Read La Patron's Christmas Online
Authors: Sydney Addae
“Thank you, Mama,” Jackie said. “Can we go see Sarita, now?”
Jasmine looked at Silas.
He smiled. “Yes, I’ll take you.”
Chapter 13
Sarita stared up at the ceiling. Every part of her hurt. How long had she lain in the snow? Her thoughts scrambled. She couldn’t remember. Part of her wanted to leave this place. Another part liked the soft bed and waking up without fear of being beaten or starved. Plus, the freedom to walk without chains or someone calling you names or pushing to make you move faster, as if you could in chains.
Goddess she hated them.
For some reason she’d been singled out from the beginning. Frowning, she tried to recall why and couldn’t. The tall man would watch everything she did and become angry when she asked questions. He would beat her for no reason and tell her she wasn’t worth the trouble. They called her useless. She’d been left out of most activities, locked away and often told she didn’t fit in.
A long sigh slid through her lips. As long as she could recall she’d been different. She didn’t understand this burning need to know how and why things worked. Her brain wouldn’t stop asking questions and grown-ups hated questions. All the beatings she received were proof of that.
She closed her eyes as they filled with useless tears. Why couldn’t she be perfect, so people would like her? Why couldn’t she get along? Mistress was nicer to her than anyone had ever been. But her pups… they were… spoiled? Ungrateful?
Sarita’s lip curled in frustration. They had no idea how lucky they were to have arms that held them close. How they could take Mistress’ smile, or kind words for granted. They were stupid and unworthy.
No, she was stupid.
The whole world was stupid and messed up and she needed to get out of here before she screamed. Chest heaving, she fought to calm herself before someone came to check on her.
She snorted.
As if they cared. Mistress was the only reason they had looked for her last night. No one else would bother. The thought hurt. Why did it hurt now?
A tear rolled down her face. Happy children, laughing and having fun… she hadn’t known about this kind of life. None of the others at the school did either, at least no one ever said.
Fists balled she slammed them down on the bed a few times. Why? She wanted to scream. Why didn’t she have a mam or a sire who wanted her? Who loved her? Even cruddy Milfius had a sire.
She scrubbed her face with her fist and released a long breath. Think… what next? Would the Mistress want her around any longer? Or would she agree with the others, that she was too much trouble and worthless?
“It doesn’t matter what she thinks,” she murmured, lying to herself. Once again, fear dug deep into her heart, pinning her to the bed in its grip. She didn’t know where she was or where she’d go. She hated being so small. Why couldn’t she be tall and go where she wanted?
“One day,” she murmured thinking of the moment she became big enough to make her own decisions.
Sarita sneezed and burrowed beneath the covers to stop from shivering. Eyes watering she stared at the door. Footsteps? More than one? Inhaling, she caught a few scents but not clearly. Blast her stuffed nose.
Head lifted, she heard the soft knock on the door. What did that mean? The knock came again and she frowned. Why would someone hit the door? She covered her head with the pillow, as the knock sounded once more.
She removed the pillow from her head and brushed her dark hair from her face. David? What was he doing here?
“What?” she croaked through her sore throat.
“Can we come in?”
She stared at the door. Had he been hitting the door to ask her that? Strange. Wait. He said we. Who else was with him? She inhaled and got a mingling of scents but couldn’t identify them. Pushing up, she placed the pillow behind her and pushed the hair from her face.
“Yes. Come in.”
The door opened. Her heart raced. The four brats, Mistress and the Patron came into her room. Unable to speak, she stared as they smiled and surrounded her bed.
“We came to see you,” Renee said.
Sarita didn’t believe her. The girl had been mean to her since the first, well, they’d been mean to each other. Their eyes met and Renee smiled.
“I hope you’re feeling better. Daddy said they gave you medicine,” Renee said when Sarita remained silent. Her gaze slid to the Patron at the mention of his name.
Swallowing hard, she prayed she could be perfect, just this once. “Yes. I feel much better.” She paused, searched her memory for manners. “Thank you,” she added pleased she remembered.
“You missed the play ‘bout what Christmas means,” Adam said drawing her attention. “So here.” He held out a brightly wrapped box toward her.
She leaned back, expecting a trick. She had never seen anything wrapped in that kind of paper. “What?”
“It’s a present,” Adam said. “For Christmas.”
“Christmas?” She frowned and looked at Mistress.
“Yes, Sarita.” Mistress nodded. “Every year we observe the birth of Christ at Christmas. It’s a human holiday but we all celebrate it. One of the things we do is give gifts to each other.”
It didn’t make sense to her. “Why? Why give me one?” She hadn’t done anything to deserve anything nice.
“Cause God gave a gift, a perfect gift,” Jackie said drawing her attention. “So we give gifts, too.”
“I’m not perfect,” Sarita muttered, hating the words because she wanted the box, but didn’t want them to take it back later when they found out about her.
“Me, neither,” the Patron said in a deep voice that made her look at her hands. “They are not giving you a gift because you’re perfect, because no one is. Not them, not me and not you. Christmas celebrates the gift man received, not because he earned or deserved it. But because the Giver loved everyone enough to give and now we give gifts to show each other we care.”
“Yes, Sir.” She took the box and sat it on her lap unsure what to say or do next. They were still in the room looking at her. “Thank you, Adam.”
“Okay,” he said and stood next to the Patron and she noticed how much they looked alike.
“I have a gift for you too,” Renee said and handed her another box.
Sarita glanced at the Mistress and saw her smiling, so she took the box and placed it next to the other one. Her heart raced with excitement. Would they leave so she could open the boxes to see the insides?
“Merry Christmas, Sarita,” Jackie said standing near the bed. “I’m sorry I wasn’t very nice to you before.”
The unexpected words stopped her movement and it took Sarita a moment to accept the box. “What? What are you talking about?” She frowned.
“In the nursery and outside. I didn’t talk to you or play with you.” Jackie met her gaze and Sarita saw the serious look in her eyes.
“You’re saying sorry to me?” No one had ever done that. No one had ever considered her feelings. Sarita didn’t know what to say or how to act.
Jackie nodded. “Yes. Sorry. I’ll be better next time.”
“Me too,” Renee said moving to stand next to Jackie.
“Next time? You want to play with me?” None of this made any sense.
Jackie laughed as if she said something funny. “Yeah, I like puzzles and she likes to draw.” She pointed at Renee. “You can do whatever you want, though.”
“But you gotta put things back up,” Renee said. “Don’t leave’em on the floor, and be careful not to break’em.”
Sarita’s gaze returned to Mistress, and then the Patron and then back to Renee and Jackie. Her heart lightened when no one said she couldn’t play with the girls or leave this room. She wasn’t a prisoner. “Okay.”
Jackie smiled and nodded.
“Here’s another gift,” David said handing her a box.
Sarita looked at her lap with a wide smile. There were three big boxes on her bed already and David handed her another. Could she keep them? The smile from Mistress said yes.
“Thanks.” She took the box from him and tore off the paper.
“What’s inside?” Adam asked standing on the other side of the bed.
“I don’t know yet, I haven’t opened it,” she snapped and then stopped. Wide-eyed, she looked at Mistress, afraid they’d take everything away.
But she just laughed.
Relieved she hadn’t blown it, Sarita finished opening the box and pulled out something heavy. Frowning, she looked at David, who stared at the thing like it was the sun.
“Microscope.” David smiled at Mistress. “It’s beautiful. Thanks.”
“What’s a micro… what’d you call it?” Sarita asked.
“Microscope. You put things here,” he pointed to a small glass plate. “And look through here to see them better.” He pointed to the top.
“Will you show me how it works?” She had no idea what it was or what it did, but if David liked it, she would too.
“Yes, I’ll show you.” He smiled at her and stepped to the side to allow his mam room to sit on the bed.
“Merry Christmas, Sarita. Your other gifts are under the tree and tomorrow we’ll open them together. The kids wanted to come see you tonight, give you gifts and apologize. When you’re feeling better, you can go back to the nursery and play again.” She kissed Sarita’s forehead.
Tears filled her eyes, she tried to stop them from falling but couldn’t.
“She’s crying,” Adam said.
The tears fell faster. Ashamed, Sarita covered her face. Strong arms encircled her and held her close as she continued to cry.
“What’s wrong, daddy?” David asked sounding concerned which made her cry harder.
“Nothing, she’s… happy.”
“Then why cry?” Renee asked while their mam rubbed Sarita’s back and made soothing sounds.
Sarita breathed in her scent and relaxed. No matter what happened next, she was happy right now. Someone cared.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes, Ma’am, thank you.” Uncomfortable with the display of affection, Sarita leaned back and wiped her face with the back of her hand.
“You’ve been through a lot. One day, when you’re ready, we’ll talk about it,” Mistress said wiping Sarita’s tears with her thumbs. Then she tapped the tip of Sarita’s nose. “Remember, you’re not alone. You’ll never be alone again.” She tipped her head toward her kids. “You’ve got a pack now.”
Knowing what that meant, Sarita’s heart sped up. “I do?” she looked at David and then the others to see how they took the news. They all nodded.
“Yes, you do. I’m La Patron and you’re a member of my pack.”
Sarita jerked as a feeling of warm liquid flowed over her. “What?”
“Relax, it’s just my mark so everyone will know you’re pack.”
“Wow.” She didn’t know what else to say. A few minutes ago she wondered what would happen to her, now she had presents and a pack. Things were much better.
“Come on kids, let her get some rest,” La Patron said waving at the door.
“But I want to see the presents,” Adam said refusing to budge.
“You’ll see it tomorrow or the next. Move it,” he said. This time each of them waved and left the room.
“Do you want to open the rest of these now, or later?” Mistress asked her hands hovering over the next box.
“Now, please. I’ve never had a gift before.”
“That will change soon, I promise.” She handed Sarita the next box.
Chapter 14
Silas pulled his mate closer and inhaled. Goddess she smelled incredible. He nibbled on her ear, enjoying her squirm and try to move away. “Merry Christmas, Sweet Bitch.”
She stopped and turned in his arms. “Merry Christmas, Wolfie,” she purred. His cock throbbed for attention. “Last night… incredible. Best Christmas Eve ever.”
He rubbed his hardness against her. “Let’s make this the best Christmas morning, you get a two-fer.” He grinned sensing her arousal.
“Sounds like a plan.” She wrapped her arms around his neck as he rolled on top and kissed her deeply. Taking his time, he opened their link and flooded it with emotion. Happiness at being with her, gratitude for the balance, she brought to his world and pack. Love, never-ending, always exciting, rolled through and surrounded him. He realized she’d opened her emotions as well. Linked together, their emotions gathered like a nova cloud, teeming with energy.
“Damn,” he muttered, broke the kiss and placed his forehead on hers.
Gasping for air, she grabbed his ass and rolled beneath him. His bitch’s heat scorched him. “Unless you want… David and Adam to see what we do in bed, stop moving.”
“They just entered the living room and should be in here… now.” Silas rolled over, pulled Jasmine beneath his arm and drew the cover over her nakedness.
“Mama, can we open presents now?” Adam said walking in their room.
“Here come the rest of them,” Silas whispered as Renee and Jackie ran in the room and jumped on the bed.
“Mama, we didn’t open presents last night, can we open them now?” Jackie said sitting on her mom’s stomach.
Silas chuckled. And then laughed. Three years ago he couldn’t imagine a morning like this and yet, he wouldn’t change anything. Perfect. This was perfect for him.
“Get off my woman so we can get dressed. Go in the other room and wait for us. Next time knock before you come in here,” Silas said removing Jackie and placing her on the floor.
“Daddy, I want to open my presents,” Jackie said not intimidated in the least.
“When we get dressed, we’ll all open our presents.” He shooed them out the room. “Close the door,” he told Adam, who was the last to leave them in peace.
“Your children,” he said placing a kiss on her forehead, “demand our presence. But first I want to give you this.” He opened the drawer in the night stand, pulled out a box and handed it to her.
“After that emerald, sapphire and diamond bracelet and national tribute last night I didn’t think you’d get me anything else,” she said taking the box and tearing open the paper. His mate enjoyed presents and he’d make sure to surprise her with many from now on.
He waited.
Her breath caught and she stared at him. “Silas… wow.”
“Wow? That’s it?” He chuckled at her stunned expression.
“It’s beautiful.”
“You are beautiful.”
She held up the necklace. At the end of a short gold chain lay a replica of his wolf, the one who rose on his chest when he needed extra energy. Tiny, black, brown and a couple of green diamonds caught the light and lit the room. The intricate detail of the wolf made him seem real. Silas had been pleased when the craftsman he commissioned for this piece delivered it.
“Please put it on me.” Hands trembling, she gave it to him, turned and pulled her hair up out of the way. He locked it in place and kissed her bare shoulder.
“My wolf and I are one, as you and I are one. When I need his energy, wisdom and focus, he rises to the occasion and has never disappointed me, never let me down.” He kissed her other shoulder. “Just like you, Sweet Bitch. You wear not my crest, but my wolf.”
She grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Ignoring the knocks on the door from their impatient pups, he lifted her from the bed and walked into the bathroom.
“Daddy… mama. Come on… please. It’s Christmas.”
An hour later, wrapping paper littered the floor. The children played with new toys and set aside their supplies. Victoria basked in the glow of her diamond jewelry. Jacques wore an embroidered robe with a wolf and woman embracing. Rose showed off her new ring and remained seated while Rone served her every whim in his new outfit and Rolex watch. Danielle snapped pictures of everyone until Rese grabbed her and took her out the room for a long while. When they returned, Jasmine laughed at the way Danielle leaned against Tyrese and remained seated as if drunk.
Jasmine wondered when Tyrese would take the trip to Key West his wife gave him for Christmas. By the look in his eyes, it would be soon. Lilly sat on Cameron’s lap wearing a Santa hat. Every once in a while, she’d lift her hand and stare at the new diamond ring and diamond bracelet Cameron gave her. Jasmine wasn’t sure what Lilly had given Cameron but the smile of contentment on his face said it was all good.
Milfius had left early this morning but Jasmine suspected she’d see the young man again. Ulric had looked at Sarita and told them the child favored Hawke. He took a picture and promised to make sure Hawke received it. Jasmine wondered why they hadn’t done that before and had Tyrone send a picture to Alpha Radoff and Maheegan. Their response had been the same as Alpha Ulric’s. Sarita sat on the floor near David surrounded by her presents. Today, she’d been in better spirits and seemed relaxed while listening to David talk about the microscope.
“Happy?” Silas asked playing with strands of her hair.
“Yes, thank you.” She met his gaze. “Be honest, did you like your gift?”
He took her hands in his and kissed the backs of them. “The one of you and the Goddess?”
She nodded.
“It is my greatest treasure. The two females who own my heart.”
Immortalizing her experience with the Goddess crystallized when she realized Silas had everything already. With Maheegan out of the country, Jasmine asked for a referral of a skilled artist and was pleased with the result. Silas had been speechless when he opened it.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
“And the ring with the children’s birthstones.” He held up his right hand, displaying the ring she’d given him. “I appreciate it as well.”
She laughed. “There are only two stones in it.”
He pulled her close. “Perhaps we can work on making that three.”
“Maybe…” She looked at her babies running around and talking. In a couple months they’d start school. Anything was possible. She brushed her fingertips over the wolf pendant and smiled.