy swallowed hard and stared off at the grass.

Shaz looked up at him and dropped his hands from Billy’s forearms. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause trouble for you.”

“Don’t worry about it. Just give me the address of the place. I’ll go straight there as soon as I finish up with practice. I’ll call you when I’m on my way.”

Shaz took a step back and stared down at his three-hundred-dollar tennis shoes. “I should have called instead of just coming here like the idiot I am. I didn’t think.”

He never saw Shaz looking unsure. It freaked him out. “Nothing to worry about. Really. Just tell me the address.” He pulled out his phone.
Make this all be over

“It’s okay.”

“No, give it to me.”

Shaz rattled off an address but never met Billy’s eyes. “Sorry.” He turned and started walking fast toward the parking lot. His slim hips waggled as he moved.

Shit. Shit
. Billy wanted to hit something, preferably Carl Jenkins. “Shaz!” He ran and caught him near his car. Billy tried to smile. “I’m really looking forward to seeing the place.”

Shaz gazed at him for a minute and then smiled, but his eyes glistened. “Thank you.” He turned and got in his car.

Billy watched him go. A bad taste filled his mouth. Yeah, his own stupid cowardice. Somebody should shoot him for hurting Shaz. He walked slowly back to the practice. Sadly, Jenkins was still there talking with two other parents. Billy ignored him and went out on the field. For the next half hour, he had the kids catching fly balls. God, he loved working with the kids. Their parents? Not so much. He waved at the assistant coach. “Hey, Bruce.”

Bruce trotted over to him. “Yeah, Billy.”

“I gotta do something. For work. Can you take over? They’re doing well. Help Selena with her throw to third a couple times.”


“Thanks.” He walked to the picnic table, grabbed his gear, and started toward his truck.

“Coach.” Billy paused. He really didn’t want to hear from Carl Jenkins right now. He looked over his shoulder. “Yeah.”

Jenkins walked up. “Look, I wanted to be sure I wasn’t overreacting, so I talked to a couple other parents. Told them about your client, you know?”

“You what?” The fucking asshole busybody.

He shrugged. “This is important stuff, Coach. When you have a son like mine who tends to be a sissy anyway, I can’t afford to have him seeing you with a guy like that. Give him the wrong idea about what’s acceptable.”

Billy’s ears caught fire. He had to take a deep breath to keep from balling his hands into fists. “Mr. Jenkins—”


“Mr. Jenkins, whether or not my friend is gay is none of your business. There are a lot of different kinds of people in this world, and Willie’s going to meet a bunch of them. He’ll make his own decisions about what’s acceptable. And I can assure you, so will I.” He kept walking to his truck.

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