Last Hope (29 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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The leader try hit Sandra. She recovers
from her shock and was able to kill the leader. Once that was over,
everyone was staring at Juan’s dead body. “Why did he do it?”
Mandisa ask.

Money, power, greed, it
doesn't matter anymore. He is dead, you are not.” Katrina told Kato
as she walks away.

Martine was the most shock of them all.
“He was my friend. You were my fucking best friend you fuck!” He
yell at Juan as he fire more clips into his dead body. As Martine
yell at Juan some more. Mandisa and Sandra had to push Martine back
until he broke down and starts to cry.

Kato became a major, she is wounded for
two days, Martine is wounded for four days, Mandisa is wounded for
five days, Sandra is wounded for four days. Gary was already out of
Sic-Mad before Kato went in. Since her wounds were not deep the
wedding still went on as plan behind Gary’s back.

Everyone gather around to main entrance
of B.A.S.E. The same place where the ball was place, the same place
where Sara had her birthday party. The same place where Kato is
going to marry Gary. Gary was in Sic-Mad with Kato while everyone
else was out already. “You don’t have to do this Kato, especially
so suddenly.” Gary says with a smile.

It’s not
sudden, it’s not sudden at all. In fact, it’s kind of late in my
opinion.” Kato told him with a smile as she gave him a small kiss.

Listen to me, mister. You're my
knight in shining armor. Don't forget it. You're going to get back
on that horse and I'm going to be right behind you, holding on
tight and away we're going to go, go, go!”

Gary let out a slight
smile. “You have been watching On Golden Pond again haven't

One of my favorite
movies.” Kato says with a smile.

Don’t keep me waiting any
longer.” Gary says with a smile as he got up and left Kato at

Sandra and Mandisa were
standing outside of Sic-Mad when Gary came outside. Gary let out a
small sigh with a smile on his face. “Almost, feels a little unreal
doesn't?” He ask.

Sandra just smile and place
a hand on his shoulder. “It is real. This is real Gary. This is
going to be the happiest day of your life. Enjoy every minute of
it, please don’t redo it and when you and Kato do have a child.
Never separate, can you promise me that?”

I promise.”

Mandisa also came into the
conversation. “Also, put Kato on a diet, she is really getting

Gary just blush. “Sure
thing.” Gary walk past them to the wedding place and both Sandra
and Mandisa made there way inside Sic-Mad.

When Kato saw who enter,
she only smile. “Out of everyone, the two of you should be in here
resting instead of walking.”

We just need to rest for
four days.” Sandra says with a smile.

is waiting Kato.” Mandisa told her with a smile. “I know Kato is
not your first name, but do you think, when you marry you could
change it to Kato Gary instead of
Sakuro Gary?”

Kato gave Mandisa a slight smile. “We
shall see.”

Gary was with Soto and Martine in the
side. Both of them was trying to calm Gary. “Strippers, my treat.”
Martine told Gary with a laughter.

I thought the bachelor
party is suppose to happen before the wedding Martine?” Gary told

Before, after, I don’t
care, just another excuse for me to get drunk.” Martine told him as
he chugs a glass of alcohol.

Oh yea, how did Juan Prezz
died? I am sure he would had love this.”

Martine stop drinking and in a serious
tone said. “I would rather not talk about it.” Then walk away
before Gary could ask anymore questions.

Both Soto and Gary shrug it off. They
knew that Juan and Martine were the best of friends, so Juans
death, no matter how it occur had to be tough on Martine. “I
couldn’t go to the bachelor party anyway.” Soto told Gary with a
little bit of embarrassment.

Whoa Soto, who is the lucky
lady?” Gary ask in surprise.

We are not dating, yet.
It’s kind of flirting right now.” Soto said more

Go on.”

On our last mission. I
thought I would be funny and gave the one woman you are not suppose
to kiss a kiss. It was suppose to make fun of you and Maire,
however maziah gave me another kiss, felt stronger than the one I
gave said that was the kiss you get when you know you are going to
live. We have not advance beyond that, however I seen her looking
at me and she caught me looking at her so who knows.” Soto says
with a fake laughter.

I’m proud of you. I want
more weddings in this place. This place needs to show more love
than death.” The music starts to play and everyone was getting into
their seats. Gary went to the place where the husband stands and
Soto was right behind him. “Soto?” Gary ask with a questioning

The doors open and both Sara and Anna
where walking down the hallway throwing flowers on the ground. From
the behind was Sandra and Mandisa walking the beautiful Kato down
the hallway. Soto look across at Katrina who was not happy of being
in a dress. Silently he says. “You look really

Shut your tongue or I’ll do
it for you.” She told him out of embasement.

As Kato continue to walk, Commander was
in a nice suit with the bible open. “Dearly Beloved, we are
gathered together here in the sign of God, and in the face of this
company, to join together this man and this woman in holy
matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and
therefore, is not by any, to be entered into unadvisedly or
lightly, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into
this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined.
If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined
together, let them speak now or forever hold their

The place was silent. Sandra whispers
some words to herself. “If any one dares say something, i’ll rip
their little tongues right out of their throats.”

With no one saying a word. Commander
continue on with his speech. “Marriage is the union of husband and
wife in heart, body and mind. It is intended for their mutual joy,
and for the help and comfort given on another in prosperity and
adversity. But more importantly, it is a means through which a
stable and loving environment may be attained.

Through marriage, Mr. Roman Gary and
Miss. Sakuro Kato make a commitment together to face their
disappointments, embrace their dreams, realize their hopes, and
accept each other’s failures. Mr. Roman Gary and Miss. Sakuro Kato
will promise one another to aspire to these ideals throughout their
lives together, through mutual understanding, openness, and
sensitivity to each other. We are here today, before God, because
marriage is one of His most sacred wishes, to witness the joining
in marriage of Mr. Roman Gary and Miss. Sakuro Kato. This occasion
marks the celebration of love and commitment with which this man
and this woman begin their life together. And now, through me, He
joins you together in one of the holiest bonds. Who gives this
woman in marriage to this man?”

Soto was confuse on what he was suppose
to do. “Thats me?” Everyone look at Soto with a death stare. “Give
me a break, my first wedding and we did not practice.” He said in

Commander just brush it off and
continue to read his very long monologue. “This is a beginning and
a continuation of their growth as individuals. With mutual care,
respect, responsibility and knowledge comes the affirmation of each
one’s own life happiness, growth and freedom. With respect for
individual boundaries comes the freedom to love unconditionally.
Within the emotional safety of a loving relationship, the knowledge
self-offered one another becomes the fertile soil for continued
growth. With care and responsibility towards self and one another
comes the potential for full and happy lives. By gathering together
all the wishes of happiness and our fondest hopes for Mr. Roman
Gary and Miss. Sakuro Kato from all present here, we assure them
that our hearts are in tune with theirs. These moments are so
meaningful to all of us, for what greater thing is there for two
human souls than to feel that they are joined together, to
strengthen each other in all labor, to minister to each other in
all sorrow, to share with each other in all gladness.”

Sara let out a slight yawn. “I think
Commander is repeating the same stuff now.”

Anna sush her. “It’s very

Commander carries on. “This
relationship stands for love, loyalty, honesty and trust, but most
of all for friendship. Before they knew love, they were friends,
and it was from this seed of friendship that is their destiny. Do
not think that you can direct the course of love, for love, if it
finds you worthy, shall direct you. Marriage is an act of faith and
a personal commitment as well as a moral and physical union between
two people. Marriage has been described as the best and most
important relationship that can exist between them. It is the
construction of their love and trust into a single growing energy
of spiritual life. It is a moral commitment that requires and
deserves daily attention. Marriage should be a life long
consecration of the ideal of loving kindness, backed with the will
to make it last.” There was a moment of silence before Commander
whispers to both Gary and Kato. “This is the part where you two
exchange your vows.”

Gary quickly jump. “Oh of course, who
would had thought?” He says with a fake laughter as he look at Kato
in her eyes desperately trying to think of what to say. Gary let
out a slight sigh before he said anything. “Kato, I honestly don’t
know what to say. When I first met you, you were only a soldier on
the battlefield. In fact. the first mission that we were on
together was on mission number 17. I was trying to get over the
fact that Chavez was dead. During that mission I also lost my good
friend Hugo as well. You were there next to me, getting me through
it all. Many months later we are getting married. Some may say that
we are rushing but life is filled with surprises. I say, lets take
life and head straight. Don’t look back, lets keep moving forward
because nothing is going to stop us now.”

Kato start to cry at Gary’s words as
she read her vowels. “Gary, when you and I met. On mission 17 I was
slowly getting over my alcohol addiction that I started when I lost
my first brother. While I had my friends by my side. You were the
closest to me. It was thanks to you I saw happiness once again.
Without you, I would had been dead a long time ago, whether it be
by alcohol poisoning, suicide, or by the sons. I would never be
here today, if it was not for you.”

With the vows being said, Commander
carry on. “Do you Roman Gary, take Sakuro Kato to be your wife, to
live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of
matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in
sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for
worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow
upon her your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep
yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?

I will.” Gary told Kato
with a smile.

Commander look over to Kato. “Do you
Sakuro Kato take Roman Gary to be your husband, to live together
after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you
love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in
health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness
and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s
deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him
as long as you both shall live?

I will.” Kato told Gary
with a smile.

Neither one of them had any rings to
give to one another so Commander just skip that part. “These two
lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they go, may
they always return to one another. May these two find in each other
the love for which all men and women year. May they grow in
understanding and in compassion. May the home which they establish
together be such a place that many. You may now, kiss the

The whole place let out a loud cheer as
Gary and Kato gave each a kiss in celebration of the two of them
being wed. Sara was still complaining about Commanders monologue.
“If that was shorter weddings would be a lot less

Anna was still trying to sympathise
with her. “You won’t be saying that when you get

Sara roll her eyes. “Who knows, maybe
this story may have a happy ending after all.”

Mission 36 Special forces

Commander let a few days go by so Gary
and Kato could enjoy their new life together. Sandra, Katrina, and
Martine were all eating early in the morning when Commander came
by. “Good morning, how are you three doing today?” He ask with a

What do you want?” Katrina
ask blunty.

Sandra was in shock at Katrina’s tone
with Commander. “Katrina, you can’t talk like that with your
Commander, show some respect! Sorry about that Commander. She did
not mean it like that. What she meant to say is, what brings you
over here?”

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