Languish for you (My soulmate)

BOOK: Languish for you (My soulmate)
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Serafina Daniel







Kindle Edition




Copyright ©
2012 Serafina Daniel


All rights reserved.


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental
















For the person who is still hiding from me.

You can show up now.




















About the author




Serafina Daniel is a pen name which belongs to
a person who likes reading, writing, chatting, learning new things and so on. She lives in
. It is a small country, having its own history and atmosphere.  Exactly those things let her create her stories.


If you ant to find out more about her, just visit these sites:








Or maybe you would like to chat?


[email protected]












Chapter one


Something strange was happening around me and I didn't like it. I opened me eyes only to meet the darkness and a strange smell. Something similar to wet ground, grass... and also I was cold. I touched my skin, feeling how rough it was.

Where was I? Why was I here? What happened? Many questions were in my head, asking me to find the answers. But there wasn't anyone, who could tell me what was happening.

I fear was rising in me, like the air balloon filled with hot air. I tried not to panic, but it was hard thing for me not to do, because I soon touched wet wood, some fabric and then...something was moving on me like... snakes and many insects. I let out a loud scream and tried to remove away whatever was on me. But even if it wasn't on my body, it was near to it. I was in a small box without possibility to escape.

I clenched my hands into fists and started hitting the box, asking for help. I had never been so scared in my life. I wanted to nestle in my mother's arms, like I used to do when I was a little child. I needed someone.

“Please! Help me!” I cried. Tears kissed my cheeks while my body shiver
from fear and coldness. “Please!”

And then something hard hit the box.

“Calm down,” I heard a man's voice. “Everything will be fine, little one.”

I didn't recognize that voice, but I believed him. Everything will be okay. I wasn't alone anymore. Someone was near this box and will let me out. But how did I end in this box in the first place?

I tried to remember what I was doing before I opened my eyes here. I was in the hospital after I had lost my consciousness in the school. I felt then like someone had ripped my heart straight from my chest without any mercy. It hurt so much that I only wanted to die at that moment.

But when I opened my eyes, everything was okay. I didn't felt pain in my chest and when I told my doctor about it, she gave me a suspicious look. She didn't believe me and explained that I lost my consciousness only because I hadn't eaten enough food. But before she could even end her explanation, I knew that it wasn't because I didn't put more vegetables, fruits or bread in my mouth. It was because... I didn't know that reason, but I was sure that she was wrong.

And what was next? A few days later, I left the hospital. And after some extra two days, I came back to it, but this time I could see, feel, hear everything. I was in pain because someone dared to drive his stupid car straight into me.

“She won't survive,” I heard one woman saying then. She was standing next to me, preparing something. But I didn't see what she had in her hands or if there was another person with her, because soon someone pulled me into the black tunnel. The blackness kissed me, hug
me and imprisoned me.

No, I said in my mind. I can't be...dead?

My arms hugged me. I started gasping for air. I was having hysterics. I had never had one, but right now it really was time to try everything.

“Help!” I heard my tiny voice saying one word again. My tears bit my cheeks like needles, but I couldn't force my fingers to remove them.

“Everything will be fine, little one,” the man said again and hit the box's top with something. I heard how the wood cracked reluctantly and saw some dirt coming inside with some light.

I closed my eyes, wanting, needing that all this would be some kind of nightmare. I couldn't be in a coffin. I couldn't be dead. No. It was impossible. I had dreams, plans for my future. No. It was just a bad dream. I will pinch myself and leave this nightmare. I will open my eyes and see my room's ceiling with many little yellow stars on it.

Another hit. Another wood cry and more light, but not the sun's. It was from a torch. Was it night?

I took a deep breath, calming myself in my mind. It was just a dream, I repeated those words over and over until I could breathe again. Then, I quickly touched my arm's skin. I felt pain. It was real.

“Everything is okay,” the man said and soon I could see his face in front of me. The torch's light let me see his bright blue eyes which suddenly reminded me of the see, the sky. Also, he seemed to have light hair, almost like my brother. His face looked nice to stare. I could guess that he was four or five years older than me.

“Hello, sweetheart. Welcome back to life,” he said and extended his hand in order to help me to stand up on my feet. But I didn't hurry to move. I didn't know what was happening around me.

I quickly lifted my head up and took a sitting person's position. Without missing a heart beat, I looked around. Yea, I really was in the coffin. It was black one or maybe dark brown... I couldn't say what color exactly it was. The snakes appeared to be warms. I hated warms. I shivered. My body crouched.

The guy noticed my reaction, but he got everything wrong. I wasn't afraid of him. I was just lost, scared. I didn't know what was happening.

“Don't be afraid. Everything is okay. I won't let anything bad to happen to you,” he promised me in calm tone. His face seemed sincere and I wanted to believe him.

I nodded and took his hand. He smiled and helped me to hold my balance on my coffin. Soon I found myself in his embrace. His strong arms were cuddling me. For some reason I felt better, safer. I put my head on his chest. I felt his heartbeats. They were My muscles relaxed and my own heart tried to copy his heart's rhythm. His heartbeats were like a lullaby which I wanted to listen forever.

“Vanessa,” he whispered in my hair. It wasn't my name. No. My name sounder differently, but I was too exhausted to inform him that he had used the wrong name. So, I just lifted me eyes to meet his warm stare, ”we need to get out of here. I know it is much for you to take, but I need you to be strong. Do you understand?”

I slowly nodded. One way or another I will still need to get out of this hole with the opened coffin. So, why not now?

He smiled and kissed my head again. It felt so good for some reason.

“Good girl,” he said.

It was strange how I managed to blush in this situation. I would have never thought that some simple words could force my body to act like this. Luckily that it was dark and he couldn't see how my face suddenly turned red like tomato.

He lifted me up that I could get out from this hole, but it was hard for my cold fingers to find a thing on which I could hold. Everything was slippery, cold and wet and I was so tired.

“Avery!” the guy shouted a girl's name. And before I could turn my eyes at him, someone grabbed my hands and lifted me up, out from the hole and out from that guy's warm embrace. I felt abandon and vulnerable when his warmness left me. I even found myself wanting to jump back to that hole that I could be longer with him.

I shook my head. I was so confused that I couldn't even think straight.

“Here you go,” the woman's voice said in a cheerful voice. I looked at her; tall and muscular. She was wearing black and slinky clothes, which only highlighted her figure. I lifted my eyes a bit higher, to see her grey eyes and some laugh lines, proving that she was warm and friendly person which you could trust. And that was why I instantly placed confidence in her.

“Thank you,” I said in a small voice. My arms hugged my body.

The woman tried to keep her smile on her face and not to show her sympathetic, thinking that maybe she would let me feel more vulnerable and sad that I already was. But even if her mask hid her true feelings deep in her mind, I still noticed sadness in her eyes.

“Everything will be fine, Vanessa. You are safe. Nothing bad will happen to you.”

She had also said the wrong name. No, my name is... I tried to remember, but I hit the wall. I couldn't remember it, but I was sure that I wasn't Vanessa.

I squeezed my lips tightly and tried to take one step back, but my leg touched something hard and I almost kissed the dirt. I gasped and turned around to see a huge grey gravestone in front of me. On it I saw my true name
, Trinity, dates and a sentence,
which stole my breath.

est in peace, lovely daughter.

Another hysteria
’s attack
decided to visit my body. The wo
man noticed that like and the ma
who was out from the hole. He quickly took some steps to me and took me back into his hug. It helped a little.

“Everything is fine, Vanessa,” they all were repeating the same thing. Everything wasn't okay. I was in the coffin, in the graveyard and they were calling me Vanessa, although I was Trinity. And plus, it was night. What else? Yea, I was buried in the ground. Warms and insects were crawling on my body.

“No,” I whispered.

“Yes,” he said in serious tone.

“Christopher, she is freaking out. Maybe you should take her out from here. I will finish,” the woman said. He glanced at her and nodded. He had the same opinion. Yea, me too, I said sarcastically in my mind.

I was expecting that he will push me forward, but instead of that, he took me into his arms like I was weighting only two kilograms. But I was sure that I was heavier than that.

“Relax,” he said to me when I tried to squirm in his hands. It was surprising how his voice forced my body to forget stress and what was happening around me. I knew that I should do everything in order to understand the situation. But instead of that, I put my head gently on his chest and started listening again to his heartbeats which were slow and rhythmical. I closed me eyes.

I had to admit, no one had carried me least I didn't remember that anyone had done that. And I asked myself why. It was so good to be so close to someone. Why had I avoided boys?

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