Leppard, Lois Gladys - [Mandie 03] (13 page)

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Authors: Mandie,the Ghost Bandits (v1.0) [html]

BOOK: Leppard, Lois Gladys - [Mandie 03]
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Cover illustration by Chris Dyrud

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Published by Bethany House Publishers
A Ministry of Bethany Fellowship International
11300 Hampshire Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438

Printed in the United States of America by
Bethany Press International
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438



Rear Cover


and the


A gold shipment, a train wreck on a moonlit
night, and a gang of robbers disguised as
“ghosts” are all part of this suspense-filled

Will Mandie and her friends be able to
unravel the mystery of the missing gold?

Join Mandie and her friends on another
exciting adventure!



Version Info


v 1.0 HTML

  • Scanned and proofed 2009-01-18
  • Changes/corrections to the printed book
    • wife and grandaughter / granddaughter


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