Landon (In Safe Hands Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Landon (In Safe Hands Book 1)
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don’t have to go to church to make anyone else happy. It’s up to you to figure
out what you believe and what you stand for. I don’t think it would hurt you to
go with him to get a better understanding of what he believes. Just make sure
he respects your beliefs or lack of them as well.”

remains quiet for a few moments, staring out the window and digesting my
advice. “I guess it couldn’t hurt to check it out for his sake, but I just
don’t believe in any of it anymore.”

that’s fine. Neither do I. That’s a big reason why I major in science. It’s
like I’m finally learning how the world really works, but it doesn’t mean I’m
going to judge people who believe.”

get it. Thinking all religious people are hateful is no different than thinking
all gay people are immoral.” He grins at me. “I did love the look on Pastor
Hale’s face when he found out who the building was going to.”

Worth hell any day,” I laugh.


* * * *


week passes without a word from Landon. Disappointed just doesn’t begin to
describe how I feel. It’s not like we had a long relationship—or any
relationship—but it seems I fell for him anyway. I’ve been trying to push it
away, the empty feeling every time I check my phone and he hasn’t called or

those sweet words, his talk of wanting a relationship was just so much
bullshit. If he just wanted to get me into bed for a little fun, he could’ve
been honest, and I’d have probably went along. I can’t imagine there are many
women who wouldn’t. Maybe that was the problem? We fucked our brains out the last
couple days we spent together, and I thought the sex was great, but maybe he
didn’t. Maybe I suck in bed and no one ever told me.

ridiculous!” Frannie exclaims when I tell her. “You don’t suck in bed.”

don’t know that,” I argue, grabbing a soft drink from her fridge. “Are you
still seeing Jeremy?”

get together to fuck once in a while. Nothing serious, you know.” Her eyebrow
rises as she asks, “Do you want me to ask him what Landon’s problem is?”

Absolutely not. I’m not chasing a guy who isn’t interested, and if he’s seeing
someone else I really don’t want to know.” I flop down at the kitchen table
across from her.

gaze goes from surprised to sympathetic. “You really like him.”

guess I did.”

you love him?”

I reply, too vehemently to be credible. “We were only dating a week or so.”

were only officially dating a week. You were spending a ton of time together
for months.” I shake my head, but she grins. “Holy shit, you love him.”

not.” Yeah, that didn’t sound immature. Fortunately, my phone rings with a call
from the realtor, saving me from the conversation.

wanders into the other room while I answer, but comes rushing back at the sound
of my squeal. “What happened?”

got the house! I can pick up the keys tomorrow!” Frannie grabs me in a tight
hug and we jump around the kitchen.

going out tonight to celebrate,” she insists. “No excuses. It’s Saturday night,
you don’t have class tomorrow. We’re getting trashed.”

arguments here. I can start packing up the apartment tomorrow.”

so happy for you!” Frannie squeals and we hug again.

is thrilled with the news and promises to get his friends to help us move. I
have an urge to call Landon to share my good news, but I resist. He wanted us
to move out of that neighborhood, but I doubt he’d give a shit now.

well. Fuck him. I just bought a new house and I’m shopping for a new car. My
tuition is paid up, my schoolwork is caught up, and I’m less stressed than I
can ever remember being. Frannie is right. It’s time to go out and celebrate.

and I arrive at the club just as things are heating up. The dance floor is
packed solid with sweaty bodies, so we head upstairs to grab a table. I haven’t
even finished my first drink when I see him.

is leaning against the bar, smiling and talking to some plastic five pound
blond. Okay, maybe she isn’t that bad, but my jealousy is in full force. I’ve
been trying to forget about him, doing everything I can not to picture him
moving on with another woman. Or other women. He said he doesn’t usually do
relationships because of his disease. He doesn’t even tell most people, yet he
trusted me with the knowledge. Or maybe that’s all bullshit and I’m just naïve.

eyes meet mine and a small smile appears on his face. “I’m going to the
restroom,” I tell Frannie.

once the ladies room isn’t crowded. I lean against the sink and take a deep
breath. A peek in the mirror shows me my makeup is fine, but my cheeks are
flushed, my eyes wide with panic. I don’t want to talk to him. Really, what is
there to say? Hey, how’s it going? Did you dump me because I’m terrible in bed?
I need to get out of here. I’m sure Frannie and I can find another club.

hope of that flies away when I see Jeremy at our table and Landon right beside
him. Double damn it. Now, I either have the choice to be a mature adult and
join them while devising an escape plan, or run like I stole something. As
tempting as option two is, I can’t let him know how much he has affected me.

line?” Frannie asks, the corner of her mouth twitching up. She giggles at my
glare and grabs Jeremy’s hand. “Let’s dance.”

traitor leaving me alone with him. The five pound blond at the bar is shooting
hateful looks in my direction. Before Landon can speak, I gesture to her. “Your
date seems a bit pissed off. You should probably tend to her.”

not here with me, and I’d rather tend to you.” His eyes travel down my body,
leaving no doubt what kind of tending he’s contemplating.

million smartass remarks fly through my mind, but I don’t have time to choose
one. Ethan is ringing my phone. He never calls unless something is wrong. “Zo?
I need to go to the hospital. You have to hurry,” he says as soon as I answer.

fear drips down my spine. “Ethan? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

His voice is choked. “It’s Colin. He tried to kill himself.”

god. Colin has spent a lot of time at our house. He’s a sweet kid, shy and
smart. Why would he do this? “I’m on my way.”

has been listening to my end of the conversation. “Is Ethan okay?”

his friend is in the hospital. I need to go.”

go with you.” He grabs his phone and follows me to the car. “Do you know what

said Colin tried to kill himself.”

There’s really nothing else to say. I shoot a quick text to Frannie, letting
her know why I left.

hops in the backseat before I’ve even pulled the car to a complete stop. He’s
too upset to even wonder why Landon is with me. His eyes are red and swollen.
“Colin isn’t out to his parents or anyone,” he warns us as we make our way to
his boyfriend’s hospital room. “His parents think we’re friends.”

wonder if that has something to do with his attempt to take his own life. “I’ll
wait out here,” Landon says, taking a seat in the hall outside Colin’s room.

thin pale woman who must be Colin’s mother sits beside the bed. “Hi Mrs.
George. I heard and…wanted to come and see if he’s okay,” Ethan says.

small smile graces her face. “He will be.”

he been awake?”

gave him something to sedate him.”

I get you anything?” I ask. “You must be exhausted.”

thank you. I was just going to grab some coffee from the cafeteria. If you
wouldn’t mind staying with him?”

course,” Ethan replies. I’m shocked at the hateful glare directed at her back
as she leaves. Ethan takes her place beside the bed and holds Colin’s hand.
“I’m sorry. I’m so damn sorry, Colin, but I have to tell someone.” Colin
doesn’t open his eyes. He’s really knocked out.

what, Ethan?”

full of despair meet mine. “He made me swear not to say anything, but I should
have. He said no one would listen, but I should’ve told.”

this isn’t your fault. Tell me now.”

being abused, sexually abused. His stepdad…” Ethan sighs and shakes his head.
“It’s been going on for years.”

in front of Ethan, I ask softly, “Does his mother know?”

snorts. “Yes, she says she doesn’t believe him, but that’s bullshit. She
doesn’t work. She’s dependent on her husband. I guess letting him screw your
kid is a small price to pay to keep him.”

heartless bitch. “We need to let the doctors know. They’ll inform the
authorities.” Landon must’ve been right outside the door listening, because he
walks in and straight to Ethan.

his name?”

gazes up at him. “What?”

guy who’s hurting him. Name and address.” Ethan looks at him like he’s insane.
“I can help your friend. Make sure this never happens to him again. Just give
me his name.”

hesitates before answering, “Arlen George.” He gets out his phone and brings up
Ethan’s address. “He lives here.”

looks at the screen and nods before leaving the room.

looks at me, confused. “What was that all about?”

don’t know. Maybe he has friends in the police department or something.”

Colin says, his voice a harsh whisper.

rushes to his side. “Right here.” Their eyes meet and tear a strip from my
heart. There’s no love like the love you feel as a teenager, before you learn
to protect yourself.

sorry. I just couldn’t do it anymore.”

know. We don’t have to talk about it right now.” Ethan grabs his hand and sits
beside him. “Just promise me you won’t do anything like this again.”

won’t. My arms hurt and I feel like hell. You know my mom’s going to shove me
into the nuthouse, right? This is her opportunity to get rid of me.”

figure something out. Find a way to get you out of there,” I tell him. I don’t
know what I can do, but I’m sure as hell going to try.

told her,” Colin accuses.

didn’t leave me much choice.”

waves his hand with a wince. “Doesn’t matter. Nothing does anymore.”

looks at me. “Can you give us a second?”

course,” I reply. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Unlike Landon, I stay far
enough away from the door to give them some privacy. I can see him on his phone
at the other end of the corridor. I know Landon said ISH works with the cops,
so I imagine that’s who he’s talking to, but Colin’s doctor also needs to know
what’s going on.There’s no way the nurse is going to give me any info about who
his doctor is, so I ask to speak to a counselor instead.

counselor’s office is on a separate floor. He welcomes me in with a soft smile
and asks, “What can I do for you?”

brother’s friend has just been admitted for a suicide attempt. My brother just
told me the boy is being sexually abused and has been for years by his
stepfather. Apparently, his mother knows, but doesn’t care. I wanted someone to
know while he was still here and I thought maybe you could help.”

What’s the patient’s name?” After I give him Colin’s name and warn him the
mother is staying in the room, he promises to investigate.

move faster than I expected. Ethan and I are just preparing to leave when two
officers arrive at Colin’s room. His mother looks up and then glares at Colin.
“You called the cops?”


aren’t going to be happy until we’re on the street!” she shrieks.

didn’t call anyone,” I snap. “I talked to the counselor.” I doubt that’s what
garnered such a speedy response. It’s more likely that this is Landon’s doing.

is none of your fucking business!”

I can respond, an officer steps in. “Ma’am, you need to come out into the hall
with me while my partner talks to your son.”

won’t! You can’t make me. You have no right…”

finds out that’s not true as the officer removes her from the room. I grab
Ethan’s arm. “We should go, honey.”

I want Ethan to stay,” Colin says. He looks terrified.

that okay?” I ask the officer.

to him,” he replies.

be just outside,” I tell Ethan before turning to Colin. “You’re a brave kid.
You can do this. Just know you aren’t alone no matter what, and you’re welcome
at our place anytime.”

approaches me, his eyes alight with anger. “I have to go. The boy will be kept
under a secure watch.” His gaze meets mine.

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