Let the Games Begin: Story 1 of The Wife Games

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Authors: Arla Coopa

Tags: #futuristic erotica

BOOK: Let the Games Begin: Story 1 of The Wife Games
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Let the Games Begin

Story 1 of The Wife Games

By Arla Coopa

Copyright 2012 Arla Coopa

Smashwords Edition


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Let the Games Begin


The world began to change when the Centurion
Nation began, though no one knew it would. The people who knew
about it, outside of the Centurions, thought it nothing more than
another utopian society that would eventually fail. Most people
didn’t know about it at all. There were wars around the world that
the mass media and the consumers of mass media ate up. People
didn’t really pay mind to the growing community that started on an
isolated island. They didn’t watch as the island recruited the
intelligent but alienated. They didn’t attend to the science that
took place there. Then the Centurions brought their science against
the world. They won the short war, and the rest of the world became
their entertainment.


The room they were brought to was like the
balcony of a movie theater, but there were no seats below, just the
massive screen. There were tables in front of them and they were
brought drinks. None were alcoholic, but they were better than the
drinks they were usually served. They usually got vitamin water and
milk. These drinks were the fruit juices and sodas these men had
not seen in years.

The husbands were all dressed the same, in
the solid blue uniforms of the Northeast Michigan Region. Caleb was
sure every man in that room was nervous, worried about what strange
game their wives had been selected to compete in. But he didn’t see
a one of them that refused to drink. His drink was a dark soda. He
felt bad for savoring its fizz and its sweetness. But he finished
the entire glass, while waiting there. Then the food came out. And
it was real food. It wasn’t the powdery rations they were given to
survive on. For the first time in years Caleb tasted meat with
unprocessed vegetables smothered with real cheese and butter. He
savored it, knowing good and well he might not feast like this ever
again should Kendra lose. And as feisty as she was, he thought she
was destined to lose. Most women were bigger than her, even if they
weren’t as smart. He supposed a lot of the outcome depended on the
nature of the game. The Centurions would not tell you the game
before hand, and non-Centurions, the masses as they were called,
never got to watch like this. The masses weren’t even allowed TVs
anymore, not unless they were from the few that went far in the

The place they were in filled with music and
the screen in front of them lit up. It was the most amazing thing
Caleb had ever seen. The picture on the screen was more vivid, more
detailed, than everyday life. The figures on the screen were bigger
and could be seen in greater detail than the men in the same room
as him. On that screen was a group of women, waiting on the grass
outside a stone building. There were as many women and as many
doors on that stone building as there were husbands watching on
from the safety of the small auditorium. The women were also in the
required blue, but their outfits weren’t the same shape as day to
day. No, they wore blue skirt outfits, sleeveless, with hems ending
halfway down their thighs. The men in the room were silent, aside
from a few pained sounds, like grunts and groans. Caleb didn’t make
a pained noise, but he felt the pain inside. He felt the pain,
because like the other men, he could see the nervousness on the
faces of the wives. Caleb had taken the time to scan the
competition. A few women had teared up. A few were shaking. The
screen was very detailed. What were they going to have to do?

Kendra wasn’t so bad. She looked stone faced.
He recognized that look. She’d gotten it when their son had gotten
really sick. She wasn’t one to tear up. She was one to problem
solve. She’d made sure their son was taken care of, getting him to
one of the Centurion health station, bringing the right data the
machine would require. What would be required of her now?

He scanned the competition more. The age of
the women seemed generally young. There was a girl who looked
nineteen. There was as woman who might have been thirty, but was
probably more like 28 or 29. That was the apparent range. None were
what would have passed for super models back in the old times, but
all at least had something attractive about them and were at least
generally attractive. There was a girl whose lean muscular frame
was apparent, even under the uniform. She looked like she’d been
trained for something that required both athleticism and beauty.
She hadn’t lost her breasts to the muscles, and her face was still
very feminine. There was a girl with a massive chest. There was a
girl who was full figured, but in an attractive way. There was
Kendra. Kendra was the shortest in the group. She was thin on top
and her breasts were small. She was round at the hips and her
bottom was way too big for the rest of her, something Caleb had
always felt very blessed for, but that she, as a woman, would never
be able to understand the beauty of. Her legs were slightly meaty,
but not as voluptuous as her behind. Above all of that was a petite
and pretty face with short curly black hair. He hoped there was
nothing about this competition that would make her height a
handicap. Maybe the women were going to have to crawl beneath
something. That would weigh on her side.

But that couldn’t be it. Whatever the women
had to do, they weren’t happy about it.

Then again, maybe it wasn’t that bad. Maybe
they just feared failure. The games were, after all, the only way
for the masses to move ahead in life. They were lucky to even be
accepted into them, at least in that regard.

A loud voice came as if from nowhere. Well,
it came through the speakers in the auditorium, but it seemed to
come from out of nowhere for the women, some of them looking around
as if trying to find it.

“Congratulations once more on being selected
for the Northeast Michigan round of the Centurion Games. As you’ve
been told, the top three contestants from this round will advance
to the state championships. We would like to remind you that no
harm will be done to any contestant, so long as she participates to
the end. Those who do not participate and who do not finish will be
executed along with their families.

A gasp escaped Caleb, blending with the other
pained sounds in the room. He’d not known this rule. The women, who
had apparently already been told this, also reacted. One of them
dropped to her knees before struggling to get back up.

“You’ve all been instructed of the rules for
this game. So without further delay . . . Let the games begin!”

All twelve doors opened, and all twelve women
moved inside the building, some faster than others. The screen
split into twelve smaller screens, each showing a room one of the
women had entered. Even with the split, the detail was still
amazingly discernable. The rooms were about ten by ten. In each
room, a man sat in a chair with his hands tied behind his back.
Most of the men had very lascivious looks. They weren’t dressed in
uniforms but in the flashy clothing Centurions wore. The Centurions
had been taken from all races, so there was a variety of skin tone.
The man in Kendra’s room had light brown skin. The skin on his face
was smooth and his hair was black. He was a lean man. Caleb, who
worked out daily in one of the exercise stations, thought he could
easily take the man in a fight the man would never engage him

Most of the women hesitated. Kendra did not.
She was one of the first to make the shocking move.

His wife, the woman he shared a living
station with, the mother of his child, his best friend and mate for
life, went down on the man in the chair. She got between the man’s
legs, got on her knees and then undid his pants. She pulled out a
cock, semi-erect and about five inches long. She gave it a few
strokes, and it hardened in her hand. Then she took the cock into
her mouth.

The noises around the room seemed distant,
but he thought he heard a man puke and thought he heard another

Caleb didn’t have either of these reactions.
He supposed he might of, but his wife seemed to be doing quite
well. She had the cock out, hard, and in her mouth. Only three
other women had accomplished that, while the other six were still
creeping up.

He supposed he might have felt worse had she
seemed stressed. But she didn’t. Though it was hard to tell his
wife’s emotional state while she bobbed her head up and down the
cock of another man, he thought by the speed at which she moved,
she was probably doing okay. She clearly wanted to win. And if she
wanted to win, he wanted that for her.

He looked around the other screens. One of
the women, the one with the muscles, was wearing her skirt around
her neck only. Her panties, which looked like the standard issue
white cottons, were pulled up her ass. She must have done it. The
man couldn’t have. His hands were tied. Her bra was still on, but
the man she sucked on, a tall, pale white man, was breathing hard
as he licked his lips. He was staring down at that ass. Caleb
couldn’t deny that that ass was great. It was small, but muscular,
and stuck out. Caleb, despite himself, felt a tingle in his cock
looking at it. It was like his cock had a mind of its own and was
thinking about how cool it would be to be stuck between those two
muscular lobes, her ass massaging his cock with so much

Ashamed of himself, Caleb looked away. He
looked back to his wife’s screen, but then there was more shame.
The man she was blowing was staring down his wife, his eyes clearly
locked on the bottom edge of her skirt. She had stood up in a
position that made her skirt come up a bit. The shame came from
that Caleb hoped it would creep up more. In fact, part of him
wanted to scream at her to wrap it around her neck like the
muscular girl had. And it wasn’t just that he knew it would help
her win. And it wasn’t just that he knew her ass was better than
any of the other asses. Sure, he thought he’d like to take the
muscular ass for a ride, while he ran his fingers through the
rippled back of the muscular girl, but over the long haul, Kendra’s
big butt on her small frame was lightyears better. It was the type
of ass a man could never grow tired of, watching it jiggle as he
rammed into it. No, the reason he wanted the hem to come up was
because just the sight of the man looking down at it as Kendra
sucked on him was enough to send Caleb’s dick from tingly to
full-out hardon. He’d not known this about himself. How could he
possibly like this? He thought he’d never tell her. He’d definitely
never mentioned the way his cock was saluting her performance.

Then there was the next urge. He told himself
he shouldn’t do it. But he wanted to look around and see if any of
the other men were watching what was happening to his wife, maybe
hoping like him that the skirt would come up more.

The urge won out. And sure enough, he thought
he saw a man checking out his wife. By the look of him, he was
likely the muscular woman’s husband. At least, he was really built.
Caleb was fit, but this guy was crazy intense muscular. He probably
took the rations that offered the greatest amounts of protein and
had the worst flavor, the chalkiest. But the muscular man was not
looking to the left side, where his wife’s screen was. He was
looking to the right and up, where Kendra’s screen was. And his
eyes were big, like he was more concerned about the dress of
another woman than either the progress or safety of his wife.

Suddenly, sound came back on, but just in one
of the rooms. Maybe that was because that was the room where the
first woman was about to reach the finish line. And maybe this
woman’s husband had not been looking at her because of his
confidence. The noise they were given was the assigned man’s moans.
Seconds later, the muscular woman pulled back and aimed his cock at
her face. She closed her eyes on time not to get gunk in them as
the man filled her face with cum.

Caleb looked back at the muscular man, who
was now looking at the proper screen with a look on his face like
he’d just managed to lift a big wait. He celebrated by giving a jab
to the air. Caleb returned his attention to the screen.

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