Last Rites (22 page)

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Authors: John Harvey

Tags: #Mystery & Detective, #General, #Suspense, #Fiction, #Police Procedural, #Traditional British

BOOK: Last Rites
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Sheena hammered and yelled, and after an eternity Diane, bleary-eyed, opened the door to let her in.

“What the hell d’you look like?” Sheena said.

“Fuck you, too.”

Sheena followed her through into the living room, a single light bulb burning bare from the ceiling, old sheets tacked across the window. Butt ends and beer cans cluttered the stained carpet; piles of old magazines and free newspapers littered the corners. Aside from a sagging two-seater settee, the only items of furniture were a green plastic milk crate topped with a cushion and a television set Diane had bartered from one of the blokes who lived on the floor above, who’d almost certainly nicked it from the old lady on the floor below.

Diane’s little boy, Melvin, was wobbling around precariously, face smeared with jam, dummy sticking from his mouth, nappy hanging low.

“Who’s in there?” Sheena asked, nodding toward the kitchen.

“Just Lesley,” Diane said. “Shooting up.”

Sheena reached for her cigarettes, lit up, then wandered into the other room. Lesley was just lifting the heated spoon away from the gas ring.

“Here, fuckin’ hold this.”

Sheena steadied the spoon while Lesley, eyes narrowing in concentration, bit down into her bottom lip and drew the contents up into the syringe. With her free hand, she lifted up her skirt and, still squinting, slid the needle into a vein high in her bruised inner thigh.

“Oh, Jesus,” she cried, eyes closing. “Oh, Jesus. Oh, yes. Oh, oh, Jesus. Oh, fuck! Oh, sweet fuck!”

She pulled the needle out and tossed it in the sink, a thin ribbon of blood running down her leg.

Great, thought Sheena, now that’s over perhaps we can get round to sorting out what we’re going to do about this fucking gun.

It had been chaos: bloody chaos. Blood down the side of her skirt and top, smeared across her face—and Diane freckled with it, gobs of it tangled in her hair. Jason and Valentine cursing and moaning.

Valentine had dropped the gun when Jason stabbed him and it had fallen inside the car; Sheena, not thinking, not thinking clearly, scrabbling on the floor to pick it up. Pushing the door open, one foot on the ground, she had been about to fling it out into the dark when she realized her prints were now plastered all over it. The toilet block was less than fifty meters away. Running hard, almost losing her footing not once but twice, she barged open the outer door and lunged into the dark. Whenever the council replaced the overhead bulbs, they were smashed within the hour.

Sheena kicked off her shoes and tugged down her tights, wrapping them around the gun before jamming it behind the cistern in the last cubicle, where it had remained, undiscovered, until Lesley, alerted by a phone call, had slipped in to collect it.

Now all Sheena wanted to do was get rid of it—but at a price.

Sheena knew Raymond Cooke through her younger brother, Nicky, who had used Raymond as a fence for much of the stuff he burgled round the neighborhood, Raymond ever eager to replenish the stock of his shop at knock-down prices. The shop, a single-story place in Bobber’s Mill, with a storeroom up above and a flat over that where Raymond lived, had belonged to Terry. But in the terms of Terry’s will, both shop and flat were Raymond’s for as long as he wanted. And Raymond, whose only previous work experience had been hauling great tubs of offal and bone around an abattoir, had very much wanted to stay where he was.

So on that Monday afternoon, when Sheena pushed open the shop door and went in, it was Raymond who glanced up from behind his copy of the
and wondered if he didn’t recognize her from somewhere.

“Look around,” he said, ever the smooth businessman, “take your time. Any questions, be only too happy to oblige.”

Sheena surveyed the array of electrical goods piled high, everything available for a small down payment, easy terms, generous discounts for cash. There were car radios, mobile phones, microwave cookers, binoculars, cameras, laptop computers; CDs arranged alphabetically from Abba and Aphex Twin, by way of Oasis to The Verve and Warren Zevon.

Sheena fidgeted with the hem of her halter top, several inches of bare flesh between it and the belt that ran round her little black skirt. What she’d do, next chance she got, have her belly-button pierced like Diane. “You don’t recognize me, do you?” she said.

Raymond set down his paper and smiled. “Should I?”

“Ray-o, that’s what Nicky used to call you. Used to be dead skinny, didn’t you? You’ve filled out; grown up, I suppose. Handsome.”

Sheena was standing close to the chair, almost within reach, but not quite. Raymond, with his check shirt loose outside his jeans, a thin band of sweat darkening the faint mustache along his upper lip.

“Sheena, right? Sheena Snape?”

Sheena nodded and smiled.

“How is Nicky?” Raymond began, then realized. “Oh, no, look, I’m sorry. I forgot, I …”

“S’all right.”

“Shane, then. Is he …?”

“Still inside, yeah.”

Raymond looking at her, starting to weigh up his chances, no bra beneath that top, he was sure of that. Eighteen’d she be now? Maybe not that. A year or so younger than he was himself. “So,” he said, “you just happen to pop in by accident, like, or was there something, you know, you wanted?”

Not looking at her now, staring; the end of his tongue like a bit of lamb’s liver flopping between his lips. If one of us has got to fuck him, Sheena was thinking, I’m buggered if it’s going to be me. Besides, she remembered, if what Nicky had said was true, Raymond only fancied them really young; rumor was he’d knocked up his cousin when she was not long out of junior school.

“I might have something,” Sheena said, “you’d be interested in.”


“Something to sell.”

“Oh, yeh?”

“Only, you know, I’d have to be certain.”

“How’s that, then?”

“You could handle it, of course.” She gave him one of those smiles and thought poor Raymond was going to wet himself there and then.

“Try me,” he said. If Sheena came any closer, she’d be sitting in his lap.

“Okay.” She slipped the bag off her shoulder and snapped it open before holding it toward him.

“Fuckin’ hell!”


The pistol lay among lipstick-smeared tissues, a foil-wrapped condom, sticks of sugar-free chewing gum, a strip of instant photos of Sheena and Jason they’d had taken in a booth down by the bus station. A chromed Beretta; most likely, Raymond thought, a .38. He reached his hand toward it and Sheena swung the bag away.

“So? You interested or what?”

“I might be, yeh.”

“Might’s not good enough.”

“Okay, then, say I am.”

“How much?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”

Raymond shrugged. “Where it’s come from, how hot it is.”

“I don’t know nothin’ ’bout that.”

“Say it’s been used, right? Some blag? Shooting, even. Got to be worth a lot less’n if it’s clean, nothin’ the law can tie it into. See what I mean?”


“So where’d you get it?”

“It ain’t mine. Belongs to a friend.”

“Where’d they get it?”

“I don’t know.”

“Let’s have a look at it again.”

This time when she stood next to him, Sheena let her hip brush against his upper arm.

“Seventy-five,” Raymond said.


“Hundred, then. Here y’are.” Leaning forward, he slid a roll of notes from his back pocket and peeled off five twenties, holding them toward her. “Take ’em, go on.”

“Two hundred,” Sheena said and Raymond laughed and shook his head. “It’s gotta be worth at least that much.”

“Not to me.”

“How much, then?”

“I told you, a hundred. Tops.”

“Ray-o.” She gave him a tight-lipped smile and touched his shoulder with her hand. Through the thin material of his shirt, his skin was slippery and damp.

“Okay,” Raymond said, shifting less than easily, “I tell you what I’ll do. You give me till tomorrow, let me ask around.” He broke off, reading the expression on Sheena’s face. “Don’t worry, I won’t use no names, nothin’ like that. But if I can come up with a buyer, anything over the hundred I’ll split it with you, fifty-fifty. How’s that sound?”

Sheena wasn’t sure how it would sound to Diane or Lesley. But the last thing she wanted to do was go traipsing around all over town with a bloody gun in her bag, chatting up every crooked bastard in the city.

“Let us have the hundred now,” she said, “and it’s a deal.”

Grinning, Raymond put down two twenties, one on each knee. “There. Forty. Gesture of faith. For now. Less maybe you want to figure out some other way of earning the rest?”

Sheena snatched the notes and stuffed them down into her bag. “Tomorrow, right?” she said, opening the door. “You better have somethin’ sorted.”

Raymond was on his feet now, staring at her, not bothering to hide the bulge in his jeans. As Sheena told Diane and Lesley over Bacardi and Coke in the pub, she’d as soon go down on the Alsatian dog next door as give Raymond Cooke a blow job.

Raymond, back from the bathroom and still giving himself a good scratch, weighing up the implications of what he’d just seen: Jason Johnson’s picture, all snuggled up, lovey-dovey, with Sheena Snape, a strip of them, there in her bag; Jason, who everyone knew was stuck up in Queen’s, after nearly getting his brains blown all over the Forest by some shooter who was rumored to be Drew Valentine; and, nestled up next to the photos, this gun that somehow Sheena had laid her hands on; Sheena, who’d been sitting there in the car, knickers round her neck the story went, when the gun went off against her boyfriend’s head.

Raymond chewed on the fleshy inside of his mouth and wondered what the odds were on the gun in Sheena Snape’s bag and the one that’d nearly killed her boyfriend being one and the same?

Like his Uncle Terry would have said, whatever the situation, Ray-o, what you have to do, think careful, figure out how you can make things work out best for you. Least risk, most profit. Most times that’s the way. Once in a while, though, what it pays to do, up the ante, risk a little more, capitalize on what you’ve got. Nothing ventured, Ray-o, nothing gained.

Standing there, Raymond could feel the damp gathering in the palms of his hands.


Lorraine had been going through the motions at work, going through the motions at home. She would catch Sandra looking at her curiously every once in a while, but that aside, the children seemed to have settled back into their argumentative selves. And Derek was taken up in a flurry of paperwork as the firm’s owners prepared to launch a new range of colored papers in the coming autumn. Fifty classic and contemporary shades, each one available in a range of finishes, including several stunning new embossings.

In the kitchen, she scraped away the remains of the evening’s ready-to-eat lasagna and slotted the last of the plates into the dishwasher. The kids were upstairs pretending to do homework. Derek had taken his coffee back into the dining-room with his charts, closing the partition door behind him. Lorraine’s coffee remained near the sink, barely touched. She tipped it away and reached inside the fridge for the opened bottle of wine. Maybe later there’d be something she could watch on TV. Wind down. Something that would make her laugh.

She glanced up suddenly and saw him. Standing at the end of the drive, just beyond the far edge of the lawn, staring in. The glass fell through her fingers and she screamed.

Derek came running from the other room. “What? Whatever is it? What’s the matter?”

Her skin had frozen and now her eyes were closed.

“Lorraine? What …?”

When she opened her eyes again, there was no one there.

Somehow the glass had broken against the sink and blood was spooling from the fingers of Lorraine’s right hand.

“Lorraine …”

“It’s nothing. I saw … I thought I saw …” Sandra stood in the kitchen doorway, Sean pressed close against her side.

“Saw what?”

“There was somebody … someone …”

There was only her own face, reflected in the glass. Derek seized a hammer from the drawer beside the sink and went outside.

“Mum, what is it? What’s happening?” Sandra asked, frightened.

“It’s all right, sweetheart, it’s just your mum being silly.”

“You’re bleeding,” Sean said.

“Am I? Yes.”

Derek was on the pavement, looking first toward the field, then back along the street.

“What’s Dad doing?” Sean asked.

Despite herself, Lorraine smiled. “Being brave.”

After he’d come back in, she let Sandra pull the tiny slivers of glass from her hand with the tweezers and stood, patient, while Derek dabbed on Savlon with a ball of cotton wool, then smoothed three small plasters across the breaks in the skin.

It wasn’t until later, upstairs in bed, that Derek said: “It was Michael, wasn’t it? That’s who you thought you saw?”

“Don’t be daft, how could I? He’s miles away.”

“I know, but that’s who you thought it was, right?”

She rested her head against the fleshy warmth of his upper arm. “No, Derek, no. I swear.”

He didn’t believe her, of course. Lorraine’s imagination working overtime. With a small sigh, he leaned over and kissed her head. And Lorraine, she was certain whom she had seen and Michael it was not: it had been that prison officer, Evan, hands in the pockets of his blue zip-up jacket, anxiously staring in.

Raymond had been sniffing his way, rodent-like, from one dark corner to another. He finally tracked Tommy DiReggio to the drinking club on Bottle Lane. Tommy was sitting at a corner table behind a three-card straight, king high, and he wasn’t about to shift for anyone, so Raymond ordered a lager and black, and perched on a stool as patiently as he could.

When Tommy had pocketed his winnings and promised in twenty minutes he’d give them all a chance to get even, he went with Raymond into the back room and listened to his proposition. A Beretta, was that what Raymond had said? Well, Raymond nodded, just, say, for instance. Yeh, of course, Tommy laughed, for instance. Understood. And sure it was possible, a couple of hundred for a clean shooter, no history; without that guarantee the price dipped a lot, but still not below three figures. When Raymond pushed him a little, Tommy agreed he could maybe find a buyer himself for only a twenty per cent commission.

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