Last First Kiss (2 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Last First Kiss
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Rogers, Emily
right hand girl
looked up when she saw the three of them approaching the desk.

“Emily, I saw the police car pull
up outside. Is
everything all right?”

“Of course, just a little misunderstanding. The police think I killed that obnoxio
dined here last month
. You remember the one with the bald head and black rimmed glasses?”

“He’s dead?” asked Julie.

“So this police officer tells me. Obviously someone else found hi
m just as nasty as we did. I
have to go to the police station with this fine gentleman
so I want you to look after this place while I’m gone. Oh, and Mike, from the vet’s office
will be by later to check on one of the horses. She’s been acting strange and off her food.”

Julie burst into tears. “Oh Emily, how can
anyone think you’d hurt someone?”

, no crying, please
or you’ll get me upset and sobbing
too. Like I said
this is merely a mistake
and we’ll get it all sorte
d out at the station. And I
have Wade here to help me
. I bet you didn’t know he
’s now
a private eye
did you?”

Emily winked at Wa
de. He smiled. Private eye
had a touch of Philip Marlow about

you have to handcuff me
?” asked Emily.

“I don’t think y
ou’re going to run away
Emily,” said Albright

“No, no, if you have to do it,
let’s go ahead and follow protocol. I don’t want you getting in any trouble wit
h your superiors because of me.”

“I can’t watch this,” said Julie
diving into the office behind the reception area.

Wade was finding
it pretty uncomfortable
as Emily turned around
and the officer pulled the handcuffs off his belt and secured them around her wrists. The sound of metal on metal as the
y closed echoed a
round the room and made him flinch

Wade swallowed.

“Those com
fortable enough for you, Emily?”
managed to say.

“Perfect,” she said. “Oh, I forgot to comb my hair.”

“You can do that when we get to the sta
tion,” said Albright
. “Okay, you ready?”

“Yes, let
’s get this over with. Sooner we do, the quicker I can be back home.”

Wade followed them out of the front entrance. Two guests hap
pened to be coming in
carrying their suit
. They turned and watch
with their mouths open
Emily was escorted to the waiting police car.

Wade took a deep breath.

“Would it be all right if Wade rode
with us?” asked Emily. “I thought we could catch up on old times whi
le we drive

“Emily, no, I can’t do that
but I’m
going to follow behind
I promise I won’t leave you when
we arrive at the station
,” said Wade.

She nodded. Albright
put his hand on
top of her head as she slid into
the back
seat. In doing so he
ruffled up her neat
grey bun
which was probably going
to upset her more than being arrested.
Wade put his cowboy hat back on and pulled
out his sunglasses
he walked toward his SUV.

police station was about a mile and half away
and it was going to be a hellish drive into town for him. Maybe
he should call his dad and ask
him to meet them ther
e. Not that he could do much. He
was a retired cop
and what Emily really
needed was a good lawyer. In fact, that’s
she should have called to escort her there
not him
. However,
knew why she’d
done it. S
he’d always considered him the grandson she’d never had.

Wade turned on the ignition.
Sugarland singing

All I Want

blared out
of the speakers. He put the vehicle
into gear and hit the gas, keeping a coup
le of car length’s distance behind
the police car. Wade didn’t know whether to turn down the volume
on the radio
or keep it l
oud so
would drown
out his thoughts.

He opte
d to keep
at its current level
but seeing Emily sitting in the back of the car reminded him of the call he’d received from her less than an hour ago.

“Wade, I think I might need your help.”

He’d been in the middle of trying to balance his account books
for his newly launched PI
business when his cell phone had rung

what can I do for you?”

He’d expected her to ask him to go over to the B and B to fix a dr
ipping tap, maybe change a tire
on her car
but nothing had prepared him for what she’d said next.

“There’s a police officer here to arrest me.”

At first he
thought she was playing a joke on him.
did that
sort of thing
now and then.

h yeah, and what’s your crime
? Have you been speeding through town again?”

No, the police officer tells me that
I murdered Michael Ambrose.”

Wade had just heard the word
and wondered who’d put Emily up to this
prank.  But then Emily had put the officer on the phone to
talk to
and that’s when the bile had started to churn in his stomach.

Michael Ambrose
name wasn’t familiar
but then he remembered
that last month
Emily had been the talk of
when she’d gotten
into a heated argument with the
towner. According to the grapevin
e –
and yes, the one in
was always very reliable

Emily had told him to get th
e hell out of her establishment
or she’d kill him.

Wade swallo
wed and turned the music up

No, she wouldn’t, not
his surrogate grandma. She
a good dressing down
when he’d swatted a fly in her kitchen

“Every creature deserves to live out a long life, no matter how much they annoy us
he recalled her saying.
She’d taken the fly swatter out his hand and rapped his knuckles with it.

She even carried spiders outside in her palm and placed them lovingly on the ground.

Hell, if this went as far as a trial,
he’d get up and testify to those two facts

The music changed to
Lady Antebellum’s

I Run

. H
sang along to this song
but he didn’t feel like doing it today. He tapped the steering wheel instead. Wade noticed Albright was turning into the back lot of the police station
wasn’t sure he’d be able to park there
so he headed to the visitor’s lot

He shut off the ignition, grabbed his cell phone from
the passenger seat
and got out of the SUV. T
he sun passed behind a cloud
he opted to take off his sunglasses as he made his way to the police station entrance.
He nodded to one of the cops
who held the door open for him.

Wade knew his way around this place because his father had once been a police officer here. He took off his hat as he noticed Albright walking through
the processing area with Emily two steps in front of him.

spotted Wade and signaled for him
to join them.

“I don’t think anyone’s going to mind you being here with her,” he whispe
red to Wade.

“Is she still doing okay?” Wade whispered back.

“I don’t think she realizes just what deep shit she’s in.”

They both looked toward Emily. “She was talking non-stop on the way here. I felt like I was in a scene from
Driving Miss Daisy
,” said Albright.

At least Wade had found something to smile about in this whole ridiculous scenario

“You can go and stand with her if you want,” said Albright.

Wade walked over to Emily
who was now sitting on a bench ready to be formally booked. He’d brought in his fair share of criminals when he’d worked in
and none of them
looked as innocent as Emily.

“There you are
I was hoping we’d get a chance to chat. Oh, I did hear you’ve been d
ating Cathy Moran for what

Wade nodded. You couldn’t do anything in
without the whole town knowing about it. And as soon as he’d taken the new beauty salon owner out for dinner word
around that the two of them were
an item
. He was pretty sure that this week’s gossip included the fact th
at Cathy had gone to a beauty conference at a hotel in
Jackson Hole
three weeks ago
and Wade had joined her there.

“Yeah, I’m dating

“Good for you. And will I be getting an invitation to a wedding anytime soon?”

“I think it’
s too early in the relationship
to say
,” said Wade.

’t you drag your feet too much because you’ll be old before you know it.”

“Nope, I won’t.”

They were interrupted by Albright who approached them to let Emily know she’d now be fingerprinted and have her photo taken.

“I should have got
my hair done. I mean
do a lot of people see these mug shots?”

“You look just fine, Emily,” Albright
her as he took the cuffs off her.

Wade leaned against the wall and ran his fingers around the rim of his hat while he watched her being fingerprinted. He coul
dn’t help but smile when she requested that
Albright straighten out the bun on the back of her head.

And she even smiled for
her mug sho
was almost on the brink of laughter.

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