KnightForce Tres (La Patron KnightForce Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: KnightForce Tres (La Patron KnightForce Book 3)
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“First off, I’m grown and go where I please, not when people tell me to go. Remember that. Don’t try to handle me as a child and we’ll get along fine.”

Mélange shrugged. “It doesn’t matter.”

Renee pushed the button on the remote and threw it on the table. “What does that mean? Have you decided you’re not my mate after all? Are you walking away again?”

Mélange snorted. The inelegant sound surprised Renee since poise and grace always accompanied her lover.

“What does that mean?” Renee asked again.

“Ask the questions, the one your sister sent you here to ask,” Mélange said.

“See, there you go again, assuming people send me places,” Renee said, her jaw tightening.

“What are the questions?” Mélange sat with her legs crossed at the ankle and her hands clasped in her lap.

“Who is the person who planned against Asia?”


The quick response surprised her. “Oh.”

“Next?” Mélange said.

“Do you know of any plans involving the chameleon?”

Mélange closed her eyes. “Other than stealing it, no.”

“What? Someone wants to steal it? Is it valuable like a diamond or something?” Renee asked.

“Or something.”

Renee stared at Mélange, who sat with her head against the chair and eyes closed as if she didn’t want to see Renee. That hurt.

“Those were the two questions she asked.”

Mélange nodded.

“But I want to know who’s Elyria and what is she to you? And what was she to you?”

Mélange’s eyelids opened half-mast. “Shouldn’t you call your sister and give her your report? I’m sure she’s waiting for that information.”

“What’s wrong with you? You don’t give a damn about Jasmine or what she wants, why are you acting like this?”

“No, I don’t care about her, but you do. So call her.” Mélange closed her eyes.

Puzzled and hurt over her lover’s actions, Renee released a long stream of air. “I told you I can’t do this back and forth with you. One minute you’re all over me, the next you don’t want to be bothered. You promised we wouldn’t do this again.” Renee stood and wiped the corner of her eye. “I’ll leave you to your thoughts.” She searched for her purse and overnight bag. Spotting them on the corner of the table, she headed in that direction.

Mélange clapped. “Brilliant performance. Obviously their chameleon is better than the others I’ve seen. You sounded damn convincing. If I didn’t know the power of the chameleon, I’d believe you were who you claim to be. But La Patron wouldn’t want anyone like me associated with his family, which I understand, so they sent you.”

Renee’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

“Pity, because for my mate I’d work hard to make her happy, change into whatever necessary to earn one of her smiles. She’s so different from the rest of that lot, kind-hearted, smart and loyal. Tell Jasmine she made a mistake playing this game, because she involved my mate and no one should ever come between mates.”

“What are you talking about? She apologized for calling and asking me to ask those questions. I thought you could hear.” Renee tried to make sense of Mélange’s words and couldn’t.

Mélange waved down her question. “Do you want an answer for your last question, the one about Elyria?”

The way Mélange said the other woman’s name made Renee’s stomach clench. “No thanks. Understand this, when I leave this time, we’re done. Don’t call or seek me out again. I refuse to play these games with you.”

“Games? It’s your sister and family playing games. I told them I had nothing to do with the kidnapping, and they separate me from my mate, and sent you here to question me. I love my mate, but I will not play these games either. Elyria will do what she thinks is right in her own eyes, most times it makes no sense to anyone but her.”

“Elyria? Did you date her?” Renee asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

“Thought you didn’t want to know.”

Renee crossed her arms and continued to stare.

“Yes, we were lovers…for 10 years.”

Renee gasped, she took a step back. “Did you say 10 years? Why’d you break up?”

Mélange’s eyes brightened as her lips quirked. “I met my mate, fell in love. Why else? I think you’ve gotten what you came for. I shared that information because of the kindness Jasmine showed helping my mate and I at the compound. Obviously I didn’t pass her test. Anyway, I’m done with all of this. Please leave.”

Chapter 33


Countdown clock: 30 hours remaining


Silas watched Jasmine. Special security had driven Renee to the hotel and then returned her safely to the compound. The information Renee had given regarding the gender and name of the kidnapper helped. There were few hits with photos of the woman. Finally they had a name, if not a face or bio, on the kidnapper. He was grateful for the help, but Jasmine felt the cost was too high.

“What’s wrong?” Silas asked after a long bout of silence.

She covered his hand with hers. “I messed up.”

Silas’ brow rose.

Jasmine told him what happened to cause her sister to return early to the compound. “She’s going home tomorrow.”

Silas could understand why Mélange got the impression they’d swapped mates and he would’ve been just as pissed. “Did Mélange threaten you?”

“By saying I made a mistake interfering with mates?” Jasmine asked dryly.

“You didn’t do that.”

“But she doesn’t know me, so I understand the confusion. I just don’t know what to do about it,” Jasmine said.

“Why do anything? The fates will work things out, our plates are already full,” he reminded her.

“I know, but you didn’t see her eyes, Silas. Renee’s hurting.”

“So are Asia and Hawke, David and Sarita. They have my focus right now, Jasmine.”

“Mine too, but I can still hurt for my sister as well.” Jasmine removed her hand from his.

“I know, but there’s nothing you can say to Mélange to make her believe you didn’t use the chameleon, and you can’t explain the chameleon to Renee so she understands why Mélange responded the way she did. They’ll work things out on their own.” He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger and then brushed his lips across hers. “You’re so beautiful.”

Jasmine met his gaze and smiled. “Good move, Sir.”

Silas held her chin between his fingers. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me and I’m the luckiest wolf on earth to wake-up next to you every morning.”

Her eyes darkened.

His nostrils flared from the scent of her arousal.

“Wolfie, you’re flirting with me.”

“Not flirting, speaking from my heart…which you own.”

Jasmine growled. The sound went straight to his heart and flashed downward, making him hard.

“So fucking sexy,” he murmured against her lips just before he claimed her mouth. Moaning at her sweetness, Silas shut out the demands for his attention from everyone in his links. Focused on his mate reenergized him. When they broke apart, he searched for that dazed look in her eyes, his personal barometer of how good a job he’d just done.

She released a long breath and leaned her forehead against his chest. His heartbeat increased from her nearness and his beast roared, wanting private time with her.

“Whew, you’re just what I needed, the perfect distraction. If we weren’t on such a crazy time schedule, I’d take you into your office and have my way with you.”

Silas stood, holding her hand, he pulled.

Jasmine smiled and inched her hand away. “We can’t, not now. Not when everyone’s searching for Sarita. Let’s put our minds together and see what we come up with.” She patted the leather sofa he’d just vacated.

Growling in displeasure over being denied, Silas returned to his seat, taking her hand in the process. “I thought that’s what we were doing until you kissed me.” He didn’t bother looking at her, the loud huff from her was enough.

“Two bodies were just found,” Tyrese said after one tap on the door before entering the room. “Human police in upstate New York, near Buffalo, found two college students, their bodies emaciated, on an off road near an abandoned house. Asia and Hawke and their team are on their way. Alpha Lathem contacted the police chief in that area. Fortunately, several pack members work on the force, and the medical examiner is pack.”

Jasmine frowned. “Buffalo? What’s up there?”

“A stone’s throw from the Canadian border. Elyria may have taken Sarita into Canada,” Silas said, thinking who to contact for assistance. Several former Alpha trainees with packs lived near the border, but weren’t specifically under his crest. Still, he’d contact them to see if any would offer assistance.

” With both Rose’ and Jacques’ recent increases to their dens, Silas tried not to disturb either, and usually leaned on the trainees. But there were some things, like contacting Alphas in another country, he would only allow Jacques to handle.


Silas explained the situation and what he wanted Jacques to do. Once that was taken care of, he’d make arrangements for Asia and her team to enter Canada. “We need more information on Elyria. Who is she? Where would she hide? There’s thousands of acres in Canada for a person to get lost.” He looked at Jasmine and then Tyrese.

“There were thousands of hits on that name, if we had a little more information on her, like age, origin, last residence? Anything to differentiate her from all the others in the pool,” Tyrese said.

“Sarita is running out of time,” Silas said, worried for the child.

“Mom, the only person who can get any information about this Elyria person is aunty. I know you don’t want to push, but we’ve run out of leads. The bodies of those girls laid there for hours, there’s no telling where Elyria is by now and we need more info to trace her.” Tyrese paused. “She’s killing innocent humans, it’s just a matter of time before she kills someone and we can’t hide the skin and bones she leaves behind.”

Jasmine heard everything her son said and agreed. If she could snatch the information out of Mélange, she would. This whole mating thing…it sucked at times. No one knew what would happen if Renee lost her mate. She wouldn’t die, but would she live? Truly? Jasmine couldn’t, wouldn’t, take that chance and ruin her sister’s life. So for the time being Mélange was safe.

“So I should ask Renee to go back on our behalf to ask more questions, is that what you’re suggesting?” She looked at Tyrese.

Silas covered her hand and squeezed.

“Maybe she could call her?” Tyrese said, hesitantly rubbing his neck.

“Yes, she could call. But she won’t because she’s in love with Mélange and Mélange is hurting because of her separation from Renee. The one person who can help us refuses to do so because she thinks we’re up to no good.”

“Why?” Tyrese looked from her to Silas and back again. Jasmine gave him an abbreviated version of what happened.

“Wow…that’s…we’re fucked,” Tyrese said, and sat in the chair next to hers. None of them spoke for a few minutes.

“Where’s your phone?” Jasmine asked her son and straightened her burgundy dress
, smoothing out the bottom to keep her hands busy.

He removed it from his shirt pocket and held it so she could see.

“Call the hotel, have them connect to Mélange’s room.” Jasmine inhaled, and thought of what she’d say, how she’d play things. This could backfire, make things worse. Should she plead Sarita’s case? Would an assassin care? Asia would. Damn, she wasn’t sure what would be the right combination to get information.

Tyrese handed her the phone. Mélange answered on the third ring. “Hello?”

“What did you do to my sister?” Jasmine demanded, her voice hard, implacable as she thought of Renee’s pain when she’d returned earlier. She glanced at Silas’ surprised expression and then Tyrese’ raised brow.

“Nothing, I haven’t seen your sister.”

“Why was she crying when she returned to the compound? I’ll ask one last time, what did you do to my sister, Bitch?” She added an ugly, edgy quality she’d heard Silas use once when he was angry.

“What do you mean…crying?” Mélange asked cautiously.

“Oh hell no, tell me what did you do? The only reason I took your side yesterday is because mates can’t hurt each other, but my sister returned earlier crying. Now tell me what the fuck you did to her or I’m going to kick your ass all over West Virginia. There won’t be enough left of you to fill a seat on your flight home.”

Tyrese covered his mouth to stop grinning.

Silas leaned back in his chair, and closed his eyes while stroking the back of her hand.

“Wait a minute, you did this. You sent a fake person here using the chameleon, Renee didn’t deny it.”

“That’s because she doesn’t know anything about it asshole. Why would I mention anything like that to her? It’s too much too soon, she’s not pack yet. Is that what you did? Accused her of being someone else? No, you can’t be that damned stupid.”


“Tell you what, you have a choice. Get the fuck out of my town right now and leave my sister alone or I’ll terminate your ass before nightfall. No one messes over my sister like that. I can’t believe I took up for your stupid –”

“Stop with the name calling, that’s beneath you, and not the person your sister believes you to be. If I made a mistake –”

“If? Bitch that’s my sister you made cry.”

Tyrese stood and walked to the door, his shoulders shaking.

“Let me finish, please.”

Jasmine looked at Silas. He winked and offered her a high five.

“Go on.”

“Give me your word of honor my mate, and not someone else using the chameleon, came here today.”

Hearing the pain mixed with fear, sobered Jasmine. “Not only do you have my word as La Patroness, but you have the word of my mate La Patron. Renee was with you, not anyone else, and you hurt her today. Very few people know of the chameleon, I merely said the word to her to repeat to you so that you understood who I was searching for. In retrospect, that wasn’t my best idea. But a child’s life is at stake.”

“Is that what this is about?”

Jasmine backed up. “Renee’s my sister, I can’t allow you to hurt or abuse her heart, you did that today.”

“Goddess help! After she mentioned the chameleon I swear I thought she was a spy you sent to gain information on Elyria. Now I’ve lost my mate, she wants nothing to do with me. Games and too many people involved in my relationship with my mate. Enough of this. I’m returning to St. Louis and will attempt to woo her again after a period of time. This…this hurt goes both ways, your sister’s heart is not the only one bleeding.”

Jasmine frowned. “So you’re not her mate?”

“Of course we’re mated,” Mélange snapped. “But she’s demanded I cease from communicating with her, not that I blame her.” She inhaled. “But I will honor her request for now and try again another day.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that. Tell me one thing, is Renee safe from Elyria?” She looked at Silas, who’d straightened in his chair. Tyrese returned to his seat and leaned forward.

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t she be?”

“Stop acting as if Elyria’s happy about you and Renee, she’s probably pissed. So answer my question.” Jasmine hoped her gamble paid off. Renee had been too upset to say much about her conversation with Mélange, but she made it seem as if there had been something between Elyria and Mélange.

“She wasn’t happy, no. But she’d never…she wouldn’t…”

“Are you sure? Be damned sure my sister’s safe, otherwise tell Renee everything about you and your past so she can walk away if you can’t protect her.”

“I will protect her, damn you. She’s my mate to protect with my life! No one will hurt a hair on her head, not while I breathe, and I’m damn hard to kill. The fucking Liege made sure of that!” Mélange snarled.

Jasmine winked at Silas. “
she’s mad at me, now who’s sounding all out of character

Smiling, he shook his head.

“Just know this, if anything happens to my sister, there’s no place on the face of this earth where you or your former lover can hide. Am I making myself clear?” Jasmine said, utterly serious.

“Crystal. If Elyria goes after my mate, I will kill her myself, she knows this.”

“You discussed this with her?”

“Somewhat, she knows I don’t threaten, I promise.”

“Where is she?”

“I don’t know.”

“Where would she go?”

“I don’t know, thousands of places around the globe offer sanctuary for the right price. Elyria has a lot of money.”

“But she has the child, who’d offer sanctuary to a child?” Jasmine spoke conversationally as if they were allies, bound together to keep Renee safe.

Mélange snorted. “No one, so you can believe the child does not appear as a child. No doubt she’s wearing a chameleon, there’s just one problem. The chameleon lasts for 48 hours, after that it requires a new body.”

That explained the two college students; at least they would have faces to look for. Silas nodded his agreement and she assumed he passed the word onto Angus. They didn’t have 48 hours to wait for more bodies to drop.

“Who is she? Elyria? Where’d she come from?”

“As far as I know she’s from northern Africa, or somewhere in that area. I will say this, she’s smart, very smart, and she’s been around for a long time. I’m a little over a hundred and she’s more than twice that. Sometimes she acts without reason, or reasons that make no sense to others. She dances to a tune only she hears. Taking the child may have started as a way to prove she could do it, and after that, her reason may’ve changed to something else. She’s brilliantly fluid and hard to understand.”

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