Knight Terrors: A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Tale (14 page)

BOOK: Knight Terrors: A Zombie Apocalypse Survival Tale
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     “Daddy, I’ll be fine,” said Tabby.

     I realized at that point that Mike had ahold of my arm.

     “Easy, Boss Man,” said Mike.  I looked around and realized that Rendina’s two shadows were standing with their hands on their weapons. 

     “I’m on her squad, Ryan.”   It was Tom.  “I‘ll watch her.  I won’t let her leave my side.”

     I gave him a good hard look.  His wife, brother, nephew, Hell most of his family were dead and I didn’t know just how much he blamed me for all of that.  He had reasons not to like me but I saw in his face that he wouldn’t let Tabby get hurt.  I nodded at him then turned back to the Captain.

     “You’ve heard our story, Rendina.  You know the lengths that I will go to to protect my family.  If anything happens to her…”

     “Please,” he said.  “You couldn’t even protect your wife.  We leave in fifteen minutes.  See Tyler for your gear.”

     His remarks dropped me to my knees as the people on the trip began to move to the supply area.  Tabby came over followed by Tracie.

     I grabbed Tabby and pulled her in tight.

     “You stupid, stupid girl.  Do you remember leaving our house?  Do you rememebre downtown and how bad that was?  That’s what every minute is like out there.”

     “I’ll be all right daddy,” she said.  But, then she started to cry.  “I want to help.  But, now I don’t know.” 

     “You listen to Tom and do everything he says when he says it.  He’ll keep you safe.  If I hear that you didn’t listen to him I will break your leg myself to keep you here.  Understand?”  She nodded.  “Go give your grandmother a hug and get your gear.”

     “I love you, Daddy.”

     “I love you, too.  Come back to me Tabby.”

     “I will.”

     I watched her go as I cried.  Rendina was right about one thing.  Sam died on my watch.  I would probably never forgive myself for that.  But I was not going to lose any more of my family.  I guess Tracie could see that I was getting angrier by the minute.  She gently took my hand and held it while the teams got ready and headed out the door.  Mike went to Tabby and gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.  I wondered absently, if they’d had a proper kiss yet.

     When the doors were closed and blockaded, Mike came over to where Tracie and I were standing.  I dropped Tracie’s hand and Mike didn’t seem to notice.  He looked as pissed as I was.  He loved Tabby too.  If she got hurt it’d be a toss up as to who got to Rendina first.

     “I want a plan,” I said.  “I want a plan to get out of here.”

     It was almost dark when the boat got back.  I expended a lot of energy getting up to the top of the Battery where I could see.  I radioed the boat as soon as I could see it.  I made Rendina put her on the radio.

     “I told you that I’d bring her back safe.”

     “And I told you to put her on the radio.”

     After helping to put the supplies away, Tabitha came to find me.

     “I’m so sorry, Daddy,” she said.  Throwing her arms around me.  “That was really scary.”

     “But you’re back safe.”

     “Yeah, Tom helped me to see what was going on.  But we saw a lot of zombies.  I even killed one.  But, you were right.  It’s really bad out there.”

     “I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with all this.  You’ve had to grow up so fast.”  She was no longer a little girl or even a teenager.  She had become a woman.  Strong like her mother.

     “But, I’m not your little girl anymore.”

     “Yes, you are.  And I’m proud of you.”

     Rendina came over once Tabby left to find Mike.

     “I can’t have you talking to me like that,” he said.  “I’ll let it slide this one time but if it happens again?  Well, insubordination is not tolerated well in the military.”

     “We’re not in the military, Ron.  This is the real world.  And in the real world, when a leader does something that fucking stupid there should be some resistance.”

     “She’s fine.  And we need everyone to contribute.  Who goes on supply runs is my decision and is final.  You act up like that again and they’ll be consequences.”

     “You hurt my family and there will most definitely be consequences.”  I walked away before I said too much or got myself killed.  I wasn’t any good to anyone dead.

     Tracie, Mike and Tony had dinner with me.  Mal was with Karen and Tabby was with Justin.

     “How are you doing with this, Mike.”  I indicated over to where Tabby was talking to Justin.

     “That’s the least of my worries right now.  I’m still keeping my promise.”

     “Good, thank you.”

     “Do we have a plan yet?  I think the sooner we get out of here the better,” said Tracie.

     “My ankle is still not healed.  Unless we have an emergency or a great opportunity I think I need a few more days,” I said.

     “In the meantime,” said Tony.  “We watch, listen and generally pay attention.  Any patterns or weak points need to be identified.  They might be helpful when it’s time.”

     “That’s good.  For now let’s keep our heads down and be good little citizens.


Sunday, January 11, 2015


     After breakfast, Captain Rendina assigned the crews for the supply runs.  Tabby was not on the list but Justin was.  Mary lost it when she heard her son’s name called.  Lois and Beth comforted her as she begged to go in his place.

     “We all need to pull our weight,” Rendina said.

     “He’s just using the kids to show us who’s boss,” said Tony quietly.  I nodded.

     “Daddy,” said Tabby.  “Please do something.”

     “Tabby, I couldn’t keep him from taking you yesterday.  I can’t help Justin.  Can’t he handle himself?”

     “I like Justin, I really do.  But look at him.”  Justin was crying on the ground next to his mother.  “He’s not Mike.  He’s not made of what Mike’s made of.”

     As the team was getting ready I hobbled over to Mike.  Getting around was beginning to get easier but not much. 

     “I need a favor…”  In return I got a look of disgust.

     “I know what you’re gonna ask…”

     “Not me, Mike.  This comes from Tabby.  And I quote, ‘I like Justin, but he’s not Mike.  He’s not made of what Mike’s made of’.  End quote.”  He perked up at that.

     “You know, I wouldn’t let a team mate get hurt anyway.  Regardless of who it was.”  I nodded.  “But, I’ll make sure he comes back in one piece.”

     “Thanks, Mike.  Be safe.”

     I hobbled over to where Mary, Tabby, Lois and Tracie were sitting.  Mary was crying  I wanted to say something helpful, but I wasn’t feeling it.

     “The other team members will be looking out for him, Mary.  He’ll be okay.”

     She nodded but didn’t look consoled.  I wasn’t consoled either.  We lost Keith despite our best efforts and he knew what he was doing.  A scared 15 year old might do something stupid and get himself or someone else killed.

     I caught Tabby eye and indicated for her to follow me.  When we were out of earshot, I turned to her.

     “It’s a strange world we live in now where I’m going to have this conversation with you, but you need to make a choice.  You can have Mike or Justin, but not both.” 

     She started to open her mouth but I raised my hand. 

     “I know you like Justin.  You’re happy to see him; glad he’s alive.  He reminds you of happier times, back when we were all together and home safe.  He’s your first crush or whatever.  But, it’s obvious that you feel something stronger for Mike.  You pretty much said so yourself earlier.  Normally, I wouldn’t get involved.  Or, I’d make your mother do it.”

     That hurt.  There’s been too much using Sam’s memory for me lately.

     “But, while you are trying to figure this all out I have to worry about the three of you.  I have to worry if you have your head on straight, if you’re paying attention.  If you’re not, you could get killed.  So, I need you to figure this out.”

     She threw her arms around me and began to cry.

     “I never thought I’d see Justin again and then there he was.  I was so glad to see him.  But I never meant to hurt Mike.  I think I love him.”

     I can’t believe I was going to say this to my 15 year old daughter, but…

     “I think you do too.  Now you have to tell both of them what you just told me.  It won’t be easy but I think things are going to get worse and I need all of you with your heads on straight.”

     “Yeah, Daddy.  I’m sorry.”

     “Nothing to be sorry about Tabby.  The emotions of the heart are difficult to figure out when you’re young and you’re experiencing them for the first time.”  I saw Tracie watching us.  “And it doesn’t get much easier as you get older.”

     The boat returned around 3 pm.  The tide was low but still going out; about perfect for unloading the supplies from the deck.  We knew everyone was safe.  I’d called the boat for Mary as soon as we saw it out in the harbor.  But something was wrong.

     The teams were quiet as they worked to unload the boat.  Everyone was covered in dirt and gore.  Clothes were torn.  Even Captain Rendina looked haggard and beat.  I saw Mike and hobbled over to him but he tried brush me off.

     “We’re all fine, Ryan.  Justin’s fine.  Though I think he actually shit his pants.  Hell, I almost shit my pants.  We got trapped in the Walmart and had to escape through the roof.  I’ve never seen so many zombies.”

     “Was it the Horde again?”

     “Maybe part of it, yeah.”

     “Okay, get cleaned up.  We’ll talk about it later.”  He nodded and trudged off.

     We got the story over dinner.

     “One of the vans hit another vehicle in the Walmart parking lot.  Christ it was loud.  I’m always surprised by just how quiet it is out there.  We were working on getting the two vehicles un stuck when the zombies started showing up.  More and more.  I don’t know how many.”

     “You think it was part of the horde?”  I asked.

     “Maybe.   We didn’t see the horde as we drove up but there’s a little bend in the road there and they could’ve been right on the other side of that bend.  We started taking them down but they just kept coming.  More and more.  Before we knew it, we were just about surrounded.  We barely made it into the Walmart but it was full of zombies.”

     “What’d you do?” asked Lois.

     “We fought our way through.  It wasn’t like normal where we could step back and shoot from relative safety.  We moved as one big team and only shot what was in front of us or too close on the sides.  I killed more zombies today than I have since this whole damned thing started.”

     He had everyone’s attention.  Mary was crying.   I don’t think that Justin was too vocal about what had happened.  He was also probably a little upset that instead of comforting him in his time of need, Tabby was sitting with Mike holding his hand.

     “It was a just zombie hell, Ryan.  We shouldn’t have been there.  We already knew there were a lot of zombies there.  We saw that the day we lost Keith.  Remember?”

     I remembered the day we lost Keith, alright.  I remembered it too well.

     “Justin did alright,” said Mike.

     The younger boy looked up from his plate and even managed a weak smile.

     “After some initial struggles with fear and his feet not wanting to move he did okay,” continued Mike.  “He listened, did what he was told and kept up.  And I only had to save his butt twice.”

     Mike smiled and Justin managed another weak smile.

     ‘Thanks,” said Justin softly.  “But I think you saved my butt a few more times than that.”  Justin clearly didn’t want to think about the days events.

     Captain Rendina came by to announce there’d be no supply runs the next day.  We’d use the day to organize what we gathered and rest.


Monday, January 12, 2015

     During breakfast there was a commotion at one of the camp sites.  I hobbled over to see what was going on.  My ankle was doing a lot better but I still used the cane.  Didn’t want to hurt it again. 

     One of Rendina’s lieutenants’s had a hold of Justin by the arm.  Mary was screaming at him to leave her son go. And Mike was about ready to kill someone.

     “What’s going on here?” I asked.

     “I don’t answer to you,” he said.

     “But you do answer to me.”  Captain Rendina walked up.  “Talk.”

     “We were conducting a routine search of bags and property looking for contraband.”

     “You’re searching our personal property without permission?”  Karen exploded.

     “I don’t need your permission.  It’s for the good of the group.”

     “Spoken like a true dictator,” I said.  Rendina just glared at me.

     “Talk, dammit,” he said to the lieutenant.

     “We found a bag full of food.  His bag.”  He pointed at Justin.

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