Last First Kiss (9 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Last First Kiss
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The assistant walked over to the fitting area and pulled back the curtain where Sophie was in the middle of pulling on a pair of tight fitting je
ans. She wore pink lace panties
the same color as her t-shirt. Her legs were tanned and gorgeous, lon
ger than he ever remembered. H
er cute little ass with its cheeks slightly hanging down under
the border of the lace held him spellbound.
He should have looked awa
but he couldn’t.
She turned slightly offering him a glimpse of the front of those lace beauties and the pubic hair that lay underneath them.

Wow, he had an instant hard
on. Almost took his breath away and
hurt like hell. He leaned against one
of the fixtures
and took a deep breath because his own jeans were strangling his balls.

It wasn’t too surprising because Sophie had been the reason for his very first erection.  They’d been swimming in the lake just outside of
where they
always gone to cool off on hot summer days when they were
kids. They usually swam naked
but as they got older they both knew they had to put swimwear on. Sophie had
just turned fifteen that spring,
and to this day she didn’t know it but curiosity had gotten the better of him. She thought she was removing her swimsuit without him seeing
her. However, Wade had hidden behind a
and spied on her
. When she’d peeled the straps down off her shoulders, rolled it over her chest
and he
’d noticed she had boobs. His
w had dropped
and something funny had happened in his crotch
. Then when she
off th
e suit completely, he’d
spotted something completely different about her. A thatch of blond curls at the top of her thigh
. All his blood
at full speed into his penis. A few seconds later his
dick had
gone hard and risen up toward his belly.

His dad had given him
the talk
what would happen to him when he got aroused by a lady
but Wade had never realized this
was what happened to your penis when you look
ed at a cute girl.

Sophie had walked over to him fiv
e minutes later when he’d still been aroused. He
had to hide from he
r so she didn’t notice his swimming trunks
and the huge bulge
they weren’t doing a good job of hiding.

Wade looked down. The same
huge bulge he had today
. A lady walked by and gave him a sideways glance. He nodded and decided to put his cowboy ha
t over the front of his crotch just
in case someone thought
he was some pervert who stood in the lady’s department,
’s clothing
and getting an erection in the process.

“So what do
you think of these?”

He jumped. He realized Sophie was now standing just a few feet from him.

Sexy was what
to mind when he saw the jeans
low on her hips, her b
elly button and taut abs on full display
. All he could think about was what underneath those pants and how he’d love to take them off her, part
her legs
and dive deep inside

The explicit thoughts weren’t doing anything to help his hard
on subside. And if things couldn’t get any worse, her nipples were pushing through her t-shirt
. She was wearing a
he knew that
because he could see
the outline of its straps on her shoulders
Maybe Sophie had large nipples

Yeah, you had to think about
that to make things worse.

“You okay
you’re starting to sweat
asked Sophie.

“Am I?
I guess so. And yes, those jeans look…”

“Look what?”

“Made for you.”

“Okay, these jeans it is. You
sure you’re feeling all right? Your voice even sounds funny

“Never better.”

“I’ll just go get my old jeans and my purse
and I’ll be right back.”

He watched her walk away. Her little butt wiggling a little more with each step.

Wade rushed over to the cash register.

“Can you tell me
where there’s a restroom around here


Sophie walked out of the dressin
area to find Wade gone
She walked up and down and then back around again, but he was
to be seen. Thinking maybe something
urgent had come up and he’d needed
to leave, she walked toward the cash register.

were shopping with that
cute guy
, weren’t you?” asked the assistant.

I seem to have lost him.”

“He said to tell you he had to use the little boy’s room and he’ll be back shortly
and to wait for him.”

ay, then I might as well
for my jeans
I do that.” Soph
ie put her old ones
on the counter.

No need because the gentleman’s already picked up the tab for them
. In fact, here’s
he receipt and his credit card he forgot to take because
he seemed to be in a rush
and by the look of his face, pain

Sophie didn’t like the sound of that
. Maybe that’s why he’d been sweating earlier. She needed to check on him.

“Which way are the restrooms?”

“Over to the left at the back of the store.”

Sophie put Wade’s
credit card into
her pocket and
headed there
. She approached the men’s bathroom and knocked on the door.

“Wade, it’s Sophie
. You
okay in there?” She put her ear to the door
but there was no response.

Next time she tapped lo
uder. “Wade, you still in there?”

“Yep, Soph
I’m okay.”

“Anything wrong?
The assista
nt said it looked like you were in pain
. Anything I can do to help?”

“No, no, I’m fine, really I am. Breakfast just disagreed with me, that’s all. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

Sophie decided to check out some of the pillows a
nd comforters while she waited for Wade
. Maybe she’d take some of these back to
for clients who wanted a Western theme. She heard footsteps b
ehind her and turned to see him
heading her way
flushed in the face. He slipped his hat on.

“Sure you’re okay?” she asked him.

“Never better. I got it all out of my system in the restroom.”

“Before I forget
your credit card.” She handed it to him. “And it was naught
y of you to pay for these

“Think of it as my homecoming gift to you.”

“Well, thank you. And I might have to do some bending and stretching to get them worn in. You don’t think I should have opted for the next size up do you?”
She turned around and bent
over slightly. “I
hate to rip them.”

“Soph, I think they’re perfect. They fit you like they were custom made. Now, let’s get going so you can see Emily.”


Sophie took a
n instant disliking
to the police station as soon as she stepped over its threshold.  In fact, despite being born and raised in
she’d never been inside it
. Her nose twitched. It smelt of
cleaning fluid
if she wasn’t mistaken. It was cold, stark, and yes, she could do lots with it to brighten it up. Poor Grans being in this awful place all night for something she didn’t do.

Wade put his hand in the small of her back and encouraged her to
walk towards the reception
desk where a police officer was writing on a sheet of paper.

“Good morning. I’m wondering if Emily Richardson will be allowed a visitor. T
his is her granddaughter, Sophie
who’s come all the way from
to see her.”

“Sophie, yes. Your grandm
other’s been talking about you
,” he said.

Wade nudged her
and Sophie smiled.

“Yes, I think we can allow you to visit. She’s with her attorney at the moment
but once he’s done I don’t see
any problem with
you visiting but
for ten minutes or so.”

Sophie nodded.

“If you’d like to wait over on that bench, I’ll call you when we’re ready.”

Sophie went ahead of Wade
and they both sat.

“If you have other things to do, I’ll be fine by myself,” said Sophie.

He patted her on the back of the hand. “Nothing more important than being her
for you and Emily. You’re my family
just like Pop and my sister.”

Sophie squeezed
hand. “Speaking of your sister
how is she?”

“She and Pop finally recon
nected. She lives in
these days
. Her husband works in a law firm there
so they see us a couple of times a year. And she’s expecting again.”

“How many will that be?” asked Sophie.

“Her fifth. She’s hoping
and I think her husband is praying
that it’s a boy this time
hey can quit
making babies
they don’t have to k
eep moving to bigger houses
to accommodate them all

Sophie laughed. “I’m sure your dad is happy that he gets to see his grandchildren

“Oh, yeah, never
a prouder grandpa. He even has one room full of dolls and strollers for them to play with when they visit. I always say to him what if my kids are boys.”

They lo
oked at one another
and Sophie
felt a sudden sadness wash over her.
  The ones s
he and Wade were supposed to have, but never would. And the depressing thought that maybe he’d have children with Cathy. She couldn’t stand the thought of that, seeing them, looking at their
faces and seeing his smiling back
. Just as well she lived miles away in case that ever came true.

A man who
Sophie recognized as Richard Martin, her grandmother’s attorney
headed their way.

“Sophie, so good to see you
Wade, I heard you were back living in

They both stood
and Wade shook his hand. “Only wish we were all meeting again under better circumstances,” said Wade.

visited with
Emily and suggested
I speak with one of the
attorneys I went to law school with. He’s from
Rock Springs
he’s excellent with criminal cases like this.”

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