Late Edition (23 page)

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Authors: Fern Michaels

BOOK: Late Edition
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“One of the reasons we're here. I don't want to lose sight of her until I receive those lab results from Ted. I sent it to arrive by six in the morning tomorrow, so he said he would be there waiting and, with any luck, he'd have something for me to take to the authorities by ten o'clock in the morning.”
“You plan to follow her home?” Sophie asked, eyes still watching Nancy.
“Of course. You don't think I came here for the rubber chicken and some inedible ricelike gunk they'll try to pass off as gourmet food, do you?”
Sophie laughed. “Put that way, heck no. So where does that leave me?” Sophie asked, visions of luxuriating in her suite going straight down the tube.
“That, my dear, is up to you,” Goebel said, a wicked smile making his chubby face almost handsome.
Sophie had a flashing thought: Mavis could turn this man into a hunk. The goods were there. Just too many.
“We'll see. Right now”—Sophie nodded in Nancy's direction—“she's about to sit down for dinner. Since there doesn't seem to be assigned seating, let's see if we can sit at her table. I've already established somewhat of a repartee with her.”
“I'll take your word,” Goebel said as he cupped her elbow in his hand and guided her to Nancy's table.
“And you aren't my husband, remember? Say you're a distant cousin if asked,” Sophie explained, her brilliant smile reaching eyes that were flaming like tigereye gemstones.
Their “mark” sat at the table along with two men and one woman. The tables were set for parties of eight, so there were still four seats left when Sophie and Goebel joined them.
Seeing the look of shock on Nancy's face, Sophie piped up, all smiles and giggles. “Oh, I'm so glad I found you. You never finished explaining where those nasty germs come from.”
Under the table Goebel patted her upper thigh. Sophie shot him a killer look.
The night was turning out to be very,
different from what she had expected.
Chapter 34
ophie was so tired, her eyelids were starting to droop. Goebel, on the other hand, was as chirpy as a newly hatched chick. It was after 7:30
on Saturday morning, and they were still in the Moulin Rouge Ballroom, where at least a dozen guests still lingered, Nancy being one of the dozen.
Goebel explained that if they were lucky, Nancy would stay until he heard from Ted, but Sophie couldn't imagine staying awake much longer. He could follow Nancy; she'd go along for the ride so she could nap. She was too old for this all-night stuff. She had a flight to catch that evening. She would at least like time for a quick shower and a change of clothing. She could only imagine the kind of stares she'd get if she hopped on the plane while still wearing her evening gown and looking like she'd been ridden hard and put away wet.
Ida really owed her for this. Big-time.
One of the men who'd sat at the table with them cornered Sophie. “We're about to go to Aria for some breakfast. Would you and your cousin like to join us?” This man had been giving her the once-over all night long. At this point, if it helped to move things along, she'd do just about anything. Well, almost.
“Goebel and I would love to go,” Sophie responded. So as not to reveal her or Goebel's interest in Nancy, she asked, “Will I be the only girl attending?” continuing to pretend that she was the demure and coy bimbo in her forties, instead of the sixty-five-year-old widow she really was.
“Nancy is still here. I'm sure she's coming along. Why? You don't like being with a group of distinguished gentlemen?” he teased.
Not caring that she sounded sarcastic, Sophie said, “I'm not so sure I would use the word

After the formal dinner and ceremony last night, the group at her table had ordered drink after drink, becoming quite rowdy. Any trace of sophistication and politeness was washed away by the alcohol. Sophie had observed Nancy throughout the night. She wasn't a heavy drinker, sticking mostly to cranberry juice and water.
They all agreed to meet at the front entrance to the restaurant at nine, allowing those who were staying at the hotel time to run to their rooms to change out of their formal attire.
Once she and Goebel were out of earshot, Sophie asked, “What's your take on Nancy?”
The elevator doors swished open. Goebel placed a hand on Sophie's waist, guiding her inside the small space. Fortunately, they were the only two in the elevator and could speak freely. “Are you asking me as a man or as an investigator?”
“Both,” Sophie said.
“As a man, I think she's quite attractive. As an investigator, I think she reeks of foul play. Did you notice how her eyes darted throughout the ballroom all night? Every time someone entered or made an exit, she was aware of it.”
“I did. The woman gives me the creeps, pure and simple. If she were to get her hands on Ida, that would be the end of her. Ida's no match for that woman.”
“Succinct and to the point. I agree. Now, let's get out of these clothes, and I'll meet you in front of the restaurant. We have plenty of time. Ted should have the swab now. From here on in, it's a waiting game.”
“I'll meet you in an hour,” Sophie said.
They went their separate ways, she to the left, he to the right. Inside her suite, which she'd spent only a couple of hours in last night, getting ready for the big event, she really hadn't had time to take in all the bells and whistles. Sunken tub. A shower that would fit at least ten people, a full array of bath products. Thick towels on a warming rod. Damn, she could've spent the entire night in the bathroom alone. This hotel was almost as ritzy as the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles.
Sophie took a nice hot shower and washed her hair. She dressed in a pair of beige Ralph Lauren trousers with a matching navy and beige sweater set. Cream-colored pumps added to her height. She applied a swipe of mascara, blush, and her new favorite, black honey Almost Lipstick, as the label read. She grabbed her purse and room key, then grabbed the elevator. She looked at the time. She had five minutes to spare.
When you're good, you're good,
she thought as she waited for the plush doors to open.
Goebel was waiting exactly where he had said he would. He wore khaki slacks with a black polo shirt. He didn't look half bad. Now, if he could get rid of the gut, she just might view him in an entirely different light. Maybe. What was the accepted time to mourn? Ten days if you were Toots. Sophie laughed out loud.
“I'm dying for a cup of coffee, but I swear if I'm seated next to that awful woman, I'm not going to take my eyes off her while I'm eating. I sure as hell don't want to end up six feet under like Thomas.”
“I seriously doubt she's got any vicious plans for you. Just keep acting like the bimbo you pretended to be all night, and you'll be fine. Trust me.”
“I never trust a man who says ‘Trust me,' ” Sophie said as they weaved their way through the dining room to the table where one of the two men was already seated.
When he saw them, he motioned for them to take seats. “I took the liberty of ordering coffee and tea. I thought we would wait and place our orders when the others arrived,” the man, whose name Sophie couldn't recall, said.
“Works for me,” she said. Then, staying in her role of bimbo, she added, “I wonder if they have Froot Loops here?”
Goebel laughed out loud, and the man looked away, as though her request was an embarrassment to him.
“We'll ask. I wouldn't mind having a big ole bowl of cereal myself,” Goebel said, patting his stomach. “That crap they called food last night didn't do the job for me.” He turned to the man. “What about you?”
Again, the man looked as though he was offended by their crudeness. Sophie loved it. The stuck-up snot. Reminded her a bit of Ida.
“It wasn't the best meal I've ever eaten,” he had to concede.
A murmur of voices from behind caused Sophie to turn around. She leaned close to Goebel and whispered in his ear, “She just walked in.”
He looked at his watch, then checked to make sure his cell phone was turned on. It wouldn't do for him to miss Ted's call. Goebel had called in a few contacts with the Chicago Police Department, informing them there might be something going down today. He'd given one of his buddies a quick rundown on the events that had led to his trip to Chicago. He promised Goebel that the Chicago PD would back him up. Goebel had programmed their number into his cell phone. In a case like this, seconds could matter.
“Put a smile on your face, kiddo. It's gonna be show-time real soon,” Goebel advised.
Nancy and the others approached the table, all but Nancy wearing casual clothes. Strong-smelling cologne wafted from Rex, the one man whose name Sophie did remember. She wanted to gag but refrained. After they were all seated, a waiter hefting a trayful of coffee cups, two pots of coffee, and a large pot of tea served them quickly and efficiently. They placed their orders, and the conversation picked up where it had left off earlier that morning. Of course, politics came into the equation, and Sophie acted dumber than a box of rocks, but when they changed the topic to a local woman who'd recently been murdered, Sophie figured this was her chance.
“It's so terrible! I can't imagine hurting a flea, let alone a real, living, breathing person. My friend's father was murdered two days ago. He was supposed to be here last night, but for obvious reasons, he wasn't,” Sophie announced, hoping to get the reaction from Nancy that she hadn't last night.
“That's tragic. How was he killed?” Nancy asked, a morbid smile on her face.
Here goes,
Sophie thought to herself. “They think he might've been poisoned.” There. She'd said what she'd wanted to say last night. She took a sip of coffee, watching Nancy turn three shades of white.
“Are there any suspects?” Nancy asked, more than curious now.
Sophie wasn't sure what to say but figured she was on a roll. “They think his stepdaughter might be involved. Apparently there was an issue over his will. I'm not sure, but whatever happened to that poor man, I hope the person responsible rots in a prison cell for the rest of their life.” Sophie's eyes never wavered from Nancy's as she spoke.
Just as Sophie finished, Goebel's cell phone rang. He excused himself and stepped away from the table.
Back in bimbo mode, Sophie knew she had to get Nancy's attention focused elsewhere. Ida's life depended on it.
“That's probably his boyfriend calling to check up on him. He's gay, you know. It's supposed to be a secret, but I told Goebel there was absolutely no reason under the sun for him to hide his lifestyle. His lover, that's what they refer to one another as, Bruce is his name, he sells antiques in Georgia. I know poor Goebel wants to come out of the closet, but he's afraid he'll be banished from the family.” Sophie couldn't believe the line of trash that tumbled from her mouth. If Goebel heard what she was saying, he might not like her. She smiled, continuing in the vein of family bimbo. “Now, myself, I could never, well, you know”—she looked at the man whose name she just could not remember, hoping to embarrass him further—“kiss another woman, let alone have a romantic relationship. What about you, Nancy?”
Sophie glanced over her shoulder, saw Goebel's serious expression, and knew the ax was about to land in Miss Nancy's face.
“What did you just ask?” Nancy said. “Are you implying or asking if I'm gay?”
“Oh, heaven's no! I'm sorry. I just wondered what your thoughts were on the subject, that's all. I certainly didn't mean to imply anything at all,” Sophie said sweetly.
Nancy shifted her attention to the man seated next to her. “What's your opinion? Do you support same-sex marriages?” she asked, avoiding having to give an answer to Sophie's question.
Sophie threw a glance in Goebel's direction. He was gone. Now she knew it was up to her to keep the conversation focused, and whatever she did, she couldn't let Nancy leave the table. Their food arrived just then. That would give her a bit of a reprieve.
After the waiter served their breakfasts, Sophie picked up where the conversation had left off. “If it's your way, then I believe same-sex marriages are okay. It's not for me, thank you very much, but it works for some. Look at Ellen. She has her own talk show, and that beautiful wife. They seem very happy together.” Something had best happen soon, or Sophie was going to run out of bimbo talk. She could only act like an idiot for so long. The truth was, she felt that same-sex partners should have all the rights that heterosexuals had.
Once again, she turned around in search of Goebel. He was still nowhere to be seen. Sophie hoped he was out front, ready to bring in Chicago's finest. She couldn't wait to get out of here. Nancy's evil was starting to get under her skin even more.
Rex and the other man discussed the pros and cons of gay marriage. Each was fiercely opinionated. Rex seemed to think that if it was your thing, go for it. The other guy thought it was extremely distasteful.
Surprise, surprise,
Sophie thought.
A commotion at the entrance to the restaurant caused them to turn around. Goebel, along with six men in blue and another man wearing a gray suit jacket and navy slacks, probably a detective, hustled over to their table.
Without further ado the man wearing the gray suit jacket read Nancy her Miranda rights, then proceeded to handcuff her hands behind her back and lead her toward the exit. The attention of every single soul in the restaurant was riveted on the sight of a woman still dressed for a charity ball being led from the restaurant in handcuffs. And Nancy's loud protests did nothing to make her any less conspicuous.
“What the hell do you think you're doing? Take your hands off me! Did you hear me? Take your hands off me! Don't go spouting that gibberish to me, either. I'm not listening to you,” Nancy shrieked so loud that Sophie thought her eardrums ruptured. “You've got the wrong person!”
Goebel stood next to Sophie. “We got her. Ted's report said the brown stuff on the swab I sent was definitely ricin. Our part is done. Now we'll have to let the legal system take over.”
“What was that all about?” Rex asked.
“Yeah,” said the guy he had been arguing with. “What just happened? What do the cops want with a nice lady like Nancy?” Which only went to show that some people still thought you could tell a book by its cover.
nice lady,
guys, murdered one of my best friends' husbands and intended to kill my friend. Would probably have done so already if she had known where to find her. Just count yourself lucky that you didn't say or do anything that might have gotten her mad at you. Who knows? Maybe she would have poisoned you, too. My ‘cousin' and I will be leaving now. You all have a nice day.”
Sophie couldn't believe it was over. In less time than it took to prepare a soft-boiled egg, Nancy had been removed from their table and the restaurant, as though she'd never been there. She did leave a few overturned chairs as she was dragged kicking and screaming out of the room. Sophie removed her cell phone from her purse and called Ida.

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