Landon (In Safe Hands Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Landon (In Safe Hands Book 1)
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over on my belly, I grin at him. “Are you sure you want to take two teen boys
on vacation?”

you’ll be the one that has to deal with them during the day.”

right. I’ll call Ethan.”

than forty-eight hours later, we’re unloading our luggage at an amazing hotel
in Panama City.

and his friend, Zach, are excited and bright eyed despite arriving at five in the
morning. I know Ethan was disappointed that Colin couldn’t join us, but
apparently you can’t take a kid who has just been placed into foster care out
of the state. Their room is down the hall from our suite. When the attendant
shows us their room, Ethan runs and dives on one of the beds. “We have our own
fridge, Ethan!” Zach exclaims. “And the T.V. in the sitting room is huge!”

enthusiasm is contagious. “Why don’t you take a nap and we’ll hit the beach in
a few hours?” I suggest. Two sets of eyes gaze at me like I’ve lost my mind.

go to bed, and we’ll go to the beach,” Ethan replies. Yeah, that’s not going to
happen. I slept a bit on the plane, so I suppose I can grab a few hours this

tell you what. Get unpacked and we’ll go get breakfast at the restaurant
downstairs in a half hour or so. Then we’ll hit the beach.”

They’re both on their feet and digging through their suitcases when Landon and
I are escorted to our suite. Ethan’s room is beautiful, but it’s nothing
compared to our suite with a built in hot tub and a balcony overlooking the

only have a second to peek out at the shimmering surface of the ocean as the
sun begins to rise before I have to shut the curtains for Landon. The hotel was
happy to change the curtains for him when we called, and heavy blackout
curtains cover the wide plate glass window. He wraps his arms around me. “Well,
what do you think?”

love it!” His chest is firm and warm on my back. I have to keep in mind there
are two teenagers waiting for me because all I want to do is drag him to bed.
“Thank you for bringing us.”


restaurant, can you…?”

shakes his head. “Sorry, windows all around. I’ll order room service. Don’t
worry about me. Go take the boys to breakfast.”

can come up here and eat.”

morning if you want. Right now, they’re excited. Get them out and let them
explore. We’ll have our fun later.” Hot lips land on my neck, making it even
harder to leave him.

but I’ll be back this afternoon. I’ll need a nap if I’m going to keep you up
all night,” I murmur, tilting my head up for a kiss.

be here, baby.” He smacks my ass. He really seems to like to do that lately,
not that I’m complaining.

can feel his eyes on me while I change into my bikini and throw a pair of
shorts and a T-shirt on over it. “Get out of here before I change my mind and
fuck you all day,” he warns. I can’t resist shaking my ass a little on my way
out the door, smiling at the sound of his growl. I’ll probably pay for that

and Zach are dressed in their swim trunks and tees, practically waiting at the
door for me to show up. The hotel restaurant is bright and cheerful, and the
food is fantastic. The boys eat like they’ll never have another chance, and I
may go a little overboard on the fresh fruit salad. It’s delicious, but I feel

still early, so there aren’t many beachgoers. The sun is out and the
temperature climbs quickly, prompting me to strip off the t-shirt, and wander
up the edge of the shoreline in my bikini top and shorts. Ethan and Zach waste
no time rushing into the chilly water, but since they’re both strong swimmers
and there’s a lifeguard on duty, I’m not worried about watching them too

feels a little strange being out here alone, knowing Landon is stuck up in the
room, but I know he wants me to enjoy the day. He even offered to bring Frannie
along if I wanted, so I would have someone to hang out with while the sun’s up,
but I’m glad I didn’t. I’m enjoying the peace and tranquility of being alone in
such a beautiful place.

occurs to me I haven’t done enough things like this. My every second has been
consumed with survival. I’ve missed a lot. I really don’t even have any friends
other than Frannie. The girlfriends I had growing up were members of the
church, and their parents would’ve never let them speak to me after I left,
even if they wanted to. Sometimes I wonder about my former best friend, Dayna.

spent nearly all our time together from age twelve until I disappeared from
that world. I never tried to call her or contact her after my parents threw me
out. Her parents were just as hateful as mine, and I knew it would only cause
problems for her. I cut ties to everything and everyone other than Ethan,
though my parents tried to keep him from talking to me. I’d meet him before or
after school, or when they weren’t home.

gets the best of me and I sit on the cool sand, letting the waves wash up over
my feet as I look for Dayna on Facebook, careful not to drop my phone in the
water. It’s been about five years since I’ve seen her, and she’s grown up a lot
judging by her profile picture. Her account isn’t private so I scroll through
her posts. I’m surprised at the lack of religious posts, nothing about the
latest activities at church.

her feed is full of pictures of her and a red headed guy who’s apparently her
boyfriend. She looks happy, and I suddenly realize how much I’ve missed her.
Maybe it’s an impulsive move, but I decide to message her.


know it’s been a long time, but I’ve been thinking about you and wondering how
you’re doing. I should’ve gotten in touch long ago, but I didn’t want to get
you in trouble when I left, and after that, I guess life just got in the way.
Anyway, I’d love to hear from you. Take care

doubt she’ll message back, but at least I tried. I don’t plan on getting a job
anytime soon since I have enough to money to cover our monthly expenses for
now, so I can focus more on school, but I also need to get a life.

at Landon, even though he’s limited by XP, he lives his life the best he can,
helping kids and having fun with his friends. Even when I realized we had money
to spare, I never considered doing anything fun with it. The way he just
decided we need a vacation and a day later, we’re on a beach? I wouldn’t even
have considered doing such a thing. I’m too young to be this boring.

laughter tears me away from my long thoughts. Now isn’t the time to bemoan my
shortcomings. It’s time to have fun. I spend an hour or so just lying in the
sun, relaxing, until an impromptu volleyball game breaks out just down the
beach from me. “Zo! Come on! We need one more!” Ethan calls, waving at me.

day flies by. I join the boys for volleyball, swim in the ocean, and collect
shells along the shore. We eat lunch at a nearby sub shop, and buy T-shirts
from a souvenir stand. It’s afternoon when we head back to the hotel. The lack
of sleep is catching up with us, and there’s no argument from the boys this
time when I suggest a rest.

make plans to visit the arcade across the street this evening and have already
figured out they want to have dinner at a nearby taco place. At least
everything is walking distance. Now that we know our way around, I have no
problem cutting them loose to spend the evening on their own.

suite is dark when I let myself in and Landon is asleep in the king sized bed.
Careful not to disturb him, I grab a towel and my bathroom items and sneak away
to shower off the sand and crud of the day. I adore the smell of sunblock, but
it feels grimy after a while. Landon is still sleeping when I return, and I’m
not going to wake him, though I still want to ride him like a stolen bike.
Instead, I climb in beside him, naked, and curl up in his strong arms which
wrap around me instantly. Within seconds, I’m asleep.

always thought the best way to wake up was naturally, with no alarm jerking me
from sleep or knock at the door making me scramble from bed to dress. Screw
naturally, the best way to wake up is with a warm, wet tongue between your
legs, and scruff scraping lightly on the inside of your thighs.

now you’re awake,” Landon murmurs, his face still buried.

I’m having the best dream ever.” My hands clamp down on his hair, pulling it as
he brings me to orgasm faster than ever before.

couldn’t stand knowing you were naked under the blanket. I had to touch you.”
He grabs my hips and flips me over, tucking a pillow beneath me so my ass is
sticking up. “But we have to make this quick, because we have a dinner
reservation in less than an hour.”

have complete faith in you.”

the back of my knee, he bends my leg and sinks deep inside me, proving my faith
was well founded.


* * * *


checking in with the boys, Landon takes me to a Mexican restaurant a few miles
away. Small and cozy, it overlooks the ocean. It’s perfect. We’re seated on the
patio by a smiling waitress who doesn’t fail to run her gaze over Landon every
chance she gets. Instead of being jealous, I just nod at her. I completely
understand. I can’t keep my eyes off of him either. And dressed in a pair of
dark jeans with a blue fitted T-shirt that makes his eyes appear to glow, no
woman has a chance.

did you do today?” Landon asks, popping a tortilla chip in his mouth.

spent most of the day on the beach. I kicked some ass in volleyball.”

fingers brush a strand of hair from my cheek. “You’ve got a little sun on your
cheeks. You look lovely.”

can this man drive me insane one minute, then grab my heart the next? I lean to
give him a soft kiss. “I spent some time lying in the sun and reading an actual
novel for once and not a textbook.”

You need a break. Did Ethan and his friend have a good time?”

wipe the smiles off their faces. They’re at an arcade now, but I told them to
be back in their room by midnight.”

you’re mine for the night?” he asks, a mischievous grin settling on his face.

You’re stuck with me. Any ideas what we could do all night?”

I have plenty of plans for you later, but first, I have a little surprise for

remark prompts me to eat a little quicker, which makes him laugh. “You have no
patience, do you?”


he pays the check and leads me down the road. “Do we need a cab?” I ask.

it’s only a few blocks away.”

night air is cool and refreshing against my sun kissed skin and Landon’s arm
slung around my neck feels so comfortable, so right. I take a moment to just
soak it all in, imprint this beautiful night on my memory. If there’s one thing
I’ve learned, it’s that you need the thoughts of times like these when
everything goes downhill and you’ve forgotten what happiness feels like.
Walking with Landon, the smell of salt in the air, the whole long night ahead
of us to do as we please…this is happiness.

led to a giant building, and I turn to grin at Landon when I see the name of
the place. “You brought me to an aquarium?”

have a special exhibit on the evolution of the whale. I know how you love that
nerdy sciency stuff.”

is not a word,” I laugh, grabbing his hand and pulling him inside. “We’d better
hurry, it closes soon.”

for us. I arranged for a little private time.”

mouth falls open. “Private time?”

about fifteen minutes, we’ll have the place to ourselves.”





excited eyes land on mine, and I chuckle at her exuberance. Zoe is beautiful on
her worst day, but when she’s happy, she exudes a glow that encompasses everyone
around her. I don’t think people even notice sometimes, but when she’s happy,
it’s contagious, and the whole room seems to brighten.

gaze travels over the exhibit with open fascination. I don’t know half of what
I’m looking at, but I know science—and especially evolution—is her passion.
“That thing.” I point at a picture of some creature. “Is seriously ugly.”

arm hooks through mine. “That’s a Pakicetus. It’s the most basal whale. They
existed about forty-eight million years ago.”

come from that? It has legs. Could it even breathe underwater?”

can’t breathe underwater,” she giggles. “They have lungs and have to come up
for air, just like us. It evolved into Ambulocetus about a million years later.
See.” She points to the next picture and studies the replica of an Amb-whatever
skeleton. “It still has legs and doesn’t live in the water, but feeds there,
sort of like an alligator. It wasn’t until another million years later when the
Maiacetus emerged that they started spending more time in the water than on
land. Their legs functioned both in and out of the water.

Durodon was the first descendent to be completely aquatic nearly nine million
years later. See where the forelimbs have become flippers? And the hind limbs
are tiny. It’s also developed tail flukes and…” She looks up from where she’s
bent over studying the skeleton and giggles. “I’m boring the shit out of you,
aren’t I? I can get carried away.”

not bored at all. I love to see you so excited.” We make our way through the
exhibit. “I can tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile, at

yeah, what’s the difference?” she challenges.

will see you later and the other will see you in a while.”

course,” she laughs.

approached by a young man wearing a wetsuit. “Mr. Clark? And you must be Ms.
Page. I’m Sully. Are you ready to join me?”

you for what?” Zoe asks, turning to me.

it be too cliché if we swam with dolphins while we’re here?” I ask. Judging by
the squeal she emits, I’d say she’s pleased with the idea. I know when I told
her to wear a swimsuit under her clothes, she probably thought we were going to
the pool.

in a modest, yellow two piece swimsuit is the sexiest sight I’ve seen
since…well, since I saw her naked. It doesn’t escape my attention that Sully
appreciates the sight as well. He’s the young, blond surfer type with more tan
than brains, and I kind of want to drown him and feed him to his dolphins. If
he gives her that searching look one more time, we may find out if humans make
good fish food.

fastens her lifejacket and we follow dolphin boy onto a platform in the water.
He blows a whistle and a few seconds later, a pale blue dolphin leaps onto the
platform, sliding on its belly. Zoe laughs with delight. “He’s beautiful. Can I
touch him?”


tentatively strokes down the dolphins back. “Landon! Come and feel him. He’s so

put my hand beside hers and run my hand over the cool skin. “He is smooth. I
thought it’d be a bit scaly, like other fish. Kind of feels like rubber.”

not a fish. Dolphins are mammals,” she says absently, her attention focused on
the dolphin. “What’s his name?”

Sully replies. “Would you like to see why we call him that?” Before we can
agree, he gives a hand signal, and the dolphin shoots off across the tank. All
we can see is a silver-blue streak in the water until Sully blows the whistle
and Dart leaps into the air repeatedly, flipping and bolting around the tank
like a missile.

you like to ride him?” Sully asks, signaling for Dart to return.

Zoe cries, wiggling like a sugared up toddler. The next hour is one of the best
of my life. We swim with Dart, and Sully also brings in another dolphin. The
wide excited smile never leaves Zoe’s face as we frolic with the friendly
animals. I arranged this for Zoe, but I’m having the time of my life watching
her enjoy herself and let go in ways she’s never had a chance to experience.

the session is over, Zoe retreats into the restroom to dry off and remove her
swimsuit. I’m sure as hell not taking her anywhere else public, because her
lack of a bra is obvious. Tiny hard nipples stand at attention as she throws
her arms around me. “Thank you for bringing me here. I had the best time.”

hands travel down the back of her shorts to squeeze her bare ass. “No bra or
panties. How am I supposed to function knowing that?”

fingers tangle in my hair. “You’ll have to tough it out. I’m not wearing a wet swimsuit.”

you tired? I thought we’d take a walk on the beach.”

not tired. Let’s do it.” She grins and takes my hand.

night is hot and humid, but the breeze off of the ocean cools the sweat on my
body as soon as it pops out. Zoe holds my hand and walks beside me while her
gaze shifts back and forth between the dark roiling water and the bright burst
of stars above our heads. “I love it here,” she sighs.

can come back whenever you like.” A fire pit has been dug on the beach and it
looks as if it’s just been abandoned since a few embers still glow in the
bottom. A pile of driftwood waits nearby.

you plan this?” Zoe asks, when I throw two logs on the fire. They’re so dry,
they flame up instantly.

Happy accident.”

it’s perfect.” Her skin is so soft when I pull her into my lap.

phone vibrates against my leg, and she reluctantly pulls it out of her back
pocket. “I just want to make sure it isn’t Ethan.”

it Ethan?” Judging by the look on her face, something is up.

I messaged an old friend on Facebook this afternoon. I haven’t heard from her
in years. She just messaged me back. She wants to get together.”

good, right?” My fingers find their way into her silky hair.

I’m just surprised.”

did you lose touch?”

a resigned sigh, she stares into the fire. “We were raised by strict
evangelical parents. They homeschooled us and controlled every aspect of our
lives, including our friends. When I told them I wasn’t a believer anymore,
that I wanted to be a scientist, they kicked me out. They did the same to Ethan
when he came out.

only friends I had were in the church, and none of their parents would’ve let
them near me once I was destined to burn in hell. I just cut all ties.”

chest feels tight just thinking about Zoe, so young and all alone in the world.
She had absolutely no one, and now look at her. She still managed not only to
house and feed herself, and put herself through school, but is doing the same
for her brother.

amazing, do you know that?” I ask, tilting her chin so I can see into her eyes.

for running away?”

didn’t run away. You were pushed, and you landed on your feet. I’m so proud of

light blush sweeps across her cheeks and she shrugs. “It’s all behind me now.
My parents insurance and the proceeds from the sale of their house will more
than see us through our college years.”

you say you inherited a commercial building as well? My realtor can help you
sell it, too.”

gave it to the Every Life Counts Homeless Shelter. Ethan and I would never have
made it without them.”

I said, she’s amazing. Sweet, funny, and a difficult smart-ass, but I’m crazy
about her. My lips are drawn to hers like I have no choice. Maybe I don’t. I
tried not to want her, to fall for her, but I don’t think I ever had a snowball’s
chance in hell of fighting it.

little moan rumbles her throat as I give her a long, soft kiss. Her forehead
falls to mine when we break apart and she murmurs, “I love you.”

love you, too, sweetheart.”

scoots out of my lap and traces a pattern in the sand with her finger. I can
feel the shift in her mood, but I have no idea what the problem is. “I need you
to promise me something,” she says, and I sense she’s drawing a line in the
sand in more ways than one.


this doesn’t work out between us, I want you to tell me. Don’t just disappear
and stop responding to me like last time. I can handle being dumped, but not
being ignored.”

I’m such an asshole. If anyone should understand how much it hurts to be
ignored, I should. “Look at me, Zoe.” Her gaze is guarded and wary. “I’m so
sorry for hurting you like that. It will never happen again.”

didn’t you want to talk to me? Did I do something to piss you off?”

allows me to pull her back into my lap. “No, it wasn’t anything you did.”
Sighing, I run a hand through my hair, trying to find the best way to explain.
“I knew I was falling for you, and that you were getting close to me, too. Then
the first time I try to take you out for a simple date, we get stuck in a
shitty hotel because of my XP. I’ve dealt with the limitations my whole life,
and I didn’t want to put that on you. Because it will get old, sweetheart.

I can’t come to your special occasions, like your graduation, or even if you
just need my help, like the day your car broke down. I can’t always be there
for you, and you deserve to be with someone who can. I wanted to let you go,
but I couldn’t do it. I missed you, and every day seemed longer than the last.”

hands cup my face and she sighs, “You’re a goddamned idiot.”

what I expected to hear. It takes me a second to process what she said. “What?”

you can’t go out in the sunlight. It sucks and I hate it for you, but it
doesn’t mean we can’t have a relationship like everyone else. So we ended up in
a hotel. I thought it was fun, kind of spur of the moment romantic. Shit goes
wrong in every relationship. That doesn’t mean you give up. Dating me isn’t
always going to be a joy, you know. I’m raising a teenager with issues of his
own, and I have more baggage than an airport carousel. Either you’ll be able to
handle it or you won’t. I wouldn’t take that choice from you, so don’t take it
from me.”

can only stare as she tears me a new one because she’s absolutely right. I just
decided that she couldn’t—or rather, wouldn’t want to—deal with it instead of
talking to her about it. “I’m sorry. Even if we weren’t going to be together, I
should’ve told you face to face. I know what it’s like to be ignored and I
never want to hurt you like that.”

ignored you?” she asks, lacing her fingers through mine.

parents loved to travel. They spent months at a time going from country to
country, and they didn’t want to drag along a kid who had to be kept out of the
sunlight, so I was left with nannies and tutors most of the time. They just
parked me at home and went about their lives.”

sorry. Sounds like we both won the shitty parent lottery.” Her hand tightens on
mine. “Just talk to me if you’re worried, but you don’t need to be. I’m not
going anywhere.” Her warm body snuggles against mine.


now take me back and fuck me.”


* * * *


week in Florida flies by. Zoe spends the days on the beach or doing things with
the boys while I sleep in and get some work done on my laptop. In the evenings,
we swim in the hotel pool with the moonlight twinkling on the water, eat at a
different restaurant every night, and spend half the night screwing our brains

vacation ever,” Zoe mumbles, resting her head on my chest on the plane ride
home. The plane I chartered gets us home a few hours before sunrise. Ethan and
his friend stumble into Zoe’s apartment, still half asleep. Waking a teenager
in the middle of the night is like waking a toddler, they both have that zombie
stare going on.

be out in five minutes,” Zoe laughs, throwing her arms around my neck.

better get some sleep too. I know you have a lot to do.”

should. I want to get settled in my new house before I go back to school

can come tonight and help.”

but we don’t have much. I’m getting new furniture, so we’re only taking our
clothes, housewares, and stuff. Frannie’s coming over to help today. Will you
be able to move back to your house soon?”

this week. I plan to go check on the repairs tonight.”

smiles up at me. “Want to come and have a gourmet dinner of pizza with us?”

love to.” She walks me to the door and gives me a kiss. It’s clear she wishes I
didn’t have to leave, but it’ll be light soon. This is the first time since I
was a kid that my condition has bothered me. I got used to my routine and
didn’t feel like things were much different for me than most people, but now I
feel limited. Like I’m missing out. She wants me to stay. I want to stay, but
it can’t happen. I may take her up on her offer to light proof her new house
with blackout curtains.

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