La Patron's Christmas (3 page)

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Authors: Sydney Addae

BOOK: La Patron's Christmas
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“This has been my dilemma, I don’t know what to get my bitch. If Renee was talking to me, I’d call and ask her.” He looked at Tyrese and then Tyrone, who laughed.

“Uh, no. I won’t call and ask, she’d know it was for you since I’ve been buying mom the same thing for years. If Mandy’s mom wasn’t sick, they’d be hanging out with us for Christmas this year. I’m going to miss them,” Tyrone said.

Silas looked at Tyrese, but didn’t think his answer would be any different than Tyrone’s. Especially since he was in the minority and was happy Renee would be absent at Christmas. The two of them never got along and butted heads constantly, but worked at civility for Jasmine’s sake. Each of them made it quite clear to the other they were not going anywhere and loved Jasmine.

“Nah, can’t get involved in other peoples stuff. Promised my mate,” Tyrese said with a sly smile.

Silas nodded and didn’t bother talking to Jacques. The man had done a three-sixty turn after finding his mate. There were times Silas missed his happy-go-lucky best friend who was always up for a new challenge. All that seemed to vanish once Jacques and Victoria mated. Now they were planning a den with pups. Although he was happy for his friend, he missed him.

“Let me see what I can find out,” Jacques said, surprising him. “Can’t promise anything, but I’ll chat with my love and see what she knows.”

Grateful, Silas nodded his thanks and stood. “My mate requests my presence.”

Tyrese and Tyrone stood as well. “Mine too,” Tyrese said. “In the living room.”

“Yeah, that’s where Rose wants me to meet her.”

Jacques stood and stretched. “My sweet wants me to meet her and accompany her to the living room. Something’s afoot guys, be ready for anything.”

Chapter 3


Silas, Tyrese, and Tyrone approached the living room of the family quarters. Refusing to keep her waiting, he opened the door and wished he hadn’t. Half opened boxes were everywhere littering the floor. Ignoring the mess, he searched for his mate and scented her around the corner.

He picked his way through the cartons until he stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her against him. Inhaling, he closed his eyes. His bitch smelled incredible and delicious. A soft growl escaped while nibbling her neck. “
You called, Sweet Bitch?”

She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. “
Yes, Wolfie

He swatted her round ass and then squeezed. “
Don’t tease me unless you want to play.”

Jasmine smiled and brushed her lips against his. “
We’re going to eat lunch and go over my Christmas plans. I want everyone to know what’s going on. You have time for lunch, right?”

Although he’d rather clear his desk so he’d have free time for Christmas, he nodded. “
Always for you

“Not always, but since you’re so cute and sexy with that growling thing, I’ll let it pass.”

He pulled her closer and kissed her, loving her softness and sweet taste.

“See, sweetness I told you we hadn’t missed lunch, they aren’t at the table yet,” Jacques said from somewhere behind them. Silas groaned and it wasn’t in pleasure. He ached with need and knew he couldn’t do anything about it… yet. “
After lunch, can we go to the room so I can care for you properly
?” He asked Jasmine through their link.

I’ll think about it, there’s lots to be done, Christmas is next week

Not liking her answer, he removed her arms from around his neck and held her hand while walking to the large dining table. Boxes were in this room as well, but the dining area had been left clear.

Don’t pout, Wolfie, it’s not sexy
,” she teased.

He pulled her chair out and then sat next to her, his palm covered her hand while everyone took their seats. “
Everything about you is sexy to me. I always want you and you know it
.” His gaze took in her glowing complexion, long hair, and red stained lips. “
I like that red dress, is it for Christmas?
” The dress clung to her curves, highlighting her high breasts, small waist and full round hips.

No, silly wolf, this dress is for you

Jasmine smiled at the strained look on Silas’ face after her last remark. After all this time, the man still didn’t understand. Whenever she dressed or shopped or decided on a meal or made an appointment, it all revolved around him. Silas Knight, her lover, her heart, her mate. She knew he loved this color on her and made sure she had a lot of red undergarments when they made love to drive him crazy. Not that her wardrobe was one sided, but when she needed a little something extra, she wore red.

Today, she needed something extra.

“Glad you all could make lunch,” Jasmine said once the food was placed on the table. No need to wait for the servants to leave. Since they were all wolves and would hear her anyway. “I wanted to share the Christmas plans with you and ask for your help.”

“Anything you need, Mom,” Tyrese said, earning a smile from his wife and a grin from Tyrone.

“You know we’ll do what you want, just point us in the direction and it’s done,” Tyrone said. Rose leaned into his shoulder and he kissed her briefly.

“Cameron’s not here, but you can count on us as well,” Lilly said with a slight smile.

“Good.” Jasmine stood, walked to the buffet, picked up the folders with everyone’s assignments and passed them out. In between eating and reading each person was occupied.

What do you want me to do
?” Silas asked.

Work the rides, make sure the kids have a good time on Christmas Eve.”

“Christmas Eve or Christmas?”

“We have a tradition where we each open one gift on Christmas Eve and sing carols, kind of ushering in the holiday. Normally we’d bake and cook, but the kitchen staff begged to be a part of the celebration and are getting a kick out of cooking Christmas dinner

“What time is the class to learn to work the equipment, mom?” Tyrese asked.

“It’s written down in my other folder, I’ll let you guys know. We’ll open a gift on Christmas Eve, and the rest on Christmas morning. Renee and Mandy sent a huge box with gifts for everyone, so we can open those then with her on Skype.”

“That sounds good. Aunt Renee gives the best gifts. Wonder what she gave the rug-rat?” Tyrone said.

“Renee will have something artsy,” Rose said.

“I was talking about you,” Tyrone said and laughed when his mate punched him in the arm.

“She always gets Jackie a hard puzzle, remember the Rubik’s cube?” Tyrese asked looking around the table.

“Yes, my sweetheart wouldn’t put it down until she mastered it either,” Jacques said looking proud of his namesake.

“I had a hard time finding something for David,” Victoria said leaning forward. “Adam was easy.”

“Yeah, he was,” Lilly said. “Cameron said to get him a video game or something, hope he likes it.”

“David took a moment, because he could do puzzles, art or sports with Adam, I couldn’t figure what was his personal thing. The others are clear,” Danielle said looking at Jasmine.

“Get them something you think they’d like, take a chance who knows it may be the thing that makes him open up and show his gift,” Jasmine said and then turned to Silas.
“Did I really just say that about my child? I can’t believe I said that.”

He covered her hand and squeezed. “
Don’t worry about it. In some ways you’re right, we don’t really know what makes him tick, he adapts so well to everything

Jasmine met his gaze and relaxed. “
Thanks for loving me, Wolfie

“I can do nothing else, you are my sun and my heart
.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it while staring into her eyes.

Jasmine swallowed hard at the banked fire in his gaze. His wolf was near the surface and it wouldn’t take much for him to flip her onto the table. Full-bloods had no qualms about public sex, being human, the idea of her sons and daughters or anyone seeing such an intimate moment filled her with terror. Silas understood, but it took its toll.

She turned and faced everyone. “I know it looks chaotic in here now, but by the end of the day or tomorrow when you see the transformation of the place you’ll appreciate it. As a newly mated woman, I want to start Christmas traditions with my mate and our… den.”

“You said it, Mom.” Tyrese laughed and clapped while her face burned.

Tyrone, whistled and then clapped. “No choking, clear enunciation, you’re on a roll, Mom.”

Silas brushed his lips against her forehead. “
I am so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished in a short period of time. Do whatever you want for your celebration, all security will be run by me and I will increase it since we will be outside in the courtyard

Jasmine’s belly warmed at his heartfelt words. She wished she could spend an hour or two with him in bed right now. She glanced at her watch and stood, pulling him with her. “Since no one has questions, we’ll see you later. I’ll be meeting with the household staff in an hour. If you want to help decorate the tree in the living room we’ll be doing that later today.”

“Will the pups be in here for that?” Lilly asked looking around.

“Yes, but a lot of these boxes will be gone by then.” Silas stood as she stepped back.

Are you making time for me
?” He asked.

Twenty minutes, that’s all I got

He grabbed her hand and led her from the room. “
That’s all I need

Chapter 4


Cameron, Alpha of West Virginia and godson to La Patron, looked at the dead men on the ground. Justice had been swift and deadly for those three who thought to travel across his pack lands with stolen pups. It had taken several hours to track and capture the renegade full-bloods who worked for the Liege. The idea of reporting failure to his Alpha had galvanized him and his small group into a relentless pursuit. He was pleased with the outcome.

Chest heaving, Ralph pointed at the men. “Bastards thought we’d let them through just cause they’re full bloods. When I asked what they had in the bag, they refused to say like we couldn’t smell the pups. They put up a fight, but it wasn’t good enough.” Ralph spat in the direction of the dead.

“They refused to tell you anything? Where they came from? Or where they were headed? That doesn’t make sense. They knew we’d stop them. Did they want to get caught?”

“Or die?” Ralph added.

A whimper from beneath the canvas grabbed his attention. Exhaling, Cameron sheathed his claws, and then nodded to the area leader, Ralph to uncover the pups. Cameron had no idea what to expect but seeing the two little boys scamper away from them tore at his heart. Both had long black hair, the larger one had gray eyes, the other dark brown.

“What were they doing with them, Sir?” Ralph asked as they stood around the bag holding the cage looking at the pups.

La Patron didn’t want what the Liege had been doing with the pups widely known, and based on the feral looks on the faces of his men, Cameron didn’t blame him. Keeping your pup safe until they could fend for themselves was encoded in every wolf. What the Liege had done by stealing pups would cause a revolt of major proportions in the ranks.

“Not exactly sure, but they won’t be doing anything else. Dig a hole, throw them in, we don’t want any animal choking on their poisoned carcasses.”

“Poison?” Ralph asked looking at the men he’d just ripped apart. “What kind’a poison, Sir?”

Cameron stooped and looked at the pups. “Not sure what was done to their minds to make them go against La Patron, but something must’ve been wrong with’em, right?”

Ralph looked relieved and headed back toward his truck. “Yes, Sir. Must have been crazy.”

La Patron?”

?” Silas sounded winded and there was a hint of impatience in his voice. Cameron wondered what had happened since he left the compound. Rather than ask and get an earful of things he didn’t need to know right now, he gave a full report on what he had been doing, ending with the two pups in the cage shaking and staring at him.

“Any idea where they were headed?”

“Looks like they were headed south. By the time I arrived, they were dead or dying so I couldn’t question them.”

“Okay. I have Leon and Brix near the Canadian border looking into a lab there. I’ll contact all Alphas south of us and have them on alert. It’s time for everyone to take another look in their back yards anyway.”

“Yes, Sir
.” Cameron thought each Alpha should have been more vigilant the moment they got word of the Liege’s project. He’d beefed up security around his borders and placed each regional leader on high alert, that’s why they called him about these three. “
What should I do with the pups?”

“Hmm, they are in human form?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good, I’d like Passen and Matt to take a look at them, maybe we can get an idea what the Liege are doing. Bring them to the lab

Yes, Sir
.” Cameron stood and looked around. The men had dragged the dead away, the air smelled cleaner. He gazed at the pups again and wondered if their parents had any idea where they were. Would La Patron be able to locate the pack these pups came from? With the mission to shut the Liege down, where would all the pups from LOBO go? How would they house them until they were picked up by family members? So many questions and so few answers. When he returned he’d discuss a plan of action with Silas and the others.

“Almost done, Sir. Will you need anything else?” Ralph asked while rubbing his hands together.

Cameron pulled the lapels of his coat close together to fight against the cold. “No, I’m taking them with me back to Alpha house. Thanks for your help, good job, Ralph.” The man’s chest expanded. “All of you, thanks for keeping the pack safe, good job.” One by one the other three stepped into the clearing wearing wide smiles.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Just doing my job, no thanks needed.”

Cameron nodded, picked up the cage and headed for his SUV. Once inside, he turned up the heat to warm the pups and then started the engine. He had an hour drive ahead of him and planned to think of ways to take care of any pups or wolves found in his territory who’d been altered or deformed by the Liege… or any humans. At the moment he didn’t have anything in place to take care of those less fortunate, but that would change. With Christmas on the way the timing was perfect.

Lilly, guess who I’m bringing home for dinner
… ” He said into his link.

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