Lexington and 42nd (The Off Field Series #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Lexington and 42nd (The Off Field Series #1)
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I rolled my eyes before closing the door. “A lot of help you are.”
Will smiled from under his cap when I walked back to him. “Car’s just over here.” He motioned over his shoulder.
He opened my door before walking around the front of the car to his side, and in that time I mentally kicked myself for landing in yet another random situation with him. And more to the point, what was
doing? Was he really just a nice guy offering me a lift home or was there more to it? After his seemingly genuine apology in the stadium, I didn’t know what to think.
“How was training?”
“You mean…practice?”
I rolled my eyes. “Sorry, how was
Will chuckled. “It was good. Coach pushed us hard, but we needed it.” I could feel his eyes on me. “Were you watching?”
Grinning I said, “Yes, I thought you did some good quarterbacking.”
His laugh was a loud bark. “What was so impressive about my
in your expert opinion?”
I pretended to consider this for a minute. “Well…you seemed to yell orders a lot, which I think is a good thing. And you can throw the ball
so far.
” I extended my arms as far as I could across the car.
“Hmmm, yelling and throwing. You’ve pretty much summed it up—the qualities of a good quarterback.”
I shrugged. “What can I say? I’m a fast learner.”
He looked over and winked at me. “I bet you are.”
“Will!” I slapped his arm. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?”
His hands flew up in a gesture of innocence. “Nothing, I swear. I’m on my best behaviour.” He shook his head and murmured under his breath. “Such a dirty mind, Bambi.”

with the dirty mind! You should talk—you’re like the king of innuendo.”
He shrugged, smiling at me as we stopped at a set of streetlights. “Probably.”
“More like definitely.”
“I’m only teasing. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but you’re easy to tease…and I like it.” He wrinkled his nose, dark eyes sparkling with humor.
Feeling like he needed a taste of his own medicine, I slipped my heels off and placed my feet on the dash of the car, letting my skirt slip up my legs. Will’s eyes grew to the size of saucers as they followed the path of my legs, tripping over my chest and landing on my mouth. “This is a really nice car.”
Will swallowed thickly. “Yeah, it’s nice.”
“It’s so spacious.” I twisted my body to peer into the back. Will was leaning toward me over the console, so close I could feel his breath on me.
“Um, I guess so.”
I turned my head so we were at eye level with one another, our faces only inches apart. “Have you ever, you know…had sex in here?” I bit my lip.
“Fuck, not yet I haven’t.”
A horn beeped, and he jumped before stepping on the accelerator.
“Ha!” I shoved his shoulder. “Careful Quarterback, two can play that game.”
With his eyes back on the road, he shook his head. “Jesus, Bambi, you don’t play fair.”
We continued on toward Manhattan in companionable silence for a while until I felt his eyes on me again.
“Are you going to the club dinner next weekend?”
“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it. I assume it’s part of your quarterback duties to attend?”
“One of the many.” He glanced at me again. “Are you bringing a date?”
“No. I’m assigned to a table with my team, and no one’s bringing a partner. Besides, even if we could, I’ve barely been in the city for five minutes, so it’s not like I know anyone to ask.”
Will smiled. “That’s no excuse. I’m sure you could easily find a date if you wanted to.”
I shrugged. “Well, I don’t need to and I don’t want to, so it’s kind of irrelevant.”
A beat passed and before I could stop them, the words were out of my mouth. “Who are you bringing?”
“No one.”
“No one?” I shifted to face him properly. “Is that even allowed? Surely somewhere in your quarterback rule book, it mentions never turning up to a club function without a model on your arm?”
Will laughed. “I must have skimmed over that bit when I was studying for my quarterback finals.”
“Seriously, Will, you have a reputation to uphold. People will start talking if you don’t turn up with a lucky lady. Surely it’s not too much effort to scroll through your black book.”
I expected another laugh but instead he frowned, his chest deflating as he exhaled. “You know, you shouldn’t believe everything you read. Or hear for that matter. I’ve dated plenty of women, but it’s not like I have a new one on my arm every week.”
My voice was annoyingly quiet when I spoke. “I didn’t mean it to sound…”
“I know. I just wanted you to know things aren’t always as they seem. Don’t trust everything you hear. Or read for that matter.” He grinned. “Do you really think she’d be a
lucky lady
Rolling my eyes, I laughed. “I’m still making up my mind.”
I grinned at Will as he put the car in park in front of my apartment block.
“I guess this is the part where I
invite you up to my apartment.”
Will laughed. “Seriously? I drove you all this way for nothing?”
“‘Fraid so. Thanks for the lift though.”
He smiled at me. “Any time. Wouldn’t want you freaking out in the Midtown traffic.”
I pulled the door open and jumped out. “I’ll see you. Thanks again.”
I shut the door and watched him pull away from the curb, hyper aware of the warm fuzzy feeling spreading through me again.
This had disaster written all over it.
“Why can’t I just get the other dress? It was fine!”
To the annoyance of the herds of people walking along Fifth Avenue, Julia stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and glared at me.
“Emma, is that how you want to look for your first major event? Fine? No. You want to look spectacular. Trust me, I remember from last year with Sarah—this event is a BIG deal. We have to find the right dress.” She turned and kept marching and I had to half run to keep up with her. How she moved so quickly in stilettos was a mystery.
she would wear them on the weekend was an even bigger one.
At Julia’s insistence, we had been shopping since stores opened that morning. Last night when I had come home and mentioned I wasn’t sure what to wear to the Warriors’ fundraiser, she had gone a little nuts. It would appear I may have underestimated the significance of the event.
Julia pushed open the door to Stella McCartney.
“Uh-uh, no way Julia. Why bother looking when I can’t afford anything in the store?”
She let out an exasperated sigh as she pulled me in behind her. “The prices aren’t that bad, and besides her stuff will look amazing on you.”
Thirty minutes later, I was standing in the dressing room in a dress that I begrudgingly had to admit Julia was right about—it was amazing.
It was a deep blue, floor-length gown that was form fitting and hugged me in all the right places. From just above my chest, mesh panelling reached to wrap around the base of my neck and at the back, the dress was cut dangerously close to the bottom of my spine, with only a thin piece of silk reaching from my neck down the length of my back.
“Jensen’s going to die when he sees you.”
My head snapped up. “No, he won’t. I probably won’t even see him. Besides, regardless of how he reacts, I’m not dressing for him.”
But was I? Secretly, I couldn’t deny that the thought of seeing Will’s reaction gave me a thrill.
Julia’s smile spread slowly as I squirmed under her gaze. “Don’t get all defensive with me missy. I never said you were dressing for him.” She poked me in the arm. “I believe it was you who suggested that.”
With a roll of my eyes, I turned to the shop assistant. “How much is this dress?”
She smiled politely. “It’s fourteen hundred dollars. Plus tax.”
I looked back at Julia and shook my head. “I’m not spending fourteen hundred dollars
plus tax
on a dress. No matter how good it looks.”
“Oh yes you are. There is no way we’re leaving here without that dress. It would be a worse fashion crime than wearing a scrunchie after 1992.”
“But I can’t afford it.”
“I don’t care if you don’t have enough money to eat for the rest of the month, you’re getting that dress.” She pushed me back into the fitting room. “Now move it. I’ve managed to get you an appointment with my hair dresser in thirty minutes.”
Three hours later, I was just about ready and seriously excited. All the fussing Julia had made over the event had rubbed off on me. My hair was pulled into a loose low bun and smoky eye makeup highlighted the deep blue of my dress. The overall look was both sexy and elegant and if I could find another ten or so occasions to wear it, it might even justify the money I’d spent.
Julia looked up as I walked into the living room and let out a low whistle. “Wow. Just wow. You’re going to be the belle of the ball.”
I laughed. “I highly doubt that. But seriously, thanks for today. I really had no idea what a big deal this is. If you left it to me, God knows what I would have turned up in.”
She smiled. “What can I say? I’m the perfect roommate.”
The fundraiser was at The Plaza Hotel and as our car pulled up to the entrance, I finally understood what Julia meant by a big deal. There was media
literally rows and rows of reporters. It was clipboard city with all the PR girls racing around speaking into their headsets. I silently thanked God for Julia and her insistence on going all out with the dress.
As I followed Carrie out of the car she turned and grabbed hold of my arm. “Just stick with Dana and me until we get through this mess and you’ll be fine.”
The heat from all the blinding lights was what struck me first, the way the temperature shot up about ten degrees the minute I stepped into the spotlight. And the noise, it was like white noise turned up to an almost deafening volume, each TV network and reporter fighting for air time with the rich and famous.
About halfway down the gauntlet, Carrie nudged me, winking as she said, “Well if it isn’t your driver, Em.”
I followed her gaze to see Will a few feet away being interviewed. His broad frame was encased in a tux and he looked just as relaxed in it as he had in his training gear. I wasn’t sure I’d ever met someone who was so comfortable in their skin. He was laughing at something the reporter had said and it made me itch to hear the sound.
I watched him for a few more seconds before realizing both girls were looking at me.
Dana nudged my side. “Enjoying the view much?”
I gave a small smile. “Oh come on, only as much as both of you are.”
Dana shrugged. “Touché.”
All three of us laughed and looked back to where Will stood, only to find him staring back at us. Or more specifically, me. I met his eyes and a jolt went through me as I followed the way his gaze moved slowly up and down my body, coming back to land on my face. His eyes were hooded and without question, I knew he was imagining me without the dress on. I could literally feel him peeling it off, and I was sure if I closed my eyes, I could feel his touch on my skin. I could see his lips moving in response to a question, but his eyes never left mine and I became simultaneously uncomfortable and excited all at the same time.
“I’m not sure Jensen even realizes he’s on live TV right now.” I looked over at Carrie who was still staring at Will.
“Come on, let’s get inside. I’m hungry.” I tugged on her arm.
“Are you serious? This is probably the most exciting thing that’s going to happen all night.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” I made the mistake then of looking back at Will and found he was still staring at me. Still undressing me. Not knowing what else to do, I lifted my hand and wiggled my fingers, giving him the least obvious wave I could manage.
He raised his chin in acknowledgement and held up his index finger, silently asking me to wait while he turned back to the reporter, extending his hand to shake hers and effectively ending the interview. I heard both Dana and Carrie gasp beside me.
Oh hell no, there was absolutely no way I was speaking to him on the red carpet. He who had at least fifty cameras trained on him, capturing his every movement.
“Girls, let’s go. Like now.” I pushed Dana in front of me up toward the ballroom. Thankfully much-needed champagne was being handed out as we entered the room. I grabbed one and gulped at least half of it down in one go, in a somewhat unladylike manner that was in contrast to my dressed-up state.
“Um, what on earth
that back there?” Dana glanced from me to Carrie and back to me again.
Carrie took a large swig of her drink. “It would appear that Jensen’s a bit taken with our lovely Emma here.”
“You think? I could feel the sexual tension oozing off him and he wasn’t even looking at me!” Dana shook her head. “Far out Em. You’d better be careful, because he looked like he was going to devour you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic…he was probably just being friendly.”
Carrie laughed. “Trust me, there was absolutely nothing
about the way he looked at you. Nothing at all.”
“Well either way, it doesn’t matter. I’m steering clear of him tonight. Can we find our table now please?”
The ballroom was spectacular, the old world charm apparent in every detail. Our table was a few rows back and the rest of the team was there when we arrived. I was seated between James and Carrie who, somewhere between starters and mains, decided that my accent was completely hilarious.
Carrie clapped her hands, bouncing on her seat like a child. “Say something else in Australian!”

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