Last Hope (34 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Sara and Anna went around base to find
Adam but no one has seen him since he had return from his mission.
Mandisa was missing along with Soto and Chang, and Martine was not
talking and Katrina was never really helpful with certain
situations. “No one seems to be as any help!” Sara moans with a

Anna look around the lunchroom and
found Gary who was eating breakfast alone. “We have not ask Gary if
he knows anything.”

He won’t be of any help. He
is still trying to get over his wife’s death. Just look at him. I
don’t think he has even taken a bath yet.” Sara made a loud sigh.
“No one is helping, what is wrong with everyone? The Sons have not
beaten us yet. In fact I think we are winning this war so shouldn't
we be celebrating?” Sara ask looking around.

Boris came walking from the behind.
“The two little seeds of war, what are you two kind of trouble have
you two been up to?” Boris ask jokingly.

Hi Boris.” The two girls
said at the same time. Sara let out a sigh before telling Boris
what has been going on. “Mandisa seem to have disappeared, along
with Chang and Soto, Sandra came back from who knows where but she
lock herself in her room and won’t come out. Do you know what is
going on?”

Boris shook his head. “I wish I can
help you girls, I have just gotten out of Sic-Mad not to long ago
so I don’t really know what I have miss. Have you ask Commander? I
am sure he will give you two an answer.”

We already tried asking him
but he admittedly shut us out.”

Boris was confuse on Commanders
actions. “Commander shut you two out? Especially about sandra and
Mandisa? Something's off about that.”

Everyone we seem to talk to
either does not know anything or is not talking to us. It’s
starting to piss me off.” Sara pause for a minute. “Boris, how come
you are back to perfect health so fast? Didn't you say that you
just recently got out of Sic-Mad? They normally let you out once
you can walk again, so when other soldiers go to Sic-Mad they won’t
be full but you look just fine to me.”

Boris laugh at Sara’s words. “Yes I am
a new man thanks to new technology. I feel as if I can do a
backflip right about now! The docs put these nanomachines in my
body. At first I was cautious about having some soft of machines
flowing through my bloodstream however I remember about metal
platings that people get so I was all for it. These new
nanomachines are great. They attack any kind of disease that you
may have like the flu. They will find the flu virus, and get rid of
it. If you are starting to sweat, the nanomachines will cool your
bloodstreams to cool you off. Technology is incredible.”

Anna was deep in thought about what
Boris was talking about. “Nanomachines?” She told

What is it Anna?” Sara ask
knowing Anna’s look. Anna did not say anything as she grab Sara’s
arm and drag her to the library.

Anna and Sara was in the library and
Anna was going through the science section of the library trying to
find a book. She eventually found the book. “Here it is. The
Perfect Soldier.”

Perfect Soldier?” Sara ask
in question as Anna open the book.

Even since Sophie died, I
have been looking for ways to make soldiers last longer. I think, I
think that I may be the reason why Sandra is acting weird, and
Mandisa has disappeared.” Anna said in a sad voice as she was
flipping through the book. “Remember Nanomachines that Boris has in
in body? Well those are only for medical. They seem to be working
quite well and not to be causing that much harm. I should know this
because I was the one that came up with the idea of nanomachines
after this book talks about them. Like every great invention today,
people laugh at it to be only science fiction. Then you get someone
like me who want’s to create the science fiction into a reality.”
Anna flip to the page of the human body with all the vanes and red
dots. “These red dots are the nanomachines. It’s real simple,
inject the nanomachines into the bloodstream and the machines will
kill the flu. Maybe we could stop cancer.”

Anna, this is brilliant.”
Sara says in astonish.

Anna let out a sigh. “There is a
flawback. installing these machines in the brain, that is where the
perfect soldier comes in.” Anna flip through a few more pages where
there was a picture of the brain and a chip. “If successful. This
chip inside the humans brain can increase memory, you intelligence,

What’s the

If an EMP grenade explodes,
there is a possibility that the chip in your brain may fry.
Anything that could damage a regular computer chip you could also
damage with the chip in your brain, the only difference is, that
will be almost certain death. Also it was hard to test these on
monkeys, but one thing that we have notice is that the monkeys
behavior are different. Some will show no emotion, others will go
insane, there are only a few that seem to be normal.”

The nanomachines in your
blood however, there is no flaws with that?”

There are flaws just like
in everything that you do. The flaws are not life threatening. A
good one thousand to ten thousand nanomachines will go through your
blood. These machines are smaller than red blood cells. If you get
a cut and bleed out, the machines will leave your body as long as
blood keep leaving your body. So the machines will not stay in your
body forever. We have talk about the heart, and what if the
machines get caught or a blood clot. Thankfully nothing seem to
have happen so far though all the animals that we have tested on.
In fact, ninety percent of the time the patient got better weeks in
advance and did not get sick again despite us trying to get the
animals sick. We kept a dog outside all day in the cold and kept
pouring cold water on the dog. The following day the dog was just
fine. The nanomachines kept the dog warm to right

How long have you been
working on this Anna, and keeping this away from me?” Sara ask

Anna did not answer right away. “A week
after Sophie died. She died on Mission 27, so around Mission

Sara let out a small sigh. “Mission 38
was just finish yesterday.”

I’m sorry Sara. I was going
to tell you, I truly was going to tell you when the time was right
but, I was too scared to.”

Sara gave Anna a hug. “It’s ok Anna,
I’m not mad at you. In fact I’m happy that you thought of this but
now how does this affect Sandra?”

Remember the chip in the
brain?” Sara gave a nod in agreement. “Well.” Anna look around to
see if anyone is watching. “I think that they are putting those
inside Sandra and the others! If that is the case I think I know
who is behind it.” Anna had a little flashback to show Sara what
happen. “I was in here doing some more research about nanomachines
seeing what can we do with the brain. A part of me did not like
this because this chip would kind of like get rid someones true
identity. You are no longer yourself, you are what the chip tells
you. However I still have faith, then Thomas came by.”

What is a young girl like
yourself, doing staying up past your bedtime?” Thomas ask Anna with
a laugh.

Studying.” Anna told him
without looking up.

I see. Hows school going
for you, what grade are you in, third or something?”

Sith.” She corrected

Thomas made a little laugh. “I remember
sixth grade, I got my first kiss when I was in sixth grade. Her
name was, well that’s not important.” Thomas gave a look at Anna
and saw the book that Anna was reading and taking notes from. “Kids
your age should not be reading these kinds of books. You won’t
understand them.”

Michael Kearney.” Anna told
him without looking at him. “Thomas was confuse at the random name
that Anna threw out. “He is the youngest person in the word as of
right now to get a degree at the age of ten. He receive a master
degree at the age of fourteen. He started teaching college at the
age of seventeen.” Anna look up at Thomas with a cold stare. “You
say that I am too young to know about biology.”

Thomas step away from Anna for a bit.
“You prove your point. What are you doing anyway? Is this for a
test of somekind?”

Kind of like that. I am
right now trying to see what I did wrong.”

What are you trying to

I am trying to instal a
chip into a human brain to make the person more faster, better,
bolder and stronger. In a way. I guess you could say that I am
trying to advance the human body, past what we humans can already
do now. The human brain has enough memory to remember every single
detail that you do in your life. However most people can’t remember
where they place their car keys. This will get rid of

That is quite the project
you are working on, may I take a look?” Thomas ask already grabbing
one of Anna’s notes. “I never was any good in biology I have no
idea what I am looking at. However this does not look like a chip,
it looks like a little bug.”

The little bug is going to
be circuit and install to the back of the human brain, as of right
now that seems like the best place, however if done wrong can
permanently disable or even kill the person.”

How come there are two of

One for each side of the
brain. One part of the brain can’t overpower the other. However
this is troublesome because if one of the chip dies, then that may
cause some sort of malfunction and could end up with

I take back what I said.
You do know what you are doing.” Thomas told her giving her back
the paper. “Do you have any scraps of your work? I am most
interested of showing your work to a few friends of mine.” Thomas
says with a smile.

There in the

Have a good day Miss Sing.”
Thoms told her as he grab the entire recycle box and took it with

Back into the present Sara was shock at
what just happen. “Thomas, I don’t know much about him but I do
know that he and Commander talk to each other on a regular
schedule. Our scientists are not working on this because we are
friends with them all and they have not said a word to us, or even
hint at it. Besides it was your idea, your project.”

What if Thomas started to
create his own version? Where would he build it?”

The basement.” Sara told
her. “It’s the only place where we are not allowed to go to, or
anyone else for that matter. A great place to disappear to for ten

What do we do? Do you think
that Commander knows?” Anna ask concern.

Sara thought about it for a minute
before coming up with an answer. “Of course he does! He kick us out
of War Room the seconded we started to ask questions about Sandras
behaviour and disappearance. If he did not know he would like to
know what is going on. It’s a Commanders job to know everything
that is going on in your military!”

What are we going to do
now?” Anna ask.

We are going to kick his
ass!” Sara told her.

The two girls made their way over to
the War Room where Commander was talking with other high power
people when they came in. “Ah, my two brightest young girls in the
whole base. Whatever you two need do you think it could wait until
after this meeting?”

Sorry Commander but this
meeting is adjourned.” She look over at the other high power
people. “You four should wait outside the door until I finish
talking with Commander.”

One of the high powers got a little
mad. “Look at this! A little child, trying to tell me what to do? I
don’t think you know who I am young lady-” He got cut off by

I know everything about you
General. That teen prostitute, do you still see her? How long have
you been cheating on your wife? General I am not blackmailing you.
Blackmailing you will be you have something that I want however
there is nothing you could give me, so would you please wait
outside the doors while I have a private chat with Commander?” The
General said nothing as he left the place with complete shock. Once
the door was close Sara smack Commanders face. “You knew we were
going to find out what you were doing to Sandra and Mandisa didnt

Commander step a few steps backs as he
felt the sting from the slap on his face. “Why can’t you be a
normal child like every other child there is?”

If I was a normal little
girl Commander then you probably would not have a tank! Who is
Thomas Hutch?”

Thomas Hutch, is a great
friend with the Council. As you already know they are my boss. They
told me that I will be creating this, machine to place inside
soldiers brains. Failure to not do this means the end for my career
and my family won’t survive without this job.”

You put your needs over the
needs of others and risk their lives while to save your

You don’t understand Sara,
you never been in those situations.”

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