Laying Down the Law (7 page)

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Authors: Laylah Roberts

BOOK: Laying Down the Law
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“Ryan!” This time Sally’s voice was truly

“Ryan!” This time Sally’s voice was truly shocked.

“Even if you did feel that way, and frankly, I fail to see how any brother could ever view his baby sister as a burden, you had no business letting her know that. You had no business neglecting her to the point that she got ill. She’s still ill.”

“What do you want, Jamieson? I fail to see how any of this is your business. If Callie sent you out here to have it out to me then she’s become a coward as well as a fool.” Tanner’s hands clenched at that statement and it was all he could do not to hit the other man. “Callie doesn’t know I’m here. I came out here because I thought you might care about her, more fool I. Callie does need something from you, though. She needs the money from her share of the profits of this ranch. Profits that I’m pretty sure she’s never asked for. We’ll be expecting them by the end asked for. We’ll be expecting them by the end of next week. And you’ll deliver them to her, Ryan and you will be civil or you and I really are going to have it out.” He threw the other man’s words back at him, nodding briefly to Sally as he left the house before he truly lost his temper.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Callie looked over in surprise at the sound of Tanner’s voice barking out at her.

She stood frozen as he stormed angrily towards her, his gray eyes turning to a slashing sliver.

The air shimmered with the force of his fury, which was in direct contrast to the gentleness with which he plucked the large mutt out of her arms.

The dog let out a small whimper at the movement before settling in against Tanner’s wide chest, something Callie found herself feeling a little jealous over. It was ridiculous when she often chaffed under his domineering ways that she found herself wishing she could just curl up against his strong chest and let him do the worrying for both of them.

“Where do you want him?” he asked quietly, and she blinked in surprise before realising his quiet, gentle tone was for the injured animal’s sake, not because he was feeling at all mild or gentle.

“Umm, over in this cage,” Callie directed him over, watching as he easily lifted the heavy dog into the large cage where the scruffy mutt settled with a sigh. Callie ran her hand gently over the dog’s back before locking the cage.

“Do you need to do anything else?” Again his voice was almost spookily calm and it had Callie gulping as she avoided his silvery gaze.

“Umm.” She was on edge and quickly

“Umm.” She was on edge and quickly clasped her hands together when she found herself nervously fiddling with the cage door in front of her. “I just have to lock up.” She felt proud of herself for remembering that.

Surely it would earn her some brownie points?

Unfortunately not.

“I’ll take care of that. Get yourself upstairs. I expect you to be standing in the corner of the bedroom, your bottom bared when I get up there.” His voice was quiet, mild, and all the more menacing because of it.

“Why?” Her voice rose, almost to an embarrassing squeak.

“I don’t think I need to explain it, do I, Callie?”

Callie shook her head, speechless.

“Then get.” She jumped and raced up the stairs.


“Slow down,” he yelled out. “You’ll trip and fall.” She slowed, walking up the stairs.

Moving into the bedroom she stripped off her pants and panties and throwing them in the hamper, went to stand in the corner of the bedroom closest to the open door. She thought about defying him briefly but then self-preservation kicked in. Defiance was not in her best interest at the moment and she could only hope that her obedience would help to alleviate his anger.

Callie wasn’t sure how long she waited in the corner but sheer fatigue soon had her leaning her forehead in against the corner, her eyes drifting closed. When Tanner finally walked through the door and quietly spoke her name she jumped in fright.

“Callie? You okay?” Concern colored his voice and she risked a look over her his voice and she risked a look over her shoulder to see him frowning.

“I’m fine,” she cleared her croaky voice quietly. “Just tired.”

“I’m not surprised.” She could easily hear the disapproval in his voice. “Come here please.”

Callie turned, coming to stand before him. He reached out and touched her cheek gently. “How does your cheek feel?” he asked.

“It’s fine.” It throbbed slightly, but he didn’t have to know that.

“Do you need some painkillers?” Callie shook her head. “I took some thirty minutes ago.”

“Good, let me know when you need some more.” He sat on the bed and drew her to sit on his lap.

“Callie, did you not listen to a thing the doctor told us this morning?” His voice was no longer angry, but the disappointment and concern was actually worse and Callie squirmed uncomfortably, feeling very much like a naughty child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

“I did.”

“Then why the hell did I find you working when I told you to rest, and even worse you were lifting a heavy dog when the doctor specifically told you not too! Do I have to lock you in your room and tie you to the bed to get you to rest, Callie? Because I will if I have to, I will do anything that needs to be done to get you healthy.”

“I don’t need you to take care of me, Tanner!” She didn’t want to be an obligation or a burden. She wanted to be his partner. She wanted Tanner in her life. But not if he saw her wanted Tanner in her life. But not if he saw her as someone he had to look after, boss around.

“Well, obviously you do, since you cannot even follow some simple instructions.” His voice didn’t rise, but she felt him tense beneath her. However, Callie had had a whole afternoon to stew and her temper was reignited.

“I have a business to run, Tanner. I can’t just drop everything and take to my bed. This is my life; it’s my business that is going down the drain!”

She went to jump off his lap, but as always he was one step ahead of her. As she rose he grabbed her arm, and turning her, spanked her three times.


“Listen to me. I’m not going to spank you tonight, Callie—”

“Then what was that?” she cried.

“That was to get your attention. You’re injured, your cheek has to be hurting, no matter what you say. And I am not about to spank you when you’re hurt.” His look of concern threw buckets of water on her temper and she relaxed slightly.

“I want you to sleep, Callie. Really sleep.

I’m going to get you some of your sleeping pills while you get ready for bed.” She slowly got ready for bed, feeling a bit lost. When Tanner returned, she was lying on her side, staring into space. Tanner sat beside her, helping her sit so she could swallow the tablets. Then he helped her back down, tucking her in.

“I’m going to spend the night on your couch, all right? Just to make sure you sleep okay.” He ran his hand over her hair, massaging her head lightly.

massaging her head lightly.

“But the couch is so short and lumpy.

Why don’t you sleep here and I will-” She made to get up but he pushed her back down gently. “No you won’t. You’ll stay in this bed and get a proper sleep. I’m worried about you, Callie. I don’t like how tired and worn out you look.”

“I feel all wound up, I don’t know if I can sleep, even with the pills,” she admitted.

“I have an idea,” he said. “Take your pyjama top off and lie on your belly.” He disappeared into her bathroom. When he returned, she was lying on her front, her head turned to the side to watch him approach, a bottle of scented oil in his hands.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to give you a massage, now close your eyes and relax.”

close your eyes and relax.”

She did as he said, listening to him squirt the liquid onto his hands. Then he was rubbing the muscles on her back. It was heaven on earth.

He kneaded, smoothed and massaged until she was groaning. But even she lost the tension in her muscles, another tension grew.

Low in her belly, it spread throughout her body, leaving licks of heat in its wake. His hands, slightly calloused, warm and so sure, aroused her. She wanted more.

Shifting restlessly, she rolled and held her breath. Tanner held his hands up, staring down at her in surprise. She grabbed his hands before she could second guess herself and drew them towards her breasts.

“Keep going,” she said breathlessly.

“You sure?” he drawled.

“Oh yeah.” She stared up at him; his blond hair was longer than usual, falling around his ears. Normally he kept it quite short, but she liked it this way. It gave him a more playful air, made him look less intimidating.

Leaning down, he took her mouth with his, playing his tongue against her lips until they parted, allowing him entrance. Pleasure swamped her, drowning her. She writhed wanting more. His hands took up her silent plea, tweaking her nipples, pinching lightly.

“Please, Tanner, I need you,” she begged as his mouth left hers.

He stared into her eyes. “Are you sure?”

“God yes.”

“We do this, Callie and you are mine. For good. No turning back.”

She swallowed heavily. “What do you mean?”

He ran his hand down her face. “You’re mine, Callie, all mine. If I make love to you now, that will seal it. I love you, Cal. I always have. Even when you were too young for me, even when you went away to College, even when I was with other women, it was you that I loved, you that I needed, that I wanted. And the thing is, squirt; I know that deep down you feel that way about me.”

Callie let out a deep sigh and clasped him close.

“I love you, too. I didn’t know how you felt about me. I knew you wanted me, but I thought maybe you just thought of me as an-an obligation. Someone you had to take care of.” He clasped her cheeks with his hands, his gaze intent as he stared down at her. “You could never be an obligation. I want to take could never be an obligation. I want to take care of you, to look after you, protect you, love you.”

“Oh, Tanner,” she sighed before his mouth descended once more, taking hers.

“You’re sure?” he asked.

“I’m sure.”

With a wicked grin he stood and stripped.

Callie lay there, gaping at him in admiration.

He was beautiful. His skin was smooth, tanned all over except for the patch around his hips.

She flicked her gaze down over his muscular chest, to the cock standing firm and upright.

She swallowed heavily, wanting to touch him, needing too.

“That’s umm, rather large.” She couldn’t take her eyes from his shaft, wondering how the hell he was going to fit inside her.

He placed his hand beneath her chin, raising her face up so her gaze left his cock and met his eyes.

“It’s going to be all right. Trust me?” She nodded.

“Lay back then, baby. Let me love you.” Callie rested back, watching as he sat beside her, his thighs brushing against her skin.

He dropped his mouth to her nipples, sucking sharply. Callie grabbed his head, holding him close, whimpering at the sensations that raced through her. Her clit had developed a pulse of its own and she moved her legs restlessly, trying to ease the ache.

Tanner pulled up. He grinned. “Hmm, a wriggler. I can see I’m going to have to tie you down often. Too bad it’s my day off. Hand cuffs would come in handy right now. For now, put your hands behind your head. Now, now, put your hands behind your head. Now, baby.” She reacted to the velvety steel in his voice, moving her hands back.

“Good girl, keep them there.”

He kissed his way down her body, taking his time over her breasts, down her trembling stomach until he reached the top of her pyjama pants.

“Raise your hips, baby.”

She did as he asked, holding her breath as he stripped her naked. She trembled a little as he moved to the bottom of the bed.

“Spread your legs,” he ordered.

She blushed. “Tanner,” she moaned.

“Spread your legs, I want to look at you. I won’t tell you again.”

He was a force of nature and she couldn’t deny him. So she spread her legs and he sat back, staring down at her pussy. Her breathing quickened.

“Beautiful,” he breathed as he leaned forward and pulled the lips of her pussy apart.

“You’re so pink, juicy, look at how moist you are for me.”

He dropped his mouth to her pussy and licked her.

“Ohh,” she groaned. “More.”

He tapped her clit with the tip of his tongue, two fingers thrusting inside her.

“More, more, more,” she yelled. She screamed as she soared, her orgasm saturating her with pleasure.

As her pussy clenched, he started to push his cock inside her.

“Callie, that feels amazing. You are amazing. You’re beautiful, sweetheart. I can’t amazing. You’re beautiful, sweetheart. I can’t hold back.”

He pushed fully inside her, filling her.

Pulling back, he thrust deep. In and out. Over and over until she felt herself coming again.

He joined her, throwing his head back as his yell of pleasure filled the room. Callie’s eyes were already drifting closed as he rolled off her. She moved to her side and he tugged her close, spooning her from behind.

Exhausted, sated, she fell asleep with him behind her, protecting her, loving her.


When Callie walked out of the bedroom the next morning she felt flustered, embarrassed, and a little unsure of herself.

Callie walked into her small kitchen, surprised Callie walked into her small kitchen, surprised to see Tanner standing at the stove cooking.

“Ahh, there you are. I was going to bring this into bed for you; sure you don’t want to go hop back in?” He smiled at her over his shoulder and Callie caught her breath at how handsome he was.

“What are you doing, Tanner?” she asked as he turned and poured some disgusting looking gloop into two bowls.

“What does it look like I’m doing, squirt? I’m making porridge.”

“I’m not eating that.” She stared down in horror at the grey, gluey looking substance.

“Don’t you have to work today?”

“Nope. And you will eat this stuff. It’s really good for you.”

He placed the two bowls on the breakfast bar, before sitting on one of the stools and staring at her.

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