Landon's Desire (Book Three of The Pulse Series 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Landon's Desire (Book Three of The Pulse Series 3)
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As Landon’s hands caressed over his chest and down his arms, he couldn’t help but remind himself these were the hands of a man. Carl was shocked at how good it felt, how surprisingly gentle his large hands were and how it made feelings stir deep in his belly. He could feel his cock thickening and bit into his lip trying to force it to stop.

Without realizing, Landon had moved behind him, his hands and mouth drifting over Carl’s muscular back. His fingertips traveled along the terry towel edge of the robe and the base of his spine, he tugged the fabric free and watched as it puddled gracefully at Carl’s feet on the cold tile floor.

“Fuck,” Landon whispered, grinning at the sight of Carl standing in a snug pair of Andrew Christian fitted briefs.

The round globes of his ass looked as if he performed a thousand squats a day, firm and tight. Landon envisioned his teeth taking a bite from Carl’s delicious apple round bottom. He had two perfectly positioned dimples at the top of his ass cheeks and Landon sighed. He was close to combusting and had to close his eyes for a moment to regain the thinnest amount of composure to go on.

“What?” Carl asked, his head turning from side to side, though he couldn’t see a thing.

“Just fuck,” Landon growled, smoothing his hand over his oblique’s rounding his abs and standing wide eyed at his front. “Jesusfuckingchrist.”

“That’s it, no fucking more,” Carl said, yanking the scarf from his head only to see an appreciative grin on Landon’s face as he stared at the bulge in his briefs.

“Rules big boy, you peeked,” Landon joked, yanking Carl’s bare chest into his own.

“Big boy?” Carl struggled to get free.

“Yeah, big boy,” he said, grinding his package against Carl’s with a greedy smirk. “Stop squirming…now let’s see…what am I going to do to you for breaking the rules?”

“Fuck all, that’s what!” Carl hollered, as he struggled free.

“Fair enough, you did cooperate for the most part. I’ll let you off with a warning this time.” Landon said, watching Carl snatch his robe from the floor and shrug it on.

“Time you left,” Carl ordered, pointing to the doorway.

“Did you still want me to fix the shower setting before I go? It won’t take but a few minutes. Do you want it colder or hotter?” Landon asked, prying the cover from the panel in the shower, acting as if the game had never taken place.

“I want it hotter,” Carl said, biting his lip when he saw the naughty grin spread across Landon’s face. “Behave, do you think of anything other than sex?”

Landon held his finger to his chin and feigned deep thought. “I’d have to say yes, but sex is a top priority and takes up the majority of the space in my brain, does that surprise you?”

“Not one fucking bit.”

Landon replaced the cover on the panel and turned on the water. “Then you won’t be surprised when I tell you I can do things to you that will make your toes curl and leave you begging me to stop…because you can’t take anymore.”

He came closer and whispered into Carl’s ear for dramatic effect. “You should also know, I’m capable of multiple orgasms and have the stamina to go for hours.”

He pulled back and smiled into Carl’s face. “Just so you the way, the waters ready.”

Landon closed the door as he left and Carl leapt into the shower, squeezing the head of his cock until it stopped throbbing.




Mikala came bursting into the bar, handing out envelopes to each employee. She was full of piss and vinegar and Landon couldn’t help laughing. Since finding out she was pregnant, her entire demeanor had changed, she was a blessing to be around, rarely lost her temper anymore and actually laughed at Landon’s stupid jokes, from time to time. Still, it was better to be on guard just in case.

“For you,” she said, handing Landon an envelope.

“What do we have here?” He pulled out an invitation and read it aloud. “Join us for fun in the sun and a day of celebration.”

Mikala pulled Landon down so she could talk in his ear. “Pool party, we’re going to announce my pregnancy.”

Landon put his lips to her ear mimicking her actions, grinning. “Good for you Princess, I’ll be there speedo and all.”

“Eww…no speedos allowed.”

“Well thank you very much,” Landon said, acting truly insulted. “I was kidding, but just for that I may go out and buy one, a sunshine yellow one.”

“Where’s Carl, I have his invitation too,” she asked, ignoring his remark.

“Don’t know. I haven’t seen him since I fixed his shower this morning.”

An image of Carl standing in his boxers, red faced and blindfolded, made Landon smile and his heart skip a beat or two. He’d give just about anything for a repeat performance. Something had ever so slightly shifted in Carl, his receptiveness meant he may be starting to look at himself a bit deeper and be willing to open up.

“I’m here, just got back,” Carl announced upon hearing his name. “Am I needed for something?”

“Pool party invite,” Mikala chirped, “no speedos allowed.”

Carl laughed, “No worries, you wouldn’t catch me dead in one.”

He turned in time to see a lingering half grin on Landon’s face.

“Something on your mind, Ace,” Carl asked, nudging his shoulder as he squeezed by, between him and Mikala.

“There are certain images that are best saved for private times,” Landon said, winking when Carl turned in order to throw a scowl his way.

“You can be such an ass.”

“That I can.”

“When you two are finished?” Mikala scolded.

“Want me to bring anything?” Carl asked, setting papers right side down on the bar and retrieving a can of soda from the bar fridge underneath. “Want something, Mik?”

“Nothing for me, I have to run,” Mikala said, handing Carl a small stack of envelopes. “Make sure these get handed out? Oh…bring your own towels, I’ll be damned if I’m doing a ton of laundry the next day.”

“We’ll be there with our towels and
.” Landon chuckled, dipping his shoulder just as Mikala swung and missed.

“Show up to my party in a speedo and Landon Kyle, I
fire your ass and then drown you,” Mikala pointed to emphasize her warning.

“You just don’t want me putting all the other guys to shame.”

“Oh please,” Carl snorted and turned his back.

Landon fisted the back of Carl’s shirt just as he started to leave, pulling him back against his chest and whispered into his ear, “Never draw conclusions until you see it first hand, Babes, you may be surprised by what’s hidden beneath.”

Carl would have been fair game the way he tipped back his head to answer, if Landon chose to plant a kiss on his beautiful plump lips at that moment. The minty smell from Carl’s gum was luring him in and willpower was fading. Landon pulled back, trying not to be tempted, to let the moment pass before he did something he shouldn’t.

“You make it sound like you have a Python between your thighs.”

Landon threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Are you scared of snakes, Carlton?”

Carl tittered, acting unamused. “Goodbye.”

“Awe, come on Carl, I was kidding,” Landon yelled, as Carl turned the corner towards the elevator. “No sense of humor, you’re a cold fish, Carlton Ward.”

The papers Carl had set down earlier caught Landon’s eye, he grinned when he realized he had an excuse to go up to Carl’s apartment and snatched them off the bar. He pushed three on the elevator panel and leaned against the glass, the door opened a minute later and he propped himself against the door frame and knocked.

The door yanked open, Carl stood with his shirt unbuttoned. “What?”

“Is that anyway to greet a guest?”

are not a guest…you are a pain in my ass.” Carl hissed his displeasure.

“You forgot your papers,” Landon shoved them against his chest and punched the button on the elevator for a dramatic flair.

“Bring your huffy ass in and close the door while I change my shirt.”

Removing the silly grin from his face before turning and coming into the apartment, he closed the door and when Carl was out of sight, he locked it. Trying to come up with a way to kiss him again without Carl going ape shit and kicking his ass out the door, he leaned his elbows on the kitchen counter and fumbled with the papers. He looked down at the paper he had dog eared and his mouth gaped wide.

Suddenly he had a million questions and had no idea where to start, but his dilemma was fast fixed when Carl came into the room. His eyes moved from Landon to the papers and back.

“Those are private,” he snarled, snatching them away. “None of your fucking business.”

“Carl, I swear, I wasn’t,”

“And now you know,” Carl said, opening a drawer and stuffing the papers in. “Don’t get any ideas, I didn’t do it for you…I have it done every year.”

“I’m fucking confused, Carl,” he pulled out a seat and sat as if he were going to fall down if he didn’t. “You keep telling me you’re not gay, so why have AIDS testing?”

With an exasperated sigh, Carl raked his hands through his hair. Taking a bottle of Jack and two glasses from a cupboard, he set them on the table and sat beside Landon, not across the table as Landon would have expected. He poured a small amount in each glass and waited until Landon joined him and they shot them back.

“All testing, not just AIDS, if you looked past the first page you’d have seen I’m clean.”

“I know this guy who’s a great listener,” Landon said. “Want to talk?”

“No…but I think I need to talk,” Carl said in a defeated tone.

Keeping his eyes focused on the table, Landon could see Carl was fighting with what to say and put his hand on his forearm for support. He wanted to reassure him that he was there to listen, not to judge. Who the hell was he to judge anyway, he had demons, dark and furious ones at constant battle. At least Carl was trying to overcome a few of his; he’d give him kudos for that.

“The problem with me, Ace, is I don’t have a fucking clue who or what I am.”

Landon held his tongue and waited while Carl poured another round of drinks. While Landon sipped at his, Carl shot back two more, drew in a long deep breath and slowly blew it out.

“Is it crazy that I don’t know my own sexuality?”

Landon shrugged, there had never been a more loaded question. He wasn’t sure what to say or how to say it. But one crazy thought came to mind and he had to ask it.

“Don’t lose your shit on me okay, I just need to ask one thing.”

“Uh huh?”

“You’re not a virgin, right?”

Carl actually laughed at the question. “No, Ace, I’m not a virgin.”

“So you’ve had sex.”

“I’ve had sex.”

Landon tensed at the next question. “Women or men?”


“Both?” Landon raised his brow.

“It’s a long story.”

“I have all day, Babes, not going anywhere.” Landon promised.

Carl told him the story about his best friend Tyler, how his loss affected him and caused the estrangement with his father. Landon sympathized, but had no idea how it felt. His father had always been a very accepting man, had no problem with Landon coming out, in fact he was the first to tell people how proud he was of him.

“You haven’t talked to your father since? That’s sad.”

“His loss I figure.”

“Tyler was your first?” Landon asked, a bit more relaxed with his questions since Carl was opening up with him.

“He was my
one and…” Carl rubbed his hand over his face.

“And…? Don’t hold back on me now,” Landon encouraged him to continue.

He swallowed back the sudden lump in his throat. “We didn’t exactly have sex, we had oral sex.”

Oral sex was the reason his father basically disowned him and he was in denial of who he really was? Landon was flabbergasted.

“Experimental sex, two kids getting each other off in a wheat field, maybe I’m wrong about you Carl,” Landon said. “Have you had full blown sex with a woman? I mean full penetration kind of sex?”


“Like how many woman?”

“I don’t know.”

“One, two, six?”


Landon stood and took their glasses to the sink. “I would have put money on it that you were gay, how stupid am I?”

Carl’s hand covered Landon’s as he turned the doors lock to leave. “Ace, don’t leave, I don’t want you to go.”

Confusion marred Landon’s face, he had mixed emotions he wasn’t sure how to deal with, he wanted Carl in the worst way, and was convinced the man was attracted to him. Carl’s confession only tangled things all the more into one giant knot with no beginning or end. And to top it off, Carl was begging him to stay. Push, pull, push, pull.

Carl was driving him crazy.

Without warning, Carl palmed Landon’s face and brought their lips together into a sweet gentle kiss. It was the first time Carl took the initiative to show Landon any amount of passion, and Landon was both pleased and shocked all to fuck.

Peeling Carl’s hands off his face, Landon stepped back and asked. “Um, what was that?”

Ouch, Carl now knew how rejection felt, knew Landon’s pain all the months Carl had brushed off his advances.

“Answer me Carl,” Landon demanded.

“It was a kiss.”


Carl shook his head, lifted the bottle of Jack to his lips and sucked back at least four shots worth.

“You don’t need any more of that shit, liquid courage is a cop out, tell me why Carl, tell me what you want?”

“I don’t know.”

Landon walked to the sink and proceeded to pour the half empty bottle of Jack down the drain.

“We live in a club with two fully stocked bars and a wine cellar,” Carl said. “If I want to drink it all you can’t stop me.”

“Smartass doesn’t look good on you, Babes,” Landon said with a smile. “You need a clear head right now. Think about what it is that you want. Are you or are you not attracted to men, to me? Is there a place in your life for me or would you prefer to find yourself a woman to share your time with?”


Landon touched his index finger to Carl’s mouth. “These aren’t questions you answer on a whim. You gotta search your soul my man, dig deep and when you think you have the answers, dig a little deeper.”

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