Leah's Seduction: 4 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) (2 page)

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Chapter 3

One of Kyra’s nearly supernatural abilities was to shop. Leah admired that about her, not having any talent of her own. So the day she went shopping with Gianni’s fashion consultant, she took her friend with her.

Although Leah had resisted letting Gianni buy clothes for her, eventually she relented. It gave him pleasure, and she just couldn’t keep saying no. Kyra encouraged her. “You have his credit card, and I know the best shopping streets in Manhattan. What could be better than that?”

Leah had no argument, and thus, with bodyguard in tow, she let Kyra guide them. They went early to get a head start. The consultant was to meet them later. From the stilettos of Madison Avenue to the skinny jeans of Elizabeth Street, Kyra was in her element.

There was no doubt she would put Gianni’s credit card through its paces. One thing Leah had learned from the endless episodes of
Sex and the City
was that New York was one of the top cities for shopping. The city was famous for glitzy department stores filled with the scent of expensive perfume, and a variety of high-end boutiques.

In the few times Leah had shopped there before, she had seen many places featuring indie designers, with everything from haute couture gowns to spray-painted T-shirts by local artists. On Elizabeth Street, a unique shop had a martini glass made of resin. There were chiffon blouses the color of strawberry jam. And even a two-headed snake bracelet.

Kyra took her wrist and dragged her away. “Don’t get distracted. We’re on a mission to upgrade your wardrobe…Gianni style.”

Her friend passed Barneys and headed toward Gucci. Leah’s head was already spinning. She’d just have to rely on Kyra’s judgment, and get the final approval of the fashion consultant. With so much to choose from, there was no way for her to know what looked good and what didn’t.

Kyra never seemed to tire. Enthusiastically, she picked outfits and shoved Leah into the dressing room to try them on. She instantly knew which ones were keepers, and which were not. Apparently, Leah’s curves filled out some of the designer dresses nicely, and Kyra whined with jealousy.

“Oh, come on.” Leah laughed. “I’d die to look like you. You’re stunning, and eternally thin. With your svelte figure,
looks good on you.”

Kyra waved her hand. “You think so. But it’s not true. I have a terrible time. Garments just hang on me sometimes. I don’t have any shape.”

Leah squinted. “I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true. Pants end just above my ankles, and jacket sleeves are too short,” Kyra said. “And besides, men prefer curves. Ask any one of them. They’ll tell you.”

“I’m only interested in one. And Gianni keeps telling me he likes my voluptuous body.” Leah giggled. “So what have we got here?”

Kyra lifted a pile of clothes.

“I don’t need
of those

Reluctantly, her friend picked only the best and put back the rest. “This black dress, for sure. And the silk pants, the matching blouse. Oh, and this. You have to get this.” She held up an emerald-green evening gown made of stretchy material that fit like a glove.

“Okay, but at this rate we don’t even need a consultant.” Leah slipped on her shoes. “I have to at least pretend to use her or Gianni will be insulted.”

“Yeah, okay, we’ll use her. She might have some good ideas.”

The consultant met them at a store on Fifth Avenue. She was dressed stylishly in slacks and a sweater, with her hair in a loose ponytail. Deanna introduced herself, and proceeded to take charge. It turned out to be fun.

The consultant was as fervent about shopping as Kyra, which was the reason she became a consultant. She led them down the street to the luxurious Henri Bendel, where they all tried on flashy aviator sunglasses, and Kyra fell in love with a butter-soft leather bag. She bought the bag, and Deanna insisted that Leah get the glasses. “Very classy,” she said.

Next was Saks Fifth Avenue, followed by another sophisticated store, Lord & Taylor. The selection was top notch, but by that time Leah was exhausted. “Okay,” Deanna said. “That’s enough for today.”

“Whew,” Leah said. “I’m loaded.”

“We will have to do this again,” the consultant said, as exuberant as when they’d started. “It was great. And you got some lovely outfits. Gianni will be impressed.”

Leah shifted her bags to the other hand. “I sure hope so.”

The consultant said goodbye, leaving them with Roston. He was laden with numerous bags, as was Kyra. “Let’s dump these in the car,” Leah said. “And thanks, Roston, for being such a sport. I imagine it’s boring following women around shopping.”

He smiled. “My pleasure, Leah. As long as you got what you came for.”

“I must have, out of all of this. I can’t even think about what it must have cost. I lost track.”

After delivering the packages to the trunk of the limo, Leah said, “Food. I need food. And my feet are killing me.”

“I know the perfect place,” her friend said.

“I figured you would.”

“Somewhere between shoes and cosmetics, my stomach started growling,” Kyra said.

Leah kept in step with her friend. “All-day shopping takes lots of energy. I hope it’s burning up lots of calories, because I plan to order something substantial.”

Kyra ignored the street vendors and went straight to a Mexican café just down the street. “I love this place. They have homemade guacamole.” She looked at Leah. “And don’t worry. It’s my treat. I know you don’t like using Gianni’s credit card. He’s spent enough today, anyway.”

“Okay, thanks. I’ll buy next time.”

The narrow café had wood-beamed ceilings, sunshine yellow walls, and red curtains. It had the feel of being in Mexico, and the aroma of spices filled the room. They found a table and placed their orders. The iced teas arrived quickly, and they drank as they waited for their meals.

“Smelling the food is making me crazy,” Leah said. “I’m starved.”

“Me too.” Kyra stirred her tea. “You know, I’m getting used to seeing you with a bodyguard. He’s kind of nice, really.”

“Well, I don’t know if I’m getting used to it. But Gianni thinks it’s still important that I have protection.”

“Maybe someday I’ll make enough money to pay for my own guard,” Kyra said. “Maybe they would keep the assholes away from me.”

Leah frowned. “Did something happen?”

Her friend shook her head. “No, it’s been fine.”

“Are you seeing anyone?”

Kyra rolled her shoulder. “Not lately. Here and there. I mean, I go on dates. But nobody has really done anything for me. Maybe I’m over it.”

Leah raised her brows. “Over what?”


She chuckled at that. “Yeah, right. I don’t think so.”

But Kyra seemed sincere. “You’re lucky. Gianni takes care of you, buys you clothes. I’m glad you are back together.”

Leah took a gulp of tea. “Me too.”

“Actually, since Gianni became my self-appointed guardian, his security looks out for me sometimes.”

“I should think so,” Leah said.

“Like at shows. I see his security there, and know they keep an eye on me. And he’s managed to get some good showroom work for me. I often end up working with his sister, too. I like how she does makeup.” Kyra took a sip of tea. “It’s considerate of him to help me. Gianni is a cool guy, you know. He’s polite, and he treats women right.”

“Yes, that’s true. He does.”

“What’s that look I see on your face?”

Leah shrugged. “Guilt?”

“You’re saying it
guilt, or you’re asking me?”

“I guess I’m saying.” Leah put her glass down. “He is good to me, no question. But he’s possessive, Kyra. He has started keeping tabs on me. He says it’s for my protection, but I’m not sure.”

“He cares about you.”

“Yeah, I know. And it means everything.” Leah paused. “But sometimes I wonder…”


“Like the clothes thing. I’ve been dressing myself for years. Way before I met Gianni.”

Kyra made no comment.

“And now he takes issue with what I wear. If he doesn’t like it, it’s a scene.”

“As long as he’s willing to foot the bill for what he wants to see you in,” Kyra said, “then I don’t get what the problem is.”

“Yes, you do. Think about it. If a man buys stuff for you, a lot of stuff, then it’s like being a kept woman. A mistress or something.”

Kyra wrinkled her nose. “He has to be married before you can be a mistress.”

“That’s beside the point. I feel like he owns me, or he wants to. Gianni molds me in subtle ways, and I’m not sure I like it.”

“I see. That is tough.”

“I’m torn,” Leah said, “because I want to be with him. But I don’t want to be molded into someone I’m not. Does that make sense?”

“It does. But I wouldn’t worry so much. Why don’t you talk to him?”

“I’ve tried. He says he is doing what’s best for me. He wants my happiness. He wants me to have pride in how I look, and to never demean my appearance.” Leah looked across at her friend. “I get what he’s saying, but it’s not always easy. I’ve been like this my whole life. How I dress, what I’m comfortable wearing, even how I behave…just doesn’t change overnight.”

“And I thought I had problems with guys. At least they just punch me, and I tell them to buzz off. Simple.” Kyra shook her head. “This one is way too complicated for me.”

“I don’t expect you to have the answers. But it helps to talk.”

The steaming plates of food arrived. The smell reminded Leah of her gnawing stomach.

“I’m sure it will be okay,” Kyra said. “Try to talk to him again.”

Leah put her napkin on her lap. “I will.”

They both made quick work of the food, and after lunch Roston dropped Kyra at her place then took Leah home. He carried all of her packages inside, and told her to lock the door behind him. Looking at the avalanche of bags, Leah doubted all of it was going to fit in her tiny closet.

She decided to deal with that later, and ran a hot bubble bath. A good soak was just what she needed, and a massage for her aching feet. But there was no one available to give her that service. Once in a while, Gianni gave her foot rubs, which were heavenly.

Shopping was a good way to spend a Saturday. But if she did much more of it, Leah was going to have to get a bigger apartment. She closed her eyes and let the warmth of the water seep into her aching muscles. It felt so good that she nearly dozed off.

While Gianni was away on business, she missed him a lot. It was not like she saw him every night, anyway. But when he was out of town, he didn’t tend to call much. Without him, Leah felt so alone. He had become such a part of her life.

It wasn’t just the sex. Although that was amazing. It was also just being together, sharing things with him. She thought he’d even started to like classical poetry. After all, she’d read enough of it to him. And she loved him. It wasn’t so strange to want to be with him.

Leah reflected on what she had said to Kyra. It was how she felt, but she didn’t know why she couldn’t change. It wasn’t wrong for a man to want good things for the woman he cared about, and to see her dress well, to be proud of herself.

Maybe it was just that she had not had anyone do that before. No one had seemed to care what she wore, or how she acted. Even her parents had been very open-minded about such things. Leah had never been pressured one way or the other.

So she had developed the way she had. And what was wrong with that, anyway? So what if she wore something that hid her chest, or covered her legs? So what if she didn’t show off her figure? Even as she thought it, Leah knew.

Gianni was calling her out on it. He knew she harbored self-criticism that was reflected in how she dressed, and how she treated herself. And he cared enough to help her through it. That had to be it. He didn’t want to change her. If he didn’t like her the way she was, he wouldn’t be with her. Would he?



Chapter 4

Leah dunked her head underwater, soaking her hair. She almost didn’t hear the phone ring. They were still using the disposable ones, and she kept it close, in case Gianni called. It was late in the afternoon, and seeing it was him, Leah hoped the call meant he was home.

Quickly, she dried her hand on a towel and picked up the phone. “Gianni.”

“Hi, baby.”

Leah’s heart warmed at the sound of his voice. “Are you home?”

“Yes, I got in about an hour ago.” He paused a second. “What am I catching you doing?”

“I’m naked in a bubble bath.”

His deep laugh turned her on. “You tempt me to change my plans and come right over.”

“What plans?”

“Are you available tonight, or do you have a hot date?”

Leah smiled. “Sounds like I have one now.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear. Roston will pick you up in an hour. Dress warmly.”

Leah sat up in the bathtub. “Why? Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

She whined. “I hate surprises.”

“No you don’t. You love them.”

Leah giggled. “Okay, let me get ready, then.”

The line went dead. She had wanted to say that she loved him, and tell him how much she missed him. But she held back. She would have the chance later.

So much for soaking in the tub.

By the time Roston arrived, Leah had styled her hair, applied new makeup, and put on beige pants with a cream sweater. She grabbed her coat, just in case. On the way, she tried to guess where Gianni was meeting her, but she couldn’t.

Roston turned toward the dock. Then she had a suspicion, but didn’t dare to think it was so. Until she saw Gianni on the deck. It was an elegant sailboat, some type of schooner from the 1800s. She couldn’t believe he would plan something like this with no notice.

Once she was out to the boat, Gianni helped her onto the deck. “You look lovely,” he said. And before she could respond, he gave her a kiss that told her how much he had missed her. The touch revitalized her. The days without him and the loneliness vanished.

When he pulled back, Gianni grinned. She knew something special had to be going on. It wasn’t that he smiled, as often he did. But that grin was different. “What?” she said.

“I’m just glad to see you. I didn’t plan to be away quite so long, but I wanted to get everything wrapped up.”

Leah didn’t know where he had gone. Just that it was business. The way he jetted to other cities to run his company, Gianni could have lovers in many cities for all she knew. But the way he was looking at her made her doubt it.

The boat began to move away from the dock, and Gianni guided her to the railing. The island of Manhattan was covered in lights, and Leah knew that touring the city from the surrounding rivers would be spectacular.

She had wanted to do it many times before, but couldn’t justify the expense of a dinner cruise. Apparently that didn’t hinder Gianni, since he had rented the entire boat. She leaned against him and gazed out at the dark water with the breeze blowing through her hair.

Gianni had his arm securely around her waist, and she felt deep contentment. A waiter came up and served glasses of champagne. Turning to face her, Gianni raised his glass. “We are celebrating.”

Leah raised her glass to match his. “What are we celebrating?”

“A business deal that I closed. It’s an important one.”

She waited, but he didn’t elaborate. “What was it?”

“Soon I’ll be able to tell you,” he said, “but not quite yet.”

Disappointment settled over her. She shouldn’t care. It was business. But she wished Gianni could share more with her. So often she felt left out, and Leah wanted to be more a part of his life. If only he would let her.

The clink of the glasses was festive. Taking a sip, Leah held his gaze. “Congratulations.” She could see how pleased Gianni was. “You can trust me, you know.”

His expression turned more serious. “I do trust you. Believe me, I do.” He paused. “But it’s better if you don’t know some things. That way no one can come to you for information, which could put you in a precarious position.”

“I can handle it.”

He ran his fingertips down her arm. “I know you can. But I don’t want you to have to deal with any of that.”

“You protect me too much.”

He furrowed his brow. “I don’t think so. It’s my responsibility to protect you, keep you safe, and ensure your happiness.”

“That’s a lot. I never asked that of you.”

“You didn’t have to.”

Leah tilted her head. “Does the deal have anything to do with that whole mess with Vadim and Designer’s Edge International?”

“Persistent, aren’t you?”

“I can be.”

He shook his head. “No, it doesn’t.”

Leah looked into his eyes. It seemed like he was telling the truth. He wasn’t prone to lying. “What is going on with that, anyway? You came up with a strategy, you and Dawson?”

“We did. In fact, I am meeting with him when I get back to the office. I’ll have an update then. After I get a status, I’ll fill you in.”

Leah pretended to pout.

Gianni’s eyes sparkled. “For now, I just want to be with you and enjoy the evening.”

He was irresistible. Leah leaned against him with her head on his chest. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, baby.”

The boat rocked gently as they cruised, and the breeze wafted by them. Then the soft romantic music that had been playing in the background changed to Brazilian music with a faster beat and tempo. Leah recognized it right away.

It was samba music, with the familiar swing rhythm. Half the notes fell slightly offbeat, but in a very consistent pattern. It was that characteristic that made the music addictive. She leaned back. “Samba?”

“Yes, I remembered you told me you had learned the dance. And that you liked Brazil.”

“As much as I know about it. I’ve never been.”

A mischievous look came into Gianni’s eyes. “Will you dance with me?”

“You know how to samba?”

“Of course. I’ve been to Brazil many times, mostly to the fashion centers. But the samba is popular everywhere.”

Gianni took her glass and put it on a table next to his. He guided her to the center of the deck, and with the music booming out into the night, led her in the footwork with a swing in his step. Leah followed his motions.

Samba music was an instant mood-lifter. Leah had found that no matter how grumpy or frustrated she was, the dance transported her, making her feel alive. As she moved with Gianni, the sensual movements flowed into flirtatious, playful energy.

The bouncy dance moves emanated naturally from the tapestry of sound. Leah’s body played the different parts of the music. From her feet, through her hips, and into her shoulders, she moved to the beat. With her knees bent as if her back was sliding down a wall, Leah was able to gain movement in her hips.

She remembered when she took lessons what the instructor told her:
“The dance movements come from your hips, and you dance with the very pleasure center of your body

Doing the samba with Gianni seemed appropriate, as he was the pleasure center of her world.

Leah laughed. The dance was delightful, and she remembered why she had wanted to learn it. “You are good,” she said.

Shaking his shoulders to the music, Gianni said, “So are you.”

They danced several numbers, getting more in sync with each other, and lost in the music. Out of breath, they finally sank into the padded bench next to the railing. Sipping the champagne, they admired the scene as the boat cruised along the shoreline.

“This is so beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it, baby.” Gianni turned to look at her. “I have a present for you.”

“You do?”

Reaching for a bag she hadn’t noticed before, Gianni lifted it up and handed it to her. “I hope you like it.”

At that point, Leah couldn’t imagine anything she wouldn’t like. Rustling through tissue paper, she pulled out a Latin dance costume. It was a sleeveless dress that would hang to mid-thigh. It was fuchsia, with layers of pale pink in the layered skirt, which hugged the hips then flared out. Across half of the bodice were rhinestones, and down the center were pink flowers.

Leah knew that dancing was festive in Brazil, and the attire was bright and colorful. She hadn’t anticipated such a stunning gift. “It’s the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen.”

Gianni put his arm around her shoulders.

“Thank you so much.” Leah’s eyes welled with tears. “It’s too much. Where am I ever going to wear this?”

“I plan on taking you to Brazil, where we can do the samba properly dressed.”

“Brazil?” It was all she could think of to say. First the sailboat, then the samba, followed by the dress. And now a trip to Brazil. Leah was dizzy with excitement.

“I know you want to go.”

“Of course I do.” She kissed Gianni’s cheek. The stubble along his jaw grazed her lips. “You’re too good to me.”

“Not at all. You deserve it.”

She knew better than to argue, so Leah stood up and held the dress in front of her.

“You’ll be gorgeous. It suits you.”

Leah hugged the dress to her, at a loss for words.

Gianni stood and reached for her hand. “Come. Let’s go inside for dinner. It’s getting chilly.”

The dining cabin had a table with white linen ready for them. After Gianni pulled out her chair, he took his own. Sitting next to her, he held her hand. He could be so romantic. The waiter served each of them a caipirinha, which Leah knew was Brazil’s national cocktail.

They were made from cachaça, a sweet Brazilian style of rum made from sugarcane juice. Seasonal fruits were commonly added, and this one was flavored with lime. “Yum, this is delicious.”

Gianni smiled and took a sip of his own. The music shifted to something softer, but still Brazilian. The room was surrounded by windows, and as they drank it was easy to watch the view. Leah knew the caipirinha was potent, and the alcohol went straight to her head.

But she didn’t care. Leah was with Gianni on a romantic cruise, and the light buzz that was building only added to the ambience. For a while, they didn’t talk. There was no need to. The peace of the ship and the beauty of the surroundings were enough.

Plus being together. Gianni caressed her ankle with his toes as he sipped the lime drink. His blue eyes were filled with emotion. Maybe it was just the thrill of closing the deal. But she thought it was more. When he looked at her, she felt it.

Dinner would be agonizingly wonderful, because of how badly she needed him. And all the while, knowing Gianni wanted her. As she took the last sip of her drink, another was promptly served, along with steaming bowls of food.

“Moquecade De Camarão,” the waiter said with a bow, then left them to enjoy it.

Leah looked to Gianni.

“It’s a shrimp stew cooked in coconut milk and palm oil. Peppers and tomatoes are added. It’s similar to a clam chowder that has been cooked in coconut milk.” He smiled. “Minus the clams, of course.”

She blew on a spoonful, then tasted. “This is so good.”

Gianni began eating his stew, but she noticed he kept watching her. It was making her hot, and wet. The romantic scene, the cocktails, and his intense gaze got to her. If he didn’t look away soon, she might go sit in his lap and make him take her right there in the cabin.

He knew precisely what he was doing, she was sure of it. The glimmer in his blue eyes told her as much. The feel of his toes on her ankle, and the heat in his gaze, slowly unraveled her. Her skin tingled with anticipation.

Still he took delight in torturing her, and proceeded to let the waiter know they would have dessert. The crème de papaya was served in crystal bowls. It was papaya blended with vanilla ice cream and drizzled with sweet liquor.

Leah decided that two could play his game. As she spooned the creamy delight up to her mouth, she slowed her motions. Gaining his attention, she spooned the bite into her mouth, closing her lips over the silver spoon.

Sensually, Leah pulled the spoon out, ever so slowly. She half closed her eyes and made a purring sound. Then she reached for another bite. Gianni reached out and grabbed her wrist, his eyes on fire. She had gotten to him, and whatever reserve he had clung to shattered.

When he pushed aside the bowls and his expression grew stern, Leah knew she was going to get what she wanted. She wanted it badly. She wanted Gianni, and anything he would do with her. And he knew it. Her pulse raced.


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