Lady's Wager (14 page)

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Authors: Georgie Lee

BOOK: Lady's Wager
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“I wish to earn her trust and love and tell her when I’m
sure my small indiscretion will make no difference. Until then, I ask you to
keep my income a secret.”

“I will, but I’ll also pay a call on your father to
confirm it and discuss the marriage settlement.”

“Then she’s accepted me?” he asked, unable to endure the
suspense any longer.

“She’s accepted your
proposal. It may take some time and work before she accepts you.” Mr. Stuart
rose with a laugh. “Would you like to speak with your intended?”


Charlotte paced the drawing room, Minnie jumping at the
back of her dress in an attempt to attract her attention.

“Please stop pacing or you’ll wear out the carpet,” Aunt
Mary requested from where she sat reading on the settee.

“How can you be so calm?”

“My dear, you had the opportunity to avoid the situation
but you chose not to.” Aunt Mary leisurely turned the page of her book.
“Besides, you never would’ve accepted him if you didn’t truly like him.”

Charlotte stopped and stared at Aunt Mary, surprised by
how much her aunt had guessed. However, she wasn’t about to give her aunt the
satisfaction of hearing her admit it. “I thought I could put an end to his interest
by refusing him once and for all. I never thought I’d lose.”

“Gamblers never do my dear, that’s why they run up such
great debt and are forced to flee abroad.” With a flick of her finger, she
turned one page.

“You warned me so many times to be careful. I wish I’d

“You’ll be glad you didn’t. You’ll find many advantages in
both your understanding and your marriage.”

Charlotte snorted in disbelief. “I’ve yet to see one
advantage, for everywhere there are ladies forgotten or ruined by love.”

Aunt Mary tossed her book aside. “Have you failed to
notice how a married lady’s behavior and interests are scrutinized far less than
those of an unmarried lady’s? Lady Holland and Lady Redding enjoy their salons
with little question. Can you deny those examples? Or think on Mrs. Greenville,
she says just as she pleases and no one denies her an invitation or her
rightful place in society.”

“They only gossip behind her back.”

“But they don’t say it directly to her and she enjoys all
the privileges of her station.”

“Surely it can’t be so simple.”

“It isn’t, but trust me my dear, I know well the
advantages of marriage. In my youth many ladies departed for the grand tour. I
loved reading their accounts of foreign lands and I wanted nothing more than to
go too, much to my mother’s disapproval. She said unmarried ladies shouldn’t
travel, so I stayed at home. Then I met Charles and he showed me the world.”
She turned her gold and diamond wedding band on her finger before facing
Charlotte again. “Yes, there are narrow-minded and selfish husbands but I don’t
believe Lord Woodcliff is such a man. As his wife, you’ll enjoy both his love
and your freedom, which is a precious thing indeed.”

Charlotte dropped her hands to her sides, knowing her aunt
was right. Before she could tell her aunt, the drawing room door opened and
Uncle Charles and Lord Woodcliff entered.

She may have wanted to escape from him last night, and
even a moment ago, but she thrilled at the sight of him now. The morning
sunlight reflected in his blue eyes, the corners of which crinkled as he
admired her. She took a step forward, wanting to wrap her arms around his trim
waist, lay her head on his soft coat and listen to his heartbeat beneath her
ear. Instead, she remained where she was, afraid to show such exuberance. She’d
guarded her heart for so long, she wasn’t sure how to let it be free, nor was
this the time and place to learn.

“We’ve spoken and you both have my blessing,” Uncle
Charles announced, placing his arm around his wife’s shoulders as she dabbed her
eyes with a handkerchief. “Perhaps we should leave them alone for a moment.”

Aunt Mary sniffled in agreement and allowed her husband to
lead her out of the room.

“I have something for you.” Lord Woodcliff reached into
his breast pocket and produced a small, velvet box. He opened it to reveal a
beautiful emerald and diamond ring.

Charlotte gasped at the dazzling jewel. “It’s beautiful.”

“I saw this in Italy and had to have it. At the time I
didn’t know why. Then I saw you at the Royal Academy and the way your eyes
seemed so green when you smiled, I realized this was meant for you.” Lord
Woodcliff raised her hand and slid the ring over her finger, his touch heady
and strong. “I understand your misgivings and I’ll do everything I can to
overcome them if it means winning your trust, for I know I have your heart.”

A thousand thoughts flew through her mind and before she
could give rise to any of them he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She
closed her eyes and melted into the arc of him as his arms encircled her waist.
All the vows implied by the ring and his kiss filled her. No man, not even the Comte,
had touched her so deeply or with such simple words and actions, yet the man
she’d thought she’d hated had admired her from the first moment they’d met. She
wrapped her hands around his neck, surrendering to him as she never had to any
man before. He wouldn’t betray her, but would keep her heart as firmly as he
held her body now. It was what she’d always wished for and fulfilled the
promise given in his kiss.

At last, and to her regret, he broke from her, leaving his
arms to rest heavily against her back. “Would you join me for a ride this

“I’m not an accomplished horsewoman so a carriage would be
much preferred.”

“Then a carriage you’ll have. Until tonight, my love.”

He slid his arms out from around her, catching her hand in
his and raising it to his lips as he bowed. With a subtle squeeze of her
fingers, he let go and walked away, pausing at the door to wink at her before
disappearing into the hallway.

Charlotte stood dumbfounded in the middle of the room
until the sound of the front door closing brought her back to her senses. She
hurried to the window to watch him walk to his waiting chaise and rapped her
knuckles on the window to catch his attention. He turned and waved and she
eagerly waved back before he disappeared inside the carriage and the driver
snapped the reins, maneuvering the vehicle down the street.

Charlotte dropped into the small chair beside the window
and held up her left hand, admiring the beautiful ring as it sparkled in the
morning sun. A sense of contentment she’d never known before enveloped her. In
the splash of green light over her lap, she pictured a different future than any
she’d previously imagined. With Lord Woodcliff sharing her interests and the
secrets of her heart, she’d never experience again the loneliness which had
marked so many of her days. London was at last the place she wanted to be, as
long as Lord Woodcliff was by her side.

Chapter Nine

At five o’clock, Charlotte watched from her bedroom window
as Lord Woodcliff arrived in a well-appointed phaeton.

“He’s early.” She fumbled with the buttons of her maroon
pelisse, unable to get them through the holes.

“He’s not early my dear, you’re late.”Aunt Mary gently
pushed Charlotte’s hands aside and did up the last few buttons. “It’s very
unlike you.”

“I know.” The number of things unlike her was growing by
the hour, and for the first time ever she didn’t mind. What she did mind was
not being ready for his arrival. “Please greet him and tell him I’ll be down
in a moment but don’t tell him why.”

“My dear, I’d never reveal a lady’s secrets.”Aunt Mary
swept out of the room, leaving Charlotte to finish getting ready.

She considered changing into
the puce pelisse then decided against it, afraid she’d spend the whole evening
dressing and miss the chance for a ride. Hearing Lord Woodcliff and Aunt Mary’s
voices drifting up from below, Charlotte grabbed her reticule and bonnet and
made for the hallway.

“Here I am,” she announced, descending the stairs. “I’m
sorry I’m late.”

“I don’t mind waiting.” He regarded her with a long sweep
of his eyes, making her pause for fear of tripping. “It’s worth it to see you
looking so radiant.”

The urge to kiss him almost sent her flying into his arms.
Instead, she grasped the railing to steady herself as she followed the last few
steps down.

“You’re too kind.” She wished she could be more effusive
with her thanks but with Aunt Mary hovering about, and her own awkwardness
tying her tongue, it wasn’t possible. Learning to graciously accept his
compliments would take time but it was a skill she’d gladly acquire.

The butler approached with a letter on a silver tray.
“This arrived for you, miss, from the bookseller.”

She took the letter and broke open the wax seal to read
it, biting her lip in disappointment.

“Not bad news, I hope?” Lord Woodcliff asked.

“Not bad, just upsetting. My bookseller wasn’t able to
find the book on surgery I wanted from America.” She folded the paper. “It’s an
old edition and quite difficult to come by.”

He motioned for the letter. “May I?”

She wondered what interest he could have in the book but
seeing no objection, she handed him the letter, which he quickly read.

“May I keep this?”


“I have a man who’s acquired a number of rare books for me
in the past. He might be able to assist you.”

“You needn’t trouble yourself on my account.”

Lord Woodcliff slipped the letter into his pocket. “I’ll
always trouble myself on your account. Your interests are now my interests, as
I hope mine will soon be yours.”

Once again speech and thought abandoned her. She’d wanted
someone like him for so long. Now he was here and it was a greater adjustment
than the change from Paris to London and far more pleasurable. “Yes, you’re
right. Let’s be off before the evening is over.”

“Your carriage awaits.” He offered her his arm and she
allowed him to lead her out of the house to the waiting phaeton with its deep
red sides and green leather seats. A fine sorrel colored gelding as reddish
brown as the lacquer waited patiently with the footman holding its reins.

Lord Woodcliff handed her in and she settled on the supple
seat, suspicion slinking in beneath her excitement.

“This is quite a well equipped phaeton.”
Perhaps too
well equipped.
“Tell me, how does one of your limited means come by such
splendid equipage?”

He frowned a touch as he climbed in, but recovered his
good mood as he took up the reins and snapped the horse into motion. “It’s Lord
Ashford’s. He allows me to use it on occasion since I don’t have one of my own
in London.”

Charlotte nodded, her suspicion far from satisfied. “It’s
fortunate you have such a generous friend.”

“Yes, most fortunate indeed.”

There was something disingenuous in Lord Woodcliff’s
response and she moved to press the topic then stopped, her uncle’s request to
be pleasant keeping her quiet. Uncle Charles would halt the wedding if Lord
Woodcliff possessed a pack of debts.

They rode to Hyde Park with Charlotte telling him of the
mysterious donation to St. Dunstan’s and the plans for improvements.

“Who do you think it was?” she asked, hoping he might
offer some clue to the generous patron’s identity.

“I can’t say.” He pulled tight the reins as he guided the phaeton
through the traffic. “It could have been anyone we met at Almack’s.”

“I wish I knew then I could properly thank him.”

“When the time is right, he may reveal himself.”

“I hope he does.”

The phaeton passed through the gates of Hyde Park and Lord
Woodcliff maneuvered the conveyance in with the others driving up and down the
long row. Unlike her other times here, tonight Charlotte was practically
oblivious to the matrons with their large carriages and wigged footmen and the
young bucks with their prized stallions. As Lord Woodcliff masterfully handled
the ribbons, they discussed Paris and Europe and made plans to visit both once
the war was over.

“May I call you Charlotte?” he asked.

“Only if I may call you Edward.”

“Nothing would bring me more pleasure.” He shifted his
feet against the boards. “I must speak to you of something you may find

“Must you? We’re sure to quarrel if you do.”

“Then let’s promise not to.”

“I agree, now what unpleasant topic do you wish to
broach?” She twisted her reticule in her hands, waiting for him to reveal
whatever was troubling him, hoping it wouldn’t ruin her newfound happiness.

“The day we met at Mr. Taylor’s.”

Charlotte released the poor mangled fabric. “A very
unpleasant topic.”

“I wouldn’t even mention it except for the painting. The
one you purchased belonged to my mother. It was her favorite and mine but my
dragon of a stepmother sold it a number of years ago.”


“Out of spite. She’s a difficult woman. I’ve been trying
for a while to recover it. I went to Mr. Taylor’s to purchase it and return it
to Grossmont Hall.”

Charlotte stared at Edward in horrified shock. “Why didn’t
you tell me? I’d have happily given it to you if I’d known.”

“At the time I couldn’t bring myself to tell you something
so personal. I wish to purchase the painting from you now.”

“I can’t.”

He pulled the reins tight and the horse snorted in
protest. “You’d deny me after what I’ve told you?”

“I don’t have it anymore. I gave it to Mrs. Greenville for
her charity auction. I’ll speak to her and offer to exchange it for another but
she may not part with it. The Prince is fond of the artist and Mrs. Greenville
hopes it’ll encourage his attendance and therefore the

“If the painting is available at the auction then it’s not
lost. I’ll purchase it and do a good deed for myself and the Widows and Orphans

“But Mr. Taylor said the artist, as a favorite of the
Prince’s, is sure to draw a high price. How can you afford to pay it?”

Edward frowned as he had when she’d questioned him about
the phaeton and suspicion crawled through her again.

“I’m not as devoid of means as you believe,” he answered
in a measured tone.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean don’t worry about my ability to purchase the


He raised a silencing hand. “Please, if we’re to be happy,
we must learn to trust one another.”

She didn’t press him because
he was right but it didn’t settle the matter. One way or another she’d find out
what he meant, either when he told her or Uncle Charles discovered it.
Hopefully, Edward’s financial problems weren’t serious and all would be well.
She didn’t want to be disappointed in love again.


“Continue this ruse too much longer and you may do more
harm than good.” Henry knocked the cue ball with his stick and the ball hurled
across the table, missing both red balls but setting Edward up to score.

Edward circled the table, examining his shot. “We’re only
just engaged and I’m beginning to gain her confidence, I don’t want to lose it
by admitting I’ve been lying to her about my fortune. She’ll wonder what else
I’ve been lying about. Besides, I told her uncle and when I’m confident in her
affection, I’ll tell her, but not before.”

As Edward lined up his shot, Henry took a long sip of
wine. “A sovereign says you don’t make the point.”

“I accept.” He slid the cue stick forward with just enough
precision and force to send the cue ball rolling smoothly across the table. It
hit the first red ball, bounced off the far side of the table and rolled back
to hit the second red ball.

Henry removed a sovereign from his waistcoat pocket and gave
it to Edward. “I think you’re making a mistake but if you insist on continuing
this charade then I’ll keep your secret.”

“As well as a few more. I told her the phaeton was yours.”

Henry threw up his hands in frustration. “You can’t
continue like this.”

“It’s only for a little longer. The charity auction is in
two weeks, I’ll tell her then.”

“You’ll have to if the painting is bid up and I hear it
might be if the Prince attends.”

“Exactly, but by then she should trust me enough to
understand why I told her a very small and harmless lie.”

At least he hoped she did.
For all her confidence, he’d caught the vulnerability lying just beneath it.
Despite their deepening intimacy, she was wary of opening her heart completely
to him. If she found out the wrong way he’d been lying about his wealth, he sensed
her reaction wouldn’t be good. He should tell her, but he wanted her to come to
love and trust him because of who he was and not his fortune. Until then, he’d
keep the truth from her and continue to win her love as she’d won his.


Charlotte and Edward spent every day of the next two weeks
together. They read to each other from her medical texts or from his art and botany
books. They walked along Bond Street with Aunt Mary and Lady Redding, perusing
the shelves of Hookham’s and discussing their future at Grossmont Hall. Edward
even accompanied her and Aunt Mary to Dr. Walter’s and on their first visit,
much to Charlotte’s surprise and pleasure, he apologized to Dr. Walter for his behavior
at the soirée. The two gentlemen then settled into a discussion regarding their
mutual concern over the lack of regulations for physicians. Through subsequent
visits, Edward helped retain the services of an architect for the improvements to
St. Dunstan’s, while Dr. Walter provided Edward with a list of qualified
physicians available for employment around Grossmont Hall.

For the first time in her life, she had a companion who
shared almost all of her interests, even if those such as medicine were newly
acquired. With each passing hour in his presence her feelings for him
strengthened until she disliked being without him. He understood her as no one
had before, not Lady Redding, Elizabeth or even Aunt Mary. She spoke to him of
the loss of her parents and feeling like an outsider in every city she’d lived
in. Her openness encouraged his and he told her of his mother’s death and how
it still affected him. The one thing she didn’t share with him was her
disappointment over the Comte. She didn’t want to mar their time together with
such unpleasantness. Instead, she focused on her happiness as each day he
became more and more the true companion she’d always sought but never thought
she’d find.

It was a great disappointment one morning when Edward’s
footman and not Edward arrived at the Stuarts’.

“Miss Stuart, Lord Woodcliff has been detained this
morning by urgent business. He’ll call for you this evening for Mrs.
Greenville’s auction,” the sober-looking footman announced as Charlotte sat
with her aunt and uncle, enjoying breakfast. “He asked me to give you this.”

He handed her a note and a small parcel wrapped in brown
paper before following the butler out.

“What is it my dear? It’s too large for jewelry but too
small for clothing,” Aunt Mary mused as Charlotte opened the card.

“Sweets, I imagine,” Uncle Charles added from behind
. “Young men always give sweets when they’re forced to break a
morning engagement.”

“I doubt it’s sweets, he knows I don’t care for them.”
Charlotte opened the card and read the short note aloud. “I’ve found the item
you sought, just as you’ve been for me the item I wished to find. Love,

Charlotte clasped the letter to her chest and smiled

“And you were never going to marry,” Aunt Mary teased.

“I wonder what he found.” She untied the packing string
and removed the brown paper wrapper to reveal, much to Aunt Mary’s
disappointment, a book. Charlotte turned it over and read the title. “It’s the
surgical book from America, the one my bookseller couldn’t find.”

Aunt Mary rolled her eyes. “Only you could be excited by a
surgical book.”

With a frown, Charlotte thumbed through the thick pages,
admiring the gilded edges and the fine leatherwork of the cover.

“I thought you wanted the book?” Uncle Charles asked.

“I do, but it must have been very dear. How could he
afford it?”

“You mustn’t question a gentleman’s gift, my dear,” Aunt
Mary chided.

“I’m not questioning it, only the manner in which he
obtained it. Do you think he’s running up debts? I can’t marry him if he’s
running up debts.” She wouldn’t see her money frittered away on his indulgences
and risk ending up like the poor women Dr. Walter wanted to help with the new
lying-in wing. Yet the idea of being parted from Edward scared her as much as
poverty. She didn’t know how she’d survive the broken heart if his affection
turned out to be a lie.

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