KnightForce Tres (La Patron KnightForce Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: KnightForce Tres (La Patron KnightForce Book 3)
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Chapter 16


Silas stood next to Cameron as pack members surrounded them; small touches on their arms, legs, anywhere they could make contact to ease their spirits.

“Is there anything we can do to help?” A parent asked, holding his son’s hand while talking to Cameron.

“Thanks, Lee. KnightForce is here and they’re handling the investigation. The safety of our students are our top priority, that’s why my and La Patron’s pups attend our schools. There was a slip up this time, but we’re correcting it now. School’s closed until Tuesday, so enjoy your three-day weekend.” Cameron slapped the male on the back with a smile as he turned to leave.

The other pack members nodded, their relief, palpable. Sounds of cheers and excitement from the upper floors raced through the building at Cameron’s announcement. Silas glanced at Cameron, who held Amari and Theo’s hands, his adopted daughter and son.

The Liege had kidnapped and experimented on pups from all over the globe. When Silas’ team had located labs in the United States, they rescued dozens of pups, most of whom were returned to their parents. Others were placed with pack members who wanted more pups. Some were left behind. Cameron and Lilly had adopted four more of those, expanding their den to seven pups.

Amari, born in the Liege lab, fidgeted by Cameron’s side until he looked down at her.

“Where’s mama? I want to go home.” Fear in her soft voice tickled Silas ear.

“She’s gathering the others from upstairs. When she’s got them, she’ll swing by for you two,” Cameron said.

“Are you coming with us, Papa?” Theo asked, his Spanish accent stronger with the pack so close. From the information Cameron found on the small Asian, he’d been raised in Mexico, his ability for advanced calculations had moved him up the roster to be fitted with a computer chip in his brain by the Liege. Fortunately, the lab was destroyed before they had that chance.

“No, I need to make sure everyone gets home safe, as soon as I finish, I’ll head to the house.” He rubbed Theo’s spiky black hair.

“Okay,” Theo said.

Amari moved her long, charcoal-colored hair to the side and stared toward the hall where Lilly would arrive.

Cameron had shared his concerns with Silas over her skittishness from loud noises or certain sounds, and the nightmares she continued to have from her time in the Liege’s lab. Silas suggested all of Cameron’s pups have a few sessions with Hawke and Damian, perhaps start a support group where they discussed their time in captivity. Hawke and Cameron agreed and planned to start next month.

A few moments later, Lilly walked through the corridor with her other three pups. Silas tried to remember their names. Standing almost six feet, Higley was the oldest and was on the top floor of the school with the upper classmen. Like a few of his siblings, he had been singled out by the Liege for implants. According to Cameron, Higley could sing everything from opera to jazz to contemporary music. If the young pup heard a note or a song, he could repeat it perfectly. Silas wasn’t sure how the Liege had planned to use the pup or if they’d simply planned to market his talents in the music industry.

Brendell, Nionis and Mason were the same age and on the second floor. Brendell, a small, petite blond with a nervous condition, and Nionis, who had vision issues, were both operated on by the Liege. One of Brendell’s arms was noticeably longer than the other and she walked with a limp from where the metal placed in her leg didn’t bond. Computer chips had been placed on Nionis’ eyes, and then removed when she couldn’t see anything. Now her vision skipped all over the place. Sometime she saw things with an x-ray clarity, and at other times a dark wall loomed in front of her. Matt and Dr. Passen worked with these two, hoping to help bring some stability to their lives.

Pierre, Cameron’s seventh child, was unable to be in a school environment. Lilly had the brilliant child homeschooled. The Liege had tampered with his mind hoping to improve his already high IQ. Even though he’d gained the ability to move things with his mind, see through patterns, and dissect complex computations, he could no longer read or write.

“Mama!” Amari yelled, running forward and wrapped her arms around Lilly’s leg. Smiling, Lilly placed a hand on Amari’s back while looking at Silas and then her mate. Theo hitched his book sack higher on his shoulder and walked toward his new family, appearing at ease with the changes in his life.

Silas studied Cameron’s pups and saw their potential in the pack. His godson had done well.

Higley bowed and then spoke as he approached. “Good evening, Sir. How is David?” The only person Silas ever saw Higley remove his headphones and talk with was his son David.

“Not good, his mother took him home.” Silas hadn’t spoken to Jasmine, despite Tyrone asking on his behalf, that she re-open their link.

“I’ll check with him later tonight, if that’s okay,” Higley said, watching him.

Silas nodded. Either David would talk or he wouldn’t. Higley knew how David behaved.

“I didn’t hear anything, Sarita didn’t cry out, or yell or scream, the theft was done in total silence. Maybe she knew the person,” Higley said.

Silas nodded, he’d thought the same thing. Pack didn’t need to vocalize with each other to communicate as humans did.

“Nionis is gaining better control over her sight. Earlier she saw La Patroness in the hall and joined the search. Sarita wasn’t stashed in the walls, cupboards or any hiding place in this building. Nionis couldn’t see the outbuildings though.” Higley glanced over his shoulder.

Silas looked at the peanut butter complexioned female with a head full of naturally curly hair. In the middle of speaking to Mason, she stopped, met his gaze, and then bowed. Although she wore tinted glasses, Silas had the feeling she saw a lot more than he was comfortable with.

“Thank you, I appreciate that,” Silas said.

Cameron slapped Higley on the back. “You wanna hang around with me here a little while?”

Higley’s brow rose and his face reddened as his mouth opened and closed. “No, Sir.”

After a brief kiss with Cameron, Lilly turned and left with her pups. Silas wondered what the future held for Cameron’s seven pups. One day that den would be a force to reckon with.

“What do you think?” Cameron asked, returning to his side.

“Nionis and Higley made valid points, I’m grateful for the additional assistance,” he said.

Cameron beamed with pride. “They’re awesome, best decision we ever made adopting all seven.” He inhaled and turned aside. “KnightForce is here.”

Where’s the staff
?” Angus asked.

“In the main hall behind me
,” Silas said.

I’ll send the red team in to talk with them. One will ask questions while the other observes. Everything will be recorded so we can go over it later, both to grade and see if they missed anything.”

“Sounds good. I’ve stopped news coverage on what happened and ordered parents, staff, and students to remain silent on the kidnapping to give us time to outwit our opponents.”

Thanks, that’ll help a lot

The men in red uniforms enter the hall, greeted Silas, and then headed to speak with the staff.

Men wearing yellow spread out in groups of two all over the first floor. Like ants, they recorded everything with cameras and camcorders. Those in purple walked through the doors out to the grounds.

Cameron and Angus nodded to each other and then watched the activity.


?” she asked in a low voice.

Pleased she finally spoke to him, he tried to push warmth through their link. “
Open our links fully so I can help you with this
.” He turned and walked toward the tunnel, stopped and stared at the steel doors.

No. This is…I don’t want to have it easy. I need the pain and everything that goes with it so I remember

He frowned. “
Are you blaming yourself?
This isn’t your fault

I was there this morning, hugged her, and I didn’t notice anything. I should’ve looked, paid attention

Hawke was here, too.”

“But he wouldn’t notice anything different. Every day, I walk the kids to school, into their classrooms. Why didn’t I see something? I missed it.”

He rubbed his face with the palm of his hand. “
No you didn’t miss anything
,” he stressed, fearing she didn’t hear him.

If Cameron had taken the kids to school every day as I did, you would think he missed something. Jarcee is loaded with guilt, and in the back of your mind you’re wondering why he missed whatever happened, and so is he

Silas growled low in his throat, wishing she hadn’t read his thoughts toward the security detail.

If…if one of our children had been taken, you’d be ripping that school apart. Sarita is the daughter of my heart, she lived here with us, and is a member of my den –”

“I know that
,” he growled, and then exhaled to combat the gnawing in his gut. “
But I cannot handle you being this upset without trying to ease you. Knowing you’re hurting, sensing your discomfort, plus you shut me out…”

“Just ignore it.”

“I’m not built that way,
” he snapped, and then exhaled. “
I can’t ignore anything about you. Nothing. Everything you feel, everything you do or say impacts me in some way, good or bad, makes no difference.”
He paused at her silence.
“Don’t you understand? You’re a part of me, the best part I’m sure. Seeing you the way you were earlier ripped my heart apart.”

“Silas, don’t.”

“This is the full-blood side of mating, Jasmine. You own my heart and I don’t want it any other way. If you think I should tear this damn building apart, if that will ease your pain, consider it done.

A long whistling sound echoed in their link. “
Asia says KnightForce has taken on the assignment. That’s 75 Alphas searching for my sweetheart. I have to believe they’ll find her.”

“We’ll find her.
” He stressed they were a team, working as a pack.

Silas…I love you so much. Your world is becoming mine, I’m learning more and more each day. Thank you for your patience

He closed his eyes and visualized her in his arms sharing a passionate kiss while he squeezed her ass and filled their link with his thoughts.

?” she asked on the heels of a lusty sigh.

Most definitely. I’ll update you soon.”
He turned and looked at Angus, who held a piece of cellophane wrapping.

Crescent Blue found this in the classroom. Large corrugated boxes were used this morning and then disposed of from all over the school. I sent a team to the trash compound to search for clues. It’s possible she was taken out that way. Unfortunately, some of the boxes have been prepped for recycling, and some garbage has been incinerated

Silas nodded. If Sarita had been in a box, the workers should have smelled her blood once they started strapping the recyclables together or if she’d been tossed in the fire. “
Did they stop everything until the trainees arrive?”

Yes, nothing else goes into the incinerator or recycling station.”


“I’m sending the purple team into town to gather information on anything out of the ordinary and to check out guests at the hotel,”
Angus said.

Silas looked at him.

Angus held up his hands. “
Just checking. They won’t go on the offensive without me, Asia or Tyrese approving their actions. But someone may have seen or know something
Maybe there’s an accomplice or team waiting in town or nearby. It won’t hurt to get more answers without exposing what happened here.

Silas wouldn’t allow interrogation of innocent pack members, but if they found anything he wanted to know, that’d be different. “
Okay, but I’m holding you responsible for their actions, make sure you inform Cameron.”

“These are Alpha trained full-bloods, you trained them, Silas
,” Angus reminded him.

“True, but that was 10 years ago for some of them. Keep an eye on them,
” he said again, and then waited for Tyrese to reach them.

“Mope gave me his report. There are 10 students he tagged as operating odd after hearing the news of Sarita.”
He handed Silas the paper with names. After reading them, Silas gave them to Angus.

Have someone observe each child over the weekend, let me know if anything strange happens. Also I want someone to watch the teacher and the principal,
” Silas said.

On it
.” Tyrese turned and pulled members of the red team together.

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