Knight's Mistress (26 page)

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Authors: C. C. Gibbs

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Knight's Mistress
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She gazed at his reflection as if she’d come back from the other side of the world – breathless, dazed – but she whispered, ‘I don’t mind,’ because she’d heard him even on the other side of the world.

She met his next gliding, measured thrust with perfect precision, as if they were life-long dance partners, as if it was as natural as breathing. Until the prodigal limit was reached, there was nowhere else to go and he pushed that
explosive fraction deeper. The sexual equivalent of free-basing crack melted their brains, the world disappeared, bliss crystallized in diamond splinters.

Dominic dragged himself up from the depths of delirium first because he’d had more practice. But what he said next was neither habitual nor customary – and in any other circumstances, beyond comprehension. ‘I might stop giving you your birth control pills. See what happens – like a game of Russian roulette. Do you think that would add another level of excitement to our fucking?’

She went rigid under his hands, her eyes flared wide.

‘Relax. You have to learn to relax, Katherine. I’ll take care of you no matter how the game plays out. Did you think I wouldn’t? And instead of these pearls’ – he reached down to prod one with his finger – ‘dangling from your nipples, your breasts will drip milk for a baby. What do you think?’

What did she think? It was impossible! Inconceivable!
But her body wantonly opened in welcome, as if reason had become a marginal issue to irrepressible lust.

‘I think I’d like it,’ he murmured, driven by some redhot, sexed up irrational impulse. ‘A body like yours was made for babies. Interested?’

Since he was moving in her with the kind of undulating rhythm that inflamed and bewitched, overwhelmed intellect with fiery sensation, propelled her frenzied nerve endings ever closer to orgasm –
since she understood that she couldn’t climax without his approval, her immediate
answer was never in doubt. ‘Whatever you want,’ she breathed in a dissolving exhalation as he dragged her back into the unyielding rigidity of his erection.

With her climax hovering on the brink, Dominic knew how she’d answer – still, such unchecked largesse was intoxicating. Almost as intoxicating as the image of Miss Hart nursing his baby.

He went absolutely still for a split second, an error message flashing wildly in his brain. Another second passed before he resumed breathing, then another before he concluded that the conversation about procreation at lunch was to blame for his bizarre thoughts. Or the illusion suggested by the dangling pearls. Or perhaps it was only that Miss Hart unclothed triggered images of voluptuous fertility.

None of which mattered with his sanity fully restored. This holiday was about sex and games of mastery and submission, power and control. Nothing else. Miss Hart hadn’t lost her focus; she was swinging her bottom back and forth, being proactive in her quest for orgasm, her breathing erratic like it was just prior to orgasm.
So get with the programme.
Talk her over the edge.

‘You have a lot of cum running down your legs, Katherine,’ Dominic said gently, smoothly matching her rhythm, conscious of her fast approaching orgasm with the first small tremors fluttering up his dick. ‘If we’re going to get you pregnant, it might be better if you were lying down. Or I could just keep fucking you so you were
always filled with cum. That way we’d be sure to make a baby before too—’

She sobbed in a sharp little outcry and climaxed in a rapid fire series of hard convulsions that spiked through Dominic’s brain like a dynamite charge, stole his breath away, ignited an instant, simultaneous ejaculatory explosion that
fill the lady.

And left them both gasping for breath.

But Miss Hart was still slippery wet around him, fully available, delivering herself up to him with her bottom raised high. He felt invincible. As if he could fuck for ever, as if his cock was made of rock, impervious to all but the lure of Miss Hart’s lush, lubricated pussy and his militant lust.

As he proceeded to test his theory of invincibility, he didn’t hear Kate’s safe word after his next orgasm or the next. But her frantic, high-pitched, ‘No, no, no!’ finally broke through the hardcore death-by-screwing strategy he was pursuing. ‘A few seconds more,’ he gasped, grabbing her around the waist to hold her up as her arms gave way. A grunt, a jerk, a half-dozen violent, shuddering thrusts later and he stopped moving. And a second after that, he swept her up into his arms, kissed her parted lips, inhaled her breathless sob, and murmured on a laboured breath, ‘Poor baby – I didn’t … hear you.’

Carrying her over to the bed, he gently deposited her on the silk coverlet, loosened the nipple clips, softly kissed each pink crest, tossed the clips on the bedside table.
Pushing his damp hair away from his face, he dropped into a sprawl beside her. Her eyes were shut, she was motionless, her breathing unsteady. ‘I’m sorry. That was too much.’ He touched her fingertips. ‘You have to say “no” louder when I’m that buzzed. We’ll have to practise.’

She heard the smile in his voice and whispered, ‘Fuck you.’

He laughed. ‘At least you can still talk. I thought I might have to call in a doctor.’

The scary thought jolted her awake. ‘No doctors,’ she hissed, coming up on one elbow, lasering him with her gaze. ‘That better be in my contract.’

‘Whatever you want,’ he said, smiling up at her. ‘I’m in a generous mood.’

A withering glance. ‘I wonder why.’

Half rising in a ripple of hard, toned muscle, he leaned over and kissed her – light, brushing kisses on her temple, cheek, the hollow behind her ear. ‘I’m really sorry,’ he whispered into her silky curls. ‘Don’t be mad.’

‘I should be after all your damned orders, but’ – she sighed and dropped back on the bed – ‘how could I be? I’ve never come – like that … so wildly, and so many times.’

He leaned back on his elbows, thinking it shouldn’t matter whether she’d come like that a thousand times before. ‘How many times
you come before?’ Shocked that he’d asked, he debated countering his question with some bland levity. But didn’t.

‘Never like that – never, never. Other than masturbating,
I came – maybe twice before I met you. Although, I’m not sure if they were real orgasms.’

If you’re not sure, they weren’t real.
The thought warmed him in a strange and reckless way.

‘Although now that I know how fabulous it feels,’ she said with a soft sigh, ‘I probably didn’t climax with – well … anyway – it didn’t feel like it does when I climax with you.’

‘I see,’ he said politely, his pulse rate spiking. But a heartbeat later, he cautioned himself about overreacting. It didn’t matter when and if she’d come before. Seriously. Case closed. He ran his finger up her inner thigh, purposefully redirecting his thoughts. Told her they could dine on
The Glory Girl
if she wished or at home – it didn’t matter.

When he received no reply he looked up and saw she was sleeping.

So he covered her and quietly left the room.


Quickly washing up, Dominic put on the white terry-cloth robe hanging from the hook on the bathroom door and retired to his study. His first call was to his captain. He arranged to have
The Glory Girl
outfitted for a sail tonight with the stipulation that the plans were provisional. Danny Flynn, an Australian ex-surfer with blond dreadlocks who could sail anything with canvas, said, ‘If you show up, you show up. Don’t worry about it. It won’t interfere with my drinking.’

Dominic laughed. ‘Good to know we won’t be cutting into your entertainment.’

‘Bringing a lady, are you? Leo gave me a heads-up. Just in case, he said.’

‘He’s always a step ahead of me.’

‘You pay us enough, he should be.’ Both men had served together in the Australian commandos and had entered Dominic’s employ the same time as Max.

‘We can order dinner from Lung King Heen if we come on board,’ Dominic said. ‘I’ll let you know.’

‘Good fucking, man. I hear she’s fine.’

‘Miss Hart has to be treated with respect,’ Dominic warned.

‘Don’t get your knickers in a twist,’ Danny cheerfully replied. ‘Leo already threatened me. I’ll treat her like the bloody queen. Cheers.’

Dominic’s second call was to Max.

‘Sorry to call on your off time,’ Dominic said, ‘but I need some information. Who takes care of our grants at MIT?’

‘Bill Vandevore.’

‘Have him email me the grant amounts, departments, projects and the names of the participants by tomorrow morning.’

‘For? As if I don’t know.’

‘Then don’t ask.’

Max sighed. ‘I’ll see that Bill gets back to you. I was just about to call you about something.’

‘That tone of voice sounds like Liv needs something.’

‘The philharmonic charity event was supposed to be at the chief executive’s house tomorrow but his wife had a heart attack a few hours ago. I told Liv I’d ask you if we could transfer the affair to your place.’

Dominic groaned.

‘It’s Liv’s pet charity or I wouldn’t ask.’ The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra had been part of the ex-pat community
since 1895, was now officially under government sponsorship and unofficially a prestigious charity for the moneyed class in Hong Kong, no matter their origins.

‘Yeah, I know.’ An almost imperceptible pause, then Dominic said, ‘Send the guest list to Leo and tell him what you need. What time do I have to be there?’



‘It’s cocktails, seven to nine, but you’re the host and some people always come early. The Principessa, for one, when she hears it’s at your house. Her husband just signed an oil tanker deal with China for two and a half billion so Liv wants a big cheque from Antonia. We’re counting on you.’

‘I’m not fucking her, Max, if that’s what you’re saying.’

‘Everything but, then.’


‘Look, she should be good for a hundred grand at least and it’s not as though you haven’t fucked her plenty of times before.’

‘I happen to be busy right now fucking someone else.’

‘Then you’ll have to be real diplomatic. Either to Antonia or Miss Hart. That’s up to you.’

‘Thanks for the advice,’ Dominic grumbled. ‘And if I catch your eye at the damned party, you’d better get your ass over and pry Antonia off me. Got it?’

‘I’ll have Liv invite Lieutenant Penzance from the embassy. I hear he’s in demand with the ladies.’

‘Now you’re thinking. I won’t be there a minute before six. Miss Hart will be my companion.’


‘I intend to be. She’ll be introduced as a business associate – which she is, at least temporarily. But you owe me big-time for this. I’d prefer not interrupting one of my better holidays.’

‘I understand. Thanks.’

‘She’s really remarkable, Max. Out of the ordinary.’

It wasn’t like Dominic to speak so plainly, especially about the women in his life. He was generally reticent about the women he entertained or who entertained him. ‘I thought so when I met her,’ Max replied. ‘I’m glad you’re pleased.’

‘I’m more than pleased. Anyway, thank you for finding Katherine. I mean it sincerely.’

Max told his wife afterwards that he felt as though someone had punched him in the gut when he heard Dominic speak about Katherine Hart with such unreserved emotion. Dominic didn’t expose his feelings. He always kept everything personal locked up inside. On the other hand, Dominic didn’t do permanent and that’s what women always wanted. ‘Although I doubt she’ll be in Hong Kong long,’ Max sardonically added, standing in the doorway of his wife’s small office where he’d come to give her the good news. ‘You know Dominic.’

Olivia smiled. ‘She must be spectacularly better than his other playmates if he’s escorting her to a public function.’ Olivia was fully conscious of Dominic’s attractions.
Money, youth and good looks were a rare combination. ‘She’s the usual gold-digger though, I expect.’

‘She’s not.’ Walking in, Max dropped into a chair near his wife’s desk.

‘You can’t mean it.’ Having trusted her husband to get results, Olivia had been scrolling through the email list of participants that had to be notified of the party’s venue change. She turned in her chair. ‘Every woman Dominic knows is after his money.’

‘She really isn’t. You forget, I vetted her. She’s a small-town girl. Midwest. Focused on her skill set, not interested in money. Dominic had told her she could write her own ticket when it came to her contract, but she asked for only a modest fee. And after she saved Dominic twenty million in Singapore, she turned down his bonus offer.’

‘Good Lord.’ Olivia’s brows arched high. ‘A saint?’

‘No, but different from us. Exemplary small-town upbringing. Not at all like you, darling.’ Olivia was a slender, blonde aristocrat from a diplomatic family, with a refined beauty bred through six centuries of wealthy male forebears who’d married beautiful women because they could. ‘But you’ll like her. Katherine Hart is open, natural, whip-smart and fully aware of Dominic’s track record with women. She told me she did her research before the interview. I’m sure she did.’

‘I see. Then she won’t be surprised when he sends her on her way.’

‘Probably not. She’s sensible.’

‘And beautiful, no doubt. You forgot that. Always a requirement for Dominic.’

‘She’s pretty rather than stunning. She’s not every hair-in-place-put-together kind of glamorous like all of Dominic’s’ – he shrugged – ‘pick your label.’

‘Paid escorts?’

Max shrugged again. ‘Dominic likes temporary arrangements.’

Liv smiled. ‘I’ve noticed, everyone’s noticed. By the way, speaking of paid escorts, Antonia is sure to appear once she understands the event is at Dominic’s.’

‘I’ve already told him he’s to be nice to her. You want a sizeable donation.’

‘Thank you, darling. You’re a dear.’

‘But you have to invite Lieutenant Penzance to lure Antonia away from Dominic. I have orders to drag her off him if she’s too persistent. He’s apparently concerned about Miss Hart’s feelings.’


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