Knight's Mistress (27 page)

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Authors: C. C. Gibbs

Tags: #Contemporary

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look surprised.’ Max grinned. ‘Personally, I’m looking forward to a philharmonic charity event for the first time in my life. Watching Dominic deal with both Antonia and Miss Hart will be worth the price of admission.’

Olivia held her husband’s gaze for a moment, her eyes alight. ‘Do you think this unusual young lady has breached Dominic’s protective defences? Insinuated herself past that cool indifference?’

‘Ask me next week.’

She grimaced. ‘That means no.’

‘Not necessarily. Dominic’s not the same with her. I actually mean wait until next week. He’s scheduled to fly out on Tuesday.’

‘Without you, I hope. Your holiday isn’t up yet.’

‘Dominic’s going on to London without me. I’ll meet him in Paris later. We’ll see if Miss Hart goes with him or goes home.’ He nodded at her computer. ‘You can hit send on your email list now. Then email Leo a detailed inventory of what’s needed for the party; he’ll take care of the rest.’

‘It’s very sweet of Dominic to agree on such short notice.’

‘He always comes through.’ Max grinned, thinking of Dominic’s grudging assent. ‘Even when he’d rather not. So if you’ll go out of your way to be pleasant to Miss Hart, I know he’ll appreciate it. Dominic’s strangely protective of her.’

‘You said she’s young.’

‘Just out of college.’

Olivia’s gaze narrowed faintly. ‘And she’s keeping him interested?’

‘Who knows why? She’s bright as anything. Definitely a change for him.’

‘IT, you said. That
different. Not sleek and finished like the others.’

‘Greta’s dressing her.’

Olivia sat back in her chair, her hand to her breast in a small gesture of surprise. ‘Julia’s designer.’

‘Yes, Julia’s designer.’

‘My heavens.’ She dropped her hand, her blue eyes sparkled. ‘I can hardly wait to meet this fantastic woman.’

Kate slept through the dinner hour. Dominic cancelled their sail on
The Glory Girl
with a bland explanation.

‘You have to treat the sweet young things with more respect,’ Danny teased. ‘It’s solitaire and whisky for you tonight, my man. If you ever need any advice on handling the newbies, just ask.’

‘As if. The only sweet young thing you know is your sister.’

‘Want me to ask her what women like who don’t charge by the hour?’

Dominic laughed. ‘Fuck off.’

‘Seriously, if the lady wants a sail – we’re here any time. Day or night. Leo says you like her.’

‘You say that like it’s strange.’

‘Hey, man – who you talkin’ to? It is strange, OK?’

Max and his friends had come on board after Julia’s death. They’d only seen one Dominic Knight.

‘But nice strange.’

Danny could hear the smile in Dominic’s voice. ‘There you go. Life’s good. Take pictures for your photo album.’

Dominic chuckled. ‘I’ll call you if Katherine wants to go out on the water.’

‘You know my number. Cheers.’

Dominic went into the bedroom every half hour, checking to see that nothing was wrong, that Katherine was still breathing, that he hadn’t harmed her in some way. But she was always sleeping peacefully, curled up and cocooned in green silk with red dragons. He finally brought in his laptop rather than continually come and go, pulled up a comfortable chair near the bed and worked on his email.

He started getting hungry by eight and went to his study to order dinner.

‘Just send me two sandwiches now. I’ll call you when we’re ready for dinner. No, nothing elaborate. Not tonight. Something simple. You know what I like. And if you’ll set the table and put out the food, I’d appreciate it. I’ll give you a ten-minute heads-up. Thanks, Deshi.’

He’d eaten his sandwiches, spent another hour on his laptop and had just gotten up to check on Kate again when the phone in Kate’s messenger bag started ringing.

He made a dash for the chair where the bag had been dropped, managed to pull out the phone and was just about to shut it off when it stopped ringing and a text popped up.
Hey, babe. Remember me? The guy who makes you smile?

Dominic’s temper spiked, every muscle in his body tensed.
What did the asshole mean – makes you smile?
A heartbeat later he quickly locked away his anger because Kate was looking at him with faint bewilderment. ‘Your phone.’
He tossed it on the chair. ‘I didn’t catch it in time. Sorry it woke you.’

‘What time is it?’ She pushed her tousled curls off her forehead.

‘A little after nine.’

Eyes wide. ‘It can’t be.’

‘It’s not a problem. We don’t have to go anywhere. You were tired.’ He smiled. ‘My fault. I kept you up all night and this afternoon was’ – another quick smile – ‘fatiguing.’

She smiled back. ‘Is that what you call it?’

‘Call it anything you like.’ A dip of his handsome head, another gorgeous smile. ‘It was grand. Would you like a bath – a shower – some food?’

She grinned. ‘No band tonight?’

‘Any night, Katherine. Just say the word.’

‘How sweet, but I’m starved.’

‘Good. Me too. I had two sandwiches sent up but …’ A small shrug. ‘So any time you’re ready …’

He made a heads-up call to the kitchen while Kate quickly washed up in the bathroom, then he found her another robe – a magnificent padded silk bathrobe in azure silk, embroidered with pale yellow iris, wrapped her in it and carried her into the dining room.

‘I’m never going to leave if you keep being this nice to me,’ she teased as he stood in the doorway, surveying the flower-filled room, the table set for two, the lit candles, the chilling champagne.

He looked down at her and smiled. ‘That’s the idea.
Now stand here for a minute.’ He set her on her feet near the door. ‘I’m going to move your chair closer to mine. You’re too far away at the other end of the table.’

‘Your floors are heated,’ she said, as he walked back. She wiggled her toes. ‘Nice.’

He smiled. ‘It’s all about comfort, babe.’ He took a small breath because she looked so sweet wiggling her toes that he wanted to lick her all over like candy. But he’d promised himself he wasn’t going to touch Miss Hart tonight. She needed some down time and he had plans for tomorrow. He took her hand. ‘Come on,’ he said gruffly, not used to self-denial. ‘Let’s eat.’

‘Now you’re mad at me.’

‘Hell no.’ A practised smile, a playful wink. ‘I just get grumpy when I’m hungry.’

After escorting her to a chair, he sat to her right at the head of the table. ‘Now, any requests other than what Deshi made for us?’

His simple meal included caviar on petals of potato salad, onion soup, coconut prawns, oven-roasted chicken with baby carrots, grilled Japanese Kagoshima beef with asparagus, cream puffs with strawberries and a poached cherry tiramisu.

‘Everything looks wonderful, but – oh never mind …’

‘Ask. They should be able to get you anything you want.’

‘I haven’t had milk for a couple days.’ She smiled. ‘Midwest, what can I say?’

‘Any special kind of milk?’
Don’t even think it
, he warned himself, resisting the reflex jolt to his dick.

‘Really, I have a choice?’

He smiled. ‘Yes, really.’

‘Chocolate milk, then.’

He came to his feet. ‘I’ll be right back.’ He gestured at the food. ‘Please, help yourself.’

He could have raised his hand and someone would have appeared from behind the carved teakwood screen, but he didn’t want to spook Miss Hart, so he walked down the hall and opened the door into the butler’s pantry. His butler, Mr Smith, of indeterminate age but certifiable efficiency, and two of his many houseboys stood to attention. ‘I appreciate the discretion, Smith. We haven’t heard a sound from anyone. Miss Hart prefers her privacy, as I mentioned earlier. I’m here because she’d like some chocolate milk. Can we do that?’ He saw Smith swallow hard. ‘Problem?’

‘I’m sure we’ll manage something, sir.’

‘Do what you can. Perhaps we should bring in a supply from somewhere tomorrow.’ Cow’s milk wasn’t a staple in Asia. ‘Apologize to Deshi. It’s not something he could have anticipated. Buzz me when you have some. I’ll come get it.’ He smiled. ‘Thank you all.’ He turned back just short of the door. ‘Don’t forget the package from Leo. He said he’d have it delivered by midnight. I need it at breakfast.’

As soon as Dominic left, the butler picked up the phone and put the kitchen staff in an uproar.

Dominic walked back into the dining room. ‘The kitchen
is going to see what they can do. But we’ll have some chocolate milk brought up tomorrow if they don’t have any on site. Ah … you’re trying the prawns. My favourite, although these are all’ – he waved his hand at the large array of food – ‘personal favourites. I didn’t want to wake you. Tomorrow, you order. In fact, order what you want for breakfast once we’re finished.’

They ate, they talked, they drank champagne, they luxuriated in a warm, quiet contentment nurtured by soft candlelight, perfumed air, the sweet aftermath of an afternoon of unalloyed pleasure and their own special brand of magic.

It was like a lush, romantic movie come to life, Kate thought.

Even Dominic recognized something was in the air. But he attributed the atmosphere to more pragmatic particulars: a sleepless night of mind-blowing sex, a long
day of the same, a bottle or two of champagne, Leo’s
of flowers – and of course the hot little puss beside him whom he’d jump if he could. But none of that was about romance, it was about fucking.

Kate’s chocolate milk arrived forty minutes later because it had taken that long for one of the staff to drive into the city and back. After she emptied the glass, it took all of Dominic’s self-control not to lean over and lick the small chocolate slick from her upper lip – the bewitching smear more erotic than the most blatant striptease. Correction: what was even more erotic was when she slid her
tongue slowly over her upper lip and lapped up the chocolate residue.

At which point, he silently groaned, wrestled his libido to the ground and told himself that abstinence built character.

She needed a rest. He wasn’t a brute.

Accordingly, after dinner, he bathed Kate with the discipline of a eunuch, made excuses to her about being tired, carried her to bed, tucked her in, and held up the remote control. ‘TV while I take a quick shower?’

She was half asleep. ‘Some news. I’m losing track of the world.’ She smiled. ‘Not that I’m complaining. You’re super-charming. I’m sorry you’re tired.’

‘I’ll be fine by morning.’ He found Sky News, set the remote near her hand. ‘Five minutes, I’ll be back.’

It was the fastest shower he’d ever taken, but then he’d never had Miss Hart waiting in his bed. Minutes later, he walked back in, wiping his wet hair with a towel and came to a sudden stop. He really had been too hard on her. She was fast asleep.

Turning off the TV, he climbed into bed, gathered her into his arms and gave himself points for being virtuous.

Kate sighed, snuggled closer to Dominic in insistent small nudges and as his arms tightened around her, her breathing slowed again, deepened into sleep.

Dominic gently kissed the top of her head, listened to her breathing, felt her soft warmth against his skin, lay still in the dark, asking himself questions he’d never asked before.

About the high rush of happiness, swift and frail. About flirting with hope. About chances. About the wild surging in his blood he’d never felt before.

All because of a slip of a woman with red curls and bright green eyes.


Dominic woke early, slowly eased away from Kate and, taking care not to wake her, slid off the bed. Walking into his dressing room, he put on a pair of grey sweats and exited the room by the hall door.

Entering his study a few minutes later, he sat at his desk, hit the space bar and watched his computer come to life. Another few clicks of the keyboard and there it was: all the MIT grants. He scrolled through Bill Vandevore’s email looking for a name … looking … looking … looking – bingo. He picked up the phone, unconcerned with the time stateside. His employees were paid well enough to answer his calls day or night.

It was a brief call, Bill Vandevore understood what was required of him without a lengthy explanation. ‘I don’t need him eliminated from the project,’ Dominic said. ‘Just see that he’s sent to Greenland on the core-drilling team. Increase his fellowship by forty thousand. That should sweeten the assignment.’

‘Yes, sir, Mr Knight.’


‘That goes without saying, sir.’

‘I appreciate your understanding.’

‘My pleasure, sir.’ Bill Vandevore was in charge of a very large budget with little oversight. It was a dream job. He might have even agreed to send his mother to Greenland if Dominic had asked because Knight Enterprises paid him enough to keep her there in five-star comfort. ‘Is there anything else I can do for you?’ he asked, underlining the name he’d written down.

‘Not at the moment.’ There was still Michael, but he hadn’t been calling so he was currently safe from Dominic’s displeasure. ‘You’ll deal with this promptly?’

‘Today, sir.’


Dominic leaned back in his chair after he hung up the phone and felt his pulse slow. He softly exhaled, satisfied the issue had been resolved. Then he sat up, deleted Bill Vandevore’s email from the cache, double-checked his password was in place, and shut down his computer. Picking up the house phone, he spoke to Deshi and Smith, delivered several brisk directives, thanked them, replaced the receiver in the cradle and smiled.

It should be a very nice day.

When he returned to the bedroom, Kate was walking out of the bathroom naked and brushing her hair with
Dominic’s hairbrush. ‘This isn’t really working,’ she said, holding up the short-bristled brush.

Now that’s the way he liked to start his day: with Miss Hart smiling at him, her voluptuous body on full display. ‘Yours must be here somewhere. Leo sent over everything.’

She shrugged. ‘It’s a short-term fix. Are we going to eat soon?’ Climbing back into bed, she grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV.

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