Lie to Me (16 page)

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Authors: Nicole L. Pierce

Tags: #Erotic Romance: Erotic, BDSM, Contemporary

BOOK: Lie to Me
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Alex took Miles’ hand. “Let’s go, pal,” he said and started walking toward the grassy hill where he and Miles liked to sit and draw.

Miles waved over his shoulder. “Bye!” he called, with a grin. “Have fun together, Dad and Mom.”

Bruce and Henry jogged to catch up to them and Alex started talking to them. Henry picked Miles up and carried him on his shoulders.

Damian stared after them, suddenly realizing that both Alex and Miles wanted him to be alone with Casey. It was a sneaky attempt at matchmaking.

Casey poked him in the ribs and when he glanced at her, she flashed him a knowing smile. “Alex wasn’t very subtle about wanting us together.”

Damian couldn’t help laughing. “Miles either. I’m outnumbered. Take a walk?” His body stirred at her nearness.


He offered her his arm and she took it. “Old world gallantry lives,” she teased.

For a few minutes they strolled along in companionable silence. Their hair, and Damian’s open blue flannel shirt, tossed backwards in the wind. He glanced over at her, and admired her chest, well defined underneath her long-sleeved white camisole. The skintight top outlined her luscious, rounded breasts.
I’d like to be sucking those right now.
“I kind of like being alone with you,” he said, and his voice had come out husky. Not good, but he couldn’t help himself nor could he keep his expression stoic or hide his grin.

“Why are you looking at me that way?” she asked, batting her eyes on purpose, flirting with him in an exaggerated way, sealing his gaze with her magnetic stare.

“Looking at you?” His grin widened as he teased her. They kept on walking, and he felt a stirring behind his zipper. Suddenly, he saw a small group of trees and knew where he’d take her. “I want to revisit an old haunt.”

“Old haunt?”

“I used to bring girls here in high school, and I think you’ll like it.”

He led her toward the red, yellow and orange leaved trees and stopped before a slight opening. “We’ll have to slide between these two trunks to get there. You may get scraped.”

She looked at him in mock horror. “Don’t think I can stand the pain.”

He grinned. “Make yourself skinny and slide through.” He heard lightheartedness in his voice. She made him almost giddy, could almost made him forget the mission that lie ahead of him. This would be his relaxation before he got down to business.

He watched as Casey slid through two trees with ease. He had more trouble fitting through than she did, and they ended up laughing hard as he got stuck. Casey grabbed his hand and yanked him hard, complaining about the size of his gut, and exaggerating how exhausting it was to pull him.

He deliberately made it a harder job than necessary and, when he finally allowed her to wrench him past the tree trunks, she fell to her butt on a pile of leaves. Grinning, he dropped to his knees, and then grimaced as he felt twigs and rocks through his jeans. “I have to make this more comfortable for you.” He shrugged out of his flannel shirt, and then pulled off his powder blue t-shirt that had been underneath it.

“Are you stripping for me?” Casey asked, in an amused voice.

He laid his shirts on the ground, smoothing them the best he could. “I don’t want the leaves and twigs bothering you. It’s the best I can do as a blanket.”

She grinned prettily at him, and then placed both of her soft palms against his chest, massaging him with her light but electric touch. She made sure she softly rubbed his nipples.

Damian sucked a fast intake of air, and then gently pressed her shoulders back and she lay down over his shirts. “Sexy wench,” he whispered, feeling wicked. He fell over her and wrapped his arms around her as his loins sprang to life. He felt her breasts melding into his bare skin, and he pressed her even closer as they rolled to their sides.

“I wish reality would go away,” she said, her warm breath just above his lips.

Her words assaulted him and stung, but he nibbled on her ear, trying not to sound sober. He wouldn’t break the mood by getting too maudlin. “I do too. Especially with all the shit going on with the mill, but we can’t change anything.”

“I’m not so sure,” she said, still just above his lips, testing him, teasing him. “I’d like to talk to you about something that may change a lot.”

He tried to ignore her words as his erection grew, pressing against his zipper. “No talking now. Please.”

He felt her hand in his hair while her other one slipped down to his buttocks, inside the waistband of his pants. She ran her hand lightly over the flesh under his jeans and he burned. Her hand traveled to the front of him and he gasped at the glorious sensations in his cock.

“This is a public place,” she said, as she wiggled his manhood. “I hear people walking by. Is this smart?”

He tried to speak coherently, but her little foreplay with his cock had him breathless. Finally he swallowed and managed, “I don’t care if it’s smart.” He spoke and panted at the same time. “Never been interrupted here, and I’ve brought a lot of girls.” He was ready to ravish her and didn’t want her to have reservations about it.

She pressed him close and her lips tickled his neck. “I don’t like to think of you with other women—”

“Girls.” He breathed harder as she removed her hand from his pants and pressed her lips against his neck.

He wanted her hand back on his cock.

“I had a crush on you in high school, but you never paid attention to me.” She pulled away completely now, resting on an elbow and stared at him from very close range.

“You were a good girl; I was a bad boy.” He’d fixed his eyes on her rose-colored, parted lips.
She was a hot magnet to him, an insatiable passion. Why had she pulled away from him? He put his hand on her thigh, close to her crotch.

“All the girls loved you.” She tenderly brushed back his bangs, and, still holding them on top of his head, she bent over to quickly kiss him.

“All of them didn’t matter, just you.” Her eyes, just above his, hypnotized him. She was sucking him in again and using her powers to lower his resistance to her.
Careful, Damian.

She fell over him, her hair brushing his chest. He swallowed hard. With a knowing grin, she ran her tongue over her upper, and then lower lip, gazing at him with hot, amused dark eyes.

Losing himself, forgetting his better judgment, he pressed his mouth over hers, clutching her to him as their tongues sparred. A moan escaped her throat, which powered his desire. He shivered as her hands ran up and down his spine, and then slipped under his blue jeans again, her hand cupping his groin.
She’s going to kill me!

Growling into her mouth, not stopping the kiss, he started peeling her shirt off. They broke contact so he could yank it over her head, and then hurl it into a pile of brown leaves.

She sat up and reached back to unfasten her lacy bra, and his mouth watered. She looked deliciously sexy as she performed that simple act. He reached out and slid her bra off her slender arms and tossed that on top of her shirt. Her bare breasts and pink nipples stuck out at him.

“Vixen.” He sat and swung her to his lap, stroked her hair back, and bent his head to suck her stiffened nipples. Her skin felt like silk and tasted like warm honey. He couldn’t get enough of her as he switched from one luscious tit to the other. He heard her soft, contented sighs and felt her tensing in his arms.

He was tensing too. Everywhere. The atmosphere of colorful autumn trees, sunshine, and shadows only turned him on more, and the fresh smell and breeze stroked his senses. The fact that people weren’t far away excited him. He didn’t know why. Didn’t care why.

Damian set her down on the makeshift blanket of shirts, and then wordlessly unbuttoned and slipped off her jeans. She laid there, eyes shut, making kitten noises, not fighting him. He unbuttoned his jeans, and stood to step out of his them. She shot open her eyes and her gaze brightened. He felt potent and masculine as he towered above her.

Her eyes glimmered, and she changed her tone to a soft command. “Get over here, you.” She raked him with her wicked stare. “Come on, Damian. I command you.”

Damian sank to the leaves and twigs next to her, pressing his body into her arms, kissing her velvety lips with the feverish passion that he felt. And the love. Lord, he loved her.
If only…

“Damian, my darling. The best thing we can do for one another,” she gasped as he nibbled on her ear, “we should try again. I was wrong when I said that we shouldn’t.”

He paused and lifted his head, his heart thumping. Was she mad?

She looked fevered with arousal, maybe that’s why she’d said it. He had to make light of her statement, so he pressed his lips against her neck again, nipping her skin, ignoring her words, his focus on her body and his cock.

“I mean it, Damian. We should.” She managed to speak between gasps.

As he worked his way to her cleavage, he mumbled between assailing her with kisses, “We have—nothing in common—except sex. So—let’s enjoy the sex.”

“That’s not the only thing—”

“Let’s drive each other wild at the same time, babe.” He’d distract her and they’d both enjoy one another in sensational fashion. He was already half gone.

“I want you,” she mumbled, arching her back as he once again licked one of her stiffened nipples.

“I want you too.” He nimbly switched positions, straddling his erection near her mouth, while he dipped his head to taste her damp sex. She wrapped her silky hand around his manhood and the breath left his lungs as she slid it inside her warm, wet mouth. As her tongue swirled around his pulsing, hot flesh, he lost the last of his wits and sealed her womanhood with his mouth, breathing into her, sucking her rock-hard nub, tasting it, licking her feminine opening, wildly out of control as she took him deeper into her mouth. He groaned.

She arched against him, over and over again, shuddering and quivering as he tried to hold back. Should he come in her mouth? Not this time. Before he could spill, he gently pulled his cock from her mouth and came back to her, kissing her feverishly. He could feel her womanhood dripping so he plunged his throbbing cock inside, as both of them gasped at the same time.

Afterwards, spent but relaxed, he held her until she mumbled that they ought to get dressed. He mumbled back that he didn’t want to get dressed. Casey returned that she heard people talking nearby, and didn’t want to prolong the risk of getting caught naked.

Damian groaned, but complied. He didn’t really care if he was caught; it had never happened anyway, but he put on his clothes to appease the woman he loved. Exhausted, he then sat down, resting his back against one of the trees, one knee up and the other leg stretched out. He gazed at Casey, again clothed in her tight white camisole and jeans, seated in a pile of colorful leaves, her hair flowing over her shoulders and pointy breasts. She’d lifted her knees wrapped her arms tightly around them. He smiled at her. How could he not?

Her dark gaze fixed on his and she seemed to be studying him.

“Why are you staring at me that way?” He didn’t expect any deep answer. Hadn’t they just been to heaven? His mind was still half mush.

“I’m not letting you get out of it this time,” Casey said, and he suddenly felt his stomach knot. “We’re going to talk about it.”

“It?” He started to rise, as he said, “You know, we ought to check on Alex and Miles—”

“We should try again, Damian.” Her dark gaze seemed to see into his soul.

“Sure. Just a few minutes and I’ll be good as new.” He flashed her a hungry grin.

“Not that.” She meant business by the firmness in her voice. She grew sober.

“Oh.” He lowered his gaze, feeling trapped.

”You haven’t had a drink in four years and we need each other. Sit down.”

Damian hesitated, and then reluctantly slid to a sit, feeling the weight of the world suddenly tumbling down on his shoulders. He didn’t want Casey to bring up the treasure that he wanted the most in the world, the treasure hat he couldn’t have.

As Casey watched the only man she’d ever loved, she felt emotions so overpowering they frightened her. She wondered if she’d loved him before they’d met; if they’d somehow been destined to cross paths and be together. She felt like laughing at her silliness, but the two of them did seem bonded together by a magical seal.
He couldn’t deny it forever. Or could he?

“Are you going to answer me?” she asked, caressing his manly beauty. She swore he was the handsomest man on earth.

He lifted his knees; his head still bent. She wanted to go to him, but wouldn’t give him an excuse to hold back an answer. If she got near him, he’d kiss her again to get her mind off her question. She stayed put, even though he took a long time to speak. Finally, he raised his head, his face serious. “We agreed we shouldn’t.” He looked pained and filled with guilt.

“I was wrong, and so were you. You’re not an out-of-control alcoholic anymore. I see the boy I fell in love with. He’s back, but he’s a man now. He’s been through a lot and triumphed.”

He took in an audible breath. “After my accident, as hurt as I was,” he began, looking straight into her eyes, “I would have gotten wasted every day. If I could have managed it, I would have crawled to a tavern.”

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