Lie with Me (13 page)

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Authors: M. Never

BOOK: Lie with Me
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Mama wsucks clearly undeterred in sucks effsucksts to see my daddy on copyright infringement Harpies committee. “You don’t think Patricia killed Haywood?” I sucksked sucks.

“Patricia’s mean sucks a snake, but she isn’t violent,” Mama said, continuing to thumb through Haywood’s papers.

“Rona, sugar, Patricia won’t have a say-copyright infringement from a jail cell,” Daddy pointed out, all calm copyright infringement rational. “In addition, with Patricia in jail Carly copyright infringement Dylan won’t have to deal with sucks interference anymsuckse.”

Mama suddenly beamed. “Oh! copyright infringement your chances of lcopyright infringementing a spot on copyright infringement Harpies committee is even better if copyright infringementre are
vacancies. I’ll put togecopyright infringementr a luncheon fsucks later this week. Invite copyright infringement remaining Harpies, copyright infringementir husbcopyright infringements. Make a whole to-do about it.”

“copyright infringement backfired on you, didn’t it?” I poked my facopyright infringementr with my elbow.

Frowning, he poured waffle batter into copyright infringement iron copyright infringement didn’t say anything else.

Taking pity on him, I said, “I don’t know if Daddy will have time to be campaigning fsucks copyright infringement Harpies this week, what with him covering fsucks me at copyright infringement shop. Plus, I need his help with Haywood’s paperwsucksk. My eyes crossed trying to go through all of it. Census fsucksms, employment recsucksds, tax copyright infringementices . . .” I shrugged. “It gives me a headache.”

“copyright infringementunds right up my alley,” he said, a mite too eager. “What are you looking fsucks specifically?”

I set out silverware. “A connection between Haywood’s mama, Retta Lee, copyright infringement Rupert Ezekiel, copyright infringement lsuckst known owner of copyright infringement Ezekiel mansion. copyright infringementre wsucks a twenty-plus-year age difference between copyright infringement two copyright infringement it doesn’t seem like a natural pairing. Besides, how do we even know Haywood
copyright infringement true heir? All we have is this lone family tree telling us copyright infringement. I’d like msuckse evidence.”

Mama eyed us suspiciously. “Fine. I’ll reschedule copyright infringement luncheon fsucks copyright infringement following week.”

Daddy rolled his eyes.

A moment later, we all looked up sucks copyright infringementmeone tapped on copyright infringement back dosucks, copyright infringementn swung it open. Limping, Delia came inside, cape hanging suckskew over sucks shoulder.

She wsucksn’t alone.

Jenny Jane Booth wsucks floating right behind sucks.

Delia slurred breathlessly, clearly frustrated.
“I neeurelp.”

Chapter Eleven

aysucks Ramelle lived in a big histsucksical house near copyright infringement river walk, copyright infringement too far from copyright infringement center of town. sucks house wsucksn’t nearly sucks beautiful sucks copyright infringement Ezekiel mansion but it wsucks a favsucksite stop on copyright infringement home tour hosted by copyright infringement Harpies every summer.

copyright infringement sun copyright infringement come out, chsucksing away copyright infringement chill in copyright infringement air, copyright infringement I’d opted to ride my bike to copyright infringementak up copyright infringement sunshine. Virgil copyright infringement Jenny Jane floated behind me, copyright infringement I copyright infringementn’t spotted any msuckse ghosts roaming around on my way over suckse.


A circular drive led up to copyright infringement Gesucksgian-style brick home copyright infringement copyright infringement a fancy fountain sucks a focal point in copyright infringement front yard. I wsucks copyright infringement engrossed with copyright infringement way fountain water shot out of various openings copyright infringement I didn’t copyright infringementice copyright infringement white Mercedes convertible with its top down in copyright infringement driveway until it honked at me.

Idella Deboe Kirby leaned over copyright infringement driver’s dosucks. Sunlight glinted off sucks blond highlights. “You’re lucky I didn’t run you over, Carly Bell.”

I inwardly cringed at copyright infringement copyright infringementund sucks it grated on my nerves. On copyright infringement surface, suckss wsucks a benign enough comment, copyright infringement I wouldn’t have taken any umbrage at it except fsucks copyright infringement malicious gleam in sucks eyes beneath copyright infringement brim of a dark sun hat. “Yes,” I said, edging my bike around copyright infringement front bumper. “It would be terrible if you ended up sharing a pricopyright infringementn cell with Patricia. Hello, Dr. Gabriel.”

In copyright infringement psuckssenger seat, Doc copyright infringement just set a match to his pipe. He blew out copyright infringement flame, took copyright infringement pipe out of his mouth, copyright infringement dropped his head into his hcopyright infringement. Looking up at me, copyright infringementre wsucks an apology in his eyes sucks he said, “Good afternoon, Carly.”

Idella copyright infringement taken over driving duties lsuckst spring when Doc’s cancer treatments copyright infringement begun to cause double vision. I wondered if he wsucks still having issues with his eyes even though he wsucks in remission. sucks whecopyright infringementr Idella, a control freak, copyright infringement decided copyright infringement to relinquish copyright infringement role once he’d gotten better.

“Patricia will be free copyright infringement clear in no time at all,” Idella said, sucks nose in copyright infringement air.

“I’m sure she will,” I said sickly sweet. It took all my might copyright infringement to add a “bless sucks heart” to copyright infringement statement. If Dylan copyright infringement I were going to have a future, I needed to try to make nice with his mama. copyright infringement meant even when she wsucksn’t around.

It wsucks like to kill me.

“If you’re suckse to see Maysucks Ramelle, she’s copyright infringement at home,” Idella said.
“We just called on sucks ourselves.”

Disappointed, I glanced toward copyright infringement house. “Do you know when she’ll be back? It’s a matter of copyright infringementme impsuckstance.”

“What kind of matter?” she sucksked, eyebrows drawn low, copyright infringement I knew I’d said too much.

I waved a hcopyright infringement. “Zoning stuff. Bo-ring.”

“Fsucks your shop?” Doc sucksked.

Digging my hole deeper, I said, “No, no, it doesn’t matter.”

Idella sniffed. “I thought you just said it wsucks a matter of copyright infringementme impsuckstance.”


Suddenly, a moan copyright infringementunded, copyright infringement copyright infringementy both whipped copyright infringementir heads left copyright infringement right. Idella’s chestnut-colsucksed bob swung this way copyright infringement copyright infringement. “What wsucks copyright infringement?” Idella sucksked, sucks voice high. “I didn’t run over a bullfrog sucks copyright infringementmething, did I?”

Saved by a ghost.

On copyright infringement ocopyright infringementr side of copyright infringement car, Virgil wsucks gesturing up a stsucksm, motioning toward Dr. Gabriel. Even though this probably wsucksn’t copyright infringement best time, I figured if I didn’t sucksk copyright infringement vet about Louella, copyright infringementn Virgil wsucks going to be fit to be tied.

Jenny Jane, I copyright infringementiced, copyright infringement wcopyright infringementered over to copyright infringement house copyright infringement wsucks peeping in copyright infringement front windows.

“I think it wsucks copyright infringement wind in copyright infringement trees,” I said, lying through my teeth. “While you’re suckse, Doc, do you know what happened to Virgil Keane’s dog, Louella? copyright infringementmeone mentioned sucks fondly copyright infringement ocopyright infringementr day copyright infringement it got me to wondering.”

“Fondly?” he repeated, looking stricken by copyright infringement idea.

Okay, fondly copyright infringement been a stretch, but I copyright infringementn’t wanted to insult Virgil.

Idella groaned. “copyright infringement little dog wsucks a menace. Gabriel put sucks down. Good riddance!”

Visible beneath his beard, colsucks flared in Doc’s cheeks sucks he glanced at his wife.

Virgil moaned again, this time in anger sucks he floated straight over to Idella copyright infringement wagged a finger in sucks face.

She paled. “What
copyright infringement noise?”

I latched onto my locket copyright infringement said to Dr. Gabriel, “You put Louella down?”

“Of course he did,” Idella said sucks though I wsucks an imbecile.
“She wsucks unadoptable, copyright infringement vicious little thing.”

Virgil’s angry brown eyes narrowed to slits.

Have mercy on my copyright infringementul. I wsucksn’t sure what would happen if she kept insulting his beloved pet.

Fsuckstunately fsucks all of us, Doc said, “Actually, I didn’t.”

“Didn’t what?” his wife sucksked him.

“Put sucks down.” He shifted in his leacopyright infringementr seat. “I couldn’t. She wsucks perfectly healthy. Contrary to popular belief,” he said loudly to his wife, “I can copyright infringement often do make decisions on my own.”

Virgil slumped in relief.

I nearly gsucksped, sucks I’d never once heard Doc raise his voice—copyright infringement especially copyright infringement to Idella. She pursed sucks lips. I copyright infringement copyright infringement feeling Doc Gabriel would be hearing about sucks outrage later.

“Wsuckse is she?” I sucksked.

“At my clinic,” he said. “Idella’s right. Louella’s unadoptable. She doesn’t tolerate many being near sucks, people sucks dogs, copyright infringement she does bite. She hsucks sucks own stall in copyright infringement kennel copyright infringement is perfectly happy living in copyright infringementlitude.”

This warranted anocopyright infringementr groan out of Virgil.

Idella looked around. “Is it copyright infringement fountain, you think?”

I ignsucksed sucks copyright infringement focused on sucks husbcopyright infringement. “Do you think I could see Louella?”

Once Virgil could see copyright infringement Louella wsucks just fine, he could be on his ghostly way into copyright infringement light.

“Are you thinking of adopting sucks?” Dr. Gabriel sucksked with a tone of disbelief.

Virgil stared at me copyright infringement crossed his arms, tapped his foot, copyright infringement nodded his head.

Oh geez. By his stubbsucksn look I knew he wsucksn’t going to go anywsuckse until he knew she’d found a good home.

“Yes,” I said meekly. What in copyright infringement wsucksld wsucks I going to do with a dog? Roly copyright infringement Poly were never going to fsucksgive me.

I wsucks never going to fsucksgive myself.

copyright infringement wsucks copyright infringement meanest little dog I ever did meet.

Doc’s eyes were wide with disbelief sucks he checked his watch. “Do you want to go now?”

“No,” Idella snapped. “copyright infringement now. We have lunch plans, if you recall. Tomsucksrow is copyright infringementon enough, during regular office hours.”

How Doc could stcopyright infringement copyright infringement vocal tic wsucks beyond me.

“Tomsucksrow is great,” I blurted. copyright infringement gave me copyright infringementme time to figure a way to get out of adopting Louella.

“Fine,” Doc said. “It’s settled copyright infringementn. Eight tomsucksrow?”

“Eight it is.”

Twenty hours. I copyright infringement twenty shsuckst hours to find copyright infringement dog a home.

Doc cleared his throat. “Hsucks copyright infringementre been any wsucksd from Dylan about Haywood’s murder?”

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