Leaving Triad (15 page)

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Authors: K.D. Jones

Tags: #erotic romance, #scifi romance, #other worldly, #jk publishing, #kd jones

BOOK: Leaving Triad
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“Never,” he answered bluntly.

She walked up to him and ran her hand across
his cheek lovingly then kissed his lips. “Zor, you can’t risk
everyone else’s life for mine. I know it has something to do with

“I won’t let him hurt you anymore,” Zor
returned. “I will fight and I’m sure everyone else agrees with

“I don’t want to lose you,” she returned.

“So you would rather go with Jeremy?” he
questioned, feeling a sting in his heart like he had just been
stabbed brutally.

“Than to see you die? Yes.” Her eyes started
watering at the thought.

“And I’d rather die than see you with someone
else,” he returned stubbornly.

“Zor, maybe this is a conversation we should
have in private,” Emily replied.

“There is no conversation, I am not giving
you away. This ship can withstand a lot and it has plenty of attack

“Captain!” Curly yelled, getting his

“What, Curly?” Zor questioned.

“We have about forty-five minutes, shouldn’t
we be working on a battle strategy?” Curly questioned.

“Call Henry, tell him to be ready to join us
in the pods,” Zor answered.

“The defense shields in the pods aren’t very
strong, Cap,” Curly stated.

“Yeah, but if we can keep everyone else from
getting hurt isn’t it worth it?” Zor returned.

“Yes, Captain.”

Emily’s tears started falling then. He just
wouldn’t listen to reason. “Zor, why do you have to be so willing
to die?” she asked as she ran out of the control room.

Zor went after her. He didn’t want to make
her angry with him. He understood why she was upset. He caught up
to her and grabbed her arm, making her turn to face him. He brushed
a strand of hair out of her face and took her lips in a deep

“What do you suggest we do then, love?” he

“Try talking to him, maybe meet him somewhere
else and try to settle this without a fight,” Emily pleaded with
him. “Compromise or show him that I am here of my own free

“Will that make you happy?” Zor asked.


He sighed. “I will tell Curly to notify
Captain Lee that we will meet. I’ll also take both Henry and Curly
with me when I go to talk to this human captain.”

“I’m going too.”

“No you're not.”

“How’s is he supposed to know I am here by my
own free will if I don’t tell him myself?”

“Fine,” Zor agreed not too happy about it.
“Let’s go tell Curly and Henry.”


Captain Lee sat in front of his monitor,
surprised when the aliens called back early. He gave a grimace.
“Come to a conclusion so quickly?” he questioned, sounding like he
was mocking the aliens.

“We would like to meet at the nearest outpost
and discuss what you have been told compared to what has really
happened,” Curly’s voice boomed over the monitor. “We will bring
the girl to prove she is here by her own will.”

“Alright, let’s meet at the nearest outpost,”
Captain Lee agreed and ended the conversation by switching off his

Captain Lee had an evil plan, truth be told
he didn’t care if the woman was there by choice. He wanted to kill
the alien scum, all of them and meeting in person would just help
that, without ruining his good spaceship.

“Men, get the shuttle ready, we head to the
outpost in five minutes,” he ordered. “Oh and bring that worthless
man with us.”


Zor hopped into a pod, they were only
one-seaters so he had to put Emily on his lap. The pods were
spacious enough so the ride was not as uncomfortable as it could
have been. They were large enough to stand in and stretch, even
walk around a little, but they only had one seat.

The ride became almost unbearable as her ass,
which was covered by a very thin pair of spandex shorts, rubbed
against his cock. He tried to keep his mind off it as much as
possible, but they had already been interrupted once.

“Here, babe,” he said as he took her hands
and put them on the steering wheel, his mind was on her hands now
instead of her tight ass against him. “Let’s see if you can drive
one of these.”

“Zor, what if I wreck it?” she questioned

“I’m right here, Emily, I won’t let anything
happen to you,” he said as he placed his hands on top of hers. He
punched in a code and sped up the pod.

He smiled, his heart warmed by the fun he was
letting Emily have. Most women never got the chance to try to drive
a pod, well at least not human women, and if they did, they had to
be twice as educated as a man did. He looked into her eyes and saw
a gleam. He sped up the pod even more, then took his hands off
hers, glad that she was enjoying herself. He kissed her neck and
sat back against the seat, letting her steer since she seemed more

It took about an hour in the pod to get to
the outpost, Emily didn’t say anything about Zor taking his hands
off hers until then. He put his hands back on top of hers, and
landed the pod quickly. They climbed out and Emily wrapped her arms
around Zor’s neck, taking him in a deep kiss that was breathtaking,
silently thanking him for that small piece of joy. He ran his hands
down to her ass and turned her only to push her up against the pod
and deepen the kiss. He forced himself to pull away from her before
he lost control of himself.

“I love you, Emily, with everything I have,”
he said as he kissed her quickly again.

“I love you more than life itself,” Emily

They waited for Curly and Henry to come into
view. Emily held Zor’s hand, anxiously hoping they could resolve
the problem without a fight.

Emily glanced around the planet they had
landed on. It was like a desert wasteland, or at least the part
where they stood. She was grateful knowing that if there was a
fight, no innocent bystanders would get hurt.

“Are you nervous?” Zor asked as he squeezed
her hand just as Curly and Henry landed their pods.

“A little, what about you?” she

“I am only concerned that you’ll get hurt,”
he added and kissed her cheek.

“Alright, Captain, we are just waiting on the
others now,” Curly said as he shoved a laser gun into his holster,
climbing out of the pod at the same time.

“You’ve got the others on standby just in
case?” Zor questioned, already knowing the answer.

“Aye, Captain, made sure of that before we
left,” Henry stated, confidently.


Captain Lee pulled his shuttle down next to
the alien's pods. He looked at them with disgust. He glanced out
the windows at the three different alien types that were outside
and the little human woman.
There was no way she surrounded
herself with so many aliens, willingly anyways.
He made sure to
have his laser gun ready before he let anyone out. He already knew
no matter what the human female said he was not letting them leave
alive. He pushed the human slave out of the shuttle first, he was
as ready to get rid of him as he was the alien scumbags, and he
knew that would get a reaction from the girl if what was said was

Chapter Eighteen


Emily shuddered at the sight of Jeremy. She
squeezed onto Zor’s hand tighter than she did before. She didn’t
think they would bring Jeremy, actually it was more along the lines
of she hoped they wouldn’t. He had hurt her so much and she
couldn’t bear to be reminded of all the wrongs he had done to her,
especially after everything was just starting to get perfect for

She tried to hide behind him but Zor wrapped
his arm around her shoulders to keep her there. She knew he wanted
her to be strong and she knew she shouldn’t try to hide. Jeremy
couldn’t hurt her anymore, even though she was still terrified of
him. She knew he would do the same foul things to her again if he
had the chance.

All the abuse Jeremy had done to her
shuddered through her body as the pain filled memories of him came
back as quick as they left. She stared at the ground hoping not to
let any tears fall, or any of her pain show. She was happy now,
without him, Zor made her happy and that was all that should
matter. She had built a life without Jeremy and was not going to
let Jeremy ruin it. She lifted her head up and kept it up despite
the rest of her shaking.

Zor could feel Emily shaking from the sight
of Jeremy. He wanted to just take her into his arms and comfort her
or kill the damn human. He deserved it after all he had done to
Emily. If Zor had the opportunity again he would kill him,
especially after all the problems he had caused for them

“Is this the girl?” Lee asked as he
approached them, with two other men following behind him. He looked
exactly the same as he did over the monitor, and his voice was just
as harsh, breaking them both from their thoughts.

“Yes, that’s her, that’s
Jeremy stated, lying completely but not about to let the alien
scumbag have his meal ticket. He wanted her to pay for everything
she had put him through.

“I am not your anything, remember I was only
worth a gamble to you, asshole,” Emily returned angrily. “I am
sorry for this misunderstanding, but I promise you I am with them
by my own free will,” she added, turning to look at Captain Lee
with a kind smile hoping he would leave them be after he knew she
was not being held hostage.

“Then why does the alien hold you so
tightly?” Lee returned, feeling like something was wrong between
the two of them, and he knew he wouldn’t like the answer they had
to give him. “There is no need for it if you are a free person. It
seems as if he is trying to keep you by his side.”

“She is my soon-to-be wife,” Zor answered,
proudly holding his head up high like he had absolutely nothing to
be ashamed of. “We are in love,” he added and kissed her temple,
causing her to smile and blush at the public display of

“I find that offensive,” Captain Lee said
with anger sounding in his voice just as badly as the racism. “Why
would a human want anything to do with alien scum such as yourself?
We are so much better than all of you, you’re nothing but scum that
thinks you can take anything you want, even if it doesn’t belong to

“Because I love him,” Emily answered bluntly,
appalled by the things the man just said about Zor. “I am with him
by my own free will, can we go now?”

“I think he’s brainwashed you,” Lee answered
as he put his hand on the laser gun he had in the holster behind
his back. He walked up to Zor, who was already pretty pissed, and
looked up into his eyes, giving him nothing but a dead stare. “How
can you expect me to believe that he hasn’t?”

“I’m not brainwashed,” Emily stated, getting
nervous, she knew something was off with the man standing not even
two feet away from her. Her heart started pounding and her stomach
twisted and turned. She feared for what was going to happen next,
and she worried about Zor. This man obviously hated aliens, no
matter how good they were to him and the human race.

Zor saw the handle of the laser gun that Lee
had started to pull out so he kicked him back and grabbed his own,
pointing it directly at Captain Lee. “Emily, get back to the pod,
you know how to drive it.”

“We don’t have to fight, please just stop
this,” she pleaded with the human captain, hoping he would listen
to her but somehow knowing he wasn’t going to.

“You’re right, we don’t have to but I would
rather rid this world of all the alien scum than to let them live.
So yes, we don’t have to but they’re not leaving here alive,” Lee
answered. “So it’s either fight or die willingly.”

A shot went off then, startling all of them.
“Go, Emily!” Zor yelled as he shot his laser gun at the human
captain who had just tried to shoot him but missed terribly.

Emily started to run away from the gunfire,
looking back to see that Jeremy was following behind her. She ran
even faster trying to stay away from him. Her chest was heaving up
and down as she tried to catch her breath as she continued to run.
Her chest burned as her legs did, she hadn’t ran like this in a
long time.

She felt a hard shove on her back and she
fell toward the ground, scraping her face slightly on some of the
rocks. “Jeremy, just leave me alone!” she yelled as she rolled over
quickly and kicked him back.

“No, you fucking slut! That alien will not
have what is mine!” Jeremy yelled giving her a mean snarl.

“I am a person, I don’t belong to anyone,”
she returned, kicking him again as he tried to get on top of her,
he fell back.

She scrambled to get to her feet but he
grabbed her foot and pulled her back down to the ground. She hit
the ground hard, scraping her elbows as she tried to break her
fall. She knew no good would come of this so she fought him as much
as she could. She kicked, hit, scratched, and even punched him a
few times, until he hit her in the head with a decent sized rock,
knocking her unconscious.

There was a little bit of blood, but not
much, so Jeremy just grabbed her by her arm and dragged her off,
not caring at how bad her legs were being scratched up by the
rocks. He needed to get her out of the aliens reach so they
couldn’t find her. He knew if the alien found him, he would be
killed by the vermin. Emily had been foolish when she didn’t leave
the ship when she had the chance to.


Zor had lost track of where Emily had gone
during the fighting. He told her to make it back to the pod but she
ran away from the gunfire. He had no clue where she was now and the
pod was still there. The laser gun they had ran out of their power
source and needed to be recharged. They began fighting
hand-to-hand. Zor had been hit quite a few times by the laser gun
but they were not deadly hits. His alien biology would allow him to
take a few more hits before it got critical.

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