Leah's Seduction: 4 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 4 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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A Rinaldi Romance



Emily Jane Trent


Chapter 1

Leah was early, so took time to stop for coffee on the way into work. She sipped her Americano while scrolling through pictures. The social media sites were flooded with photos of her with Gianni. He was devastatingly handsome, and she was happy to be with him.

The media was talking about her like she was a step down for him. Gianni was dating an underling, and worse, a woman who worked for a competitor. Controversy was what it was all about, and Leah knew the press would find some angle to make their relationship appear shocking.

She smiled that they had no idea what the real nature of it was. If they did, the headlines would sizzle:
Gianni Rinaldi, High-Profile Billionaire, Seduces Leah Ivers, a New Face in the New York Fashion Scene, into Sexually Submitting to Him

Of course, that part of it was their secret, and no one needed to know. Nor would they. If news like that was published, Leah wouldn’t be able to show her face in public. Not that she was ashamed of what she had with Gianni. On the contrary, she treasured it.

But that didn’t mean she wanted to shout it out to the rest of the world. It was theirs to share and experience. The story going viral was all about what a sought-after bachelor Gianni was. And intrigue about what made Leah desirable aroused public curiosity.

That was a good question to pose. Self-doubt didn’t really go away, even though Leah pushed it aside as best she could. If she examined the situation too closely, her self-esteem issues pressed into view. And Gianni didn’t like her making less of herself.

It was good of him to feel that way, which did a tremendous amount for her morale. Yet it was hard to get her head around the fact that Gianni wanted her. Usually, Leah brushed unwelcome thoughts aside, and focused on the time she had with him.

The weeks—now months—together were special. Leah knew that. It inspired her to overcome any lingering doubts in order to give herself to Gianni completely. After the blow-up, he had been sensitive to her emotional needs.

And what were they? Leah admitted she needed love. If Gianni did love her, so far he was unable to speak the words. But he was committed to her, more than before. And he vowed to try to open up. She would give him time. What choice did she have?

In the weeks they had been apart, Leah had suffered unbearably. Anything she experienced while with Gianni had to be better than being separated. Whatever it took, she would do it. Eventually, that cold heart of his had to melt. She was sure about that.

For now, the sex with Gianni was even hotter than before. He seemed determined to make her feel loved, though he was unable to express the sentiment. Earlier limits held no sway, and he pushed Leah deeper into experiences she couldn’t get enough of.

The media had one thing right: Gianni had seduced her. But it wasn’t a bad thing, as they portrayed. He was charming, polite, and considerate. Yet in the bedroom he took charge, and could be unyielding. More and more, he led her into submission, each scene as memorable as the last.

There was no turning back. Leah couldn’t imagine her life without him. He gave no assurance that what they had would last. But it calmed her to know that he showed no sign of wanting to end it. In fact, Gianni had been just as devastated when they had broken up.

That had surprised her. Leah would have understood if he had moved on. She was a lot of trouble. Yet Gianni seemed to think she was worth it. He seemed to have strong feelings for her—and if not love, at least a searing passion that he made no effort to hide.

There remained the mystery of what had happened in Gianni’s past. Something had frozen his heart, but he wouldn’t speak about it. Leah knew it would do no good to press. He would tell her when he could.

When he talked about his family, Gianni’s eyes filled with warmth. She knew he was capable of love, but something had occurred that locked up his heart. Maybe forever. Leah couldn’t allow those thoughts to linger. She refused to believe his ability to love couldn’t be revitalized.

Leah loved him enough to be patient. It made her feel good that he knew how she felt. Confessing her love had been difficult, considering that Gianni was unlikely to do the same. Yet it was better for him to know. Secrets were unsettling.

And it had become impossible for Leah to be as intimate with Gianni as she was, and still hide the fact that she was in love with him. Her reactions to him, the look on her face, and even certain things she said, would have given her away.

It was best to be honest. At least for her. Gianni was another matter. Although he wasn’t exactly being dishonest, he wasn’t telling her the whole truth. She was as aware of it, as he was. If only Leah knew of a way to help him.

But she didn’t. All she could do was care, and to show her love in the bedroom. He seemed most receptive there. The physical was a medium he understood, one he could participate in. So in their private moments Leah held nothing back, and clung to the hope that eventually Gianni would do the same.

Stirring from her thoughts, Leah glanced around the coffee shop. It was a two-level design, and she saw couples upstairs talking while sipping drinks. The interior walls were brick, and the counters were polished wood.

It was cozy, and Leah wished she could hang around longer, watching people tap away on their laptops or chat with friends. The weather was cooler, signifying that fall had arrived. She was glad for a reprieve from the heat.

Standing, she put her leather bag over her shoulder and picked up her empty cup to return it to the counter. In more of a hurry, she pushed the door open and stepped out to the busy sidewalk. That was the thing about Manhattan: there were no slow times.

It seemed no matter the time of day, people bustled along the streets, rushing to their destination. The atmosphere had a tone of excitement, as if there was something important going on, even if there wasn’t. Leah liked that about the city.

It was only a few blocks to Barrington, and Leah entered to see the clerk on duty. “Hi, Aida.”

Leah had made friends with her over the months, although their relationship was business-related only, so far—except for chatting in the coffee room, mostly about trivial stuff. The clerk was efficient, which Leah admired. And she was attractive, which went over well with buyers. Her red hair was cut in a trendy style, and her outfit was from an expensive designer.

“Good morning, Leah.” When Aida smiled, her green eyes lit up. It was good to have someone cheerful in the showroom to offset the eternal sourness that Vadim exhibited.

Heading for her office, Leah stopped when she heard him call her name. She angled toward Vadim’s door. When she stepped inside, he flagged her over.

“Sit, please.”

Leah had hoped to make it to her office before encountering her boss. Over the weeks she had been sick from heartache, Vadim had left her alone, indicating he might have a kinder side to him. Now it appeared he planned to make up for lost time.

Leah let her bag slide off her shoulder, and took a seat in front of the massive desk. “Good morning.” She didn’t feel like smiling, so she didn’t.

“I see you are famous,” he said.

The start to the conversation put her on alert. Vadim was up to something; she needed to be wary. “I hardly think so.

The look in his eyes made her spine tingle. “I beg to disagree.” He reached for his phone and scrolled. Then he held the screen up so she could see it.

There was a huge photo of Gianni and Leah wrapped in an embrace. She didn’t take time to read the headline. It was best to keep her cool. If she maintained a casual attitude, then possibly her boss wouldn’t make such a big deal of it.

“I hardly think being seen at a fashion event makes me famous.” Leah appreciated her own tongue-in-cheek response, even if he didn’t.

Vadim leaned back in his chair. “Yes, but Gianni Rinaldi’s arm is around you. And the look in your eyes is not strictly professional.”

Her cheeks warmed, and Leah hoped the blush wasn’t visible. She didn’t want to give Vadim the satisfaction. “And your point is?” It was probably better to go on the attack than to cower, as he intended for her to.

The chuckle he emitted was laced with condescension, and it riled Leah. He was in for a fight if he continued to bait her. She waited for him to make the next move.

“This isn’t really news to me,” he said.

The statement caught her off guard, and she took a moment to consider the impact. For months, Leah had taken pains to hide the nature of her relationship with Gianni. Whether necessary or not, she had the idea that dating the competition would be frowned upon.

His next words told her the opposite: “Of course I knew. I’ve been to events. I’ve seen you together. You don’t hide your feelings well.”

That part was true, but it was too late for regrets.

“And I thought it was a benefit for you to be sleeping with one of my major competitors.”

She had seen it coming.

Vadim went on: “After all, you are privy to inside information on GR Showroom. And considering that you work for Barrington, I’m sure you won’t keep it to yourself.” He paused for effect. “It’s your job to help this showroom succeed…above

The cut of his words annoyed her further. Vadim had balls; she’d give him that. But he went too far. To think that she would betray a man she was intimate with was degrading. He must not know her at all if he believed she would do that.

It wasn’t easy to come up with a good response. Leah stared across at her boss while her mind reeled with the possible outcomes. If she refused, he could fire her. But she would never agree, as she’d be lying.

“I think you know that Barrington’s success is a top priority. My work should reflect that.” Leah was angry, and had to bite her tongue lest she say what she was really thinking. “I think my personal life should be kept separate from my career.”

Even as she spoke, Leah knew it sounded ridiculous. She wasn’t dating just any man. She was dating Gianni. And there wasn’t a bigger challenge to Vadim. It was clear that her boss was vindictive, and would go to any lengths to leave GR Showroom in the dust.

She suspected it wasn’t all about business, but had no evidence of it. It seemed that her boss wanted the demise of GR Showroom, and Gianni specifically, as much as he wanted the success of Barrington. It wasn’t so much what Vadim said. Maybe she was reading too much into his expression, but Leah didn’t think so.

“You’ve made your choice,” he said. “Being the woman on Gianni’s arm instantly blurs the line between your career and your personal life.”

Vadim was implying more than he was saying. But he hadn’t fired her yet, so Leah took the brave approach. “If that’s all, I have work to do.” She stood up. When her boss made no move to stop her, Leah strode out of the office exuding as much confidence as she could muster.



Chapter 2

The hotel Gianni chose was in the Loop, Chicago’s business district. On his last visit, the staff had been efficient. He found the accommodations to his liking. And the location was good, since it was close to many restaurants and convenient walking distance to anywhere in the Loop.

The room had a good view of Lake Michigan, and after shedding his jacket, Gianni took a few minutes to gaze out at the water. The trip was to conclude a business transaction he had worked on for some time. When he returned he would share the outcome with Dawson and Joshua. His security chief and his operations manager had proven their trustworthiness over the years.

Still, he had delayed telling them of the new venture. It paid to be cautious, and Gianni knew his competitors watched for any vulnerability. But now that he was close to wrapping up the deal, the prosperity of GR Showroom looked good for the foreseeable future. And he would be ahead of the competition, which made the victory sweeter.

Gianni took time to shower, wanting to freshen up for the dinner meeting. The hot water felt good, and relaxed his tight muscles. He thought of Leah, and would have preferred to have her with him. But that wasn’t possible.

It wasn’t only that she had to work—Gianni still kept his business dealings confidential. Trust wasn’t the issue. He trusted Leah. But she did work for his competition, and information could be gained in many ways. So it was better that she didn’t know until he made the public announcement.

It occurred to him that he missed her more than he expected to. That was something new. Gianni liked women, and had been involved before. But each time a relationship had been over, he had simply moved on. There had been no real attachment on his part, and for various reasons things just ended.

That hadn’t always been true for the woman, but it had never ended badly. Except once. Gianni pushed the memory away, unwilling to let it shake his focus. There was no reason to think about it, anyway. It was over.


The list of top restaurants in Chicago continually changed. The city was known for deep-dish pizza, which Gianni had eaten on more than one occasion. But for his business meeting he picked a more elegant venue.

Since it was only a few blocks, Gianni chose to walk. His bodyguard stayed close behind. The strong winds between the tall buildings reminded him of why Chicago was called the Windy City. The breeze from the lake whipped through the city, and Gianni stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets. The temperature was low sixties, and dropping.

The renowned establishment boasted fine dining with a twist, and had earned more than one Michelin star. The wait staff seemed nearly invisible, yet glasses seemed to magically refill themselves. The waiters were dressed in suits, which was an added touch.

Gianni was shown to his table, where Marnie waited. She was prompt, and he appreciated that trait. Her long brown hair was twisted up, and her pale blue business suit was pristine. The only feminine touch was the white satin top peeking out at the neckline.

The business broker held a certain attraction for Gianni. She was a beautiful woman, and had a trim figure. When she spoke, her brown eyes were intent, and he couldn’t help wondering if he could melt her. Could he make the strong, self-reliant woman submit to him?

He couldn’t help but think it. Although that was as far as it went. Gianni knew she was strictly vanilla when it came to sex. Plus she was engaged to a Chicago attorney. And now that he had Leah, any interest that had been there had waned. The dinner was all about business.

Gianni took the hand she offered, and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. “Good to see you, Marnie.”

She smiled, but was not relaxed. This deal was important to her. He knew that. “And good to see you too, Gianni.”

He sat across from her, and the waiter took his drink order. Wanting to shift the mood a bit, he spoke of the restaurant. Businessmen tended to be stiff in such an important meeting. Yet Gianni found that better decisions were made in a less formal atmosphere.

“I’ve heard that the chefs in the kitchen rock out to popular tunes while they whip up this spectacular cuisine,” he said.

Marnie’s soft laugh told him he had shifted her tone, if only slightly. “Yes, I’ve heard that, too. Do you think it’s true?”

The martini arrived, and Gianni took a sip. “I’m told that diners are welcomed, even encouraged to step into the kitchen for a chat.”

She lifted her glass of white wine. “I’ve never done so. I seem to only dine here on business occasions.”

“Well, you should twist your fiancé’s arm to bring you here for pleasure.”

She shook her head. “James? He’s thrifty, you know. I doubt it will be easy to get him to spring for a pricey meal like this.”

Gianni refrained from pointing out that James was a high-priced attorney, and could surely afford it. “In that case, let’s get down to business. The sooner we conclude matters, the sooner we can enjoy our dinner.”

Marnie pulled some documents out of her briefcase. Signing today was merely a formality. The one person who did know about the agreement was Gianni’s attorney, and he had gone over everything thoroughly. It was a solid deal, and the signature was needed to set things in motion.

“It’s not my business,” Marnie said, “but you are smart to do this. Others in the industry will catch on, but you will already be ahead of them.”

Gianni flipped through some of the pages. “Yes, now that I’ve verified everything, I’m confident this will work out.”

Marnie leaned forward with a hand under her chin. “The factory is a huge operation, as you know. But in the months you’ve been doing your due diligence, he has continued to impress me. The manager claims he can do everything.”

“Yes, I was leery at first,” Gianni said. “That’s a big claim. But looking into it more, I was able to verify. And the shop is spotless, so we will be able to do bridal wear, too.”

“The manager has never missed a deadline. Can you believe that?”

Gianni laughed. “I’m already sold.”

“I know. It’s just exciting. And it’s not even my business. But often designers sew their own garments. Imagine that.”

Gianni skimmed the pages, having read each line many times already. “Not only will it allow better production, it will be faster.”

Marnie grinned, and dropped the professional tone. “Fast fashion.”

The sound of that made Gianni’s adrenaline pump. He was going to slip in first and get a corner on that market. Being first was an advantage. And it was a brilliant strategy. “Yes, fast fashion. I guess I don’t have to remind you that your lips are sealed.”

All business again, Marnie nodded. “Of course. I’m a broker. I’d be out of business tomorrow if word got out that I leaked proprietary information.”

It was also good that no one in the industry knew of the deal. Nor did anyone know of his business connection with Marnie. He hadn’t even told Leah when she had seen the text on his phone. He’d claimed it was personal business, which could be anything.

Lifting the pages, Gianni went to the end of the documents and scrawled his signature. “Okay, it’s done.”

Marnie beamed, and took the document from him, stuffing it into her briefcase.

“Now,” Gianni said, “let’s eat. Are you hungry?”

“Yes, actually.”

Gianni ordered the bison served with bok choy and rutabaga, and Marnie chose the salmon. Each dish was a work of art, and meant to challenge the palate. During the meal, they marveled at the exquisite tastes, and chatted about a variety of topics.

They stayed for dessert, which proved to be worth it. It was vanilla liquid nitrogen ice cream, prepared at the table with the filmy smoke from the nitrogen hovering over the bowl. “This is amazing,” Marnie said, savoring a bite.

Gianni scooped more of his dessert. “It is, isn’t it?”

Closing her eyes, Marnie hummed with satisfaction. “I
to get James to bring me here.”

When the meal ended, Gianni took care of the tab and escorted Marnie to the lobby. They shook hands. “Pleasure doing business with you, Miss Thompson.”

She laughed then curtseyed, as if accepting praise for her performance. “And you too, Mr. Rinaldi.”


The walk back to the hotel was even colder, but Gianni found the brisk air refreshing. The pride of having concluded a particularly key business deal, followed by a meal that transcended mere food, had him on a high.

The only thing that would have been better was if Leah had been with him.

Once in his room, Gianni shed his business attire and put on jeans with a light shirt. He didn’t have plans to work anymore that evening, so he put on some music and rummaged for a cocktail. Whiskey would do.

Resisting the urge to call Leah, he plopped into a padded chair in front of the window. It wouldn’t be wise to call her too often. She was already very attached to him. He needed to keep some distance. Gianni thought back to when she had said she loved him.

If only he could just feel it too. Like some other man might. But no, he couldn’t do that. The reasons were complicated. He didn’t claim to fully understand them. Gianni worried about Leah, and hoped he didn’t end up hurting her.

It would have been easier if he had just stayed away. Yet he couldn’t. When they were apart he missed her. Gianni craved her in a way that broke down the carefully crafted walls he had built around his heart.

The situation was dangerous. He knew that. Yet even knowing, he couldn’t stay away. When he had promised to try, Gianni had meant it. He hadn’t lied to her. But trying didn’t mean he would succeed.

And as powerful as he felt in business, Gianni was helpless around Leah in some ways. Of course, he maintained control in the bedroom. That was what he knew. What he was familiar with. It was a way of being close that he understood.

? Gianni wasn’t sure he comprehended what that entailed. So far he had not told any woman that he loved her. Sure, he
her. And that seemed pretty darn good on its own. Love was a different bargain.

It came with all sorts of obligations and dependency. And that went against his very nature. It was one thing for his parents to love each other. That seemed like a different sort of love. Or even his brother, Jacob, who would likely marry the woman he was with.

Yet Gianni was different. That was why he hadn’t taken over the family business, why he went his own way. It was just his nature. And with women he craved the thrill of domination. He savored a woman’s submission, and sought to be in tune with her needs in order to give her pleasure that she’d previously only dreamed of.

That was what he was good at. But
a woman seemed beyond his reach. Maybe at one time he could have. Gianni couldn’t say for sure. But he had followed his path, experienced what life dealt him, and made his own way.

Some events had a way of changing a man. That was so for Gianni. And, thus changed, he didn’t know if he could become the man he formerly was. He had no clue if he could be the man Leah needed, a man who could love her. A man who could open his heart.

Whether he could or not remained to be seen. Gianni had taken care not to promise too much. He’d offered to make the effort, and he would. But beyond that, there were no guarantees. His heart wasn’t available, no matter how much he wished it was.


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